Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Ok, I got sidetracked again. DD5's school program is Thursday & I'm trying to finish up a Mary Had a Little Lamb outfit for her to wear.

DD3's birthday was last Tuesday. We had a Veggie Tales party. She LOVES Bob & Larry.



I couldn't get her to stand still for me so these are a bit blurry.


We had cake ball 'Bobs' & Twinkie 'Larrys'.


They played in King George's duckie pond.

And played Where's My Hairbrush?

She opened FAR too many presents. This one just happens to be my favorite since I made it. ;)


And so you can see it - far to many pictures of the little house.



front yard:

the dolls:

Then on her actual birthday I realized that she didn't have anything special to wear so I made her something real quick. She didn't mind spending the morning in her jammies to humor Mommy. :rotfl:




Yeah,the dolls were apparently what she thought I wanted pics of. Silly girl.

My birthday princess - how did she get to be so big already??
What great pctures! I love that bday outfit! what patterns are those?

Oh I love this shirt too....where are you gusy getting all this neat new fabric??? It is so colorful...and totally "POPS" in pics!!! (You know, it's all about the pics for me....LOL...jk sorta....:lmao:)
The pink one is SisBoom fabric and the short sleeved one is just some fabric I got from walmart but when I saw the pattern I KNEW I had to make it with this pattern. Not as soft and pretty as the sisboom though.
Ok, I got sidetracked again. DD5's school program is Thursday & I'm trying to finish up a Mary Had a Little Lamb outfit for her to wear.

DD3's birthday was last Tuesday. We had a Veggie Tales party. She LOVES Bob & Larry.
WOW! Everything is SO cute! What a fun party.

Did you use a pattern for that doll house? So cute!

Can't wait to see your Mary Had a Little Lamb outfit.
Awwww such a cool party and I love the present you made!!!!!

What great pctures! I love that bday outfit! what patterns are those?


The pants are a Simplicity pattern that I've made about a million times - very similar to Carla's Easy Fits, I just had this one from way before.

The top is based on this tute:
But I made it shorter to be a top & I left the back open. I was really happy with how it came out & I really did make the whole thing start to finish in just a couple of hours & that including measuring a very busy 3 yr. old.

oh I love the fabric too... I got it years ago at Joanns...

that figures....:sad2:
I just love seeing pictures of Rylie!! She is such a little cutie!! I love her tunic and little shorts, too. I love the Ariel outfit!

Oh and all the tunic pics are adorable..the first thing I thought when I saw it was that if you changed up the fabrics you could make some cute Mulanish outfits. You could add the simple capris (using the Carla C easy fits?) and then a small sash.

My mom said the same thing when she saw Tessa's long sleeved tunic! She said it would make a great Mulan outfit!

The Veggie Tales outfit and party stuff are SO cute!

You did a great job on that cute little house! I just love it!!

The special party dress is so sweet! She looks adorable in it, too!
WOW! Everything is SO cute! What a fun party.

Did you use a pattern for that doll house? So cute!

Can't wait to see your Mary Had a Little Lamb outfit.

Thanks! I *think* I'm finish with Mary. I need to try it on her & see if I think the bloomers would be too much or not.

I used this tutorial for the dollhouse. I made mine a little bigger than hers though.


I considered this for the house, but decided I wanted one that she could carry around. This is also where I got the idea for the dolls.
T!!!!! I have been thinking about you today! How are you doing??

I haven't been sewing today, per se....does shopping with intent count?:rolleyes1

100AcrePrincess- that fabric house is AWESOME!!!!!!! And I cant believe you whipped that outfit up in a morning! So cute! Wish it was warm enough here for those clothes. Conneticut is having a very cool Spring. 64 here today and a little breezy.

SO. I went and got adjusted this morning...ahhhh. I can walk in there feeling so much pain and ready to cry at the drop of a hat (emotional)and within an hour of leaving I feel better. Although Getting around is becoming a challenge. My kitchen sink is filled with pots, et all. But it's hard to reach the handles and stand to do dishes, so I am trying not to look at them. I got 2 hours sleep last night.

