Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I am so frustrated right now. I have been trying for the last hour and a half to print out the pattern pieces for the Sophie Tunic and everything that could go wrong during printing has. :headache: I have it printing again right now and if it doesn't print out I am going to take this laptop and the printer and throw them through the bedroom window.

Whoa. Take a deep breath now. If you do that you will have a broken window to contend with too. Better to just pour a glass of water on the laptop. That way nothing else has to suffer. ;):badpc:

OMG!!!!! My niece would flip over that Tinkerbell outfit. They are all gorgeous but LOOOOVE the Tink one.
There's a new CarlaC pattern on www.youcanmakethis.com! It's called the Sophie Tunic. I made Tessa 2 shirts out of it and it's a really easy one! I'm a slow sewer and I made the first shirt in 2 hours and the 2nd shirt in a little under 1 1/2 hours.

This is the cap sleeve version:

I designed and digitized the embroidery on the neckline myself! I'm hoping to open up an etsy shop for my digitized embroidery soon.


Here's the long sleeved version of the Sophie Tunic.


The fabric is by Jennifer Paganelli of Sis Boom fabric. Her fabric is really vibrant and fun!

Of course I have to post a flying Tessa picture!


Sorry for the drive-by posts today. I hope to try and catch up a little tomorrow! But, I'm also working on updating my trip report. It's been WAY too long since I updated!
I love the Tunic! That embroidery is beautiful!! The Mickey Head on the bottom reminded me of the Epcot Ball (Spaceship Earth) which got me wondering if you could come up with something with an Epcot theme? I would love to make a tunic with some of the Friends around The World Fabric and an Epcot themed embroidered collar! ( I have no idea how to digitize and I don't have the software but I am willing to order something like that from you if you can do it) It would also look cute to make one from Mickey *Parts* like his glove, pants, ears, yellow shoes!
Well, I finished one design and got it on the shirt!


The bottom looks a bit "off" but the shirt wasn't completely flat, so it's actually shirt wrinkles and not a wonky design.

For my first effort, the fact it wasn't disgraceful is a bonus!

I thinking of adding ribbons to the tutu and the straps on the shirt, we'll see! When it's all done I'll have my ballerina pose again!
Beautiful Shirt!
The only thing I don't have to really iron is the seersucker. That is one bad thing about customs; you do a lot more ironing! The worst are those palazzo-like pants with the three tiers; they take forever to iron!

I tried Carla's new pattern too; it was so much fun! I added elastic to the sleeves for a different look. We copied AbbyGrace's pose with a tree:


And for the Scrappy watchers, he was running around there too:

Another beautiful Tunic! Hi Scrappy!!!!
Wow, ya'll have been chatty and busy, too. I'm really impressed with all the poodles skirts. They look so fun, and I'm really liking the new tunic top. All of them posted here look great.

Heather, you are doing an amazing job with your digitizing, and I wish you tons of good fortune with it. I particularly love the design you did on the tunic collar. I love the Mickey ears and the way you put something in the design to represent each princess. It was easy to pick up on but not so overt that it overpowered the design. I really liked it.

Em, great job on the hot fix crystal shirt. I think it looks great. I have never added more than the occasional stone here and there because I have no patience for it -- either to make a pattern or to actually see the project through, so I am always in awe of those who can do this.

I know I missed a few things like all the pretty princess dresses, etc, but seriously, everything looks great!!!

Well, I this is one of the things I have been working on. Both of my girls LOVE Phineas and Ferb, and I think I enjoy it as much as they do. LOL!!!! So, this is my tribute to that show. Both of my girls -- neither of which like to wear character customs anymore have asked me to make them one of these. I may make for them for MNSSHP since it is a little like a costume.


My kids watch Phineas and Ferb too ! I love the dress!
Jessica it looks complicated but it is so EASY! If I can do it any one can do it!!!!
This SisBoom fabric is to die for!




EVERYONE'S is gorgeous!

