DIS 'WISH' Challenge UPDATE Clipart example added!

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thanks nativetxn for your warm welcome. I would also like to add that much of this my boyfriend and I will be doing together and although he won't be posting I will post his trials and efforts and his ups and downs in efforts to help others on the boards. I am so glad this WISH board got started and I am very excited and hopefully on Monday May 19th I will begin my new exercise and diet regiment and essentially a whole new life style. thanks again to everyone on these boards who are helping each other to lead happier and healthier lives (and also for being as crazy about Disney as I am.) talk to you all soon......:smooth:
Well.. Thanks for all of the welcomes.

I blew it. Already.

Ok. I need more of a plan. I need to write it down. My gift to myself for Mother's Day.. is to spend an hour.. writing down a plan. Putting down tiny goals. Measuring and weighing myself.. and making a chart. I'm going to look at the ugly truth.. and if I can still blow it on a regular basis.. that's going to drive me crazy.

I had the plan in my head.. but as the old saying goes.. you can't reach a goal without a map. So.. I'll put together my map, and let you know what it is.

Thank you everyone. I haven't had time to read many posts. Thankyou Katholyn. I've been a real bear all night at work. I even had a few nurses ask while I was making growling noises all night...lol.

Good luck everyone. Day two for me....{{{{growlllllllllllllllllll}}}}
I'm in! I would like to lose at least 80lbs at most 100lbs. I joined Weight Watchers last week and have been journaling faithfully. This seems to make all the difference. Plus drinking all of my water! I'm in this for the long run.....

Looking forward to the end result!:p

I'm glad to see you here. You are the perfect addition to my support group.

You're going to meet your goal, I do not doubt it for a minute. It may not always be easy but you are going to reach your goal. We're going to help you :)
I started Weight Watchers at Work on April 24th and have lost 6 pounds to date :) I'd love to have a group of DISers to keep me motivated!!
I'm in!:Pinkbounc
This is so nice. I started Atkins today for the 2nd time!!!
I am going too do it this time!!!
I have so much help:teeth:

Thanks all of you :)
Hello everyone.

I weighed in last night at WW and lost 3 lbs. YEAH!!! After 2 weeks in the wrong direction it is good to post the loss. I am sure that it was this board that helped ( I was thinking that there is no way I can post a gain so get moving and I did). Thanks everyone!!!

Hope everyone has a great week.


I accept your challenge. Want to lose 28 pounds before I go in October 2003. Diet that I will be following is Weight Watchers.
I am interested in joining! I need more motivation that I am willing to own up to. I started Atkins on Monday, and so far, I am doing ok.

I am wanting to lose about 60 pounds - I hope alot of that will melt off in the next 4 months, but won't upset me too much if not.

So glad to have found this group!!
<b>O'BWV</b> My mother is pleased that you think my name is pretty. She sort of made it up, I haven't seen very many (actually none) Katholyn's around. She asks me to tell you that she thinks that the name Mary Rose has a very romantic sound, like a heroine in a novel :)

My mother is very ill and you have made her smile, today. Thank you for that.

<b>dmslush</b> I <b>like</b> your attitude! Very positive, very determined. You have the <i>perfect</i> attitude for WISH. I'm so glad that you are part of my support group, I can tell you are going to be a great example for me.

I started off with at least 100 pounds to lose. Now I have 60 some left, perhaps more, I won't know until I get closer to my preliminary goal weight. There are several of us here on WISH who want to lose 100 pounds or more. You are going to do just fine reaching goal, I'm sure of it. We are going to help you :)

<b>PrincessMo</b> My husband is following Atkins right along with me and I often post his triumphs here on WISH. The most important successes he has had is to get his diabetes under control and get his cholesterol and triglycerides back to normal.

I'm looking forward to reading about how well your boyfriend does with his new healthy lifestyle.

<b>Sandiebean</b> Do not despair. Whatever you did that you think means you "blew it" did not cause any permanent damage. Sounds to me like you are in control now. That is all that is important, <i>right now</i>. You can do this, I know you can. Come and post on WISH if you need support or ideas to avoid any pitfalls you might face.

