Lurkers....time to de-lurk!!!

I have been hanging around and enjoying the podcast for a few years now, I am a lerker! Truly enjoy my time with the team every week, it makes hitting the gym a whole lot easier. The podcast board keeps it going all week! work changed and i do not get to post as much as i would like, i am a lerker from my iphone when i need a dis moment while at work!

Thanks for the great community!

Northern Massachusetts
Another lurker here! Have always wanted to jump in but always feel too shy, so thanks for the invite Pete. Love the Podcast and the Boards!
I guess I'm what you would call a lurker. I post in spurts in this is actually my second screen name I've had here. My first was Rikku but I didn't want it anymore so I started a new one.

I'd post more if my family and I were able to travel to the world more. The best we've ever done were trips back to back in '07 and '08...but now it looks like it'll be 2014 or later before we get to return.

I wish I had been more active in the Disney internet community before our last two trips...I could've met so many people probably that now will have to wait until gods know when!
I have been lurking here for years, love the Disboards and all the good info. We are die hard Disney fans tried to think of something else we wanted to do for our 30th anniversary this year and just came back to going to WDW!
Another lurker here too. (At least on the podcast board.) Love the show, but have always been to shy to post here.
Semi-lurker here. I'm the software engineer that sometimes talks back to the Podcasts...and my office neighbors probably think I'm obsessed with Disney. I mentioned that we're going back in 2012 and my coworkers said, "But aren't you going this year? Why would you go back so soon?" Blasphemy! They don't realize there are people that go multiple times a year and I want to go every year...hate that we'll have to skip the trip next year.

I listen to the new Podcasts as soon as I get to the office and as soon as it's over, I hit the button to listen to it again.

Love you guys! And so glad to have Pete back every week!
hi everyone!! :wave: it's nice to see some new folks around here.

(Yeah, see, I just re-read it and don't see anything that would really grab someone's attention! Oh well!)

UM, PUH-LEASE. YOUR BROTHER IS AN IMAGINEER. YES I'M SHOUTING. That's DEFINITELY an attention-grabber! And don't be so critical of yourself - your input is YOUR input, no one else's, and that makes it sound horribly cliche, lol. There's no need to feel like you MUST have something groundbreaking every time you post - have you seen how much we talk about cake and pie around here??

Other than an occasional 'Congratulations' or 'Thinking of you', I pretty much read, but don't join in on this board, but I'm active on the Trip Reports board....

MeMom i didn't even realize this was you right away! Love that story about your son - and she's definitely a lucky girl. ;) i haven't read one of your trippies in awhile, but when i first joined the DIS, yours were one of the first ones i read (and sucked me in!).

Maybe we need a new counter in addition to raw posts per day (which will, as all other things on the board do, immediately be abbreviated into a three-letter acronym -- PPD). In that case, I just may be something like an apparition...a DISjointed Spectre, perhaps?

Actually you can see that - click on a username and select "View Public Profile", and then click the statistics tab. i post an average of 1.31 times a day. :thumbsup2
i'm not a lurker, but can i post anyway?

i mostly spend time on the UK planning board (where i've learned tons over the years), but i stopped lurking on this board a long time ago....although i do remember being very nervous about joining in, as the board seemed so closeknit....but i was pleasantly surprised at how welcoming and inclusive everyone here is... :goodvibes :goodvibes
Total lurker for the most part here. My name is Jennifer and I am from Washington, D.C. I have been to WDW 5 times in the past 18 months (3 times for work so it is not as sick as it sounds).

My favorite thing to do at the World is eat and drink. So nice to "meet" you all and my love to the podcast crew.

Oh but I do so enjoy lurking!!! :goodvibes

Hi everyone! I discovered the Dis way back when I was at uni- I used to while away the hours in the library reading through the various threads on The Dis whilst avoiding my coursework as much as possible- hence the join date from a LONG time ago (my final year of uni).

I left uni and then didn't have my own computer for years and years and it's only really since the end of 2009 that I've got back into reading The Dis.

I'm hoping to come to WDW in September this year and The Dis gives me a much needed regular Disney fix, as well as supremely valuable info.

Also discovered the Podcast in 2009- love LOVE super Love it!!! :cheer2:

Not really much of a poster only due to the fact I dont come on often and I feel like I dont want to start commenting on threads then just disappear. I would feel totally comfortable contributing though- it's a really lovely community you all have here!
I started as a lurker, I suppose most people do. But I couldn't stay a lurker. I found a home with Disney freaks like myself. A place were I could talk Disney and not be looked at like I have 3 heads! So, I joined and now I happily spend entirely too much time on here lol.
Coming out of lurkdom to say "hi" and thanks to the podcasters. We leave on our first Disney cruise this week and this morning I was listening to the Disney Cruiseline Primer podcasts on my I-Phone while packing :) I listened to them last year but at that time I didn't think we would be cruising any time soon. So glad they are on I-Tunes so I can still hear them. :thumbsup2 I had to stop folding clothes and grab a few highlighters to pack b/c Kevin told me too. :rotfl:

Just stopping in to de-lurk.:surfweb: back to packing :yay:

My name is Mike and, yes, I'm mostly a lurker. As you can tell by my moniker, I love Disney cruises and, as you can also tell by my sig, I am a regular listener to the podcast.

I also turn up to Wednesday chat from time-to-time but just don't post very much...

self-proclaimed lurker here saying hi to my brethren!!


when's our LURKER MEET??!!! :)

how many would actually show up??
Ok. I admit it I'm a lurker. I have recently started listening to the podcast and I am now obsessed with it. You can thank *NikkiBell*. Lol. I do want to thank the pocast crew and peanut gallery for all they do.

Told ya!! Listen to the call in show from a few months back to get a good laugh. Kevin destroyed me. Rofl My review of Dine with an Imagineer is on a November show. That's from our trip.
Oh my goodness! I was going to post Friday when I saw this pop up on my RSS feed and say I'm a former lurker who just started to post more. It's now Sunday, and I now have some time and cannot believe it's up to 11 pages!!:scared1:

Thanks Pete for getting the flowers off the wall!


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