I want to participate in the 2012 Disney Princess Half Marathon!

Had a great mostly run/fast walk of 2 1/2 miles today. What was great about today was it actually felt "right". No pain, no huge huffing and puffing. Dont get me wrong I still "hated it" ;), but towards the end of the run I kind of went numb and listened to music and wasnt so focused on running and what I was doing every step of the way.

A first for me!
Had a great mostly run/fast walk of 2 1/2 miles today. What was great about today was it actually felt "right". No pain, no huge huffing and puffing. Dont get me wrong I still "hated it" ;), but towards the end of the run I kind of went numb and listened to music and wasnt so focused on running and what I was doing every step of the way.

A first for me!

That is awesome!! :thumbsup2

I am hoping to get out today for a walk. I think I'm feeling well enough to at least walk a mile. I'm waiting for it to warm up some so I can take the kids with me. There is a 1/2 mile walking trail around a playground at the park. I think we are all going a little stir crazy. School was closed the last two days due to weather so we've all been shut up in the house. Talk about cabin fever!
That is awesome!! :thumbsup2

I am hoping to get out today for a walk. I think I'm feeling well enough to at least walk a mile. I'm waiting for it to warm up some so I can take the kids with me. There is a 1/2 mile walking trail around a playground at the park. I think we are all going a little stir crazy. School was closed the last two days due to weather so we've all been shut up in the house. Talk about cabin fever!

Hang in there! ANything you can get in to "move a little" is better then nothing!
Had a great mostly run/fast walk of 2 1/2 miles today. What was great about today was it actually felt "right". No pain, no huge huffing and puffing. Dont get me wrong I still "hated it" ;), but towards the end of the run I kind of went numb and listened to music and wasnt so focused on running and what I was doing every step of the way.

A first for me!

Good for you. Hopefully you'll get to liking it soon -- even looking forward to your runs. I did about 5.5 miles today and it felt great. It was 14 degrees out and I still got up a good sweat.

Sadly, I have to spit and my nose runs more than my legs!
Hang in there! ANything you can get in to "move a little" is better then nothing!

Well, nothing is what I did this weekend. We took the kids to mall, and by the time we got home I just wanted to lay on the couch. Today I've been busy all day cooking, cleaning and making Valentine's with the kids.

I'm getting ready to pack my bag so I can go walk tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. I just hope I feel up to it after working all day. Even if I just get 1/2 mile in, that will be better than none. I'm just 4 days post surgery today so I know I have to take it easy.

Everyone else, keep up the good work. Stick to your training!

Oh! My cousin is doing this in a couple weeks. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but it looks like fun! Maybe I'll try this in a year or two!!
One thing I'd add is to watch where you're spitting!

Thank you for the link:) all I can say is eww to spitting.. I haven't spit yet.. are we supposed to??

I have now signed up for 3- 5k's and I will be doing intervals walking/jogging and MAYBE even jogging one in Sept. the I have a few days to wait for the sign up for the one at WDW:)
I hope I can start to increase my distance. I am waiting for new shoes- in 2 weeks we are heading to Orlando/Disney for our 15th wedding anniversary
No Kids :woohoo:
so I am going to get pair of good fitting sneakers as there aren't too many places around here to get anything.
I have my plan/ goals all written up and I will do the Princess in 2012!
Thank you for the link:) all I can say is eww to spitting.. I haven't spit yet.. are we supposed to??

I have now signed up for 3- 5k's and I will be doing intervals walking/jogging and MAYBE even jogging one in Sept. the I have a few days to wait for the sign up for the one at WDW:)
I hope I can start to increase my distance. I am waiting for new shoes- in 2 weeks we are heading to Orlando/Disney for our 15th wedding anniversary
No Kids :woohoo:
so I am going to get pair of good fitting sneakers as there aren't too many places around here to get anything.
I have my plan/ goals all written up and I will do the Princess in 2012!

Oooh~have fun on your Anniversary trip!!! My dh and I are celebrating 20 this year but taking our alone trip for the princess half next year!!!

Ran on my new shoes today and love them! I got Asics Cumulus after searching high and low for something that would work for me. Did 2.38 on the treadmill and my knees are aching tonight, but at least I'm gaining a little more distance each run!
Hi all, I did 3.2 miles total (warm up, run/walk, and cool down) on the treadmill this weekend. That is a first for me :) I do Galloway running. 30 minutes twice during the week, and for distance on friday or the weekend (this weekend was 2.5, and I will up by .25 a week and stop at 3 miles). Everything I run is 1 min jog to 1 min fast walk. I am a very slow jogger. That is my biggest concern about trying for a half marathon. But I figure I have a year. Planning on running the Castaway 5k on our cruise in April and then 2 more 5ks here in May. We can do this!
Hey there- Just wanted to let you guys know to check out the 2011 Princess thread there is part 1 & 2.

