Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr

Adorable. Love the colors on this

Nd I also made a purse for her mother. She used to work with rescues (stays home with her kids right now), and that is why we choose that embroidery.

IMG_7938 by tricialee22, on Flickr

IMG_7944 by tricialee22, on Flickr

This bag is just wonderful. Some day I will try a bag


So cute! They'll be the 3 most adorable princesses in the parade!

ROFL You are too funny! :lovestruc

I also wanted to say - because I missed your quote this morning. I am so very thankful that all of your testing came back OK... I've been thinking of you and praying for you these last few days, and I am really relieved for you. I can't imagine how scary that must be to have to go through that all the time. :hug:
Thanks a bunch D! It is strange but you sort of get used to living with cancer and its scariness. The only times I really get tense about it during the wait between when I have the scan and when I go to see the oncologist. When they do my vitals before I see the oncologist, they always comment on how my blood pressure is a bit high that day.

The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!

At least you know your little guy has a generous heart. And you have a nice clean kitchen now. Maybe the other kid's mom didn't find the money and the little boy will have his own little emergency fund now. It has to be scary to live with a mom who is drunk or using or both!

I am way to scared to mess with the bobbin tension. I have heard the suggestion to purchase another bobbin case and never touch the tension on that one. I'm impressed that Nini can adjust hers back and forth.

What great news. I hope you get a chance to celebrate this weekend.

I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:


Good idea to buy another bobbin case to use just for shirring. I will look into how much they cost.

I doubt I actually get to celebrate this weekend since DH is still feeling pretty sick. I think he has a virus. He's tired and running a low fever.

I love the camera strap. How did you make it?

I went shopping with the kids this AM. DD needed a few things. Do you know i had a problem finding Cardigans? We finally found 2 she liked in Childrens Place.

I also went to JoAnns because I wanted to see the Disney Corduroy They had Rapunzel, Princesses and Some Dora. Nothing for boys :( I did buy fabric DDs Christmas Skirt for Disney and some super soft denim and corduroy for the boy.

Too bad you don't live near us, I sold tons and tons of girls clothes at our yard sale last weekend. I have my "regular" customers who come to buy stuff twice a year. I still have one large storage bin of stuff left to get rid of. I guess I will put it up on ebay this coming week.

I looked for the corduroy when I was at Joanns yesterday. Our store had none at all.


Okay - how'd you do the tail/foot opening???


Where can I find an inexpensive 2T/3T-ish size NUDE long sleeve leotard????

And, in another effort to move things along - I'll share a picture of MY first trip to Disney - which was Thanksgiving Weekend (we flew to Orlando on Thanksgiving Day) when I was 4. . . And part of the reason we planned our upcoming trip for the week after Thanksgiving, to sort of "tie-in" with that trip, since this will be my boys first time staying on property :)


The opening for the feet is an opening in the seam along the bottom side of the tail. The feet come out through the part of the tail that is sort of curved up in the picture. Then she carries the tail around with that loop on the end. She usually just lets the tail drag behind her but for Halloween that is not safe so she'll just put the loop over her arm and carry it around.

Love your picture of you on your first trip to Disney. I wonder if my parents still have the pictures of us on our first trip there. I know we went to Disneyland in California when I was 3 or 4. Then we went to Disney World in Orlando when I was about 10.

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr
That is very, very cute! Was it hard to combine the patterns?

Enough of my wasting time. I need to go and get to work!
Hi Everyone~

So, in the spirit of helping move us along and because I can't spell, I am going to ask again.

I got my Brother 780D in May and I have been embroidering along on mostly cotton that I then use to make dresses. I am going to embroider my first t-shirt this weekend and I wanted to check in with you all on which stabilizer you use. I think you answered this question before, but I saved that answer on my work computer (which is thankfully still at work for the work part, not the sewing part) and I have tried searching, but I must not be spelling stabilizer right or something.

Also, I have been putting heat and bond light under every piece of fabric I use for the embroidery machine, Did I read somewhere (maybe Facebook?) that you all don't do that? Just hold in place? That would save some money and time if I didn't do that.

