Girls Only Disneyland Trip!! Old thread. New link in first post

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Tracy I am so sorry about your friend but it sounds like you have a taker for your room and the VIP tour so that is great!! :)

See things always seem to work out! :)

It's getting close. I know I am SWAMPED this week. I am finally meeting my new primary care doc today so I am anxious to meet her and hope that I like her and then I have ANOTHER apt right after with my other doc. Then tomorrow is the only day I have to work this week so it is going to be crazy and then yet ANOTHER doc apt on Wed. I have to get some blood drawn on Thurs morning before we leave for the airport. My doc wants me to get my blood drawn every week for several weeks and the medicine I am on makes my blood really thin and when I went in last Friday she stuck the needle in and it shot across the room LOL. Problem is I have this giant hematoma on my arm so now I think they will have to take it out of my left arm on Thursday and I have no good veins in that arm. BLEH. I am going to look like I drug addict when I come down. Ok no judging LOL! I seriously am NOT a junkie! ;)

Anyway then Shane has to go have a conference with Katy's teacher that same time on Thursday. I am a bit nervous because they only need second conferences if things aren't going well and Katy is really upset. She is my emotional one and she is SOOO upset by this. I am hoping it is not too bad. Shelby didn't need one. So we shall see I guess. Then after he gets back he is taking mom and I too the airport. So on one hand it is good that I have a ton of stuff to do before I leave cuz I won't have time to think about anything and I will be too busy but on the other hand I still wish it was Thursday all ready! :)

Anyway off to my apts soon. Hope everyone has a good day! :)
Tracy I am so sorry about your friend but it sounds like you have a taker for your room and the VIP tour so that is great!! :)

See things always seem to work out! :)

Anyway off to my apts soon. Hope everyone has a good day! :)

Thanks Kelly. That is so true, and hey, I am a roll with the punches sort of gal. Glad to hear that things are working out with the docs and whatnot for you too. It will be just in time to relax and have a great time for a couple of days.
So is everyone planning on wearing read for our PFF picture on Friday?!

I'm NOT wearing red. I don't really have any red......I look terrible in that color. When I wear red, I look red all over.:goodvibes

I think I'm going to wear a nice salmon color on that day. It's not red, but it's as close to red as I'm going to get.:thumbsup2
Just a reminder for those with specific time or travel restrictions and reservations on Sunday....Saturday night is daylight savings California time "springs" forward 1 hour :)
Hi everyone. I only skimmed back. I did see some things that appear to need updating but I simply can't right now. I'm sorry. Someone fill me in later if I ever rejoin the land of the living.

I don't think I'm meant to go on this trip. :sad1:

I have been up since 2 a.m. throwing up and going to the bathroom. I feel horrible. Weak, dizzy, sick, and my stomach is killing me. I do not know what happened. I went to bed fine. :confused3
It's taking all my strength just to type this out. I actually weighed myself this morning (morbid curiousity) and found over night I've lost 4 pounds. That's how bad it's been. I can't possibly have anything left in me.

So anyway, I don't know what hit me so I don't know when it will leave. :guilty: Obviously I cannot go anywhere in this condition. And the cherry on top? Our Paypal account, which is connected to our bank account, was hacked into. We lost $200. Not a lot in the scheme of things, but that takes a huge chunk out of my already pitiful trip budget. :sad2:

Well, now that I've depressed the heck out of everyone, I am going to crawl back to bed and hope for sweet, sweet sleep.

Later. And again, I'm sorry I couldn't read back. Maybe someone can compile a list of what I need to update on the front page and I will try to do that later. Thanks!!
Oh, and Cheryl I've been thinking of you and your mom. I hope she is doing ok.
Stacie, I hope your friend's DD is still holding her own and doing well. I don't know if updates were posted, but just wanted you both to know they are still on my mind.
Oh no, Beth! Sounds like you have food poisoning. Just try to sack out and rest all day today and hopefully you'll feel better by the morning. And when you start feeling like eating again, remember the BRAT diet--bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
Sending massive doses of pixie dust to:

Beth: So sorry you are out of commission. I hope this is food poisoning or something that leaves as quickly as it arrived and doesn't spread to anyone else in your family. GET WELL QUICK! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Cheryl: To your mom (and you) for speedy and complete recovery :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Stacie: To that precious baby girl for complete healing of her little heart :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I changed my picture. I picked the one of Bree and I enjoying our Lapu-Lapu's at Kona Cafe last month. It's in preparation for our cocktails on Thursday night.princess:

While running errands and buying last minute things for the trip we purchased a bottle of Absolute Raspberry. It's coming to the pizza party. Will there be Sprite there or do I need to bring some? And will be have any fresh limes? It is a really good drink and of course we will share with anyone who would like one.;)

I also added the cute little green men in my signature for DD. Her 2 year career at DL (which she is SO OVER and doesn't even miss :sad2: ) started at Buzz and she absolutely loves the little green men, so....there you are!

