MOOvers on the MOOve Again

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I took the kids to the mall yesterday. didn't buy anything for them - just for me and my brother!

I got the hallmark ornament that has mickey animation on it that you turn so it looks like he's blowing up a balloon.
can't remmeber what those are called.
the ones in a circle are zoetropes. I think. maybe that's it.

also camden dropped my tree topper on black friday and broke it - I didn't like it that much anyway! ha.
it was a sparkly snowflake with a mickey head in the center.

so I bought the tinkerbell one at the disney store. we'll see how it looks.

we ate at buca di bepo. yum!
and we made christmas cookies last night.
today we're going to see the princess and the frog with mamacel.

then we're having japanese tonight with my family and breadman. he's so pitiful. he's having to work extra hard and he has a bad cold. poor guy.
Nab, I do believe you are the root cause of the Cookie Monster's obsession!

Peej. dang, my stalking plans are foiled! Have fun vacationing at Disney! I should be so lucky :rotfl:

So far this morning I got nothing done, but refine/recopy my grocery list and THINKING about cleaning.... But I did verify that I have plenty of cleaning supplies......
Finally got dressed to go out shopping, so now I'm procrastinating by writing this post :rolleyes: But once I get this done, should be the last time I have to go out before Christmas (anyone willing to take bets????)

I really should get my nails done, but I think I'll just patch them up, I really dont have time for it (well, I would if I got my behind in gear and actually DID some housework, but that's another story.....)

Cel, sounds like you are having a fun time
hey...d.grl? :yay:..i saw your movie the other night..."sweet home


...well, iam swamped, gators, :laughing: . [ because of that idiot's us behind....for the families we're suppose to be
helping..this year. so that where i've been, catching up. ]

snow? what snow? :lmao:

hey pumba? buddy saw..that big ten~pointer i missed..hanging
out with a 8-pointer.....still chasing the does. ahhhhh isn't :love:
..a "miracle" of life? [ we know where his "scrape" is.....& when the
snow covered it all up./..he got into it, cleaning it all off..throwing
dirt all over the place. i know..there's a lesson in there..for tiger,
but i can't put my finger..on it? ]

...there's alot to learn...from the animals & their basic behaviors... so watch'um go @ it. ( life) ..just me, but they don't
waste ...."time"....& they make every minute counts.

..earlier..i was going bow hunting..& while in the meadow.....dead ahead
3 does...came right in front , going across. so i had to stoop down & watch
them [not to spook them] ....but all of sudden , one pop up to the left of was pretty big 8 pointer....that was sleeping as i walked by..&
he knew..right away...there were does..nearby..."i could "see"
....the ways...he was "eyeing them+ winking, :hug:

..i can't stress important hunting is for the herd. * if it's
done right....deer are not pets...and anyone..every experiencing them
in the wild.....can only appreciate their wonderful ways of life.

..a few years ago..i was still hunting..& this lil'one...came right up..&
started licking my boot. his mother was nearby...& didn't like this one bit. came the 8-pointer. [ too small to be taken.]

...we are very the herd. we have fruit trees..just for them.
....we also plant "food plots", ....& we also have matured persimmons
trees....[ one is over 60' feet tall..the biggest i ever seen...& it's always
loaded..with a million persimmons. [ like ice cream?..that what persimmons deer].

moo?..been reading the sites on dvc. :confused3, they seldom make
any sense.....& it 's get any useful info..without conflicting

we're going next 2 weeks during christmas..when are you going again? thing backie, we got alot extra...autographs..this year & took
a few character should see...this "character frame
i made for the family we help during the holidays....i made a sliding
....."french-door " the kids...can move it back & forth
to "see"...their favorite characters....[ there's 3 boys & 2 girls }
.....& i cut out..the autographs...& stuck with their pictures. last
year, i gave them pictures & autograph.. & was really...:goodvibes big..a hit..they...were to the kids. this- the meanings &
positive influences...that those working for the company don't
ever forget.....when all the guests...turn into grumpy~:rolleyes1

ok...where's my gifts? :santa:
We decided to go to my Mom's after Hannah's guides. So we can have two full days there before we head back.

Always come back late Christmas eve/morning so Hannah can still be tucked in her bed for Santa. All her cousins get all excited about doing this so we thought our kids should have that too. Then we have a quiet Christmas day as a family at home. Doesn't matter if we get home at 3:00 in the morning the kids are always up really early .....

Hope all have a safe and happy holiday!!
Nabbie - Sorry to have missed you. Have a Very Merry Christmas!!!

Peej - Mari's home until Monday morning. w00t! Hope you had a safe trip home.

