MOOvers on the MOOve Again

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our turkey dinner for our daughter and daughter in laws birthday was fantastic......we had all the fixings and besides the potatoes, we had carrots, brocolli, peas and corn...I love to have alot of choices so everyone is happy.....the turkey and stuffing was great and I love a good turkey dinner...

Everyone just left and one load of dishes is done.....the snow just to say has started ......we are in the 8.-14 inches we are anticipating no school tomorrow......SO dont know if any rug rats will be coming or not.....

by the way like the new digs.....
Good evening, Moovers! Found ya! Hope y'all had a great weekend. I think we are finally out of the woods with the beurking. Boris skipped CCD yesterday morning and took a 3 hour nap instead (unheard of for him!). Then he proceeded to lounge around for the rest of the day and just take it easy. I guess that did the trick, because he's been fine all day! :banana: :banana: :banana: It's so nice to have him back to his usual self!

It has been snowing on and off (mostly on) since I woke up this morning, but thankfully we haven't actually accumulated much yet. They're forecasting 8-14 inches before morning though. Bleh. It was finally getting to the point that we could actually see the lawn, but here we go again. Ack!
Just posting to say hi!
and julia is even worse! I just got to the miscarriage episode where she's fine and Sean is depressed.
Cuz he already named the baby.
I promise you all that most lesbians aren't heartless like her!
Mony - I don't think we have snow forecasted, but it sure feels cold out there. Brrrr!

Steph - I haven't used that site before, but I know of people who use sparkpeople and thedailyplate.

Nabbie - Forgot to say earlier how cute Hannah looks with her new hair color. Just be glad it isn't fuschia highlights or something! ;) Mari can't do that sort of thing any more now that she's got a real job.
Thanks Moo for helping us move again.

Lynette -- we see the lawn now in the back, so I hope we don't get anymore snow. I know it is likely that we will. It is only March after all.

Celery-- we are finally getting Nip/Tuck on a Canadian channel. Wonder if they will start from the begining. It starts this Wed. Hope I remember to watch it.

Watching hard is it to make cupcakes. :confused3 Looks like they screwed up.
Moo I am here. Thanks for moving us. Nab, Hannah is growing up so fast. I like that color of her hair. We will be in the twenties tonight but no snow.
Have a great week everyone.
woohoo, Im here! Thanks Moo!

see, Celmama, told you we wouldndt leave you behind!

I was whining to BFF about my new work hours tonight, and he said something about mentioning I have been working there since the crustation age, LOL. Nothing like it to make you feel old!

Steph I'm working on Dr Oz's site - YOU on a Diet... (I google it, its the realdietage or real age diet...)

its so weird that we dont have snow, and there is snow in ALABAMA!\\

Marita maybe you should get one of those alarm clocks for deaf/hard of hearing people - does the phone ringing wake you? Goog Luck!!
Marking my spot, and I still need to go and read back on the other thread. ;)

Well, I just had the Sr. High youth group over at my house tonight. We had Chicken Fingers, from the restaurant where my DS works, and chips, and cookie cake, in honor of his 16th birthday tomorrow! :scared1: Actually there is a girl in the youth group whose birthday is tomorrow too, so I split the cake down the middle with birthday wishes to each of them. :thumbsup2

They were a really good group of kids, and NO SPILLS!! :goodvibes

Oh, and our AL drivers are lucky. He can't get his license until May because he doesn't have driver's ed until after Spring Break. :thumbsup2

But boy, I'm beat! Nite Moovers!!!

Thanks for the new home Cheryl! :hug:

Marita maybe you should get one of those alarm clocks for deaf/hard of hearing people - does the phone ringing wake you? Goog Luck!!

Sandy, no, phone does not wake me up, but I have some very loud alarms, including onne that shakes the bed. But you have me curious about the alarms for the deaf. Send me a link?
Wait, you have an alarm that shakes your bed - and that doesnt do it for you?

Marita you've got it bad!!

you just have to find what works for you!!

here's a link that talks about the choices (and vibrating usually works for ds and his friends)

Alli That sounds like goog times were had by all!! Glad you werent HIT too bad by bad weather! :wizard:

hair looks goog to me!! Good job Mom!!

Watched both Amazing Race (gotta luv Margie and Luke (Luke is deaf!! Love that Phil signs as Luke doesnt read lips!!