I've started on the first page of part 1 and they are EXACTLY where we (or most of us) are now. I'm now on page 145 (yep I'm reading every page) and it is SO INSPIRING! Gals (and guys) that were barely running 1 mile are now going out for their first 10K's. (Again this is page 145 out of like 300). Most of them say the same thing "I never thought I could run this far!".

Please try and read a few pages of it each night. It will totally motivate you. Coach Charles as he likes to be called, is an awesome wealth of knowledge and I can only hope he will join our board after the 2011 princess is done.

By the way, here are a couple of my favorite quotes that make me smile while I'm out running VERY SLOWLY....

*" Running asks you, are you going to be a wimp today or are you going to be strong today?"

*"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." I think this one is going on my race tee....

Going out for my first "long run" tomorrow of 3miles. I do 2minute run/ 2minute walk intervals. Here's hoping! Good luck to all of you!
Hey there- Just wanted to let you guys know to check out the 2011 Princess thread there is part 1 & 2.

I've started on the first page of part 1 and they are EXACTLY where we (or most of us) are now. I'm now on page 145 (yep I'm reading every page) and it is SO INSPIRING! Gals (and guys) that were barely running 1 mile are now going out for their first 10K's. (Again this is page 145 out of like 300). Most of them say the same thing "I never thought I could run this far!".

Please try and read a few pages of it each night. It will totally motivate you. Coach Charles as he likes to be called, is an awesome wealth of knowledge and I can only hope he will join our board after the 2011 princess is done.

By the way, here are a couple of my favorite quotes that make me smile while I'm out running VERY SLOWLY....

*" Running asks you, are you going to be a wimp today or are you going to be strong today?"

*"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." I think this one is going on my race tee....

Going out for my first "long run" tomorrow of 3miles. I do 2minute run/ 2minute walk intervals. Here's hoping! Good luck to all of you!

I follow that thread too and it's SO inspirational! AND, I believe we can all do this too! I just ran 5K today for the first time ever! I ran on the treadmill and I was shocked when I made it to 3.1 miles! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry! :cool1:
Hey there- Just wanted to let you guys know to check out the 2011 Princess thread there is part 1 & 2.

I've started on the first page of part 1 and they are EXACTLY where we (or most of us) are now. I'm now on page 145 (yep I'm reading every page) and it is SO INSPIRING! Gals (and guys) that were barely running 1 mile are now going out for their first 10K's. (Again this is page 145 out of like 300). Most of them say the same thing "I never thought I could run this far!".

Please try and read a few pages of it each night. It will totally motivate you. Coach Charles as he likes to be called, is an awesome wealth of knowledge and I can only hope he will join our board after the 2011 princess is done.

By the way, here are a couple of my favorite quotes that make me smile while I'm out running VERY SLOWLY....

*" Running asks you, are you going to be a wimp today or are you going to be strong today?"

*"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." I think this one is going on my race tee....

Going out for my first "long run" tomorrow of 3miles. I do 2minute run/ 2minute walk intervals. Here's hoping! Good luck to all of you!

That is such a great idea! Thank you for posting this. Love those quotes. I might have to use the 2nd one myself!!

I follow that thread too and it's SO inspirational! AND, I believe we can all do this too! I just ran 5K today for the first time ever! I ran on the treadmill and I was shocked when I made it to 3.1 miles! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry! :cool1:

WOW! That is awesome!! :yay::yay::yay: I am so happy for you!!

Thought that you ladies might enjoy seeing the final race instructions that the Princesses who are running the 2011 Princess Half Marathon received this week. http://espnwwos.disney.go.com/media/ewwos/pdf/rundisney/11PRNHalfWeb.pdf

You will be getting your own for the 2012 race before you know it! princess: Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for posting this. I am so excited for everyone going this year, and can't wait to hear trip reports!

I have really been struggling lately. I had surgery last week, and am healing great, but Sunday I had an "attack of the kidney stones." LOL! I had a cat scan this week and go back to the doctor Monday to determine our course of action. This is the second time in less than 2 months that I had a kidney stones.