Lil G - We're going to the Hilton Head DVC over Memorial Day weekend. My family doesn't like going to WDW every year.

I may do a non-DVC trip down to WDW this spring during Epcot Flower & Garden Festival for a long weekend with my cousin who lives in Florida half the year when I hit my 150 lb weight loss goal. I'm closing in on 130 lbs gone!
Lil'G - Did ya' like my movie? ;) Are ya' gonna watch us play on Jan. 7th? :rolleyes1 I saw two deer running in a field this afternoon while on my way home from shopping. I couldn't figure out why the folks in front of me were coming to a stop in the middle of the road until I saw them. They were fairly close to the street. Never seen them out in the open during the daytime like that. It looked like a parent and a baby. The baby deer was probably misbehavin' and the mama was chasing after him. :laughing: It was weird because I live in the suburbs, not out in the country or on the prairie. :confused3

- I looked online, and I think it will get to you provided it can dig its way up there. Shoulda packed it a little snow shovel. :laughing: How sweet for Hannah. I hear ya' on the getting up early. We taught ours from a young age, that if they don't see any light outside, then they are NOT to come wake up mom and dad. ::yes::

Peej - We got about a third of an inch back the first weekend in Dec. It covered the ground, and was pretty, but was gone by noon. My kind of snow.:thumbsup2 Enjoy your family time. You'll be at Disney, what's not to enjoy??

- 130??? That's awesome!!!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
B! Hi! Merry Christmas to you!

I'm headed to breadman's for the night. Be back later!
All you better be good so Santa will fill your stocking with something besides coal!
Hello peeps...

To see deer in the areas of homes and cities is sad.......they cut down their forests to make more roads and to make malls..they have no place to go but into our back yards...I like to hunt......but we love to see deer and other critters running lose......but in the country where they belong. Our hunting season for deer with guns is only for the month of November and then one week of black powder guns.....that may be an interesting thing to try but stop me if I am wrong......after november comes December and it is COLDER in naaaaaaaaaa......give me hunting in the beginning of November so I wont freeze.........

today I went with my daughter to Freeport and to LL Bean.......good gosh I love that store. We went to some of the outlets there too. LOVE those shops...Then we came home and went to good ol' Walmart. All of the twin cities were there I think........had to get a loaf of bread and daughter needed stocking stuffers.......

Tonight hubby and I went out to eat........nice and quiet and now I am full.....hahaha.

Lil G.....I love to read your life can put it all in perspective.......

Happy days to you all ahead.....:grouphug:
Why is it that I have 5 cobalt blue glass dishes (square) and only round lids????????? It's a mystery of life!

B! Glad they finally got you out of jail, just in time to enjoy those heated seats. :thumbsup2

I'm cooking chicken flavored rice and getting ready to make cheese cake. I am sooooooooo far behind this year, it's not even funny.
Hubby got the tree up tonight, but thats it, not even decorations yet, and the big party is tomorrow.

BUT, the Bowle is prepared to be filled up with more wine tomorrow and topped with champagne. The turkey is defrosted, the ham is in the fridge, and all ingredients are purchased.

Can I have an extra day please???? Ohh wait, maybe not, just get this torture over with.......
Timer rang, rice is done, then time for cheesecake....

Have a great day, everyone!
:thumbsup2..let the good "tide"...roll....i don't know why, but
iam always thinking of the wash [:laundy:] when the "tide' mentioned. i was...:eek:, when i heard.....they 've never had

...a hi-man trophy winner til now. [ i think that had alot to do with

this year..winner.] & i still thinking....tebow was very good for
college football. jeeks-oh-peeks, it's to football does
not do any corrective all the mistakes...that has
negative impact..on the games outcomes, terrible~:rolleyes1
also ..all

it would a lil'thinking to make the system fair..
..& producing a true champion, instead of...lost vegas,popcorn::

of course, what do i know....? :teacher:

the big ten so they focus on the kids...
& their projects.....

...let's see?.....seen the site..that suggest..starting a scandalous rumor
about the poster above you? w.t & bdg....made santa's naughty list..
for being "awful nice"..... to each other , :santa:

pumba? interesting fact..between me & my wife?..on our first
christmas..together.....she gave me a lil'bucket of coal..for the
one misbehavin". me?!