LOVE the F&P outfit!
My aunt and Uncle just left a few minutes ago and that is why I haven't been posting or checking the board but once I get a few things done to clean up the mess of a house I will read through what I have missed!!!
Nikki looks beautiful in her Tunics! I love the pink tulip she is holding!
WOW! I haven't been on in so long and I have missed out! I wanted to post my little Rylie in her Sophie tunic:

This pattern is so cute and very easy! No gathering, elastic, zippers or buttons if you choose! Also wanted to show off an outfit I recently made for a customer:

Her little girl is about the same size as Rylie so that worked out well!
So cute!
Love the veggie tales party and doll house! So cute!

probably, but a bigger picture would help a lot! The biggest one looks like a buttonhole foot but seriously, a bigger picture!

So I wasn't loving the Garanimals tank tops having ruffles, I mean that kind of gets in the way of applique, KWIM? But then I sewed ribbon around the ruffles and I love it! :thumbsup2


What a good Idea to add ribbon!! It looks like something you would find at Gymboree now!
You Had to mention the hairbrush song. My youngest is 8. He no longer watches Veggie Tales but When he was little he watched them ALL the time. Over and Over and Over. I know ALL and I do mean ALL of the songs and can sing them at will. The hairbrush song is one of my favorites and I sing it alot when ever I can't find something. Like Where is my seam ripper or Where are my scissors. I drives the kids insane(Yah). I also sing the bunny song alot too. "I Love the bunny". We have a puppy who has a bunny chew toy and I sing it to him so much my husband now sings it and He has never seen the movie.:scared1: :laughing: I am glad to see I am not the only one who gets the kids songs stuck in my head. Although I am probably the worst case!!!!
That is too cute! ;)
Okay since we're all friends now, I'll make a confession- I'm a huge nerd. Yes, a Star Wars Loving, Science Fiction movie watching, Anime worshiping, Video Game playing, comic book nerd.

Comic books were actually the biggest way I helped Em to learn to read. When she was struggling with that (she was the lowest reader in her grade and had to be in a special program) was also the time she was receiving OT for her sensory issues twice a week. (This was also when I was a much younger and less fluffy single mom)

Well at least once a week we'd walk across the street from OT to a wonderful "Mom and Pop" comic shop, where she'd get to pick her own comic, which she DID love to read (btw now we can't stop her from reading. THe one and only time she was grounded, the punishment was she was only allowed to read for fun 1.5 hours a day!)

Of course you'd get a lot of looks being a female in the comic shop, but I think comic book types are generally shyer unless you strictly want to talk nerd things. Approaching females in general though didn't happen- UNTIL my cell phone rang one day while I was shopping comics, and played...the theme from the X-Men cartoon. :rolleyes1

You know the "bees to honey" saying? LOL yeah. It was kinda funny to be honest. But yes, be a female, go to a comic book shop and have your phone play a superhero cartoon theme, and you get a LOT of attention (of course I just smiled and said no thank you).

Interesting enough, I did end up marrying another Star Wars Loving, Science Fiction movie watching, Anime worshiping, Video Game playing, comic book nerd, but I didn't meet him in the comic shop...I met him playing a video game! :cutie:

Embarrassing confession time over. I'm going to blame my openness on pain and pain medication, okay?
Fussymonkey as the biomom of 3 girls, and the soon-to-be adoptive mom of 2 sons, I can tell you without a doubt there is NO difference in the love and the bond I feel between my "bio" and "adopted" children. They are all MY children and I can be mama lion fierce about them just the same.

I dreamed of my sons for 12 years. Having bio children didn't stop that desire, I knew they were out there somewhere waiting for me just as I was waiting for them. I cannot thing of anything in my life I have wanted more than to be blessed to raise these boys!
sorry, don't have time to go back and multiquote; have to p/u kids from school.

Cindy and Linnete: praying for you and your families.

Beautiful communion dress!

Absolutely adorable princess short outfits; are the Cindy and Snow white 2 piece? I have that dress pattern, but not sure how to do it as a 2 piece.

Finally: yet another stupid serger question

So I got my serger and I think I have the courage to actually turn it on; wow, that thing is intimidating; I'm more scared after reading the manual then before; still not sure how I'm gonna thread the thing, but anyway...

