GotG Cosmic Rewind AP previews

I also had a trip out there pre-planned for that weekend. We were going to leave Sunday afternoon, but if I successfully get tickets (lol), we’ll just stay out there an extra night.
Yes, I'm planning on trying for it. The circumstances aligned that we had already planned an existing birthday trip from 5/12 to 5/16, so that night will be our last of the trip and I'm really hoping it works out! The link for tickets already has the Queue-It prompt up. Was this system used previously for any D23 events? It looks like the line spots are randomly assigned and not FCFS. That is slightly disappointing, but from an IT standpoint probably good to manage the very short term influx of traffic.
They might have used it for Destination D last year. They definitely used it for the Bedknobs & Broomsticks screenings at the Studios this year (though they absolutely didn't need to).

Btw - the one tip I'll give to people who read this particular page of the thread - with Queue-It, the Waiting Room is not your friend.

I almost wanted to say something when people in this thread were freaking out about hitting the registration as early as possible - there's literally no advantage to joining the Waiting Room before the actual queue opens. There seems to be a slight delay in how the Waiting Room checks to see if it's time to put someone into the queue - I've often ended up with crappy spots relying on it. (I suspect the Waiting Room isn't using a specific start time - it feels like it's querying the server every few seconds to see if the queue is open.)

For best results: have one window with the Waiting Room open. Use another window to manually join the queue as close to the start time as possible. If you have open and hit the queue at exactly the start time, I think you're more likely to get a favorable spot. (You'll likely beat out most of the people who are letting the Waiting Room handle it.) But it'd be worth having a window with the Waiting Room going in case something goes wrong.
They might have used it for Destination D last year. They definitely used it for the Bedknobs & Broomsticks screenings at the Studios this year (though they absolutely didn't need to).

Btw - the one tip I'll give to people who read this particular page of the thread - with Queue-It, the Waiting Room is not your friend.

I almost wanted to say something when people in this thread were freaking out about hitting the registration as early as possible - there's literally no advantage to joining the Waiting Room before the actual queue opens. There seems to be a slight delay in how the Waiting Room checks to see if it's time to put someone into the queue - I've often ended up with crappy spots relying on it. (I suspect the Waiting Room isn't using a specific start time - it feels it's querying the server every few seconds to see if the queue is open.)

For best results: have one window with the Waiting Room open. Use another window to manually join the queue as close to the start time as possible. If you have open and hit the queue at exactly the start time, I think you're more likely to get a favorable spot. (You'll likely beat out most of the people who are letting the Waiting Room handle it.) But it'd be worth having a window with the Waiting Room going in case something goes wrong.
Thanks for that tip! Do you have any idea on if incognito mode or a certain browser is any better? (It seems like it shouldn't matter based on the FAQ from Queue-it, but Disney planners are a whole different breed of people who research the best ways to utilize systems).
Thanks for that tip! Do you have any idea on if incognito mode or a certain browser is any better? (It seems like it shouldn't matter based on the FAQ from Queue-it, but Disney planners are a whole different breed of people who research the best ways to utilize systems).
I don't know if it makes a difference. I tried 2 browsers and an incognito window to get D23 Expo tickets. I also had these same 3 on a different laptop and 2 browsers on my phone. It probably increased my odds of getting a lower number in the queue. Other than that, I don't think it made a difference. I didn't notice anything distinct or any pattern between all of that. The queue numbers seemed very random. Comparing it to friends who did a similar thing, it also seemed pretty random.
I have a small slice of hope that I can get an AP since my trip is from End of April till May 8th so I am still watching but that hope is fading fast especially with the cast member dates and the block offs on the calendar.... And since I live in another state if I miss this date I guess I might see it next year..... Still keeping hope.
I have a small slice of hope that I can get an AP since my trip is from End of April till May 8th so I am still watching but that hope is fading fast especially with the cast member dates and the block offs on the calendar.... And since I live in another state if I miss this date I guess I might see it next year..... Still keeping hope.

I'm in the same situation as you - May 8th is when I leave to go back home. Still holding out hope that there will be AP or DVC dates before I go back home too!
Thanks for that tip! Do you have any idea on if incognito mode or a certain browser is any better? (It seems like it shouldn't matter based on the FAQ from Queue-it, but Disney planners are a whole different breed of people who research the best ways to utilize systems).
I can't vouch for a specific browser or incognito mode - I've typically used a variety of them and had one of them work. I think the biggest key is just having multiple options.

Mine's normally standard Firefox, incognito Firefox, standard Chrome (on a PC or Mac).

