has anyone here got any claims to fame?

When John Denver died, I was known for being a huge fan that I was interviewed on the local news. It was horrible. I wish I could go back and not do it. I think I was 28 at the time? I'd just met him a few months before. :worried:

DH was really good friends with Robert Kirkman. He has a lot of stuff that Kirkman drew and some of his earlier work he autographed for him. That's his claim to fame. And I say "was" because it's been 2 years since he has heard from him. But I'd say he's a super busy guy. :)
When I was in middle school my father was involved in the fish and wildlife department. Somehow he convinced them to use me as an 'actress' (I use the term very loosely...) in some promotional videos for the state. I didn't care about fishing, all I heard was 'day off from school,' lol! Somewhere there are videos of me and my grandfather fly-fishing, and another of us ice fishing. I'm not sure how much I want to claim this fame though!
When I was in high school my acapella group sang at Martha Stewart's Christmas party in the foyer of her home (for free). Not a pleasant experience..

Also, I travelled for a year with "Up With People". At one point in the show I sang the European National Anthum in a traditional German costume. I was all over the European newspapers.

And..a few years ago DS's gymnastics team competed against Madonna's son Rocco's team in NYC. we didn't know until later that she had her own seats on the other side of the gym across from the bleachers and was there the whole time! We could make her out in some if our pictures when we knew about it after the fact.
Quite a few actually.

The ones l'll mention here --

I met Senator Chuck Schumer at a breast cancer walk, had my picture taken with him. At the time I had no idea my younger daughter would wind up doing two internships with him.

My daughters went to high school with Mia Jackson. You might know her stepfather, Curtis Jackson. When he showed up at Mia's graduation, people were thrilled that 50 cent was in the house.

I was once interviewed on the local cable news about a gypsy moth infestation that was plaguing our neighborhood.
I dont really have any brushes with fame but I just had to say all these stories are so cool and interesting!!!
I was an extra in The Perfect Storm. I was also an extra in The Human Stain, you probably never saw that one. My picture is also on the cover of a college catalog, I used to work for the University while a student and they took a bunch of pictures of us students at work one day, never told is they were planning to use it, and a few years later a friend asked me if it was me. It is. And they still use it (time to update! The pic was taken in the 90's) I am sort of surprised they never told us, but I think it is kind of cool.

The Human Stain was a great movie. Did you get to meet Wentworth Miller?
I went to an early screening of The Wolverine this summer, and I got to go up on stage with Hugh Jackman. One of the publicity people came over and asked while we were waiting if I wanted to ask one of the questions they had set up for a Q&A.

He was really nice! They picked three of us to ask questions (mine was "How is Logan different in this film compared to the previous X-Men movies?"), and when it was my turn he took my hand when I was coming up the stairs and asked my name. And he answered the question to the audience and right to me, and made a joke when someone in the audience cheered for some reason about about Jean Grey dying in the last movie ("Really?! Not a Jean Grey fan??") Then he put his hand on my arm, gave me a big smile, and told me he hoped I enjoyed the movie.

Of course, it's totally my favorite superhero movie ever now! :love:

Ooh, I like yours! Can I say I know you and then I'd have a friend who met Hugh Jackman? That could be my claim to fame! :thumbsup2
I was on the show "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant." Not as the unsuspecting mom, though. I delivered a baby in the back of my ambulance for a lady who didn't know she was pregnant. About 6 months later my boss told me that he had been contacted by the production company who wanted to interview me for the show. It was up to me whether I wanted to participate or not - but he strongly suggested that I do it. I hate to be recorded. I spent my entire Paramedic career ensuring that my back was always turned to any camera that appeared on any of my scenes. So it was rather uncomfortable for me to sit smiling in front of the camera for over an hour. It was really cool to see my patient and her healthy baby boy, though. So that made it worth it. To this day, I have avoided that show like the plague. I haven't seen my episode and I intend to keep it that way.

That is soooo cool! Now I'm going to be watching the show hoping to see your episode!
I take it back. I've been in magazine articles and the newspaper several times on archaeological digs. Usually I'm credited as "one of the volunteers." Still, it's kind of fun to say "Oh, hey! That's my back! Oh, that's my palm holding pieces of faience! There I am on my stomach, covered in mud, face down in a hole getting measurements for an STP!"
I was in the crowd (outside the studio) for Good Morning America in October. We DVR'd GMA for the week we were in NYC, since I didn't know when/if I would go. You can see my watch as I waved along with everyone else. And one segment, with Josh and Guy Fieri, you can see me clear as day just over Josh's right shoulder.

My son was a guest ball boy for the San Antonio Spurs when he was 8. They introduced him along with the team, he ran onto the court with the starting lineup and his picture was on the jumbo tron. Good times.
I avoided a slight 'claim to fame.' A certain NYC governor came to my job at a retail store (more saving, more doing....;) ) for a photo op. His photographer found me and asked if I could 'help him shop' and be in some pictures. I was like, uh, let me get someone else to help with that. I found a co-worker to help and I bounced. :rotfl: No political objections to him, I just didn't want my picture taken.
:rotfl:, I opened this thread to see if you posted that, she is really sketchy on the details :p

I posted it because if I didn't you would have:rotfl: I was 12, Danny was 14. His dad and my dad were in the same "secret" lodge. Anyway, the lodge had a family day at a local amusement park. Danny asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and be his partner for some of the games. I said "Sure! You're Danny Partridge!" :rotfl: Long story short, he was a real nice guy, a gentleman and at the end of the day, he inched in for a kiss. I lightly pecked him on the cheek:) I'm sure he still thinks about me....NOT :lmao:
well, going on my SIG below we were extras in "A Christmas Story". & hung out with Peter Billingsly off & on for 8 hours. The filming of the opening window scene started about 10Pm, (picture below) & then when they finally moved the cameras Inside the window to catch the view of Ralphie looking in at 'his' gun, that was filmed at about 6 am.


the kids next to Ralphie are my niece & nephew.

for you NE Ohioans Kenny Krumpton , from the fox 8 morning show used to board his horse at our farm & they did a video piece on it for the show.



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