I want to participate in the 2012 Disney Princess Half Marathon!

Mama3Princess - Welcome! I think most of us are starting from scratch! Good luck with your training.

Everyone - Tomorrow is my first 5K!! :thumbsup2 I am really nervous, but will do the best I can. I'll definitely be walking it. DH and the kids are going out there. :) BIL and his girlfriend are walking it, and MIL is volunteering.

Please send prayers our way. My DH was laid off at the beginning of Sept and has been out of work since. He has several job prospects right now. Two of them would mean moving... one 12 hours away and one 3 hours away. The other is off shore and he'd be gone for 7 days at a time. Please pray for guidance and for God to open the right doors, even if it's none of these.

Good luck tomorrow! I would love a report afterwards of how your first 5k went. I also wish you andyour hubby luck with the new job prospects. I hope you all find something that works for the whole family.
Good afternoon Princesses!! It's been a busy day! We didn't get up in time this morning for us to make it to the 5K. :sad2: Since we didn't get to go, we took the kids to the park. While DH was watching the kids play, I walked around the trail and completed a 5K on my own! :banana: :cool1:

After lunch we went to the mall to buy the kids some new shoes. If my 3 year old DS and 5 year old DD are picky about what their shoes look like, I dread when they are teenagers!! We spent 3 hours and went to 4 different stores to find DD shoes that she liked and that fit her well.

Tomorrow is going to be a nice relaxing day and I'm off Monday for President's Day!! :woohoo:
Count me in. I read about the 2012 Disney Princess Half Marathon around the 1st of the year. I thought it would be wonderful to run/walk through Disney. I am out of shape but am getting back on track. Started with mini walks with the kids and the dog. But will work up to runs with the dog in the next few months. I have never ran a marathon before and really not a runner. But always wanted to. I guess here is my chance. I have been reading this thread and everyone is so encouraging. Looking forward to chatting over the next year until the 2012 Disney Princess Half Marathon:cheer2:
Hi everyone! I just found out about this marathon. I've never participated in a marathon before, but I really would like to do this one. Does anyone know the date of the 2012 marathon?
Welcome to all the newbies!!

Happy Mom2- that stinks that you didn't make it to your 5k!:guilty: Our c25k training will be over in mid April and there will be a 5k for an orphanage that weekend that I am hoping we can do!

Iluvpooh&tink- Welcome!:goodvibes:. I don't like running either. I was a gym member for two years and never once stepped foot on a dreadmill :-)laughing:) because I hated running so much. I'm still don't like it, but I'm stubborn and have made my mind up to do this.

Andie- welcome! :goodvibes: I don't think the race dates have been announced. I think last years was March 1st and this years is one week from today.

Went to the running store and got my shoes. The guy said I have super narrow feet with high arches, so he only had two pairs of shoes that he would recommend for me. One was Aisics and I felt like it was WAY too tight on the ball area of my foot, but the next pair was the Nike Pegasus and I really liked them, so now I have big girl running shoes! We also splurged and got a jogging stroller. I have three kids and I homeschool, there's no getting away from them:scared1: just kidding:lovestruc: . We also hit up the Nike outlet and I scored a ton of gear- I think DH and I each got 3-4 tech shirts, a pair of pants and a pair of shorts for $55:banana: WOOT!

Unfortunately, after getting all geared up and starting our run, my daughter decided to lose her mind and scream like a banshee the entire 1.7 mile run/walk. Still, we made it through at a 16:30-ish pace (but that could have been due to me booking it trying to get back to the car to make the screaming stop:cool2:)
Got out and did my 3.5 mile long wun today. I moved a little slower this week at this run but did more hills this time. My DD rode her bike behind me. Did it in a 13:09 pace. Just glad I got thru it! Day off tomorrow!

Down 6 pounds in three weeks, 19 more to go!:banana: feeling super good about this!!
Andie - Welcome!! The 2012 Princess Marathon Weekend is February 24th - 26th, with the 1/2 marathon on the 26th. Those dates are subject to change.

MamaDis - Sounds like you got some great deals! :banana: I've been buying Danskin yoga pants and t-shirts from Walmart. They are pretty cheap, and very comfortable. I don't want to spend a lot of money since I am (fingers crossed) losing weight.

Kappyfamily - Congratulations on the 6 pounds!! :yay: That is awesome!! :woohoo:

I was disappointed about not making it to the 5K yesterday, but am thrilled that I proved to myself I could do it!! :woohoo: Around the end of mile 2, my side was hurting, and I just wanted to stop, but I kept thinking of the Princess Half! Anyone know what causes pains in the side? I think I've heard them called side stitches?