<b>RaySharpton</b> How are you doing today? This is day 5 for you, right? You should be in ketosis by now and not hungry anymore. You could still be in carbohydrate withdrawal, though.

Let us know how you are feeling. I would love to see you posting regularly here. Your participation is helpful for me :)

<b>jenny2</b> I'm so glad that you will be joining us here on WISH. We have lots of WWs here so you will have lots of advice and information about the plan available to you.

Of course, my favorite part of WISH is the support group. Very motivating and helpful. You'll see. I think you are going to like it here. You might want to add the member clipart to your signature now. You can't count the weight you lost before taking the challenge, just the weight you lose after. But it's fun to "trade up" to new clipart every time you lose 5 pounds :)

<b>candylover</b> Oh good, you took the challenge, I was hoping you would.

I am going too do it this time!!!

You are <i>so</i> right. You <b>are</b> going to do it this time because we're going to help you. You have a wonderfully positive attitude too. I do not doubt that you will reach your goal, can't promise you will reach it quickly, but I know you will succeed at whatever you put your mind to :)

<b>DisneyKel322</b> Wonderful news! You are succeeding and have a wonderful attitude too. What a great help you are going to be for me, I'm really glad that you are in my support group.

Did you post your loss to the check-in thread for this week? It's <b>HERE</b> and don't forget to post how much weight you have lost since taking the challenge <b>HERE</b>. It's fun to watch that total get higher and higher.

<b>minniespal</b> Good for you. You have taken the challenge, found an eating plan that is right for you and set a reasonable goal. You are going to do great with this, I can tell how determined you are :)

I'm glad you will be part of my support group, now. There are lots of WWs in my support group. I think you are going to like it here, I know that I like it here very much :)

<b>jeleebeene</b> Yay, another Atkins follower joining my support group. I follow the Atkins way of eating, too.

We have a great support group here made up of people on all kinds of eating plans. It is very helpful to me, I'll bet you find it helpful, too. I'm so glad you decided to join us.

<i>Well, I just love seeing new people take the WISH challenge. Truly I do. Every new face means a new member in my support group and that is helpful for everyone.

No lurking allowed. Your participation here on WISH helps each one of us and will help you too.

You may add the Member clipart to your signature if you want. Wovenwonder has written very helpful instructions telling you how to do that <b>HERE</b>. The WISH clipart is exempt from the DIS clipart guidelines, isn't that great? Every time you lose 5 pounds, after taking the challenge, you get to trade up to a new clipart. It's lots of fun.

It's great to see all of you here on WISH. So, are you ready to succeed? I sure hope so. I'm looking forward to <i>watching</i> you succeed. You are all going to do just fine, I'm sure of that because we're going to help you reach your goals--and you are going to help us reach <i>our</i> goals. I just love the way that works :)</i>

Please count me in too! Started Atkins 4 weeks ago and I think have lost about 6 lbs. or so (I don't own a scale). I went from a size 10 to an 8....now heading for a 6! My DH only lasted 2 weeks, so I'm struggling sitting with him @ mealtime!:Pinkbounc
I'm in! I take the Challenge! :D

Yesterday, I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting in a very long time. I had been a member years ago (probably about 15!) and lost a lot of weight, but I have since re-gained all of that and added more. Now I need to lose 130 pounds. I have a long way to go, but I am determined to get there and with the help of WISH and all the wonderful people here, I know that I can do it!

Thanks to all of you who have been so nice! It really means a lot!
I just found this board, and haven't had time to read all the threads yet, but count me in. My husband and I started the Atkins diet in March. So far I've lost 25lbs, but it is soooo slow going. However, I feel great and thinner everyday. My goal is to lose 125 more lbs so I'll be haning around this board for a while!
I'm so glad I found this board! I lost 26 lbs on Weight Watchers (great program!!!) and I am a lifetime member, but I am a smidge over goal these last few months and I just can't seem to get the winter weight off. (my trip to WDW last week didn't help...yum!) I'll look forward to the support from this group and I accept the challenge!

