Calander Swap- Completed

Let me get a couple of things clear in my mind.
We do not have to do the date pages at all? And it is pretty much like weird?
Ive read the directions a couple of times now and I think I get it.
I think I will take the completed September page. If I can do 5 sets of 4 by now I should be able to do 1 set of 12!
Is Apples ok instead of back to school? We go back in August but still thinking like a preschool teacher, we celebrate Johnny Appleseed day the end of September.

Susie, there's still some open spots!:)
Arizona Rita - I think Apples would be awesome for September as I don't have kids (and therefore no back to school) but my DH & I always go apple picking in September :-)
Yes Rita. Just like the Weird but with a monthly theme. No dates needed.

I think just apples is lovely for September. We go back to school in August too. :thumbsup2
I've picked June - did Feb last time ;) Rita, I love your stuff and always use it:thumbsup2 Leaves and sunshine both work for me - with our crazy weather either way round can be fine:rotfl2:

Oh good! Can I switch to Feb then?

Rita -- I like apples too. We always go apple picking.
Rebecca -- thanks for moving me to February.

For the pages, I can take July too. I could use a full extra set as a gift. Graphically Speaking has some good 4th of July stuff.
Group 1:
January: JennyL
February: rlovew
April: Calanniebu
May: Diana Lyn
September: Arizona Rita
October: 123SA
November: AlexWyattMommy
December: Tinkerbean

I can take July... I still have stuff that I got (and didn't return yet!) from when I was going to do July for the altered rolodex!
oops, sorry Susan! I didn't see your post before I posted mine...just looked to see what was still left. So, never mind!
If you have no other takers, I am willing to take whatever month is left in order to fill this. Thanks for joining us MO2DK!
I closed this out with 123SA in June, Mo2DK in July, and myself in March.

I will be on to check questions and make sure I have addresses later today- if I still have internet. My problems should be fixed by midweek so I may only be sporadic at times- I had barely any internet access on friday or Saturday- we have high speed access and it took me half an hour to do what I needed to close out the swap because I could do one page- then it disconnects and I can reconnect and look at the next page and so on and I was doing the same thing to edit the first posts.

I will ask one thing if possible- on my second layout (I get 2 pages per person) please don't add the title. I am thinking I may put the pages side by side in an album and wouldn't need both titles.

I got knocked off and couldn't get back on. Finally back at home and saw this.... Daggone it.

Susie you can have my June page if you want it. I won't be working on this for a while, so my offer is good until you get back! Sending you a pm too.
I'l be glad to take June if it is okay with everyone.

Doe anyone have any thoughts on a theme?
Sunshine, water, pool, picnic, hiking/walking?

The only thing I wouldn't do is beach stuff. Not all of us get to the beach. My kiddos have never seen the ocean. :sad1: Bad Mom.


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