Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

oaky made some progress I moved the embroidery machine to the dining room table now to put the laptop on a chair so I can follow a picture on the screen for colors LOL.

I found loads of odd long sleeve shirts so I am going to make the boy one and then do a couple easy designs and add them to my etsy store.
DD has a party today and it's a new classmate so I had no clue what she liked. When I e-mailed my rsvp I asked her interests and was told: Superheroes, Pirates and Scooby Do! What about princesses :confused3 She also likes arts and crafts and reading. I was going to make her an eye spy and get her some books, but for some reason I was so not in the mood to do an eye spy bag. So I came up with this:

Reversible tote bag and art supplies:

Here is the bag reversed -- I got her a sketch pad, paint book, journal and pencil roll:

Here is the pencil roll (npt thrilled with the red binding but didn't feel like making my own and had this on hand -- red is in the fabric too):

And open and filled with twistable colored pencils as I didn't want to have to worry about her having to have a sharpener (I also put a few paint brushes in for her paint book):
Everything turned out great. I am sure that the birthday girl will love the bag and colored pencil roll up. What a neat gift! I do know what you mean about not feeling like making something. I've had that happen several times!

I saw where someone said a Tee with the babies name on it or a larger size tee with applique on it...it inspired this idea...a 12 mos. tee witht he name or initial on it with a lil note saying to take the babeis picture each month i the tee then they can make a collage of the pix to make a 1st b'day party invite with...and baby girl can wear the tee with a petti! the petti can be your 1st b'day gift to the baby! i gotta do this now...hehe

What a cute idea! I know a lot of parents that take pictures of the baby every month for the first year. When our girls were born we got a gift of a frame that had a space for their picture every three months until they turned two and then after that there is a space for every year until they turn 18. People who visit us always stop to look at the frame and comment on how the girls have changed over the years.

I sent an email to the teacher about the money. She responded this morning...since she didn't see it happen she does not want to accuse the boy of taking it...even though I said my son GAVE it to him. No one ever said anyone took it! So, she has to check with the administrators at the school to see how the lawyers want to handle it. As fast as they move on everything there I should expect an answer by the time my DS graduates...medical school!

Truthfully, I didn't think it would do any good, but I tried.

We leave in 4 and a half days. All along I have had the feeling that I have forgotten something in the planning. I'm sure it is because I made absolutely zero dresses this trip. But I keep having this feeling that something important is missing (besides money...LOL)

So, in the interest of moving things along, what things do you forget , or almost forget?

in the interest of helping Nini get this moved along I have a QUESTION

Does anyone have any simple baby girl gift ideas?

DH's partner just had their first baby a girl and I want to send a present. I am going to make a princess taggy blanket but I want to make something else too. We are also giving them a gift card too. these two just touched my heart so much because they tried having a baby for so long.


I know you've had a lot of suggestions, but for Nini's sake I'm adding my 2 cents.

If you make any clothing don't do anything smaller than 6-9 mos...they don't go very many places the first few months, and most people get a lot of the tiny stuff.

I usually do a pair of monogrammed bloomer/ diaper cover for the outfits that don't come with one, in addition to anything else I do. You can buy them from some of the online embroidery blank places....I believe they are called "double seated panty"
This is fabulous did you use a tutorial?
Thanks to everyone for all the comments on the camera strap I made. I basically used this tutorial to make my strap:

I didn't want to make a cover because I find that the camera strap I have is too thick and stiff so I used the tutorial to create a non-Disney strap a while ago. I used one layer of fleece as the lining so it is pretty soft and comfy and has lasted me almost a year (so far). Here are some other tutorial I found for making a cover for the strap. I made one of these for my friend just using a solid piece of fabric and I used a thin interfacing for a little stability.





What a cute picture. How fun that you will be taking your boys at the same time of year that you went for your first trip. My DH was just saying how he loves to go to Disney at Christmas time just for the Osborne Family Lights.

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr
This dress is beautiful, I love the skirt.

Nd I also made a purse for her mother. She used to work with rescues (stays home with her kids right now), and that is why we choose that embroidery.

IMG_7938 by tricialee22, on Flickr

IMG_7944 by tricialee22, on Flickr
Awesome purse, your stiching is great.

You have inspired me to procrastinate on the embroidery on the t-shirt all day to make this:



No, her dress is far from perfect, but I just DREW it! I am pretty happy with the overall dress and now I am ready to make the matching doll dresses to the big girl Feliz I am going to start tomorrow.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
wow, you did an amazing job making such a tiny feliz.

WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Hi everyone! Jessie-inspired SS:

Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

I've also made several other outfits that I haven't posted yet...I'll have to add those soon! I'm WHOOPED...but loving creating all these things for my kids. :love:
Great job on everything you made. The minnie dress is so cute. I adore the Jessie dress and the Mickey suspenders and tie shirt is adorable.

DD has a party today and it's a new classmate so I had no clue what she liked. When I e-mailed my rsvp I asked her interests and was told: Superheroes, Pirates and Scooby Do! What about princesses :confused3 She also likes arts and crafts and reading. I was going to make her an eye spy and get her some books, but for some reason I was so not in the mood to do an eye spy bag. So I came up with this:

Reversible tote bag and art supplies:

Here is the bag reversed -- I got her a sketch pad, paint book, journal and pencil roll:

Here is the pencil roll (npt thrilled with the red binding but didn't feel like making my own and had this on hand -- red is in the fabric too):

And open and filled with twistable colored pencils as I didn't want to have to worry about her having to have a sharpener (I also put a few paint brushes in for her paint book):

I just did on line tuts for both projects, though I did add deco bond to one of the bag fabrics to make it a bit more durable that the tut didn't call for. I never made a crayon or pencil roll up before, but I was pretty happy with it.

And if anyone was reading along closely, I wanted to use some sparkly pirate fabric I had, but I didn't have enough. I had this on hand though so didn't have to run to the store. Would have liked to embroider something, but time was not on my side.
Great idea for a birthday gift. The pencil roll kind of looks like a rolled up treasure map. My DS received a homemade pencil roll that holds those twistables crayons and we absolutely love it. Two years later we still bring it with us to restaurants, etc. Everyone asks me if I made it and I have to say no since it was a gift. I've never made my kids a crayon roll!!!

What a cute idea! I know a lot of parents that take pictures of the baby every month for the first year. When our girls were born we got a gift of a frame that had a space for their picture every three months until they turned two and then after that there is a space for every year until they turn 18. People who visit us always stop to look at the frame and comment on how the girls have changed over the years.
That sounds like a great idea! What a fun way to look back to see how the kids have changed over the years.

Nini - On our last trip I remembered at the last minute to bring the ponchos. We just missed about 3 rain showers because we were on rides or in restaurants but on our second to last day it started pouring at MK. The ponchos came in very handy. I asked one of the stores for a shopping bag to toss the wet ponchos into after the storm passed.
My DD's outfit for animal kingdom. She picked the baby simba for the skirt. She has loved Baby Simba and Baby Nala for a long time (she was really into them when I found the disboards, thus my disname). I bought this fabric and pattern a LONG time ago with the intention of making this set for our next trip. Andrea's recent give outfit inspired me to get it done and I cased her shirt design.



I made this for my DD because we were going to stay at All Star Movies and she wanted to stay in the dalmation section but we are now going to stay at Pop. I think I might have her wear this to Hollywood Studios. I finished this about 12 hours before Heather posted her new 101 Dalmations designs!


This is the first time I tried the peek-a-boo skirt.

Upclose of the embroidery design on the skirt, this design came pre-loaded on my machine. I never use those designs.
Love the pirate gift! So cute. I have a question!
I've seen it before and I think Alicia may have used it, but I'm looking for Minnie holding the balloons embroidery design. Anyone know where it is? Also, did bowsandclothes drop all of their character designs? They have a new website and I can't find their character designs!
Any help would be appreciated!
Also, I have some pics to share, but I'm going to do a separate post in the interest of moving the thread along for Nini!!! Also, Nini you don't have anything in your etsy shop! I was looking for something to buy to put towards your missing $100! :)
Nini....last trip I had packed umbrellas from home, but forgot them at the resort and we got caught in the rain at Epcot....so bought two more umbrella's at MouseGear....$20 wasted dollars...
This isn't something I bring from home, but I do bring a towel from the resort to the parks with me, so when we are waiting for a parade or fireworks, my hubby or I can lay it out on the ground next to us to hold the spot while the other one goes and entertains the kids or gets food or whatever. It saves us having to say...oh sorry that spot is taken...I only take the space that is needed and noone has ever said anything (at least to me! :) )
Here is an outfit I made my daughter last week. I tested a pattern from a designer I found on Facebook! It was very simple and easy to make...reminds of the simply sweet. The strap isn't wonky in the back...it just from the way she has her arms I guess.... My daughter's pose is courtesy of her kindergarten teacher who has all of these really cute chants they do to celebrate each other...this one is called "Lookin' Good!"
Thanks for looking! Erica


My DD's outfit for animal kingdom. She picked the baby simba for the skirt. She has loved Baby Simba and Baby Nala for a long time (she was really into them when I found the disboards, thus my disname). I bought this fabric and pattern a LONG time ago with the intention of making this set for our next trip. Andrea's recent give outfit inspired me to get it done and I cased her shirt design.