Btw - that other tip was mostly confirmed for me when I tried to snag a spot for the RunDisney Everest 5k. The timing of it meant that I was at Epcot on my phone, and had the Waiting Room in three windows. (I think it was two Chromes and an Edge, and I think Edge was the winner somehow - probably a coincidence.) It happened that a couple on a nearby bench were registering as well - the wife had relied on the Waiting Room, the husband hit it at exactly 10am - his got through the queue quickly. (Hers almost exactly matched my wait time.) They were in and out in 10 minutes. I got in maybe 25 minutes after the queue opened - the race had sold out in 15. (I was bummed, but, honestly, I've lucked out so many times that I really couldn't complain.) I tried it again for something earlier this year, and the direct hit was the clear winner.

I'll also nudge - the queues are actually shareable. So if someone opens multiple windows and finishes early, they can share their unused queues with people who were less fortunate with theirs. (This happened a bunch with the stuff DLR was running last year - we were sharing queues like crazy.) If that ends up possibly being helpful with this - I can try and grab the method from the DLR forum.
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Looks like reservations for Epcot for hotel guests and regular tickets are gone for May 23. Any reason for that? Still available for AP. Just seems odd for Epcot to be gone but not MK or HS.
Is the ap preview expected to be something like the d23 preview? Any idea of they will have special merch? If they have unique special merch I might just have to upgrade to gold and give it a try.
Is the ap preview expected to be something like the d23 preview? Any idea of they will have special merch? If they have unique special merch I might just have to upgrade to gold and give it a try.
I don’t think there is any merchandise. Either way, if you mean D23 Gold and you would only want it to get into the event, don’t do it now. Upgrades take a few days to go through so it wouldn’t be done in time for you to buy the tickets.
Is the ap preview expected to be something like the d23 preview? Any idea of they will have special merch? If they have unique special merch I might just have to upgrade to gold and give it a try.
No. AP preview will be a chance to ride. Nothing more. Not like the D23 event.
They might have used it for Destination D last year. They definitely used it for the Bedknobs & Broomsticks screenings at the Studios this year (though they absolutely didn't need to).

Btw - the one tip I'll give to people who read this particular page of the thread - with Queue-It, the Waiting Room is not your friend.

I almost wanted to say something when people in this thread were freaking out about hitting the registration as early as possible - there's literally no advantage to joining the Waiting Room before the actual queue opens. There seems to be a slight delay in how the Waiting Room checks to see if it's time to put someone into the queue - I've often ended up with crappy spots relying on it. (I suspect the Waiting Room isn't using a specific start time - it feels like it's querying the server every few seconds to see if the queue is open.)

For best results: have one window with the Waiting Room open. Use another window to manually join the queue as close to the start time as possible. If you have open and hit the queue at exactly the start time, I think you're more likely to get a favorable spot. (You'll likely beat out most of the people who are letting the Waiting Room handle it.) But it'd be worth having a window with the Waiting Room going in case something goes wrong.
This is not actually confirmed. Que it is overall random there has been some theory that the waiting room actually consist of multiple waiting rooms and that those that arrive early may be paced in an earlier bracket. However based on my experience with ps5, that’s not so. It I won’t think the waiting rooM is a disadvantage and is key when using multiple devices and browsers .
FYI - the D23 event page says: "Please note: No merchandise opportunities will be available as part of this event."
Yikes! Thanks 🙏
i was all set to do today at 1pm for D23. But with air fare prices crazy now, i just can't do it. We love these previews. AP star wars was great. REmy was awesome and amazing.
but financially for airfare I can't swing 1pm today. so at least i won't be disappointed.
I am a D23 gold but there was a glitch the other day and when I log in it says I am a general member. I called for help and they said that they can see that I am gold but had to escalate y case so I am in limbo until they figure out how to fix me. I was on the fence about adding DH as an affiliate to then purchase four tickets. I guess fate has told me my answer.
So, just to confirm. When someone comes on and posts that the registration is open, I can use the link in the first post on this thread to try to get in even if I haven't received an email? I tried it just now and all it says is Registration not open, watch for an email.
How does Queue It know we’re DVC gold members? Does it ask for people’s member number if they actually get through the line in time? I just went to the D23 page and followed the link, but it didn’t ask me to log in before doing so.
So, just to confirm. When someone comes on and posts that the registration is open, I can use the link in the first post on this thread to try to get in even if I haven't received an email? I tried it just now and all it says is Registration not open, watch for an email.
Yes, the link in the email is normally the same link thats on this thread


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