I am really afraid it will pucker or shrink up after it has been washed. I had that happen before when I used my mom's machine.

Thanks in advance!

I haven't read up to see if anyone else answered this yet..I am stil trying to read the first 200+ pages...
However, I just did a class with the Floriani people, and I am using their stabilizers, which I love. They said the difference in their stuff is that there is a tiny bit of silicon in every product...It has worked very well so far for me! I still own and use every thing from Sulky to the Viking brand stuff, to Doctor table paper...and sometimes iron on freezer paper, thing plastic cling wrap, and in a pinch old Tshirts under the new Tshirt-at a cross grain, and then I stick them together with a heavy spray of starch or temp. quilt spray like when you stick top+batting+backing....Late at night is a great time to improvize. I have even used Polar Fleese under some stuff...

When I do applique I always wash or preshrink every thing, incluing any interfacing I might use. I take my Rowenta steamer and have it on High Steam, and hold it about 1 inch above any fusible stablizer. For Cottons I wash it all, as soon as I get it home...and then hide it, 'cause DH understands why I need fabric,trim,button,thread, but no always why I need so much of it all...Oh, Men...But I don't starch the cottons till I am ready to use it, and then I use a heavy starch, in a spray bottle, outside, and I let it be asorbed so it doesn't flake off when ironed...

If I am using silk I pre wash, and iron it while it is damp, Wool...I wash in hot, dry in hot, with an old towel, several times, so it will shrink. LOVE to shrink wool, but doen't work to well in a front load washer.

Metaltic/plastic/poly fabric I try to use the iron to shrink. Ditto with velvet. Ultra suede I wash, cause I it will sometimes get a little softer..

Wait, I got off track, I think...
When I embroidery by machine, with a hoop, I don't hoop things most of the time. I hoop the stablzer, and then use the Baste function. I get better placement that way. Not sure all machines have this? It sews a little square around the design, in removeable stitches. I do NOT do this on any fabric that will leave holes. On Tshirts I do use a knit needle on some designs, or at least to baste, as it seperates the fibers, doesn't pierce and cut them. Which is also why I like to use a soft knit stablizer that I can leave under the designs so it will not distort the shirt.
And what type of thread are you using? I have several old MatchBox car boxes of thread(7, and they hold over 100 spools of some threads...:rolleyes1, see remark about DH and hoarding..), and most of it is rayon, or cotton...and a few dozen metaltic stuff, and some quilting cotton spools.
However, with T's and bath towels I like to use 100% Poly. Gasp..cause it doesn't fade, shrink, or distort a lot. But if you iron your embroidery stuff(which I was taught to do on the reverse side, with a cloth over it...), it can melt..I do like the big spools I got when I got my new software, which I WILL learn to use...

I do not pre shrink cotton Ts if I am using cotton thread. I pray I remember to wash it on cool/warm and dry the same. HA, never happens so far.

Hope this helped...if you got throught it all! Wish we could all do a big conference call/meet and just teach each other stuff! or at least calls...
Andrea wanted to let you know I received the fabric you sent me. thanks it should be more than enough.

I have been wasting time since I got home going to tape up the paint sample I bought for DDs room though I thinkw we may go even darker.
The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!

I'm glad you found out where the money went. I think I now need to go hide all our money from the kids (I have a few $100 bills as well). I could so see my kids doing something like that. Mine have a concept of money, but they also seem to have this concept that mom and dad can just replace it. Your ds did a very sweet thing and what was right in his heart. Would he be able to comprehend a lesson out of this -- such as have him sell a few of his toys to help earn some of the money back? I so hope your quilt sells fast!

I am way to scared to mess with the bobbin tension. I have heard the suggestion to purchase another bobbin case and never touch the tension on that one. I'm impressed that Nini can adjust hers back and forth.

YIKES, I can't imagine working so many crazy hours and I'm feeling really bad that I don't have a project runway submission. Unless of course I finish this Rapunzel dress I started yesterday but I doubt that will happen.