I made this for my DD because we were going to stay at All Star Movies and she wanted to stay in the dalmation section but we are now going to stay at Pop. I think I might have her wear this to Hollywood Studios. I finished this about 12 hours before Heather posted her new 101 Dalmations designs!


This is the first time I tried the peek-a-boo skirt.

Upclose of the embroidery design on the skirt, this design came pre-loaded on my machine. I never use those designs.

These are great. I love them both.

Love the pirate gift! So cute. I have a question!
I've seen it before and I think Alicia may have used it, but I'm looking for Minnie holding the balloons embroidery design. Anyone know where it is? Also, did bowsandclothes drop all of their character designs? They have a new website and I can't find their character designs!
Any help would be appreciated!
Also, I have some pics to share, but I'm going to do a separate post in the interest of moving the thread along for Nini!!! Also, Nini you don't have anything in your etsy shop! I was looking for something to buy to put towards your missing $100! :)

you need to re-register on her new site and then email her. You can only view the characters if you have made purchases before.

I worked on 2 shirts today and am now nursing a headache so I am watching hoarders. I will take pictures and post later.
My DD's outfit for animal kingdom. She picked the baby simba for the skirt. She has loved Baby Simba and Baby Nala for a long time (she was really into them when I found the disboards, thus my disname). I bought this fabric and pattern a LONG time ago with the intention of making this set for our next trip. Andrea's recent give outfit inspired me to get it done and I cased her shirt design.



I made this for my DD because we were going to stay at All Star Movies and she wanted to stay in the dalmation section but we are now going to stay at Pop. I think I might have her wear this to Hollywood Studios. I finished this about 12 hours before Heather posted her new 101 Dalmations designs!


This is the first time I tried the peek-a-boo skirt.

Upclose of the embroidery design on the skirt, this design came pre-loaded on my machine. I never use those designs.
Both outfits turned out very well. I love the peek a boo skirt. That dalmation embroidery must have taken forever but it turned out very sweet!

Here is an outfit I made my daughter last week. I tested a pattern from a designer I found on Facebook! It was very simple and easy to make...reminds of the simply sweet. The strap isn't wonky in the back...it just from the way she has her arms I guess.... My daughter's pose is courtesy of her kindergarten teacher who has all of these really cute chants they do to celebrate each other...this one is called "Lookin' Good!"
Thanks for looking! Erica


So cute! And the outfit is great too!
okay so talking about ponchos. I am about 100% sure we are going to have rain while we are there. I have used the cheapo ponchos in the past, but they aren't the best. Good to throw away though. Has anyone see ponchos for children? I have also heard of people using a shower curtain liner to cover their stroller. We are taking the double and I need something to cover it.
I've been missing for a little while, but I've found me, and I'm still here. I've been reading along, and things are just flying by! Everything has been so incredible! I want to make so many things, I just don't have the time.
I have managed to make a few things lately though...

reversible sewing machine cover with pockets!!!

skirt for Bitty Baby (AG)

Water bottle holders, now to figure out strap attachment...

crayon roll... I was bored one night, and tired of naked crayons.

Nini- it's still really hot and humid here, and they are predicting rain (we'll see), so a poncho and waterproof sunscreen
okay so talking about ponchos. I am about 100% sure we are going to have rain while we are there. I have used the cheapo ponchos in the past, but they aren't the best. Good to throw away though. Has anyone see ponchos for children? I have also heard of people using a shower curtain liner to cover their stroller. We are taking the double and I need something to cover it.

I have bought ponchos in Dick's they were about 4.99 and way nicer than the cheapy ones. When I am worried about rain I bring my rain cover Iactually store it in my owner's locker

I've been missing for a little while, but I've found me, and I'm still here. I've been reading along, and things are just flying by! Everything has been so incredible! I want to make so many things, I just don't have the time.
I have managed to make a few things lately though...

reversible sewing machine cover with pockets!!!

skirt for Bitty Baby (AG)

Water bottle holders, now to figure out strap attachment...

crayon roll... I was bored one night, and tired of naked crayons.