I love the Little Green Men too! Stacielee got me my first LGM pin and I found two more in our truncated trip to DLR this weekend!

Oh, and Cheryl I've been thinking of you and your mom. I hope she is doing ok.
Stacie, I hope your friend's DD is still holding her own and doing well. I don't know if updates were posted, but just wanted you both to know they are still on my mind.

Beth: my Mom is doing great. I hope you feel better real soon (you'd better!)
Poor Beth! :sad1: Please call your doctor. They can often prescribe something for you to take by calling your pharmacy, without you coming in.

I am hoping hoping this is a one day thing for you.

About the FRONT PAGE, I will be taking Tracey's friend's spot at the Carnation dinner on Thursday.

TRACEY (queendoover): Thanks for the Carnation tip! Staying over Friday may be a good idea because rain is in the forecast and the Friday rush hour from OC to LA is never fun anyway. I'd rather be playing at DL. Definitely can't stay Sat, much as I'd like to - will have to be home, so I'll leave in the AM (no Sat on my AP so can't even duck into the park quickly).

Phone list: can someone other than Beth please forward me the phone list? Thanks!
I'm NOT wearing red. I don't really have any red......I look terrible in that color. When I wear red, I look red all over.:goodvibes

I think I'm going to wear a nice salmon color on that day. It's not red, but it's as close to red as I'm going to get.:thumbsup2

I'm not wearing red either. :upsidedow

Hi everyone. I only skimmed back. I did see some things that appear to need updating but I simply can't right now. I'm sorry. Someone fill me in later if I ever rejoin the land of the living.

I don't think I'm meant to go on this trip. :sad1:

I have been up since 2 a.m. throwing up and going to the bathroom. I feel horrible. Weak, dizzy, sick, and my stomach is killing me. I do not know what happened. I went to bed fine. :confused3
It's taking all my strength just to type this out. I actually weighed myself this morning (morbid curiousity) and found over night I've lost 4 pounds. That's how bad it's been. I can't possibly have anything left in me.

So anyway, I don't know what hit me so I don't know when it will leave. :guilty: Obviously I cannot go anywhere in this condition. And the cherry on top? Our Paypal account, which is connected to our bank account, was hacked into. We lost $200. Not a lot in the scheme of things, but that takes a huge chunk out of my already pitiful trip budget. :sad2:

Well, now that I've depressed the heck out of everyone, I am going to crawl back to bed and hope for sweet, sweet sleep.

Later. And again, I'm sorry I couldn't read back. Maybe someone can compile a list of what I need to update on the front page and I will try to do that later. Thanks!!

Oh no, Beth. I hope this is just a 24 hour bug and you are feeling better by tomorrow. If nothing else, it was a nice little boost to your weight loss for the trip! You can eat more churros and corn dogs once you're there! ;)

Bummer about the paypal being hacked into. Isn't there anything they will do to reimburse? It seems that they should be held liable.

Sleep the day away, and I hope we hear good news from you soon! :flower3:
Hey Donna, my friend Terri was on the Carnation List, so you can have her spot. The VIP gals also have reservations or whatever you call them for Aladdin and also for Fantasmic, so you might want to stay over on Friday too:) I'm sure you can jump into the DVC tour if you want to.

Oh darn, I was hoping I could pick up the Carnation spot. Oh well, I'm just going to have to sneak in.:tiptoe:

Hi everyone. I only skimmed back. I did see some things that appear to need updating but I simply can't right now. I'm sorry. Someone fill me in later if I ever rejoin the land of the living.

I don't think I'm meant to go on this trip. :sad1:

I have been up since 2 a.m. throwing up and going to the bathroom. I feel horrible. Weak, dizzy, sick, and my stomach is killing me. I do not know what happened. I went to bed fine. :confused3
It's taking all my strength just to type this out. I actually weighed myself this morning (morbid curiousity) and found over night I've lost 4 pounds. That's how bad it's been. I can't possibly have anything left in me.