What do you use the serger for vs. the sewing machine? And do you have to change seam allowances, etc. if you're using the serger to hem/finish at once? Sorry to have to ask, but I genuinly have no idea; maybe I'm not ready for a serger, although it seemed like a great idea at the time
hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big
Hey ya'll....this is my first time posting to this thread. I have been here looking quite often for ideas though. After spending this past week busily sewing some outfits for my girls to wear at the World this June, this is what I ended up with. I'm not done yet though! I'm on a roll and have some other outfits in my mind to make for our days at Animal Kingdom and Epcot. The ones I'm posting here are for our days in MK. My girls both wear the same size so they can swap outfits.

I'm so excited to share so tell me what you think!! Oh, just a disclaimer: I didn't "create" these. I modified and merged some Simplicity patterns.




Also, this is my first time posting pictures. So, I apologize if they don't show up.

You can view them on my blog maybe??? The addy is http://www.theoxbowgang.blogspot.com (I hope that's allowed).

Thanks for looking!


They all look wonderful, but I especially love the Tink set! Too cute!

hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big

Adorable, and so is your dd. =)
Absolutely adorable princess short outfits; are the Cindy and Snow white 2 piece? I have that dress pattern, but not sure how to do it as a 2 piece.

I modified the pattern into a two piece. I used the shorts pattern from "It's so Easy It's Simplicity" Pattern #2910. Then on the Snow White and Cinderella dress pattern (Simplicity #5832), I made the upper portion according to the pattern but cut the skirt off real short instead of going full length. I also did NOT put the zipper in the back (I hate zippers!) but used velcro instead. You can get the strips of velcro at Walmart in a roll and it has permanent adhesive so no sewing involved with that part! One last thing, I also omitted the Snow White collar. According to the pattern it is detachable (also with velcro) but I just thought it looked better and more comfy without it.

Hope this helps!!!

Just realized I use the word "also" a lot. I hope there aren't any English teachers on disboards!!! LOL
Whoa. Take a deep breath now. If you do that you will have a broken window to contend with too. Better to just pour a glass of water on the laptop. That way nothing else has to suffer. ;):badpc:
Damage avoided. It printed out the last time. I don't know what was going on. :confused3 Maybe there is a curse on the pattern. ;)

FYI the laptop has already had a cup of pink lemonade dropped on it and yeah it went everywhere. Luckily it didn't damage anything, just keys that get stuck sometimes.
I'm still 25 pages behind but I wanted to post some pictures from our busy weekend.

Abby received her First Communion. I made her dress. I had such a hard time deciding what to make. First I was going to use Batiste and make an heirloom style dress. But Batiste is so thin. I was going to embroider a chalice and bread/wheat on the dress but they stitched out too big.

So the dress ended up a bit simple. It is white satin with a sheer overskirt. The dress is fully lined in white cotton batiste. I embroidered a cross on the ends of the sash.

Here is DD outside the church

Here she is receiving her Communion, I don't think you can see the crosses on the sash though.


Then on Sunday they did Ethan's baptism. I should have had him baptized as a baby but DH and I disagreed on the Godparents. But he is baptized now. I was thinking of making him something but I just couldn't come to a decision. I was going to make him some Linen shorts but I didn't have time. They are cut out but not sewn. I guess he can wear them to the beach if we go. His shirt and pants are from The Gap. I got DH's shirt from the Gap also.

congratulations on both. The dress is so pretty. You have a beautiful family.

Hi everyone,
I've been a lurky-loo for a long time on this thread, but have only posted once. I have a comment and a question:

Mouse Tripper- I want to wish you very well on your adoption journey and but also I want to thank you. I was an adopted child. My parents have both passed on. Hearing your excitement and joy over your adoption process has been a very positive, affirming thing for me because its like hearing my own parents. Hard to explain... but I don't think I ever realized before what that whole process would have been like for them, but reading your posts has brought that home for me, and made me so aware of the Lord's presence in every aspect of our lives. I think like many adopted children, I have struggled with abandonment issues, but thinking about how my parents must have felt makes me feel so... wanted. Its funny the way other people's joy can touch you some times. Congratulations on your child- adoption is a beautiful, wonderful thing. :lovestruc

Ok, my question for everyone: I just got my new sewing machine last night (a Brother SE350) and I had a sun dress for my daughter all cut out and ready to go. Its a halter style sundress with a bais cut skirt in the front. The back of the dress has elastic and then three ruffles to form the back of the skirt. I used Tutti Frutti fabric, white with cherries and the middle ruffle is contrasting green.