Nini- it's still really hot and humid here, and they are predicting rain (we'll see), so a poncho and waterproof sunscreen

I love everything. I love the sewing machine cover colors and the bitty baby skirt is just lovely.
DD has a party today and it's a new classmate so I had no clue what she liked. When I e-mailed my rsvp I asked her interests and was told: Superheroes, Pirates and Scooby Do! What about princesses :confused3 She also likes arts and crafts and reading. I was going to make her an eye spy and get her some books, but for some reason I was so not in the mood to do an eye spy bag. So I came up with this:

Reversible tote bag and art supplies:

Here is the bag reversed -- I got her a sketch pad, paint book, journal and pencil roll:

Here is the pencil roll (npt thrilled with the red binding but didn't feel like making my own and had this on hand -- red is in the fabric too):

And open and filled with twistable colored pencils as I didn't want to have to worry about her having to have a sharpener (I also put a few paint brushes in for her paint book):

I just did on line tuts for both projects, though I did add deco bond to one of the bag fabrics to make it a bit more durable that the tut didn't call for. I never made a crayon or pencil roll up before, but I was pretty happy with it.

And if anyone was reading along closely, I wanted to use some sparkly pirate fabric I had, but I didn't have enough. I had this on hand though so didn't have to run to the store. Would have liked to embroider something, but time was not on my side.

Andrea I really think that is an awesome b-day gift, I am sure she will love it! It makes me want to make a pencil roll-up, will have to try it some day.

Thanks to everyone for all the comments on the camera strap I made. I basically used this tutorial to make my strap:

I didn't want to make a cover because I find that the camera strap I have is too thick and stiff so I used the tutorial to create a non-Disney strap a while ago. I used one layer of fleece as the lining so it is pretty soft and comfy and has lasted me almost a year (so far). Here are some other tutorial I found for making a cover for the strap. I made one of these for my friend just using a solid piece of fabric and I used a thin interfacing for a little stability.




Thanks for the tutorials, I've bookmarked them for future use!

My DD's outfit for animal kingdom. She picked the baby simba for the skirt. She has loved Baby Simba and Baby Nala for a long time (she was really into them when I found the disboards, thus my disname). I bought this fabric and pattern a LONG time ago with the intention of making this set for our next trip. Andrea's recent give outfit inspired me to get it done and I cased her shirt design.



I made this for my DD because we were going to stay at All Star Movies and she wanted to stay in the dalmation section but we are now going to stay at Pop. I think I might have her wear this to Hollywood Studios. I finished this about 12 hours before Heather posted her new 101 Dalmations designs!


This is the first time I tried the peek-a-boo skirt.

Upclose of the embroidery design on the skirt, this design came pre-loaded on my machine. I never use those designs.

I love the outfits, very cute!!

I've been missing for a little while, but I've found me, and I'm still here. I've been reading along, and things are just flying by! Everything has been so incredible! I want to make so many things, I just don't have the time.
I have managed to make a few things lately though...

reversible sewing machine cover with pockets!!!

skirt for Bitty Baby (AG)

Water bottle holders, now to figure out strap attachment...

crayon roll... I was bored one night, and tired of naked crayons.

Nini- it's still really hot and humid here, and they are predicting rain (we'll see), so a poncho and waterproof sunscreen

Very nice, the water bottle holders are another thing I would like to try some day.
okay so talking about ponchos. I am about 100% sure we are going to have rain while we are there. I have used the cheapo ponchos in the past, but they aren't the best. Good to throw away though. Has anyone see ponchos for children? I have also heard of people using a shower curtain liner to cover their stroller. We are taking the double and I need something to cover it.

What kind of double do you have? I got a cover at Babies R Us for less than $20 for our double jogger. While DH was running back to our van to get the rain cover (I had forgotten to stick it in the stroller, but he was awesome to run back to get it), I used a poncho to cover the stroller. I wish I had something to keep it attached to the stroller because it kept sliding off.

I sent an email to the teacher about the money. She responded this morning...since she didn't see it happen she does not want to accuse the boy of taking it...even though I said my son GAVE it to him. No one ever said anyone took it! So, she has to check with the administrators at the school to see how the lawyers want to handle it. As fast as they move on everything there I should expect an answer by the time my DS graduates...medical school!

Truthfully, I didn't think it would do any good, but I tried.

We leave in 4 and a half days. All along I have had the feeling that I have forgotten something in the planning. I'm sure it is because I made absolutely zero dresses this trip. But I keep having this feeling that something important is missing (besides money...LOL)

So, in the interest of moving things along, what things do you forget , or almost forget?