I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:
I never thought of getting another bobbin case. My machine is so cheap though that a second bobbin case would likely cost as much as a new machine!

I hope you can get your dress finished and submitted ~ the deadline (I think) isn't until Monday evening. You have two full days if I am correct.

I love your camera strap. When I was little I saw someone at Dis with a Mickey camera strap and have wanted one ever since. Of course, my good camera broke and all I have is a crappy point and shoot. Hmm, Christmas is just around the corner.

I totally messed up Marianne's quote -- that's OK, I'll go back and grab it and help us move along.
I think I have to give up on the theme this year - unless maybe I can convince Phalen to be some sort of underwater creature . . . but that chance is SLIM . . . Finn woke up this morning and asked if we were going to get the stuff to make his Gilly costume today :lovestruc


Where can I find an inexpensive 2T/3T-ish size NUDE long sleeve leotard????

And, in another effort to move things along - I'll share a picture of MY first trip to Disney - which was Thanksgiving Weekend (we flew to Orlando on Thanksgiving Day) when I was 4. . . And part of the reason we planned our upcoming trip for the week after Thanksgiving, to sort of "tie-in" with that trip, since this will be my boys first time staying on property :)

Would he want to be something scary like a shark? I have experience in the shark department! How 'bout a sea monster? A jelly fish?

I think you might have a hard time finding a nude leotard. And if you find one it will likely be expensive. You'd have to look at a dance store but your best bet might be on line.

I love your pic! So cool that you have a pic with Minnie!

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr
I love this!!!! I have always wanted to do a square or rectangular skirt. The fabrics you used are great.

Nd I also made a purse for her mother. She used to work with rescues (stays home with her kids right now), and that is why we choose that embroidery.

IMG_7938 by tricialee22, on Flickr

IMG_7944 by tricialee22, on Flickr
You do amazing work!

Andrea wanted to let you know I received the fabric you sent me. thanks it should be more than enough.

I have been wasting time since I got home going to tape up the paint sample I bought for DDs room though I thinkw we may go even darker.
Glad it arrived -- I hope it's not too stiff. I bought several of those fabrics and that is the only one that is really stiff and of course I didn't notice it in the store.
You have inspired me to procrastinate on the embroidery on the t-shirt all day to make this:



No, her dress is far from perfect, but I just DREW it! I am pretty happy with the overall dress and now I am ready to make the matching doll dresses to the big girl Feliz I am going to start tomorrow.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

This is so cute! You are so adorable Marianne!

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr


Nd I also made a purse for her mother. She used to work with rescues (stays home with her kids right now), and that is why we choose that embroidery.

IMG_7938 by tricialee22, on Flickr

IMG_7944 by tricialee22, on Flickr

I just love this purse... especially love the cherries/skull embroidery on the strap. TDF!

You have inspired me to procrastinate on the embroidery on the t-shirt all day to make this:



No, her dress is far from perfect, but I just DREW it! I am pretty happy with the overall dress and now I am ready to make the matching doll dresses to the big girl Feliz I am going to start tomorrow.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

I am so glad I could inspire someone! :) Excellent job! :lovestruc

cya all late rto catch up ...

They will be so cute in the parade.

The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!


What a sweet story. So sad about the money but his heart was in the right place. :hug:

I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:



I LOVE this camera strap. I made one out of some Micky Flannel for our trip in the summer but it is already falling apart.:rolleyes1

I would love to know how you made this.

IOn the flip side... if one of my dds came home from school with a $100 bill - me, as a parent, would call the parents of the child who gave it to them, and insist on giving it back. I feel - that if those parents knew about it - they should call you and double check that this was really the intended purpose for that $$, because that is just a lot of $$ to give to someone with out some sort of explaination. Now, if the child didn't tell their parents about the $$ - that's a different story - but I would still wonder, as a parent, where my child was getting all this $$ to buy super neat things, if I didn't give it to him/her... and at some point, I would ask the child about it, and make it right to the people. Does any of this make sense?