Tomorrow I start my 5K to 10K training! There is a 10K Easter weekend that I'd like to participate in, but I'm not sure if that is too soon. I'll just see how it goes.

Have a great day, princesses!! princess:
Welcome ILUVPOOH&TINK and Andie70124!

Happy Mom- Congrats on finishing your unofficial 5k! Are you using the c210k method to train for the 10k? How is it? A friend at the gym was doing it the same time I was doing my 5k training. The big difference I could see was the training seesions are 60minutes instead of 30.

kappyfamily- Good job on the long wun! Do you mind me asking how long your running intervals are? I'm struggling to do more than 4 minutes of running.

Mama Dis- I'm jealous of your big girl running shoes! I have been meaning to go to a running store and be properly fitted. I'm running in old Addidas and wonder if they are contributing to my problems?

As for me I just finished a really tough run. I'm still on week 4 of the c25k program which is alternating 3 minute and 5 minute running intervals. The first time I did this I just barely managed to finish the 5 minute intervals but today I just couldn't do it. I ended up walking for a minute in the middle. I just felt like I was dragging butt today. I'm thinking I'm going to have to repeat this week and build up my endurance more before I progress. The next week is all 5 minute intervals and I don't see that happening after today's workout :mad:
Welcome ILUVPOOH&TINK and Andie70124!

Happy Mom- Congrats on finishing your unofficial 5k! Are you using the c210k method to train for the 10k? How is it? A friend at the gym was doing it the same time I was doing my 5k training. The big difference I could see was the training seesions are 60minutes instead of 30.

As for me I just finished a really tough run. I'm still on week 4 of the c25k program which is alternating 3 minute and 5 minute running intervals. The first time I did this I just barely managed to finish the 5 minute intervals but today I just couldn't do it. I ended up walking for a minute in the middle. I just felt like I was dragging butt today. I'm thinking I'm going to have to repeat this week and build up my endurance more before I progress. The next week is all 5 minute intervals and I don't see that happening after today's workout :mad:

I was doing the C25K, now I'm going to start the bridge to 10K. It's been difficult at times, but honestly, due to health problems, I haven't stuck to it. Things are getting better so I'm hoping to start fresh. Also, I'm not running. I speed walk during the running intervals. I need to lose about 50 pounds before I even start running.

I think it is very important to listen to your body. The plan is merely a guide. If you think you need to repeat a week, then definitely do it.
Welcome ILUVPOOH&TINK and Andie70124!

Happy Mom- Congrats on finishing your unofficial 5k! Are you using the c210k method to train for the 10k? How is it? A friend at the gym was doing it the same time I was doing my 5k training. The big difference I could see was the training seesions are 60minutes instead of 30.

kappyfamily- Good job on the long wun! Do you mind me asking how long your running intervals are? I'm struggling to do more than 4 minutes of running.

Mama Dis- I'm jealous of your big girl running shoes! I have been meaning to go to a running store and be properly fitted. I'm running in old Addidas and wonder if they are contributing to my problems?

As for me I just finished a really tough run. I'm still on week 4 of the c25k program which is alternating 3 minute and 5 minute running intervals. The first time I did this I just barely managed to finish the 5 minute intervals but today I just couldn't do it. I ended up walking for a minute in the middle. I just felt like I was dragging butt today. I'm thinking I'm going to have to repeat this week and build up my endurance more before I progress. The next week is all 5 minute intervals and I don't see that happening after today's workout :mad:

Hang in there, it gets easier! The key is to slow it down when you are struggling to make it through an interval. When I slow myself down, I can go farther usually!
I'm doing a cross between Galloway and my own method. For the past three weeks I've been doing 2 min running to 2 minute walking. Starting today I'm going to bump it to 3/2. Every 2-3 weeks I will up it a minute in running. I'm just really listening to my body. I've got bad acl's and my knees are easily tweaked.

Also, I always end my wun with .5 of slow slow walking to let my body cool down. I turn off the music and just fully "meditate and chill" out. Hoping that this theory and practice will help me a year from now. I also try and end my wun knowing I can do or go a little more, but I don't, again trying to walk that line of no injuries/pushing myself. I have plenty of time to increase distance and speed.

Not sure if this is the right way, but I have had very little soreness or pain so I think I will have at it!
Hang in there, it gets easier! The key is to slow it down when you are struggling to make it through an interval. When I slow myself down, I can go farther usually!