I did sew it, and the outside of the dress looks great. The machine sews like a dream :cloud9:! The inside, however, is such a mess. I just know the first time I wash it its going to fray and look just nasty. What do all of you who don't have sergers do to keep the inside of your clothes from unravelling? :confused3Keep in mind I am just starting to sew so I don't know anything.
Thanks for the cry. It is very sweet to read you realizing your adoptive parents really truly loved you.

I uses my over casting/ over casing foot and stitch every piece of the pattern. Then I stitch them together and usually over case the 2 seams together.

Please keep us in your thoughts. The "short" story is, we NEED to move. Today would be good. I have had about 3 hours of sleep as Shell and I spent most of last night filling out police reports and helping to arrest 5 bad guys. (2seperate events if you can believe it). Morgan woke up to find two undercover officers in her living room (which she thought was REALLLLLLLY cool). So I am now in panic mode searching for a new house.

TeresaJoy, I tried to send you and Pm but your mailbox is full. I called but not sure I got you:confused3.
Oh MY!:hug: Praying for the best possible outcome!

Thanks for the advice! I am going to try this! I feel like because it is only 1/2" it will not take to much! Thanks again!
yeah it is easy to add some:)

Hey ya'll....this is my first time posting to this thread. I have been here looking quite often for ideas though. After spending this past week busily sewing some outfits for my girls to wear at the World this June, this is what I ended up with. I'm not done yet though! I'm on a roll and have some other outfits in my mind to make for our days at Animal Kingdom and Epcot. The ones I'm posting here are for our days in MK. My girls both wear the same size so they can swap outfits.

I'm so excited to share so tell me what you think!! Oh, just a disclaimer: I didn't "create" these. I modified and merged some Simplicity patterns.




Also, this is my first time posting pictures. So, I apologize if they don't show up.

You can view them on my blog maybe??? The addy is http://www.theoxbowgang.blogspot.com (I hope that's allowed).

Thanks for looking!

Alla re adorable but I LOVE the Tink!

:cloud9:Your post just brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I am so sorry both your parents have passed on, I am sure that is very difficult. As an adoptive mom, I have to say that I am positive that their excitement over adopting you was more than you can ever imagine!!! It is a feeling I can't even fully explain to others and one that never leaves. I thank God everyday for blessing us with our sweet daughter and sweet son. I have said this before, the process we have taken to get to the actual adoption is like riding on a emotional roller-coaster or ups and downs and worries and fears. However it is also one of instant love and pure happiness. We truly have been blessed just as YOUR parents were truly blessed when they held you in their arms for the first time. (I am sending you a PM).
Now I am really crying this is so touching! My DH was adopted by his step dad and he was not nice in any way so DH is so jaded about adoption but I keep telling him it really doesn't have to be that way. He just got stuck with a jerk! When we where told we couldn't naturally have children I was all for adoption and we went around about it for awhile.
We where blessed to concieve but adoption stories just really touch me for some reason...

You have a beautiful family. Congratulations on the baptism and first communion. Your dd's dress is lovely; very classic-looking and elegant.

I made my dd's first communion dress too. It was the last dress I made for her. (Don't make that mistake, they grow up (and out, iykwim) so quickly.

If anyone wants me to post photos I will.

As an adoptive mom, I can assure you we couldn't have wanted our kids more if they had been born to us, or been more excited. It's always nice (for me) to get an insight from someone who's gone through adoption from the other side.

A couple of ladies my DH works with were adopted as infants, and got together with my dd for lunch one time and shared with her what it was like for them growing up not knowing their birthparents. Our dd was going through a period where she was feeling sad about it, and jealous of one of her brothers who has a relationship with his birthmom. It helped her to know that she wasn't alone, and that her feelings were okay.

Praying!!! That sounds very scary. I hope you can get away from that soon and that you stay SAFE!
Silly of course we want pictures!

Glad you dd realized that there are all kind of situations with adoptive families and she could come to terms with her.:hug:

I am so frustrated right now. I have been trying for the last hour and a half to print out the pattern pieces for the Sophie Tunic and everything that could go wrong during printing has. :headache: I have it printing again right now and if it doesn't print out I am going to take this laptop and the printer and throw them through the bedroom window.
Sorry! It will be worth it when you start sewing the printing of it is the longest part!