D~ <---- who had a change of plans today and has to run to town early - will be sewing all afternoon though (minus a walk with my neighbor).

I was thinking the same thing. But I saw Nini posted that the family has a questionable reputation:sad2:

I think I have to give up on the theme this year - unless maybe I can convince Phalen to be some sort of underwater creature . . . but that chance is SLIM . . . Finn woke up this morning and asked if we were going to get the stuff to make his Gilly costume today :lovestruc

And, in another effort to move things along - I'll share a picture of MY first trip to Disney - which was Thanksgiving Weekend (we flew to Orlando on Thanksgiving Day) when I was 4. . . And part of the reason we planned our upcoming trip for the week after Thanksgiving, to sort of "tie-in" with that trip, since this will be my boys first time staying on property :)


DH's sister (who lives in CT) reminds me how lucky I am all the time as she gets no help from her inlaws who live in the same town.

Love the picture when you were a child. I know we went to Disney as a kid. I think I was in 5th grade but hardly any pictures were taken and not even sure where they are. My parents were never big photo people. I think that is why I am the complete opposite. I need pictures of everything.
<----- Would Cheryl be proud of my smilie:goodvibes

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr

Love this dress and the fabric. Also love the bag. :goodvibes

I haven't read up to see if anyone else answered this yet..I am stil trying to read the first 200+ pages...
However, I just did a class with the Floriani people, and I am using their stabilizers, which I love. ...

I took a class with them last fall and really learned alot about different stabilizers and their products. I love their embroidery thread the best. It just seems to have a special shine to it.♥

You have inspired me to procrastinate on the embroidery on the t-shirt all day to make this:



No, her dress is far from perfect, but I just DREW it! I am pretty happy with the overall dress and now I am ready to make the matching doll dresses to the big girl Feliz I am going to start tomorrow.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

That came out really cute.
The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!


so sweet your DS wanted to help out his friend....hope it went for food instead of the booze and drugs.
WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Hi everyone!

I have been SO busy sewing for our upcoming trip (but I have been religiously reading the thread...just not commenting!) I have been SO inspired by you all - I would have never thought to 'frankenpattern'if it hadn't been for you all...so, thank you!

Wayyyyy TMTQ - but I LOVE the Mickey head camera strap (may just have to CASE if you don't mind!) Did you have a tut for that or just wing it?

Also - Nini - hats off to your SN DS for being so caring and compassionate. I, too, hope that the money went toward food and not booze or drugs. :(

Tricia - LOVE that purse!

Dorine - your AG dresses are TDF. I have enough trouble sewing for my 2 & 6 year old...you are SO patient to sew for teeny-tiny 18" dolls!

Chiara - LOVE the vaca pics (esp the flag Mickey heads...I have major embroidery machine envy.)

Marianne - Can't wait to see the Gil costume. My DD is obsessed with Bubble Guppies too.

In the interest of moving things along, I thought I'd post a few of my customs that I've been slaving away on for the past few months:

Minnie Mouse dress:

Lilo dress for Ohana Best Friends breakfast:

Minnie-inspired stripwork jumper:

POTC-inspired dress (wish I didn't photograph this on a black background!):

POTC-inspired bowling shirt for DS:

Jessie-inspired SS:

Cinderella ballgown for MNSSHP:

closeup of the sparkly satin:

Prince Charming outfit for MNSSHP:

Mickey tee & matching Madras plaid shorts:

ruffle capris and SS (totally CASEd from someone on here -thanks!)

Incredibles tees for both DH & DS (hand-embroidered...that was exhausting!):

Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

Airplane bags for DD & DS:

I've also made several other outfits that I haven't posted yet...I'll have to add those soon! I'm WHOOPED...but loving creating all these things for my kids. :love:
Minnie Mouse dress:

Lilo dress for Ohana Best Friends breakfast:

Minnie-inspired stripwork jumper:

POTC-inspired dress (wish I didn't photograph this on a black background!):

POTC-inspired bowling shirt for DS:

Jessie-inspired SS:

Cinderella ballgown for MNSSHP:

closeup of the sparkly satin:

Prince Charming outfit for MNSSHP:

Mickey tee & matching Madras plaid shorts:

ruffle capris and SS (totally CASEd from someone on here -thanks!)