Celebrity Aprentice + Brothers And Sisters - it was hard watching Rob Lowe have a heart attack - scares me as dh's dad died early from heart disease...
Checking in at the new place.... :banana:

KC finally had its first real snowfall yesterday -- about 5 inches. I've only shoveled twice this year and neither one of those snowfalls was deep enough to completely cover the grass in the backyard (and, yes, DW did mow at the tail end of the grass growing season). I did NOT shovel this time (first time ever I think I skipped that) other than a couple of tire track paths for my car because we are supposed to have two days in the 60s and two days in the 70s this week (thus making all the snow go *poof*).

-- Rob
...bgd..did you get that? sports ill., didn't mentioned or recognized...

...a <major> bcs bowl. wonder, why? :laughing:

oh, the puppy deal/ was very cold & windy..have you ever try mop.....when the water freezes? :scratchin , "slippery when

iced". :cold:

...someone on the dcl site..asked about the chimes....& brent. just so happened , it was one of the thing...i did on our 06

cruise. one of the person sent me a p-m offering to buy a copy.

..let's say...we don't need to charge for disney stuff...? so i told
the person..i'll do it for free. but she never responded again.
to me, that seem odd?

however, she did mentioned..she liked the whole thing...but my
wife..has made it clear..anything..i do for her, is always off limits.

she is funny, like that.

and i told her, i have to get my kids' help. now when it
something..they....want, that's an easy task. otherwise, it's a waiting
game. so let the games..begin?

...i haven't seen the dvd..since it was i didn't know exactly
..what was on it. as it out, it was inside the cruise director 's office.
the good thing, has brent's lil'spiel..bout disney dreams...& later on he did
the intro.., later we were @ palo. [ the view..outside was pretty~terrfic.]

another interesting thing, someone started a formal night picture site.
almost immediately, someone got a warning for potty mouthing.
..i thing i 've noticed...on our later disney cruises....intrusive behaviors.

why , are worry about how others are spending their time,
on board? to me, there isn't any wrong ways, as long as they are
about your family. "formal - nights"..are whatever, you want them
to be. i think it neat, that others feels their family ties..are soemthing
worth bragging about. why some feels the need to introjects their
biases...reminded me of those "hollering"...iam athiest, but...if
your'e nice..does that really matter?, who are they trying to

sometimes..i like paying attention to the inspiration behind the idea.. those claiming they an athiest? well, it just such a

funny, ironic w-o-r-d, world we live "in"....where everbody..easily
impressed..with what we can imagined......., but, however, i think
there are so much..more wonderment/s the things making up
our reality. relativity, speaking.

you kno/..without radiation , there's be no life? if we saw in , let's
imagined..electricity charges....things would be defined more like
tinkerbell`ish. neat...if, we saw by..enamouring?

..all are possible, but was ruled out, i believe, all because, we
would be unfairly influenced...toward being good , without our devices.

tilted... think like the ways..they 're pulling college sports,
.....what good are the final results..if they weren't meant to be?

..& sew?...see?....the selction process we were given...was truly well~
designed..not only to produced true winners, but to be earned by
our merits as, you kno.....just one lil'reason....why , i
believe the ways..i do, :flower3:

something ..i think of....everyone with life, add to its meanings ...
one way or the other. to me, i know the direction..i want to go.:woohoo:
sometimes..out of kno~:laughing: ~ where, something pops up

..that gives you pause. that what happened last night @ work..
when my class..grew. it's funny how some are listening , outside

..the boundary. processing, ...might not seem like much..but

when you stop, & simple the messages were &
yet..all of a was registering..across so many carrying
a wide variety, heavy loads...then their reactions let me kno..

gave me insights, on the importance...of repeating "directions ",

that we all already know.

no fantasy. we have the power to help one another. now if we
can just get more..using it?

:wizard: , signed the purple hatter. ok~ i'm old, so what can you do

to me? me to my wife?

but, one can imagine..why, she makes "me" keeps some things, secret,


No school today for the whole state almost.......snow up the ying yang....believe me........and we have no heat......I knew it at three am and hubby is home trying to fix it....snow is very deep already......probably two to three inches an hour......
I called baby Ava's mama and said no heat and she was thrilled cause she is not going to go to work ....she can call up and say ....babysitter has no heat so staying home with her baby......I hated to do that but you never know when we will get heat up and running...
No hot water either.......whaaaaaaaa....wanted to take a shower first but NOT WITH NO HEAT.....

drinking my hot coffee and watching the snow plows trying to keep ahead of the snow piling up......they are not doing a good job .....believe me......mother nature is a step ahead of them..
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