Whoa. Take a deep breath now. If you do that you will have a broken window to contend with too. Better to just pour a glass of water on the laptop. That way nothing else has to suffer. ;):badpc:

Nikki looks beautiful in her Tunics! I love the pink tulip she is holding!
Thank you. We had a few Tulips grow this year I love them!

hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big
So cute I love Fancy Nancy! I wish she was around when Nik was little

Damage avoided. It printed out the last time. I don't know what was going on. :confused3 Maybe there is a curse on the pattern. ;)

FYI the laptop has already had a cup of pink lemonade dropped on it and yeah it went everywhere. Luckily it didn't damage anything, just keys that get stuck sometimes.
Hush your mouth! Trust me the pattern is worth it!!!!
Hey ya'll....this is my first time posting to this thread. I have been here looking quite often for ideas though. After spending this past week busily sewing some outfits for my girls to wear at the World this June, this is what I ended up with. I'm not done yet though! I'm on a roll and have some other outfits in my mind to make for our days at Animal Kingdom and Epcot. The ones I'm posting here are for our days in MK. My girls both wear the same size so they can swap outfits.

I'm so excited to share so tell me what you think!! Oh, just a disclaimer: I didn't "create" these. I modified and merged some Simplicity patterns.




Also, this is my first time posting pictures. So, I apologize if they don't show up.

You can view them on my blog maybe??? The addy is http://www.theoxbowgang.blogspot.com (I hope that's allowed).

Thanks for looking!


I just love these! The Snow White is adorable. Well, they are all adorable, but I'm partial to the Snow White. I've been looking for some skorts so I can do some "conversions", but I'm having a hard time.

When are you going in June?
I just love these! The Snow White is adorable. Well, they are all adorable, but I'm partial to the Snow White. I've been looking for some skorts so I can do some "conversions", but I'm having a hard time.

When are you going in June?

We're going from 6/14 to 6/21 for our FIRST EVER trip to the World!!!! I'm so very excited (can ya tell?) and even my hubby admitted to me last night that he's feeling a little excited also! When I first suggested Disney for our summer vacay this year, he rolled his eyes at me and gave me a Tim Allen grunt. :D
Im going campin for my birthday this weekend with some of my girlfriends. Georgia is going to her dads. It should be fun. Beach camping is awesome!
Happy Birthday! Have a great weekend!

Abby received her First Communion. I made her dress. I had such a hard time deciding what to make. First I was going to use Batiste and make an heirloom style dress. But Batiste is so thin. I was going to embroider a chalice and bread/wheat on the dress but they stitched out too big.

So the dress ended up a bit simple. It is white satin with a sheer overskirt. The dress is fully lined in white cotton batiste. I embroidered a cross on the ends of the sash.

Here is DD outside the church

Here she is receiving her Communion, I don't think you can see the crosses on the sash though.


Then on Sunday they did Ethan's baptism. I should have had him baptized as a baby but DH and I disagreed on the Godparents. But he is baptized now. I was thinking of making him something but I just couldn't come to a decision. I was going to make him some Linen shorts but I didn't have time. They are cut out but not sewn. I guess he can wear them to the beach if we go. His shirt and pants are from The Gap. I got DH's shirt from the Gap also.

Love the dress!!!! Your DS is quite handsome too!

Please keep us in your thoughts. The "short" story is, we NEED to move. Today would be good. I have had about 3 hours of sleep as Shell and I spent most of last night filling out police reports and helping to arrest 5 bad guys. (2seperate events if you can believe it). Morgan woke up to find two undercover officers in her living room (which she thought was REALLLLLLLY cool). So I am now in panic mode searching for a new house.
:wizard:Hope you can find a new place or solve the problem soon. how scary!

I am almost done Joci's Fancy Nancy dress - from the Posh Puppy book. I just have to hem it and add the poodle. She wants to wear her petti under it. I am going to get her a white one but put the lilac on for measurement purposes. What do you think? Does the length look about right? I made her a size 3 from the Miss Lily pattern for the top and just made a skirt to go with it. It is a little too big though in the back it seems. I was going to add some elastic to the back at the waist to bring it it. Do you think it will work?


