has anyone here got any claims to fame?


Earning My Ears
Mar 24, 2013
for example ,you being shown on the news or one your friends being out with someone famous.
No fame but I was on the local news this year, because I didn't see them at the fair in time to hide.
When Cher came out with her first perfume ages ago, I was at the mall for the launch. Cher was there to publicize the whole thing and our news stations were there. I SO wanted to be on the news. I think I was 22 at the time? I walked around the interviewer looking like I was looking for a friend rather nonchalantly. I was stopped and was asked if I would mind talking about the perfume (which I happened to really LOVE)...I got on the 6, 7, and then the 11 pm news! WHOOOOOOO!

I was also in a Megadeth video called Wake Up Dead.

And I work with famous people a lot but that part doesn't count because it is them with the talent and not me. I just wrangle them at times and make them comfortable. And several of my good friends have Oscars. (Again, that has got jack-all to do with me. I haven't even BEEN to the Oscars.)
When I was younger I was interviewed on the news twice for being the youngest school crossing guard in the county (second youngest in the state). Yeah, no fame there. In fact, it was quite embarrassing to be a 19yo in a 60+ job field. But hey, at least it was a job.
A former presidential candidate was campaigning and wanted to spend the night at a family's house instead of a hotel. He ended up staying at our house. He liked milk before bed.
Some friends of friends and friends of family know famous people and a famous person occasionally stays in our neighborhood to visit his cousin. (We pretend he's just this tall, attractive guy who likes to jog. . .we don't know who he is.)

Me? Nothin'. My birth father has a Wikipedia entry (for good, not bad, reasons) but if I named him, most of the country wouldn't know his name. (Although he was famous enough to get us a bunch of cheese biscuits at Red Lobster once!)
My husband's claim to fame is being held hostage at school when he was in 5th grade. It was a huge deal here in Alabama.
I was on the show "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant." Not as the unsuspecting mom, though. I delivered a baby in the back of my ambulance for a lady who didn't know she was pregnant. About 6 months later my boss told me that he had been contacted by the production company who wanted to interview me for the show. It was up to me whether I wanted to participate or not - but he strongly suggested that I do it. I hate to be recorded. I spent my entire Paramedic career ensuring that my back was always turned to any camera that appeared on any of my scenes. So it was rather uncomfortable for me to sit smiling in front of the camera for over an hour. It was really cool to see my patient and her healthy baby boy, though. So that made it worth it. To this day, I have avoided that show like the plague. I haven't seen my episode and I intend to keep it that way.
I was on the TV news when my high school marching band won a regional title. I was at the front of the field at one point during the drill and I remembered seeing a very bright light on us. I made a point of watching the news that night and there I was, holding my flag and marching along!

My name is listed in a few software manuals since I used to in PR for a major software company. I was listed as a member of the launch team.

When my dad was a police officer, he got on the news several times. Mostly he was in the background in court or at a crime scene. One time they showed a close-up of his hands pouring coffee for a mother whose son was lost in the mountains. We all said, "Hey! That's dad's watch! That's dad!" They did find the boy. Happy ending!
I am a children's evangelist/pastor. I do about 5-8 summer camps/VBS each sumer around the southeast US. As well as various teaching conferences and peach/teach every sunday at my local church.

I perform various characters (a Mad scientist, a Safari guide, and my newest is a Monster/zombie hunter). I was contacted last summer to do the mad scientist and his science program for a secular day camp. Chanel 5 Nashville news came out a videos the show and interviewed me. The segment showed on the Wednesday night news about 3 weeks later and I was at church and missed it.:worried:

I guess it was my 5 mins. of fame and I missed it.:lmao:
When I was in college one of the local news channels came to the school of business to ask business students what they thought of women and the glass ceiling. I was in the right place at the right time and was selected to be on the show. I was interviewed about my opinions and what I thought women could do to break through the glass ceiling. It's kind of funny now that I think about it as I was one of those young people who thought they knew everything. I think I would be horrified to see it today.
My family's picture was in a Cartegena newspaper. We were on The Magic EBPC cruise in 2008 and it was the first time DCL was there. THey had dancers and tv and newspapers and bands playing. We were one of the first ones off the ship! We would have been interviewed for TV, but we didn't speak Spanish :).
I am in a Mary Chapin Carpenter video.

I know both the Menendez brothers and Robert Chambers. Not on purpose.

Many brushes with celebrities but those are the weirder ones.

Oh! One more! My dad and Dick Cheney go way back. He sent flowers to my mom's funeral and everyone who saw them (the card) thought it was a gag.
When I was 12 my Saint Bernard & I won the obediance dog show at the Mississippi state fair. He out weighed me by 120-lbs, but that dog was putty in my hands. The local paper did a story with pics and everything.
My step-grandpa was Garth Brooks' track coach at Oklahoma State.

When I was in college, I was on TV as one of the protesters on campus demanding 24-hour coed visitation on campus. Of all the things to campaign for, this was my cause at 18 years of age. :lol:

My kids and I were in a commercial for the local watermark.
I was an extra in The Perfect Storm. I was also an extra in The Human Stain, you probably never saw that one. My picture is also on the cover of a college catalog, I used to work for the University while a student and they took a bunch of pictures of us students at work one day, never told is they were planning to use it, and a few years later a friend asked me if it was me. It is. And they still use it (time to update! The pic was taken in the 90's) I am sort of surprised they never told us, but I think it is kind of cool.
One of my cats and I were featured in a Pet Tricks article in the local paper.
Yes, John Candy. I'd taken my Brownie pack to Chudleigh's Tree farm in Milton, Ontario, Canada. While Dh & I were walking the laneway to the barn area to meet my girls (Brownies) John had just arrived.
Dh calls out Hi! John. He acknowledged with a Hi! and walked with us. It was a thrill!

He wanted to meet the pack and while we were talking he gave me the check her out look (Hollywood comedy style) made everybody giggle & me blush.

Then autographs all around!

Our Dgson (7) loves Home Alone especially when John & the Band help to get Kevin's mom home!
RIP John
I went to an early screening of The Wolverine this summer, and I got to go up on stage with Hugh Jackman. One of the publicity people came over and asked while we were waiting if I wanted to ask one of the questions they had set up for a Q&A.

He was really nice! They picked three of us to ask questions (mine was "How is Logan different in this film compared to the previous X-Men movies?"), and when it was my turn he took my hand when I was coming up the stairs and asked my name. And he answered the question to the audience and right to me, and made a joke when someone in the audience cheered for some reason about about Jean Grey dying in the last movie ("Really?! Not a Jean Grey fan??") Then he put his hand on my arm, gave me a big smile, and told me he hoped I enjoyed the movie.

Of course, it's totally my favorite superhero movie ever now! :love:
I made the newspaper for being in a group of pickets in front of a TV station that canceled Dark Shadows. It was 1969 and I was 12.

20 years later, I was an employee of that TV station. :lmao:


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