Did you add me to your packing list? I'd sure like to come along!

My DD's outfit for animal kingdom. She picked the baby simba for the skirt. She has loved Baby Simba and Baby Nala for a long time (she was really into them when I found the disboards, thus my disname). I bought this fabric and pattern a LONG time ago with the intention of making this set for our next trip. Andrea's recent give outfit inspired me to get it done and I cased her shirt design.


I made this for my DD because we were going to stay at All Star Movies and she wanted to stay in the dalmation section but we are now going to stay at Pop. I think I might have her wear this to Hollywood Studios. I finished this about 12 hours before Heather posted her new 101 Dalmations designs!


This is the first time I tried the peek-a-boo skirt.

Upclose of the embroidery design on the skirt, this design came pre-loaded on my machine. I never use those designs.
I :lovestrucLOVE:lovestruc both outfits!!!! Naturally I adore the fabrics and color scheme for your AK set ;) And the dalmatians is just awesome -- great fabrics and I think the appliques are outstanding, especially consider that one came with your machine!

I've seen it before and I think Alicia may have used it, but I'm looking for Minnie holding the balloons embroidery design. Anyone know where it is? Also, did bowsandclothes drop all of their character designs? They have a new website and I can't find their character designs!
Any help would be appreciated!
Also, I have some pics to share, but I'm going to do a separate post in the interest of moving the thread along for Nini!!! Also, Nini you don't have anything in your etsy shop! I was looking for something to buy to put towards your missing $100! :)
What is the website -- my old bookmark doesn't direct me to it. And I read what Chiara posted and I think it's absurd that you have to have made a purchase in order to view characters. I haven't made anything from Bows and Clothes though I know she has some designs that others don't.

Here is an outfit I made my daughter last week. I tested a pattern from a designer I found on Facebook! It was very simple and easy to make...reminds of the simply sweet. The strap isn't wonky in the back...it just from the way she has her arms I guess.... My daughter's pose is courtesy of her kindergarten teacher who has all of these really cute chants they do to celebrate each other...this one is called "Lookin' Good!"
Thanks for looking! Erica


Lookin' good!:lmao: Seriously, it's very cute but I think your dd is just adorable with her pose.

I've been missing for a little while, but I've found me, and I'm still here. I've been reading along, and things are just flying by! Everything has been so incredible! I want to make so many things, I just don't have the time.
I have managed to make a few things lately though...

reversible sewing machine cover with pockets!!!

skirt for Bitty Baby (AG)

Water bottle holders, now to figure out strap attachment...

crayon roll... I was bored one night, and tired of naked crayons.

Nini- it's still really hot and humid here, and they are predicting rain (we'll see), so a poncho and waterproof sunscreen
So glad you found yourself.

Everything is cute. I have never seen a machine cover with pockets. I guess that means when you remove it you can't just wad it up and toss it to the side like I do with my embroidery cover. I don't really cover my machines anyway b/c I use them so much. I really should though.

I want to make some more AG clothes ... one of these days. I printed out a bunch of Carla's patterns and have only made the portrait peasant.
okay just read on her facebook page that if you register and send her your email she will give you access to her character library. HTH.
Sorry Marianne, I WILL NOT be doing any Gator tailgating. ;) I am a Bama fan all the way. I probably won't do to much seeing as I don't have a whole lot of time. :scared1: On top of my stuff I also need to get 4 shirts done for someone else. Has anyone by chance seen any crimson and white polka dot?

I thought I remembered you were 'Bama fans ;) I want to say I saw (I cannot BELIEVE I'm telling you this since I know what it's going to be used for:rotfl2: ) crimson & white polka dot at MaryJo's when I was there last . . . You can always call and ask - I did that before my trip to RI to see if they had a material in stock before I drove over . . .they were happy to help!

Very impressive! I have always wanted to try a Feliz. Maybe I should try the doll version first. I have the pattern and I'm sure based on the doll's measurement and smallest pattern size I might be able to sketch something out as well. That way I could figure out if I actually wanted to make my dd the full size version or not. The little frogs are so cute! You did a fantastic job!

Everything is adorable! In the interest of not going over my 25 pic limit I just kept up my personal favorites. I really need to case your case -- that is so sweet and I love black and white together. I love the plaid shorts set for your ds too.

Don't fall in love just yet -- every other site I looked at that had nude would say "not in toddler sizes." This is why I highly advise calling them first to verify. I have a feeling they don't really have nude in toddler sizes.