I went to Joann's- I just had to get that Fancy Nancy fabric- and they had it!!!- in cotton and flannel. $7.99 a yard! But it's so darn cute! I will absolutely be doing a sun dress- probably a simply sweet, and I want to make it tie on the shoulders. But that can wait til June.
And I had to get some rick rack to finish up the A-line for my neice- I finished the top, just have the easy fit shorts to do.
have to finish the cupcake purse (also an easy project)
And....sew the border on the Pooh quilt- which is complete otherwise. Well, that and cut out the binding fabric and backing, but I dont have to sew it on or sandwich or quilt because Im sending it out to be done. I have the stuff, but this is not a "must do" I just wanted the top to be done at least.

I got my Quilter's Corner key card punched up today for the last time- and my next trip I have earned a $20 gift card!!!!!!
The shop owner loved the Pooh quilt and wants to photograph it when its all done. (Im so flattered, she is such a talented quilter)

Sleeping, Eating, Cleaning and Sewing are the only things Im doing these days.

Megan still has a temp, but my reflexology appt is still on and the woman who is watching megan is okay with it. Megan is napping for the moment. I leave in an hour

My close friend just had her baby boy (6lb5oz) she was 2 days past due....
maybe her hubby got the weight wrong??? I know she's petit, but that seems like a little baby boy.

Eye sight- I have owned my machine for more than a year and just learned how to do the auto-threader about 2 months ago!! Good timing since Im learning if you like ot applique, you have to change threads a LOT!!

I love the SisBoom fabric-s fibrant!!!
I have to admit, Im not a fan of the 70s- but its so much fun to see the beautiful photos everyone is taking. Now, Im jus waiting to see Tom's spin on it!!

maybe Ill try the babywearing thing, the problem is they are so expensive and Id really like to try them on first before buying. Are there stores that sell them?
Does anyone else have "Where is my Hairbush?" stuck in their heads now?

Just me?

I would love a party like that, for me!

The pants are a Simplicity pattern that I've made about a million times - very similar to Carla's Easy Fits, I just had this one from way before.

The top is based on this tute:
But I made it shorter to be a top & I left the back open. I was really happy with how it came out & I really did make the whole thing start to finish in just a couple of hours & that including measuring a very busy 3 yr. old.

that figures....:sad2:

I just tried to catch up and there is no way!! Sorry! I did see some beautiful things I missed!!!

I asked a shirring ? but couldn't find the answerI want to learn how to shirr and I di the whole wind the bobbin with elastic thread. But it didn't work! Could i have not wound the thread enough? any help would be wonderful!!!!
WOW...I think I shall nickname you, "research girl"....LOL...you ROCK with all the stuff you come up!!!! I love it. Now I need to know HOW you make those hotfix patterns again, I can't find where you posted that??? Pretty please???!! :banana::goodvibes:cloud9:

I'll take research girl, lately since I don't sew I was more feeling like the pesky kid sister or the class pet, lol!

I'm having bad pain today but I promise I will make you a tut with photos. I watch a video tut to learn how but there were some little things I discovered while making the first shirt that I felt made it even easier than the guys showed:

In the meantime here's a stone setting tut (from another source)

and how to apply them:

I do think just printing a regular outline off the computer, while "easier" in the beginning, would be harder overall than using a hotfix pattern because you'd have to try to space the stones correctly using little tweezers with no guide. You'd also be guessing the different sizes AND how many studs you'd need, and those things aren't cheap enough to just guess, y'know?
Does anyone else have "Where is my Hairbush?" stuck in their heads now?

Just me?

I would love a party like that, for me!