<b>WOO HOO!!!</b> More new members for my support group. This is great! I just love seeing new faces here on WISH :)

<b>sundarlin9</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I follow the Atkins way of eating, too. There are lots of Atkins devotees here on WISH.

It's too bad that you have to face temptation every night at dinner. I'm lucky, my husband is following Atkins, as well. He had a rough time the first week but once he got past induction he liked Atkins just fine. He has seen some dramatic improvement in his health since controlling his carbohydrate consumption.

Well, don't worry. You are going to just fine. We're going to help you. I hope you can visit WISH often.

<b>mowsie dreamer</b> I'm glad you decided to take the challenge. I think you will find that the people here are very supportive and helpful. Can't wait to see the member clipart in your signature :)

<b>Jacksmom99</b> Losing 25 pounds in two months sounds like great progress to me! You are going to be a wonderful example for me here on WISH.

I'm really glad that you decided to take the challenge. The support group here is just the best group of people you would ever hope to meet. We have all kinds of eating plans represented here on WISH. Lots of Atkins followers too :)

I hope you will visit WISH often.

<b>reneesam</b> You sound determined and motivated. Excellent! You are going to make a great new addition to my support group.

There are lots of WWs here so you will have lots of opportunities to discuss that plan. The support group includes everyone no matter what eating plan they follow. WISH is a warm and friendly place and I think you are going to like it here.

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signatures if you want, this clipart is exempt from the DIS clipart restrictions. There is a wonderful post by wovenwonder telling you how to do that right <b>HERE</b>. If you need help just send a private message to one of the forum moderators or ask for help on the technical support board, they are very helpful over there.

Everyone starts with a zero loss when they take the challenge and then trade up to new clipart everytime they lose another 5 pounds. It's fun and pretty motivating, too.

<i>So is everyone ready to start your adventure? I don't know what your road to better health will present you in the way of challenges but I know for sure that you are going to find help, support and laughter, here on WISH.

You are all going to do just great...everyone of us here plans to help you :)</i>

Ok - I have been reading all the WISH post for a couple of months now and finally have the nerve to say "Sign Me Up!" I joined ww on 27 Apr 03 at 233. My weigh-in weight on 9 May was 225. I am very excited about the ww life plan because I can still eat normal foods and live a normal life. I am learning to make correct decisions when it comes to my food. In the 2 1/2 weeks I have more energy than I have had in awhile. I am very excited.

I have a support group in my life but I really like the idea of sharing my goals with other people who are excited about Disney as I am.

I have read the post "The Wish Family Album" and will post to it as soon as I have time.

Keep on smiling. We are here to see our end goal!
Hi Irishdoll! I'm really glad you will be here with us now. I think you are going to find that our support group is a great help. We also have lots of WWs here so you will find answers to your questions about the program.

I'm going to ask one of our technical support moderators to add the WISH clipart to your signature for you.

I'm so tickled that you are going to be part of my support group now. We're going to have a lot of fun and lots of success. Just wait and see :)

I hope its not too late to join! I just finshed grocery shopping for starting Atkins--I was on it for 6 weeks, and lost 8 lbs, then got sick and went completely off it, so I am starting with nduction again, and hoping to lose the last 10 baby lbs.....
I am a major carb addict, so induction is tough--once i get through that, though, I feel great!
Has anyone tried the De-Lite chocolates, or pre-mixed Atkins shakes? They are my favorites, and the only reason I was able to "stick" to the diet for 6 weeks (not a long time, I know, but it was longer than I have ever stuck to a diet!)
hey there! i'm having a really hard time losing weight. i am a sweets fanatic. i have been reading your articles and i think i
found my support group. i'm having surgery in june and really
want to lose some before i go in. i'm going to try ww. if ya have to get rough with me go ahead. i love to bake, and i've got to learn control. i believing we are all going to make our goals.
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