Another option would be to see if you could find a long sleeve t-shirt in a light beige color and then attach a tail to that. I think the body suit would look more authentic, but the shirt would work. My ds still wants to be a catfish :confused3 He has gone fishing all summer with dh and they fish for Catfish, so I guess that is his interest in being a catfish. But really, couldn't he be something that's a little less intense for me to make? I think a Gecko would be easier than a catfish and he's into geckos as they have one as a class pet, so I may do a little research and see if that would be more feasible for me to make and then suggest it -- I will not suggest it at all if it's too hard to make!

How about I'll still love you for finding it, even if it turns out they don't have it? :)

Kohls has waffle knit long sleeve shirts in toddler sizes in nude . . . I'm thinking of buying one tomorrow just to have (he'll wear it this fall anyway) . . . and NOT attaching the tail to it but tucking in the shirt if that's the route we go - so I can still have him wear the shirt for other things after Halloween (AND to make trips to the potty easier!!! Because he still has to do the "mad dash" )

in the interest of helping Nini get this moved along I have a QUESTION

Does anyone have any simple baby girl gift ideas?

DH's partner just had their first baby a girl and I want to send a present. I am going to make a princess taggy blanket but I want to make something else too. We are also giving them a gift card too. these two just touched my heart so much because they tried having a baby for so long.


I can tell you one of my favorite favorite gifts I received for Finn was a Gerber baby hat (Target sells them in packs of two or three) with his name embroidered on it, a long sleeve white gerber onesie in PREEMIE size with his name on it, a pair of preemie pants in blue and two cloth diaper burp cloths with blue & white ribbon sewn on the bottom edges and his name on one and monogram on the other . . .
He wore all of those clothes TO DEATH his first couple of weeks and we can tell it's him and not Phalen in the pictures when they still haven't "come into their own" . . .
I LOVED that they were preemie size, because he was 6lbs 2 oz and even a lot of newborn sized things were too big for him . . . even though we knew that we needed to bring a LITTLE outfit to the hospital, the outfits we brought were still HUGE on him . . . most babies can wear preemie sized stuff for at least a couple of weeks :)

The other cute idea I've seen lately are the MONTH stickers that you just stick on a white (or whatever color) onesie to take their picture in . . . I have several friends on Facebook that are doing this - so cute!

And, on Pinterest I've seen some ADORABLE onesie tutu's . . . SO cute and the tutorials look REALLY simple!!!

DD has a party today and it's a new classmate so I had no clue what she liked. When I e-mailed my rsvp I asked her interests and was told: Superheroes, Pirates and Scooby Do! What about princesses :confused3 She also likes arts and crafts and reading. I was going to make her an eye spy and get her some books, but for some reason I was so not in the mood to do an eye spy bag. So I came up with this:

Reversible tote bag and art supplies:

Here is the bag reversed -- I got her a sketch pad, paint book, journal and pencil roll:

Here is the pencil roll (npt thrilled with the red binding but didn't feel like making my own and had this on hand -- red is in the fabric too):

And open and filled with twistable colored pencils as I didn't want to have to worry about her having to have a sharpener (I also put a few paint brushes in for her paint book):

I just did on line tuts for both projects, though I did add deco bond to one of the bag fabrics to make it a bit more durable that the tut didn't call for. I never made a crayon or pencil roll up before, but I was pretty happy with it.

And if anyone was reading along closely, I wanted to use some sparkly pirate fabric I had, but I didn't have enough. I had this on hand though so didn't have to run to the store. Would have liked to embroider something, but time was not on my side.

Andrea! This all looks fabulous!!! I'm sure the birthday girl was thrilled!!!!

I saw where someone said a Tee with the babies name on it or a larger size tee with applique on it...it inspired this idea...a 12 mos. tee witht he name or initial on it with a lil note saying to take the babeis picture each month i the tee then they can make a collage of the pix to make a 1st b'day party invite with...and baby girl can wear the tee with a petti! the petti can be your 1st b'day gift to the baby! i gotta do this now...hehe

Yes! Isn't this a cute idea!!!

I just saw this fabric the other day, and thought it was so cute. Our Wal-mart finally got the bolts in. Very excited about that. They had that line of pirate material. The birthday gift is very cute too. Your dd's friend should love it.

As for moving the pages along. I need to get pictures of my kids in their outfits for our trip. I can post them one at a time to move it along. :laughing:

:rolleyes1 Where are those pictures, Kristen??? I want to see!!!!!

Okay - lost the rest of my quotes - off to grab them again and keep moving us along!!!


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