Christmas Lights: White or Multi-Colored?

I miss the big bulb strings. LED lights don’t show bright colours like multi coloured strings used to. But they did get hot.

We have white on 2 trees and multi colour on the one by the fireplace down stairs. No blinking lights. Or spinning around like I saw some stands last year.

Outside is multi colour too.

LED are not as bright but they are more colorful and the different colors more distinguished imo because they don't have the spectrum noise that the others had. They also don't lose much of their light to the infra red spectrum like the old ones that heated up did. The best part about LED is You can connect pretty much 100 strings and still not trip the GFI, unlike the old c9s where the sixth string tripped it.
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My great-grandmother had one of those tacky old aluminum trees with a color wheel, and I ADORED it. When we went to visit, the grownups would park me and my sister on the sofa opposite it knowing we wouldn't move. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Now I look back and think I must have been nuts, blind, or both.
Multi. White has always seemed to formal to me for some reason.

I can not stand LED blue. Any strings I buy, I get replacment bulbs and take the blue ones out. Indoors or outdoors, doesn't matter.
All white lights has been the trend for so long that I’ve grown bored with it. I find myself drawn to colorful outdoor displays as they just seem less stark and more interesting to look at.

Indoor trees usually have ornaments and other embellishments to add color and interest, so white lights then don’t look as plain in my mind. I choose which to use based on what I think will go best with the theme of that tree. I have four trees with white mini lights, one with all blue, one that only has candles with a soft yellowish-white glow, one multicolor, and one with globe lights that slowly fade from blue and green to red and yellow.
Multi or both on the tree, never just white. I prefer the multi but the "both" option is quite a bit shinier! Outside, we have multi-colored icicle lights around the roof-edge of the porch. I keep them up all year long because I LIKE them!
Both. White on the peak over the garage. Colored along the length of the front of the house
Many strands of multi colored, non LED with a strand of twinkle lights that are multi and white for the tree. ❤ I LOVE a lot of lightson the tree. :laughing:

Outside is just multi....also non LED...those hurt my eyes.
We are a split household. I prefer white lights & a real tree and follow a less is more approach to decorating whilst my husband likes mulit color lights and fake trees and his idea of decorating is best described as Best Little ***** House in Texas meets Walmart on a bad day....
We compromise. Outside on the porch are white lights and a large wreath with white lights is hung on the main dormer. Colored lights on the three large bushes by the porch steps - mainly this is because I'm the one who bothers to decorate outside! Inside we currently have various decorations, and when we put up our tree it will be the fake one with multi colored lights this year.
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Tree-multi/colored lights. I was never a fan of white lights on trees for my own house. I do have a small tree (like really small) that is meant to look like it's in a planter (comes as one piece) and has poinsettias on it that we have inside and I think that in the small scale with the decoration already on it looks better with white rather than color but that's kinda the only thing I can think of for an actual tree where the color wouldn't look as good.

Outdoor-varies depending on the type of lights and display we have. The thing I don't like when people do outdoor white is the bright cool white often found in LED lights. Warm white is much better. Cool white is stark, often very bright (like too bright), cold feeling and lacks that holiday feel IMO.
I love the soft clear lights on the tree. Outside I like colored, but we don’t put any outside. We live in a typical New England colonial and I put wreaths with bows on all the front windows with a clear candle underneath.
MULTICOLOR. NO blinking, no twinkling (Small room, don't need lights flashing in my face all night while watching tv!). Incandescent ONLY! LEDs have come a long way, but they're just not there yet. They simply cannot emit the warm, traditional Christmasy glow of incandescent.

Now, I DO like all white and feel that it has its place, but it's just not for me and my one and only tree. White is too classy, I prefer the more fun and festive look of multicolor on my tree.
Multi. And I like them to twinkle. Unfortunately, my tree doesn't have a decent twinkle setting. I may have to get some really good twinkle lights to put on the tree but that defeats the purpose of a pre-lit tree!
Both, but NO LEDs. Our Christmas tree is pre lit with white lights. We add a string of colored lights. The old school, tiny candlestick bulb kind that just put out tiny points of colored light. Nothing twinkly, no LEDs. I cannot stand LED lights on trees.


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