On top of that, my DH is still out of work after 6 months. We are very blessed that we can afford to live on my income - it's tough but doable. DH is going to start looking out of state, which is fine. We would actually like to move, but it's just added stress. Then to top it all off, this week I find out they are restructuring my department at work. This means either myself or my co-worker (there are only two of us) will be moved to a different department. Thankfully, they aren't going to lay us off, but the not knowing is driving me crazy.

So like I said, I'm struggling. I have no motivation. These posts today were just what I needed to motivate me. I'm hoping to be able to get out for a walk Sunday. Oh! I signed up for Dr. Oz's 11 week free online program last night so I'm hoping that will help also.

Thank you all. Keep up the great work, princesses!!
Happy mom- hang in there. I had HUGE kidney stones 2 years ago and needed surgery due to the size. It sucks going thru it but I promise within a week or so you feel much better. Best advice, drink water like you never have before! Like 100oz a day. Good luck and treat the hard parts in life like running up a huge hill. Tackle the hard part head-on and when you reach the top it will all be worth it!
Happy mom- hang in there. I had HUGE kidney stones 2 years ago and needed surgery due to the size. It sucks going thru it but I promise within a week or so you feel much better. Best advice, drink water like you never have before! Like 100oz a day. Good luck and treat the hard parts in life like running up a huge hill. Tackle the hard part head-on and when you reach the top it will all be worth it!

Thank you for the encouraging words.

My DH and DD left earlier this morning to go to a Girl Scout camp. It's her 1st time and she is so excited. I'm home with DS today. It's our 1st Mommy & DS day since I went back to work after maternity leave. I'm sure we will find all kinds of stuff to get into!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Just did my "long WUN (walk/run)" today. I wanted to do 3miles and hubby swore his route was 3 exactly, so I said ok. I ended up mapping it when I got home and it was 3.23.... oh well, got a little extra in. Did it in a 12:56 pace.

Since this is my first official long run I dont really have anything to compare it to. :confused3 All I know is I'm pooped.

Have a nice weekend!
Just did my "long WUN (walk/run)" today. I wanted to do 3miles and hubby swore his route was 3 exactly, so I said ok. I ended up mapping it when I got home and it was 3.23.... oh well, got a little extra in. Did it in a 12:56 pace.

Since this is my first official long run I dont really have anything to compare it to. :confused3 All I know is I'm pooped.

Have a nice weekend!

That's awesome! I'm hoping to get out tomorrow for a long WUN (love that!!) - mine will be more more W then UN!
Hello all! Anyone mind a new member? I have been wanting to run a half-marathon for a while now. Started when I was in grad school and one of my preceptors was training for a half marathon. She really got me interested in the process and inspired me with her advice. She told me the hardest part of running is just believing you can do it.

Anyway I didn't do anything with that advice for a year and half but a facebook friend participated in the Disney 1/2 marathon this past January. I was actually jealous after seeing her pictures and her medal. I've been running since January with a goal of 5k this spring, 10k in the summer or fall and 1/2 marathon in Disney in 2012.

I'm currently using the couch to 5k training plan with a goal to run my first 5k this spring. I just finished week three and am equally nervous and excited to begin week 4. The running intervals get longer from 3 minute to 5 minutes. I can't even believe I can do 3 minutes. I'm sure not fast but just doing it is such a victory!

I feel so good after my workouts. I swear my mood is better the whole rest of the day. I'm really looking forward to making some new running friends!

Anyone else using the c25k method? Anyone make it over the hump from week 3-4? I'm going back to the gym tomorrow so I'll let you know if I make it!

Hello all! Anyone mind a new member?

Anyone else using the c25k method? Anyone make it over the hump from week 3-4? I'm going back to the gym tomorrow so I'll let you know if I make it!


Welcome Molly.

I did the C25K with a great bunch of women last September and ran my first 5K on December 11. My time was nothing to write home about, but I ran the entire race (it was before I discovered that walking during a run is not a bad thing). So, yes, I got over the hump and felt very successful. Now I run 3-4 times a week and do about 3 miles on my short run days and 5-6 miles once a week. I'm planning to do the PHM with my sister and my 16 year old daughter in 2012.

You know you can do it. Just stick to the plan and you'll be fine.

Good luck!
Welcome Molly! The first time I ever started running I did C25K! I stopped week 7b/c of my knees and at the time didn't realize the pain would go away (I just stopped for a few years! ack!) but I LOVED C25K! The first time I ran for 20 minutes straight I cried like a baby, I couldn't believe I was doing it! Great program!

After running 3.1 the other day (long run), today I just did 30 minutes and it felt really good. I'm less sore finally and not struggling as much with my running...it's becoming enjoyable! :laughing:


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