Incredibles tees for both DH & DS (hand-embroidered...that was exhausting!):

Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

Airplane bags for DD & DS:

Oh my goodness!!!! These are all adorable. I LOVE the first Minnie Dress. I keep looking at that pattern. It is so timeless and one of my favorites. You really did a great job on everything.

Marianne, love the picture. That is just adorable. I need to go dig up mine. I was 2 for my first trip. Our pictures aren't that great. Polaroids and no zoom. :laughing::laughing:

Also love the camera strap. I made one for our trip, but yours puts mine to shame. :laughing:

I got two more shirts done today. Still have 3 more, and two dresses for dd. Oh and I need to make the kids autograph books. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to get everything done. :rolleyes1
Oh forgot the AG dress is very cute. I can't believe you drew the pattern out. That is pretty impressive.

I realized after I posted I have two more outfits for dd, and ds. We are spending half the day at MK on the 1st and then heading to Gainsville to tailgate for the Alabama-Florida game. I need to make the kids something for that day. I can do it...I can do it....I can do it.....

(also adding to the post count, as I would like to make the move before we leave)
WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Hi everyone!

I have been SO busy sewing for our upcoming trip (but I have been religiously reading the thread...just not commenting!) I have been SO inspired by you all - I would have never thought to 'frankenpattern'if it hadn't been for you all...so, thank you!

Wayyyyy TMTQ - but I LOVE the Mickey head camera strap (may just have to CASE if you don't mind!) Did you have a tut for that or just wing it?

Also - Nini - hats off to your SN DS for being so caring and compassionate. I, too, hope that the money went toward food and not booze or drugs. :(

Tricia - LOVE that purse!

Dorine - your AG dresses are TDF. I have enough trouble sewing for my 2 & 6 year old...you are SO patient to sew for teeny-tiny 18" dolls!

Chiara - LOVE the vaca pics (esp the flag Mickey heads...I have major embroidery machine envy.)

Marianne - Can't wait to see the Gil costume. My DD is obsessed with Bubble Guppies too.

In the interest of moving things along, I thought I'd post a few of my customs that I've been slaving away on for the past few months:

Minnie Mouse dress:

Lilo dress for Ohana Best Friends breakfast:

Minnie-inspired stripwork jumper:

POTC-inspired dress (wish I didn't photograph this on a black background!):

POTC-inspired bowling shirt for DS:

Jessie-inspired SS:

Cinderella ballgown for MNSSHP:

closeup of the sparkly satin:

Prince Charming outfit for MNSSHP:

Mickey tee & matching Madras plaid shorts:

ruffle capris and SS (totally CASEd from someone on here -thanks!)

Incredibles tees for both DH & DS (hand-embroidered...that was exhausting!):

Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

Airplane bags for DD & DS:

I've also made several other outfits that I haven't posted yet...I'll have to add those soon! I'm WHOOPED...but loving creating all these things for my kids. :love:

Love the outfits! :love:
You have inspired me to procrastinate on the embroidery on the t-shirt all day to make this:



No, her dress is far from perfect, but I just DREW it! I am pretty happy with the overall dress and now I am ready to make the matching doll dresses to the big girl Feliz I am going to start tomorrow.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Awesome job, especially for a first draft. I don't think I could do it that well even if I spent a week on it. :love:

WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Minnie Mouse dress:

Everything is wonderfull, such classic stuff.
And thanks for all the compliments on the dress and the purse. I entered the purse in Lemon Squeezys Purse Week challenge, so if I make the top ten I will be back bugging for votes.