Thanks for the advice. I've tried slowing down a little on the treadmill but maybe not enough? I was running at a slow 4.3 setting on the treadmill but maybe I need to go even slower. I'm going to try a setting in the 3's at my next run. Today is a rest day. But, unfortunately since it's Presidents Day my kids will be home today. No rest for the weary I guess! We haven't left the house all weekend since my oldest DS has been sick. We are all getting a little stir crazy I think but it's not fair for me to take the kid out in public since he's still coughing up a storm.
Thanks for the welcomes!
Mama Dis-Congrats on your big girl running shoes! I picked up my new pair on Saturday.

Happy Mom2-Even though you didnt make the "official" 5K, you did walk a 5K. Congrats on completing your 5K.

Starting the training is always the hardest, it does get easier. Keep up the good work!!

My Physical Therapist told me to run 1 half marathon before the Princess half marathon. I am going to try to run the Jazz half marathon (they also have a 5k) in New Orleans in October before I do the Princess half marathon.

I was reading some info on the Princess half marathon. Is this everyones first time running it? I was reading on the website that they have a pacing requirement. Is it true that they will pick you up if you dont do a 16 minute per mile (or faster) pace?? If so, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little worried!
I was reading some info on the Princess half marathon. Is this everyones first time running it? I was reading on the website that they have a pacing requirement. Is it true that they will pick you up if you dont do a 16 minute per mile (or faster) pace?? If so, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little worried!

Nah, no reason to worry about that. You have plenty of time to train and get your pace under 16 m/m. ::yes::

Get those 3 mile runs in a good solid 14-15 m/m over the summer and you will be set to get ready for the Princess in 2012. princess:
It's something that a lot of people are worried about on the 2011 thread. I guess they have to set a pace so they can open the roads and parks. Which makes sense.

If memory serves you have to finish under 3 1/2 hours. I had read that they will come by and give you 1 warning that you are not meeting the pace and then they will sweep you. I also read that once you make it to mile ten they will leave you alone. Again, I read this all on the 2011 thread from runners that have raced it before. So I'm guessing it is true but this will be my first half too!

Remember you have 12 months to get to that pace, you will be fine! It's a great goal to make for yourself! We can do it!
THanks for the welcome!! I am on Week 2 of c25k and so far so good. Meaning I am not falling out all over the place. I still have a long way to go. I like the idea of working on Pace over the next couple of months. As of right now I am at a 15:30 to 16 ish pace.

I need to find a running store like you Mama Dis and find some good running shoes. I plan to run a 5k in April to start getting myself acclimated to the racing well running cause I am a long way from racing:rotfl: I am so glad to see all of you ladies so pumped up for next year 1/2 marathon I am so excited to train for this!!
Good job everyone! I did my 2.5 miles today at a 12:23 pace (a new record for me). Feel really good today no aches or pains and ate good as well! Also, I ran with my new amphipod belt today, I wanted to start from the beginning wearing it so I would get used to it. I know I will want something to carry my iphone or camera in the day of the race, as well as sports beans or some "energy" food. (Havent ran far enough to try anything out yet).

The belt was really comfy. Didn't budge one bit, I was surprised. It is also kind of cushy on the inside so it doesnt "bite" into you. Also, it's really thin so it's not like this huge fanny pack or anything. Great for a phone/inhaler etc.

Here's the link if you are interested! http://www.amphipod.com/products/holders/music/-electronics/airflow-lite

That looks like a great idea. I may need to do something like that.
I'm doing a cross between Galloway and my own method. For the past three weeks I've been doing 2 min running to 2 minute walking. Starting today I'm going to bump it to 3/2. Every 2-3 weeks I will up it a minute in running. I'm just really listening to my body. I've got bad acl's and my knees are easily tweaked.

Also, I always end my wun with .5 of slow slow walking to let my body cool down. I turn off the music and just fully "meditate and chill" out. Hoping that this theory and practice will help me a year from now. I also try and end my wun knowing I can do or go a little more, but I don't, again trying to walk that line of no injuries/pushing myself. I have plenty of time to increase distance and speed.

Not sure if this is the right way, but I have had very little soreness or pain so I think I will have at it!

Thats kinda how I'm doing it. Tweaking the program to fit me and how my body responds. I'm at 2/2 currently and bump to 3/2 next week. Your pace is really good though. I'm slower, but definitely beat the sweeper pace-- so I'm happy. :)
I think since I have a year to do this it wont be a problem. I kept thinking if I spend the money to fly to Orlando and stay in the hotel and if they are going to try to pick me up if I fall behind, I'm going kicking and screaming!:)
I think if we all stay on here and encourage each other, this is going to be easy to stay focused to reach our goal! Now I must go run, I have to get into a ball gown on March 6th (and a half marathon to run next year)!


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