Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Andrea, on my computer it is still showing that your link goes to www.disbiggive.com and mine goes to www.disbiggive.proboards.com

this is so weird, I wonder why it changed on us :confused3...guess I will go change my siggie button

Ok .....go to edit your siggie....add proboards to the url so it looks like what Tricia stated

so it should read www.disbiggive.proboards.com just like Tricia's! and it worked on mine!!!!

thanks for figuring it out tricia.....still strange it switched
taking a break from the sewing room where i have been getting chumy with my seam ripper!! we even have pet names for each other...i call her my 'BFF'
and she calls me the 'DESTROYER!' But we'll work it out, we always do!:rolleyes:
DD Candice called last night to say she & hubs had to work so wouldn't be able to go to the local festavil today,but the girls will be in the parade!!! it's just a small town thing called 'Clermont Days' with craft booths,food,bounce houses,pony rides etc...and all you have to do to be in the parade is show up with candy and follow the leader! hehe:laughing: so the girls Mimi { step g'ma on dad's side} will ride in the truck with them while Papa drives,Mimi is wearing a Tink outfit and asked the girls to wear one of thier dresses i made them for disney! so they princess's will throw out candy today!:woohoo:
they will be wearing Ariel,Aruroa { sleeping blooty! } and Snow White! love the ariel but it doesn't scream Ariel but she lovd it so thats good! ran out of time and worked with what i had...not my applique,ci cut the bodice form a window vallance,the sheer fabric is from a window panel ! it was her fave part...
cya all late rto catch up ...

D~ I will say it again. I want to be you when I grow up :)

ROFL You are too funny! :lovestruc

You know...the problem I have with that statement is...Are you really intending to grow up???!!! I'm NOT!

D- I really wish you would stop posting those fab five Felizes....I have that pattern (in human size) and have NEVER used it. I want to make it so bad, but my DD is now 11 and has outgrown it, and my DIL does not like it so my GD will never get to wear one...

Some day you will find someone to make Felizes for. :lovestruc I cannot wait to hear about your tirp - this is such an awesome time to go to WDW, I just love the fall decorations... I am so half tempted to switch my trip to next fall just to go when the halloween stuff is up. Maybe I'll just have to plan another trip. :rotfl2:

I know that I've said it before but these are incredible! Can't wait to see what you create next!!!

Thank you.

I also wanted to say - because I missed your quote this morning. I am so very thankful that all of your testing came back OK... I've been thinking of you and praying for you these last few days, and I am really relieved for you. I can't imagine how scary that must be to have to go through that all the time. :hug:

remember me with the

Lisa - actually - you are the other person that came to mind... with out the two of you, I'd never get anything accomplished. :worship:

I always love your doll dresses. I think that might be my next venture. My kid is growing up.

I am looking forward to seeing what you create. :thumbsup2

taking a break from the sewing room where i have been getting chumy with my seam ripper!! we even have pet names for each other...i call her my 'BFF'
and she calls me the 'DESTROYER!' But we'll work it out, we always do!:rolleyes:
DD Candice called last night to say she & hubs had to work so wouldn't be able to go to the local festavil today,but the girls will be in the parade!!! it's just a small town thing called 'Clermont Days' with craft booths,food,bounce houses,pony rides etc...and all you have to do to be in the parade is show up with candy and follow the leader! hehe:laughing: so the girls Mimi { step g'ma on dad's side} will ride in the truck with them while Papa drives,Mimi is wearing a Tink outfit and asked the girls to wear one of thier dresses i made them for disney! so they princess's will throw out candy today!:woohoo:
they will be wearing Ariel,Aruroa { sleeping blooty! } and Snow White! love the ariel but it doesn't scream Ariel but she lovd it so thats good! ran out of time and worked with what i had...not my applique,ci cut the bodice form a window vallance,the sheer fabric is from a window panel ! it was her fave part...
cya all late rto catch up ...