The dress wasn't too hard to frankenpattern. I compared the width of the bodice pieces on 1 pattern to the other, and then cut the skirt size that corresponded best. Since neither skirt is gathered I had to be a little fussy about this, but it came out fine.
WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Hi everyone!

I have been SO busy sewing for our upcoming trip (but I have been religiously reading the thread...just not commenting!) I have been SO inspired by you all - I would have never thought to 'frankenpattern'if it hadn't been for you all...so, thank you!

Wayyyyy TMTQ - but I LOVE the Mickey head camera strap (may just have to CASE if you don't mind!) Did you have a tut for that or just wing it?

Also - Nini - hats off to your SN DS for being so caring and compassionate. I, too, hope that the money went toward food and not booze or drugs. :(

Tricia - LOVE that purse!

Dorine - your AG dresses are TDF. I have enough trouble sewing for my 2 & 6 year old...you are SO patient to sew for teeny-tiny 18" dolls!

Chiara - LOVE the vaca pics (esp the flag Mickey heads...I have major embroidery machine envy.)

Marianne - Can't wait to see the Gil costume. My DD is obsessed with Bubble Guppies too.

In the interest of moving things along, I thought I'd post a few of my customs that I've been slaving away on for the past few months:

Minnie Mouse dress:

Lilo dress for Ohana Best Friends breakfast:

Minnie-inspired stripwork jumper:

POTC-inspired dress (wish I didn't photograph this on a black background!):

POTC-inspired bowling shirt for DS:

Jessie-inspired SS:

Cinderella ballgown for MNSSHP:

closeup of the sparkly satin:

Prince Charming outfit for MNSSHP:

Mickey tee & matching Madras plaid shorts:

ruffle capris and SS (totally CASEd from someone on here -thanks!)

Incredibles tees for both DH & DS (hand-embroidered...that was exhausting!):

Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

Airplane bags for DD & DS:

I've also made several other outfits that I haven't posted yet...I'll have to add those soon! I'm WHOOPED...but loving creating all these things for my kids. :love:

Okay I love them all but I think I love the plaid shorts the best.

I am having a hard time finding nude in toddler sizes, but found this:

I would honestly call to verify the size and color though b/c most places that carry nude do not have toddler sizes (and they are not as expensive as I thought).

OMG! I think I :love: you!!! I'm calling them on Monday!!!!

This is so cute! You are so adorable Marianne!
Aw!:lovestruc thanks

DH's sister (who lives in CT) reminds me how lucky I am all the time as she gets no help from her inlaws who live in the same town.

Love the picture when you were a child. I know we went to Disney as a kid. I think I was in 5th grade but hardly any pictures were taken and not even sure where they are. My parents were never big photo people. I think that is why I am the complete opposite. I need pictures of everything.
<----- Would Cheryl be proud of my smilie:goodvibes

I will have to dig out the picture of me at Epcot - I am ROCKIN' a terrycloth tie-strap short-all thing (you know, that same look they brought back last summer for all the tiny teens???) and have a GREAT pose :rotfl2: I am very lucky that my mom and dad are both photo buffs and always had nice cameras that went everywhere . . . we didn't have a lot, but they both always needed a camera for work (mom was a travel agent and ran tours and dad is a builder) - so pictures we have.

WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Hi everyone!

I have been SO busy sewing for our upcoming trip (but I have been religiously reading the thread...just not commenting!) I have been SO inspired by you all - I would have never thought to 'frankenpattern'if it hadn't been for you all...so, thank you!

Wayyyyy TMTQ - but I LOVE the Mickey head camera strap (may just have to CASE if you don't mind!) Did you have a tut for that or just wing it?

Also - Nini - hats off to your SN DS for being so caring and compassionate. I, too, hope that the money went toward food and not booze or drugs. :(

Tricia - LOVE that purse!

Dorine - your AG dresses are TDF. I have enough trouble sewing for my 2 & 6 year old...you are SO patient to sew for teeny-tiny 18" dolls!

Chiara - LOVE the vaca pics (esp the flag Mickey heads...I have major embroidery machine envy.)

