has anyone here got any claims to fame?

I was on TRL when the Super Bowl was in Tampa about 10 years ago lol. My best friend and I were in the front row and were shown a lot during the crowd shots. I totally touched Nick Lache's hand ;)

That's all. Ha!
My aunt married a bassist from a relatively famous rock group.

We are also descendants (though not directly because he had no children) of the inventor of the Colt 45. That is through my maternal grandfather's line.
I taught TJ Hunter's son ( Olympic athlete) when he was married to Marion Jones. They both were involved and came to most class gatherings. Of course sadly we all know what happened with them. Very sad.
I taught TJ Hunter's son ( Olympic athlete) when he was married to Marion Jones. They both were involved and came to most class gatherings. Of course sadly we all know what happened with them. Very sad.

I dont know what happen, tell me
Who didn't.

:rotfl: you mean I wasn't special????? You kissed him too
I've got more than my fair share. After years of working in television, I've racked up quite the list of celebs I've interviewed as well as appearances I've had on air. One of my favorites was the time they couldn't get a reporter up in our news chopper to cover a small plane crash, so they asked me to do the on air commentary since I was the chopper photog. I knew nothing about planes or avionics and they kept trying to ask me stuff that only someone from the NTSB would know. Finally I kind of snapped at the anchor "Yeah, well it looks to me like he was probably trying to land...since the wreck is at the foot of the runway and all."

They didn't ask me to do much on air reporting from the helicopter after that LOL.

I've also been nominated for an Emmy for my work. Been interviewed for newspapers and magazines and blogs. It's just been a constant part of my life for almost as long as I can remember.
I dont know what happen, tell me

Both Marion and CJ (mistyped earlier) were found guilty of using performance enhancement drugs. He was a shot putter and was found out first. She quickly distanced herself and divorced him. Later she admitted to using as well and forfeited all her medals.
I was on the news when my Dad came home from the Gulf War.
In college I answered phones for PBS and my face was shown on tv a lot that night. That was a fun experience.
I've been in tv commercials back when I did some (local) modeling (looong time ago!)
I've done radio commercials.
I've been in various newspapers over the years (married to a publisher. lol)
and more recently my house and story were all over the news and newspapers when my house burned down, my daughter didn't make it, and I barely survived. :sad1:
Not myself but my daughter has a few: She was in the opening act of the Macy's Parade in 2005 and the camera focused mostly on her. She also was one of a few invited to "escort" in Santa's float.

She has danced with the Moscow Ballet as a child dancer when she was younger and met quite a few famous ballet dancers and kept in touch.

She also performed for the President at an Inaugural Ball and me him and the first lady and shook hands.

There are a few more, mostly music related and bands that she is friends with.

I did watch the Goo Goo Dolls practice as a young adult. Back when they were just starting.
When I was in high school, I was the president of our FBLA, and we went on a field trip to our state news channel. Since I was the president, I got to say on the show, "Hi, I'm with the ...FBLA, and we are here to say, Good Morning..."

I have a couple cousins who are published authors.

I have a cousin who was in the Guiness Book of World Records.

My FIL (who I did not ever get to meet but did speak to on the phone) opened the first of a specific chain of fast food restaurants in Florida. It is not a huge chain but more well known in the south.

Almost forgot...DS's preschool teacher ended up being a local weekend news anchor.
Unfortunately, yes. I was downtown watching the filming of a movie and a TV channel photographer asked if several women would stand on the corner and yell "Hey ______, we love you!" pretending that we saw the star (who apparently had his nose so far up in the air that he wouldn't consider coming out to wave at the fans...) So we did, and he filmed us.

It was on the 9:00 news that night, the morning news the next day, the news at noon and the six o'clock news. I was riding up in the elevator at my company and one of the big-wigs turned around and said "I saw you on TV last night". Oh, yeah, just what I wanted the upper-level management to notice me for.....acting like an idiot.
I was a country radio DJ in my twenties. I had my own billboards all over town. My college friends loved to make fun of me because of it. I, with my face splattered across a billboard in a cowboy hat, made for many a night's ridicule for my friends. I even had a super-cheesy radio name. I will never tell what it was.
I was in a couple of plays directed by the guy who played the therapist in Fight Club. It has been nearly 20 years and I still haven't seen that movie. :rotfl:

I had my picture in the paper for a couple of plays I did. I was even interviewed for the one time I was the lead! :woohoo:

My dance partner from a show I did ages ago is pretty big in the video game world. He is always touring and doing interviews.
I was on the news when my Dad came home from the Gulf War.
I've been in tv commercials back when I did some (local) modeling (looong time ago!)
I've done radio commercials.
I've been in various newspapers over the years (married to a publisher. lol)
and more recently my house and story were all over the news and newspapers when my house burned down, my daughter didn't make it, and I barely survived. :sad1:

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry! I cannot even imagine how painful. Prayers for you.
My son was in Walk the Line when he was 4. He's actually in the credits. He still gets quarterly residuals. I was an extra in another scene.

I'm related to Dixie Carter through my grandmother's family.
My wife was a child actress and also did some acting as a teenager.
She was not one of those super famous kid stars...she was in maybe about a dozen movies, but most of them were those made-for-tv movies..but overall she had a pretty decent career as a child although never exactly shot to fame.
I did not know this until we were engaged.
I actually found out because one night we happened to be watching reruns of old sitcoms on Nick at Nite and on one show I saw a kid where I thought "that little girl looks familiar" (one of the guest stars...she was never a regular on a show).
She got so embarrassed and insisted we change the channel.
I was perplexed and eventually she had to fess up. Her response on why she never told me: "it was a long time ago".
I was on the news when my Dad came home from the Gulf War.
I've been in tv commercials back when I did some (local) modeling (looong time ago!)
I've done radio commercials.
I've been in various newspapers over the years (married to a publisher. lol)
and more recently my house and story were all over the news and newspapers when my house burned down, my daughter didn't make it, and I barely survived. :sad1:

Octoberbeauty, I'm so very sorry for what you've been through and for the loss of your daughter. I've backspaced multiple times trying to express my sadness/thoughts to you after reading your post.
I kissed Danny Partridge :blush:

I was on the news when my Dad came home from the Gulf War.
I've been in tv commercials back when I did some (local) modeling (looong time ago!)
I've done radio commercials.
I've been in various newspapers over the years (married to a publisher. lol)
and more recently my house and story were all over the news and newspapers when my house burned down, my daughter didn't make it, and I barely survived. :sad1:

I remember you and I think of you very often. I trust (okay, I REALLY hope) you are well?


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