Absolutely adorable!!! I just love seeing these pictures! :lovestruc

D~ <---- who needs to finish breakfast, work out and then get some sewing done.
this is so weird, I wonder why it changed on us :confused3...guess I will go change my siggie button

Ok .....go to edit your siggie....add proboards to the url so it looks like what Tricia stated

so it should read www.disbiggive.proboards.com just like Tricia's! and it worked on mine!!!!

thanks for figuring it out tricia.....still strange it switched

Thanks, I fixed mine. :thumbsup2

Im not sure whats going on with some of the buttons - lol - but Teresa is away for the weekend. I have the link saved on my toolbar, and when I click on it it goes right there -so the site is still there, maybe just the direction pointer doesnt work in some of the siggies? I have no idea how to fix that. Im sure T will look into it when she gets back home!!:goodvibes
Andrea, on my computer it is still showing that your link goes to www.disbiggive.com and mine goes to www.disbiggive.proboards.com

this is so weird, I wonder why it changed on us :confused3...guess I will go change my siggie button

Ok .....go to edit your siggie....add proboards to the url so it looks like what Tricia stated

so it should read www.disbiggive.proboards.com just like Tricia's! and it worked on mine!!!!

thanks for figuring it out tricia.....still strange it switched

Thanks ladies -- I think I have it fixed. Funny thing is I just copied the image address from Tricia's, but I am a computer dummy so who knows. I wanted to switch to the smaller sig anyway so I am happy :goodvibes

taking a break from the sewing room where i have been getting chumy with my seam ripper!! we even have pet names for each other...i call her my 'BFF'
and she calls me the 'DESTROYER!' But we'll work it out, we always do!:rolleyes:
DD Candice called last night to say she & hubs had to work so wouldn't be able to go to the local festavil today,but the girls will be in the parade!!! it's just a small town thing called 'Clermont Days' with craft booths,food,bounce houses,pony rides etc...and all you have to do to be in the parade is show up with candy and follow the leader! hehe:laughing: so the girls Mimi { step g'ma on dad's side} will ride in the truck with them while Papa drives,Mimi is wearing a Tink outfit and asked the girls to wear one of thier dresses i made them for disney! so they princess's will throw out candy today!:woohoo:
they will be wearing Ariel,Aruroa { sleeping blooty! } and Snow White! love the ariel but it doesn't scream Ariel but she lovd it so thats good! ran out of time and worked with what i had...not my applique,ci cut the bodice form a window vallance,the sheer fabric is from a window panel ! it was her fave part...
cya all late rto catch up ...

Cute princesses! The Ariel is actually my favorite!

Im not sure whats going on with some of the buttons - lol - but Teresa is away for the weekend. I have the link saved on my toolbar, and when I click on it it goes right there -so the site is still there, maybe just the direction pointer doesnt work in some of the siggies? I have no idea how to fix that. Im sure T will look into it when she gets back home!!:goodvibes
Wendy, when I click on yours it takes me to Go Daddy.
In the spirit of moving the thread along to help Nini not miss the move.....

D~ I didn't comment on your pics as I already had on your PTR but I didn't want you to think I'm ignoring you. Now get back to work!

I actually need to get back to work -- I just came downstairs for a wee lunch break. I need to get sewing. I have to make an eye spy bag for part of a birthday present and I just don't feel like making an eye spy bag today. I should also make the girl a tote and then I wouldn't have to run to the store. Party is tomorrow so I best get to work! I did look for books at Wally yesterday but they didn't have anything that suited the girl -- she likes superheroes and pirates :confused3 I asked my dd if the girl was tomboy and Alexa said the girl is a girly-girl so now I'm very confused :confused3 I have some sparkly pirate fabric though for an eye spy bag -- don't think I have enough to do a tote too, but I really should check. Then I can just stop at the book store for a couple of books to toss in the tote and call it a day.

And GOOD NEWS!!!! My dd was playing vet so I suggested she be a vet for Halloween and she bought it! YAY!!!! That will be an easy costume to make. I will make her animal print scrubs and a lab jacket. She already has all these vet kit items and she can carry a couple of stuffed animals with her. I even have kid sized face masks which have Pluto and Goofy on them but she doesn't want Disney on her costume :confused3:confused3:confused3:confused3:confused3
Where did I go wrong????? She normally loves Disney.
I could also make her a little scrub set with some of HeatherSue's dog appliques on them -- I already have a few intending to make dd a dress and I have the paw applique too. This will be fun.

I'd like ds to dress as a pet that might go to the vet, but I bet he won't cooperate unless it's a gecko. I can dress as a cat, but I doubt I could talk ds into being a dog.