...we had deer prints.."in the snow"...all over our front yard. & our front on a cliff...with a 30' drop off.

in reality, pumba....every life..has all kind of miracles..if one just pay a
lil'attention. really. :flower3: know???..i told everyone..the bandit, is also a snitch.& his "friend"
working inside the local sheriff is a fact that they came &
arrested me on my own property. then they made up a fake charge,
without any police report...trying to force me to sell. [ there ought
to be laws...that "holds these illegal crimes..accountable./..but you politics goes..( you can't get legal assistance..because
they won't go after their friends. ) however, i have my mental
health..skills....[ you know?..the things i lecture here. ]..... even with all the legal system ...working against ..made
no difference...."to reality interventions...", @ the end...he's on 2-
years probation, we have "3"- protection orders against him...up
to 5years. & the sheriff granted us the carry concealed

we do not have a justice system. however,i learn from my parents..
life isn't always fair. one just need to recognized..the differences &
make a few changes. very interesting note....the game warden
came..& testified..for me. i refused to take a "deal"..& paid..a
$25 fine. after it, 3 of the jury..came up to me & couldn't
believe...what our legal system..was trying to do!..they asked...
me? "why wasn't he on trial....they would have sent him to
jail."...wonder what else..i find out...they know he lied under oath but
refused to hold him responsible. see?..why we should "not" have
the death penalty??..our legal system..does not care..about the if i can ever outside will be
those..inside....i like to go after. :wizard: last judge...told the bandit...he better never see him in
again....even for playing loud music. land, was one of the things my
parents..always worth fighting for. & family.

..for all the things..i do. make no mistake about it...i live, by the
same things....i am teaching.

oh..we do get some interesting older guy...for his
"nerves"...over another guy..he keep "seeing" the mirrow...
keeps breaking into his house. must be a lil'tilted? should see..those kids...we're helping...they are so sweet!

pppsssst, bgd?... i think.....there's a scandal*monger running around
here....i'll keep an eye out for him, :angel:

life? live it, up! :hug:..merry christmas with all the trimmings-:grouphug: here's what i put on my sweetie..special..present this year.. sweet stuff, :littleangel: . ...from old "stuffy". pirate:

ps..i read alot sites..but there are none that to live all its glory. what you you're sharing, others could really benefit,
if they just take listened. oh, that doesn't mean it's ok,
for you all to give me..any more coals ..or buckets. [ i can get
into trouble, all by myself ]

I hope everyone is well and has a blessed holiday. Thanks for your support with all that has been going on here at Sunnybrook farms. You guys are awesome.:hug:

The first batch of Chex party mix is in the oven! But now I have no pan in which to cook the turkey I think the turkey will wait until tomorrow :rolleyes: Because it's still a little frozen.

Merry Christmas, B! Long time, no "see".

Marita - Goog luck with your party tonight!!!
kids are with their mama
christmas eve dinner with granny, aunt, cousins, etc eaten.
now I'm pretty much done.

I was working today at breadman's house - the kids were still there, but I was already bored!
I'm gonna work some more tomorrow. but I'm already bored!
I need a new hobby!

and don't anyone say cleaning! :rotfl:
Party is over, last people left at 9:30. Then we did gift exchange with DD and DS, son over computer till we lost connection (apparently lots of people on Skype today), then via phone.
DD left at 12 and I just sat down. Im dead tired, but now im done and can relax the rest of the weekend!

Merry Christmas to all my Moover friends! :santa:

We are heading home, hubby got a bat phone!

Only another hour and a half before we get home to play Santa.
Hope the kids sleep in....
GOOD morning and Merry Christmas to you all.

I am sitting here and thinking how blessed I am.....I have a family that I just love.....A hubby that after 42 years of being married......yah I will keep him too....and then I think of you all here.....
If you all remember, I came to your link because I didnt want you to think I was a mean person (like some said)...I kept at it. Some of the others didnt like me and even told me.......they pm'd me and sent me emails and I can go on and on..But I knew you (the collective you) were some great people and I wanted to be part of your group....SO yah I am one lucky "pig" have let me in with your moovers group and I am one happy piggy....
I wish you all a great holiday matter what you celebrate....I wish you a New Year filled with happiness, health and love.....what more can we ask for.
See you later moovers..
pumba - you are full of such lovely thoughts lately!
Merry christmas to you!

and to everyone else too!
MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! :santa::santa::santa:

Thanks for the Christmas cards! We enjoyed them all very much and I'm sorry (and more than a little embarrassed) that I did not get cards out again this year.

It's wretched excess here as usual. DS has so many new video games that it'll take him weeks to get to them all. The girls were adequately gifted all around and actually double dipped a little since I didn't cut the spending and DxH came up with gifts too.

Going to DxSIL house tonight for Christmas dinner and then heading south to see my family tomorrow. I am at the mid-point in my 2 week vacation.

I hope you're all enjoying the holidays with family, friends, and lots of love all around!

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