Marianne - Can't wait to see the Gil costume. My DD is obsessed with Bubble Guppies too.

In the interest of moving things along, I thought I'd post a few of my customs that I've been slaving away on for the past few months:

Minnie Mouse dress:
Lilo dress for Ohana Best Friends breakfast:
I want to case this for ME - is that crazy?
Minnie-inspired stripwork jumper:
POTC-inspired dress (wish I didn't photograph this on a black background!):

POTC-inspired bowling shirt for DS:


Jessie-inspired SS:

Cinderella ballgown for MNSSHP:

closeup of the sparkly satin:

Prince Charming outfit for MNSSHP:

Mickey tee & matching Madras plaid shorts:
SOOO Might need to CASE these too!!!
ruffle capris and SS (totally CASEd from someone on here -thanks!)

Incredibles tees for both DH & DS (hand-embroidered...that was exhausting!):
WAIT - HAND EMBROIDERED???? Or Hand Applique???
Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

Um - again - CUTENESS!!!!
Airplane bags for DD & DS:

I've also made several other outfits that I haven't posted yet...I'll have to add those soon! I'm WHOOPED...but loving creating all these things for my kids. :love:
Can't wait to see more!!!!

Oh forgot the AG dress is very cute. I can't believe you drew the pattern out. That is pretty impressive.

I realized after I posted I have two more outfits for dd, and ds. We are spending half the day at MK on the 1st and then heading to Gainsville to tailgate for the Alabama-Florida game. I need to make the kids something for that day. I can do it...I can do it....I can do it.....

(also adding to the post count, as I would like to make the move before we leave)

Um - Can I TELL you how jealous my DH would be of that day???? 1/2 day at MK 1/2 day at Gator Tailgating??? Heck, I'm jealous and I'm just a Gator fan by marriage!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!! Although - are you 'Bama fans or Gators???

I promise a picture tomorrow - but I found the coolest "hidden pirate" fabric at Hancock ON SALE today!!!!
WARNING: picture overload ahead!

Hi everyone!

I have been SO busy sewing for our upcoming trip (but I have been religiously reading the thread...just not commenting!) I have been SO inspired by you all - I would have never thought to 'frankenpattern'if it hadn't been for you all...so, thank you!

Wayyyyy TMTQ - but I LOVE the Mickey head camera strap (may just have to CASE if you don't mind!) Did you have a tut for that or just wing it?

Also - Nini - hats off to your SN DS for being so caring and compassionate. I, too, hope that the money went toward food and not booze or drugs. :(

Tricia - LOVE that purse!

Dorine - your AG dresses are TDF. I have enough trouble sewing for my 2 & 6 year old...you are SO patient to sew for teeny-tiny 18" dolls!

Chiara - LOVE the vaca pics (esp the flag Mickey heads...I have major embroidery machine envy.)

Marianne - Can't wait to see the Gil costume. My DD is obsessed with Bubble Guppies too.

In the interest of moving things along, I thought I'd post a few of my customs that I've been slaving away on for the past few months:

Minnie Mouse dress:

Lilo dress for Ohana Best Friends breakfast:

Minnie-inspired stripwork jumper:

POTC-inspired dress (wish I didn't photograph this on a black background!):

POTC-inspired bowling shirt for DS:

Jessie-inspired SS:

Cinderella ballgown for MNSSHP:

closeup of the sparkly satin:

Prince Charming outfit for MNSSHP:

Mickey tee & matching Madras plaid shorts:

ruffle capris and SS (totally CASEd from someone on here -thanks!)

Incredibles tees for both DH & DS (hand-embroidered...that was exhausting!):

Mickey tie & suspenders tee for DS (also making one for DH!)

Airplane bags for DD & DS:

I've also made several other outfits that I haven't posted yet...I'll have to add those soon! I'm WHOOPED...but loving creating all these things for my kids. :love:
wow i love it ALL! they will be so cute! My faves are the pirate dress and the suspenders/tie tee! love it!


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