EDITED for a typo but maybe I could make a colored pencil roll up as a gift too! I hope I have enough of that fabric to at least use as accents. I've never done a pencil or crayon roll up and have been dying to try one.
The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!

Yes, I know the link in my siggy goes to that other site, but the one I have saved on my computers toolbar goes directly to the site - so I know the site isnt down or anything, its something with the links ( :
I'm just about done for my niece. I still have a few things I want to make for myself.

This is just a sweet little outfit.

I just volunteered to sew on patches for my daughter's Girl Scout troop. I told the moms that I would sew the patches on their daughters' vests as a troop fundraiser. For every patch I sew on, they will donate $1 or $2 to the troop. So far I have 3 vests (there are 14 girls in the troop) and that should raise about $100 for the troop. It is amazing how many moms can't do even the simple sewing for the patches. A lot of the moms were gluing them on with fabric glue! One mom accidentally glued her daughters vest together. That was when I volunteered to do this as a troop fundraiser.
This is a great idea. I do the badges for our troop but we only have 5 girls. I will have to think about this when my son joins cub scouts in case anyone needs help with their badges!

I just watched a couple of youtube videos about shirring. In the video it showed how to take out the bobbin holder and tighten the bobbin tension to get better results on the shirring. It made a HUGE improvement. The only concern I had was if I changed my bobbin tension, how would I get it back to normal so that it didn't affect my regular sewing?????
I am way to scared to mess with the bobbin tension. I have heard the suggestion to purchase another bobbin case and never touch the tension on that one. I'm impressed that Nini can adjust hers back and forth.

I wanted to let everybody know that I saw my oncologist today and my scan showed no signs of cancer at the present time. We are extremely happy! Usually my DH goes with me to the appointments but he didn't feel well today so I had to go alone. We couldn't take any chances of him passing something on to somebody in waiting room there. Poor DH, he was so upset he couldn't go and had to wait at home on pins and needles until I called him with the results. As a treat for myself, I bought some elastic thread and I am going to play around a little bit with shirring and I am going to ignore all the laundry and unfinished projects.
What great news. I hope you get a chance to celebrate this weekend.

I seriously feel like I have been sucked off the surface of the earth! It has been a h** of a week for me. If anyone does not know - I work 7 12 hour shifts at work in a row. Normally that is all fine and dandy- because we are not "that" busy. (2-4 pts a night). Well, the YK delta is currently in the middle of a population explosion and I got caught in it! Plus two travel nurses quit. Makes for a scary :scared1::scared1: situation staffing wise. I have run my booty off for 8 13-14 hour shifts in a row. To top it off, my husband is working extra the last 3 weeks so that he will be able to take time off for our cruise in Nov, and he has not been home to watch the kids during the day when I sleep. I am exhasted! Waking up every 30 mins to tend to a two year old does nothing for your beauty sleep.

I hope everyone is working on Project Runway stuff. I am fixing to make mine - and if I can get one done after the last week, surely others can too! I will refind on post the rules to remind everone.
YIKES, I can't imagine working so many crazy hours and I'm feeling really bad that I don't have a project runway submission. Unless of course I finish this Rapunzel dress I started yesterday but I doubt that will happen.

Last year we were The Gators

I made a whole BOARD of pins on Pinterest of homemade DIY costume links, but nothing jumped out at me . . . :rolleyes1
I love the Gator family. As for new ideas I have none! That bubble guppies costume sounds like it will be cute. My DS loves that show.

Hello Friends

We are back from a wonderful trip, my grandchildren are amazing little people. We had so much fun together, here are a few quick pictures.