TIA, Carol

Hey ya'll....this is my first time posting to this thread. I have been here looking quite often for ideas though. After spending this past week busily sewing some outfits for my girls to wear at the World this June, this is what I ended up with. I'm not done yet though! I'm on a roll and have some other outfits in my mind to make for our days at Animal Kingdom and Epcot. The ones I'm posting here are for our days in MK. My girls both wear the same size so they can swap outfits.

I'm so excited to share so tell me what you think!! Oh, just a disclaimer: I didn't "create" these. I modified and merged some Simplicity patterns.




Also, this is my first time posting pictures. So, I apologize if they don't show up.

You can view them on my blog maybe??? The addy is http://www.theoxbowgang.blogspot.com (I hope that's allowed).

Thanks for looking!

Those are all so cute! Love Tink!

hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big
SO cute!!!!
I have the same machine. :cool1: I usually will trim the seams with my pinking shears. Another option is to do the French seams. Sew the seam wrong sides together and then flip it and sew the right sides together. It will hide the seams, but it is much more work. Also stitch 29 is for keeping the edges from fraying, but you have to trim off the excess. I believe there is a foot you can get for the machine that will cut off the excess. I will check my book again.

Thanks Tina Belle and everyone who replied. It sounds like pinking shears are the easiest and least expensive solution. Maybe I'll try overcasting on some scrap and pinking shears on some scrap and see which washes better.

I am dreaming of a serger one day, but I think that day is far away, having just invested in a machine. Until then hopefully the pinking shears or the overcasting stiches will do the trick

To all the adoptive moms: thanks for your kind words. :grouphug:
I am so frustrated right now. I have been trying for the last hour and a half to print out the pattern pieces for the Sophie Tunic and everything that could go wrong during printing has. :headache: I have it printing again right now and if it doesn't print out I am going to take this laptop and the printer and throw them through the bedroom window.

I am happy it finally worked! And :rotfl2: about the lemonade!

What do you use the serger for vs. the sewing machine? And do you have to change seam allowances, etc. if you're using the serger to hem/finish at once? Sorry to have to ask, but I genuinly have no idea; maybe I'm not ready for a serger, although it seemed like a great idea at the time

I was in a group where they told us you can gather & surge your skirts all in one step. I still like the "old fashioned way!" I use my serger mainly to clean up the seams. I haven't done rolled hems, I personally don't always like the look of it. NOT to say others don't do a GREAT job at it. I was taught to sew many years ago, way before home sergers and just don't sew that way. :confused3 But I do use the serger on everything I make except the Anna Wrap dress or a simple A line dress! Those are fully lined!

hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big


I thought I had more things quoted. I must be going crazy?? :scared1:
I am making Carla's precious Dress and I want to add a sash I was going to use her sash patter but it looks like it is a belt type thing? Do you guys attach it to the dress or leave it as a belt? Or it looks like there is a Tie option in the pattern should I just use that one???? Problem is I want the sash to show in the front of the dress but be attached. If it isn't attached she will take it of and it will just become a pain in my butt rather than a pretty part of the dress...
Hey everyone! I have not been on the boards in six weeks. We had a great trip back in March and I am looking forward to the next one! Today my DD got a package in the mail from the super talented Jessica. If you do not know already I am huge fan of her designs. Look how cute this one turned out.




PrincessKell, I'm sorry. How did I read your post and miss that it's your birthday this weekend. :confused3

Happy Birthday!

hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big

Very sweet dress.

Also, I missed the quote, but the Thing 1 dress is really cute.

Can I whine a little?

Our front window is leaking like CRAZY. Actually, the ceiling where it meets the wall is leaking, the window is leaking in 2 places, and it's leaking under the adjoining window.

We've had a ton of rain, with more in the forecast tonight.f

I'm so frustrated. We had a window that leaked that we had to have replaced in our old house, and we've only been here 1 1/2 years. This house is only about 6 years old.

I'm extremely allergic to mold, so it really makes me nervous having this water in the walls. I can already see damage on the window and part of the wall, and I'm also worried about the carpet. I have towel wadded up on every part I can, and keep changing them, but there's really nothing else I can do.

I'll try to hunt down those communion photos. They were pre-digital camera days.
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