You Had to mention the hairbrush song. My youngest is 8. He no longer watches Veggie Tales but When he was little he watched them ALL the time. Over and Over and Over. I know ALL and I do mean ALL of the songs and can sing them at will. The hairbrush song is one of my favorites and I sing it alot when ever I can't find something. Like Where is my seam ripper or Where are my scissors. I drives the kids insane(Yah). I also sing the bunny song alot too. "I Love the bunny". We have a puppy who has a bunny chew toy and I sing it to him so much my husband now sings it and He has never seen the movie.:scared1: :laughing: I am glad to see I am not the only one who gets the kids songs stuck in my head. Although I am probably the worst case!!!!
That is funny! When I first told my son that I needed to go there he went into this whole "nerd" routine based on the idea that they never see girls in there. I had to tell him that it wasn't very nice, but it really was funny.

Okay since we're all friends now, I'll make a confession- I'm a huge nerd. Yes, a Star Wars Loving, Science Fiction movie watching, Anime worshiping, Video Game playing, comic book nerd.

Comic books were actually the biggest way I helped Em to learn to read. When she was struggling with that (she was the lowest reader in her grade and had to be in a special program) was also the time she was receiving OT for her sensory issues twice a week. (This was also when I was a much younger and less fluffy single mom)

Well at least once a week we'd walk across the street from OT to a wonderful "Mom and Pop" comic shop, where she'd get to pick her own comic, which she DID love to read (btw now we can't stop her from reading. THe one and only time she was grounded, the punishment was she was only allowed to read for fun 1.5 hours a day!)

Of course you'd get a lot of looks being a female in the comic shop, but I think comic book types are generally shyer unless you strictly want to talk nerd things. Approaching females in general though didn't happen- UNTIL my cell phone rang one day while I was shopping comics, and played...the theme from the X-Men cartoon. :rolleyes1

You know the "bees to honey" saying? LOL yeah. It was kinda funny to be honest. But yes, be a female, go to a comic book shop and have your phone play a superhero cartoon theme, and you get a LOT of attention (of course I just smiled and said no thank you).

Interesting enough, I did end up marrying another Star Wars Loving, Science Fiction movie watching, Anime worshiping, Video Game playing, comic book nerd, but I didn't meet him in the comic shop...I met him playing a video game! :cutie:

Embarrassing confession time over. I'm going to blame my openness on pain and pain medication, okay?
Does anyone else have "Where is my Hairbush?" stuck in their heads now?

Just me?

I would love a party like that, for me!

I didn't realize I was singing it until the kids started singing along oops LOL
Great party btw!
I'm sorry I'm still learning who everyone is and their names, talents and kid ages:

For the person wanting a Star Wars tee for their daughter, I can't remember how old she is, but if she's older you're welcome to use some of my art for an iron on (it probably won't appeal to a younger girl).

A girl stormtrooper:

A regular stormtrooper:

Maybe someone on the DIS boards could play with them to put them in a name or something? They're wondermakers over there.

LOL And I think you said you're meeting your brother? Here's a grown boy one, a scene from Jabba's Palace:

Now I'm hobbling back to bed for a while to try and pray this pain goes away.
I have a question for anyone who owns the Perfectly Preppy Skorts and Skirts pattern. what waist or hip measurement does it go up to? It says to age 12, but what is that in measurements? I would like to buy it and make one for my neice (and possibly even me), but only if it is at least big enough for her.

I just found these in the bag my machine came to me with. Can anyone tell me what they are for bylooking at them?

I have a question for anyone who owns the Perfectly Preppy Skorts and Skirts pattern. what waist or hip measurement does it go up to? It says to age 12, but what is that in measurements? I would like to buy it and make one for my neice (and possibly even me), but only if it is at least big enough for her.

size 12=31". HTH!
Love the veggie tales party and doll house! So cute!


I just found these in the bag my machine came to me with. Can anyone tell me what they are for bylooking at them?


probably, but a bigger picture would help a lot! The biggest one looks like a buttonhole foot but seriously, a bigger picture!

So I wasn't loving the Garanimals tank tops having ruffles, I mean that kind of gets in the way of applique, KWIM? But then I sewed ribbon around the ruffles and I love it! :thumbsup2


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