Emily and Belle

Edward sleeping in the AK

I can't tell you how hard it was to leave them! I miss them soo much and hope we have an opportunity to see them again before we all meet up in Disney next Sept.
What wonderful memories from your trip. I hope you get to see them again soon. They look so cute in all of the things you made.

taking a break from the sewing room where i have been getting chumy with my seam ripper!! we even have pet names for each other...i call her my 'BFF'
and she calls me the 'DESTROYER!' But we'll work it out, we always do!:rolleyes:
DD Candice called last night to say she & hubs had to work so wouldn't be able to go to the local festavil today,but the girls will be in the parade!!! it's just a small town thing called 'Clermont Days' with craft booths,food,bounce houses,pony rides etc...and all you have to do to be in the parade is show up with candy and follow the leader! hehe:laughing: so the girls Mimi { step g'ma on dad's side} will ride in the truck with them while Papa drives,Mimi is wearing a Tink outfit and asked the girls to wear one of thier dresses i made them for disney! so they princess's will throw out candy today!:woohoo:
they will be wearing Ariel,Aruroa { sleeping blooty! } and Snow White! love the ariel but it doesn't scream Ariel but she lovd it so thats good! ran out of time and worked with what i had...not my applique,ci cut the bodice form a window vallance,the sheer fabric is from a window panel ! it was her fave part...
cya all late rto catch up ...

That sounds like fun. I bet the girls will have a blast.

Nini - sorry to hear about your missing funds. I am always afraid I will loose cash. I hope it turns up.

I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:


In the spirit of moving the thread along to help Nini not miss the move.....

D~ I didn't comment on your pics as I already had on your PTR but I didn't want you to think I'm ignoring you. Now get back to work!

I totally understand... I don't expect people to comment at both places. :lovestruc

I am so sorry about the $100. At least you know where it went, what a loving ds you must have.

On the flip side... if one of my dds came home from school with a $100 bill - me, as a parent, would call the parents of the child who gave it to them, and insist on giving it back. I feel - that if those parents knew about it - they should call you and double check that this was really the intended purpose for that $$, because that is just a lot of $$ to give to someone with out some sort of explaination. Now, if the child didn't tell their parents about the $$ - that's a different story - but I would still wonder, as a parent, where my child was getting all this $$ to buy super neat things, if I didn't give it to him/her... and at some point, I would ask the child about it, and make it right to the people. Does any of this make sense?

D~ <---- who had a change of plans today and has to run to town early - will be sewing all afternoon though (minus a walk with my neighbor).
I updated my signature per Lisa's directions and now it goes to the new Give Site and not go daddy. If you modify the signature link then it should work. Thanks Lisa!

The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!

Oh my, this is a sweet story and I'm glad you didn't loose the money but I can feel your frustration. $100 is alot of happy meals. I am wondering why the parents of the other child have not figured out that their son has $100 and where he got it from. :confused3

Maybe you could contact the child's parents and say that you are just trying to confirm that your DS gave him some money?????
I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:

This is fabulous did you use a tutorial?

I went shopping with the kids this AM. DD needed a few things. Do you know i had a problem finding Cardigans? We finally found 2 she liked in Childrens Place.

I also went to JoAnns because I wanted to see the Disney Corduroy They had Rapunzel, Princesses and Some Dora. Nothing for boys :( I did buy fabric DDs Christmas Skirt for Disney and some super soft denim and corduroy for the boy.

Also bought a picture frame and elastic. No idea why I go in with a budget and it is blown to smithereens Every time.
Unfortunately, the child in question comes from a questionable home (oh the joys of living in a small town). We are pretty sure that if the mom ever saw the money it is gone the way of either the local beer store or drug dealer by now...

Thanks for the good thoughts....

Now, let's get moving.......

I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:



I really love the camera strap!! and I would also love to know if you used a tutorial.

Nini, glad you found out what happened to the money, sorry you are out $100 though. Your DS has a truly big heart.
Nini - I am so sorry... At least your son is generous, and has empathy for people in bad situations.

I've been working on some stuff for our trip and I took pictures yesterday but photobucket is not cooperating. I will post them when I get it figured out. In the meantime I will show you my one and only Project Runway submission for last week. I'm glad that I was able to make something for myself for our trip since at the the rate I'm going I will not get everything on my list completed. This was a quick project but it took me a while to do the embroidery and it took forever to turn it right side out since the mickey heads didn't fit thru the narrow hole I left for the bottom of the strap:



I totally loved this - and really want to make one as a pin lanyard - it was super cute! I want to know if you used a tutorial, as well. :thumbsup2

remember me with the


I loved doing themed Halloween costume. Last year they went as Woody, Jesse and Buzz. This year we have a Ghostbuster, SwampFire (from Ben10) and a Vampire Girl.:confused3 All store bought as I don't have time to make them.