So anyway, I don't know what hit me so I don't know when it will leave. :guilty: Obviously I cannot go anywhere in this condition. And the cherry on top? Our Paypal account, which is connected to our bank account, was hacked into. We lost $200. Not a lot in the scheme of things, but that takes a huge chunk out of my already pitiful trip budget. :sad2:

Well, now that I've depressed the heck out of everyone, I am going to crawl back to bed and hope for sweet, sweet sleep.

Later. And again, I'm sorry I couldn't read back. Maybe someone can compile a list of what I need to update on the front page and I will try to do that later. Thanks!!

Sending MASSIVE MASSIVE amounts of pixie dust your way :wizard:
Where's Tink when you need her!

Sounds like a 24-hour flu or food poisoning. Drink plenty of fluids (gatorade rain (less sugar), pedialyte, Mott's for Tots juice & water are good) and R E S T!

Here's a dance for you to get better :banana:
Oh Beth, you poor thing! I feel so bad for you.:hug: Just get lots of rest and feel better soon.

Callie, yes Bree quit DL right around Thanksgiving. Working at the Grand was great but they gave her 3:30 to midnight shifts every Friday, Sat & Sun and she just couldn't do it anymore. She works for a marketing firm in Long Beach 8-5, M-W-F and goes to school full-time Tu&Th. And has weekends free for the first time in two years. She's very happy with it. I am sad she no longer works there, but I just have to get over it.:mad:
Oh Beth you poor thing! It does sound like food poisoning, if it happened that fast.

And that's so scary about your paypal account! Going forward, did paypal tell you about their security "key" that they have now? For $5 you can buy this service where they either text you a password on your cell, or they can send you a special electronic "fob" that gives you the new password (which changes very often). So unless someone gets your cell or the fob, since the password is random and changing all the time, it would be really hard to get into. I just heard about that other day and was already thinking about it, and now I'm thinking harder...and hope that the info helps you in the future!

Get better!

And when you start feeling like eating again, remember the BRAT diet--bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

Which is so WEIRD, b/c two things on that list make many people 'go' more often...
Oh, Beth! I hope you feel better soon! It sounds like what hit me about a month ago! It came fast and furious. But you will be better soon! :thumbsup2
And we also had our PayPal account hacked into last October!:mad: That was no fun - they did get all the funds back but it took a few days. Ours was connected with our checking account also and they hacked just under $1000. It showed as a payment for a purchase with Skype. Actually it was lots of small payments. It wasn't hard to clear up - just took one call to PayPal and then it was just a waiting period.
I am doing laundry today :laundy: in prep for packing. Was going to run errands but have a sick 3 yr old at home. He better not give it to me! :sad2:
Beth - Pleeeeeeeeeeeese feel better soon!:hug:

Sounds like food poisoning to me too. I had that once.....thought I was dying (for real). That's how sick and weak I felt. And as we all know, it's not pretty either......but yes, great for weight loss.

Get better soon, and follow all that great advice the ladies gave you.

It's not good that you got sick, Beth but because you got sick it's good that it happened early this morning. That gives you 3 whole days to get 100% better.

Pixie dust is alright but prayers are better! Praying that you get better very soon and that your family DOESN'T get sick. :goodvibes
California Dreaming.. i think they are supposed to give out a phone list at the pizza party.:goodvibes

Strength and prayers of healing for the little babygirl.:lovestruc

Good Spirits and Healing for CheryL's mom:wizard:

I hope Theresa is having good travel on her first big trip by herself.

Feel better, beth.
Pre-trip blues have hit me hard this morning. Anyone else suffer with this? Just feeling tight in my chest and neck and nervous and most of all kind of sad. I get this every single time and HATE it! I go around all day telling myself and dh "we shouldn't go... it costs too much money... we should just stay home... what was I thinking planning a trip like this???" Dh is used to it by now and just ignores me. :sad2:

I think the uncertainty of rain has me a bit blue too. Not that I mind the rain, but it just makes it more difficult to pack (which has never been my forte). I'm the opposite of most of you and am a minimalist when it comes to packing. I don't like to bring lots of stuff.

Ok, I'm done complaining. I truly am excited for this trip. I just need to GET THERE and I'll feel better. :goodvibes
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