If you did a Wizard of Oz theme they wouldn't be the Scarecrow, TinMan and Lion?:goodvibes

What a bunch of cutie pies. It must be so sad to leave them.
We are fortunate that both my mother and mother in law babysit each one day a week so I can work and they get to spend time with them.

:headache: Get some rest. A nice feature on my machine is it tells me when I am running out of bobbin thread.

I think I have to give up on the theme this year - unless maybe I can convince Phalen to be some sort of underwater creature . . . but that chance is SLIM . . . Finn woke up this morning and asked if we were going to get the stuff to make his Gilly costume today :lovestruc

SO jealous you have in-town babysitters! Although, I don't EVER want to live in the same town as my ILs . . . but I wish my parents were close enough to babysit!!!

And jealous of a machine that tells you when the bobbin is going to run out!!!

I did a mermaid outfit for my niece because she just adores mermaids. It was really easy. I didn't use a tutorial. I had a mermaid costume from McCalls and I looked at it for some ideas but it was just crazy difficult. This is what I came up with:

This was a breeze to make. I whipped it up in about an hour.

Okay - how'd you do the tail/foot opening???

taking a break from the sewing room where i have been getting chumy with my seam ripper!! we even have pet names for each other...i call her my 'BFF'
and she calls me the 'DESTROYER!' But we'll work it out, we always do!:rolleyes:
DD Candice called last night to say she & hubs had to work so wouldn't be able to go to the local festavil today,but the girls will be in the parade!!! it's just a small town thing called 'Clermont Days' with craft booths,food,bounce houses,pony rides etc...and all you have to do to be in the parade is show up with candy and follow the leader! hehe:laughing: so the girls Mimi { step g'ma on dad's side} will ride in the truck with them while Papa drives,Mimi is wearing a Tink outfit and asked the girls to wear one of thier dresses i made them for disney! so they princess's will throw out candy today!:woohoo:
they will be wearing Ariel,Aruroa { sleeping blooty! } and Snow White! love the ariel but it doesn't scream Ariel but she lovd it so thats good! ran out of time and worked with what i had...not my applique,ci cut the bodice form a window vallance,the sheer fabric is from a window panel ! it was her fave part...
cya all late rto catch up ...


The money saga continues...

My DS9 (special needs) just told us he took the money to school and gave it to a little boy in his class because he said he was poor.

He actually gave him the $100 bill and a $1.00 bill.

My DS has no concept of money. If you tell him something costs a dollar, you might as well be telling him a million. We explain money in terms of $5 will buy you a McDonald's meal...and everything else is built on how many McDonald's meals you can buy with that amount.

My DS train of thought was we are going to Disney again, and this little boy has never been, so he must be poor.

While I love the compassion my DS has...it is really difficult to explain to him that he can't take money without asking. He just doesn't get it...

At least I can stop worrying about the money and trying to find it...although, my kitchen has never been cleaner!


Oh Nini!!! Your sweet sweet DS! :love::love::love:

I also went to JoAnns because I wanted to see the Disney Corduroy They had Rapunzel, Princesses and Some Dora. Nothing for boys :( I did buy fabric DDs Christmas Skirt for Disney and some super soft denim and corduroy for the boy.

Darn! I was hoping for some cute boy corduroy!!!

Unfortunately, the child in question comes from a questionable home (oh the joys of living in a small town). We are pretty sure that if the mom ever saw the money it is gone the way of either the local beer store or drug dealer by now...

Thanks for the good thoughts....

Now, let's get moving.......


:sad2: That's so sad :sad2:


Where can I find an inexpensive 2T/3T-ish size NUDE long sleeve leotard????

And, in another effort to move things along - I'll share a picture of MY first trip to Disney - which was Thanksgiving Weekend (we flew to Orlando on Thanksgiving Day) when I was 4. . . And part of the reason we planned our upcoming trip for the week after Thanksgiving, to sort of "tie-in" with that trip, since this will be my boys first time staying on property :)

Well, in the interest of moving thing along I have a couple of things I finished this week and haven't posted yet. Not even sure if I can do this from my iPad, but her goes.

The first is a dress for my little cousin, the bodice is the precious dress and the skirts are from an Ottobre.

IMG_7936 by tricialee22, on Flickr


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