Biggest Loser 4 Week 2 Challenge #1 is on Page 13

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I hope everyone is have a great weekend. Weekend always seem harder for me.

I agree with everyone about the water. I fill my pitcher and fill it with water. I cut up lemons and limes (and sometimes even oranges) and set it on the counter it is so much easier to drink that way. I usually do it the night before so it is ready to go in the morning.

(Hi to my buddy Erin one of the top 10 biggest loser :thumbsup2 )
Well today is my weigh in day for me. And after three weeks of maintaining I had a loss of 2.4#. So in addition to my new size clippie, I get a new weight clippie. It has ben a long time.

Disneychrista, congratulations on all your accomplishments. Good for you. :yay:
I've been tracking Cam (my buddy) & others online at the Marathon today & Cam's results ended at 20 miles. I just sent her a text & got a reply that she did indeed finish!!!

You go CAM!!!!!!!!

:banana: :worship: :cool1: :woohoo: :cheer2: :cheer2: :flower3: :grouphug:
I went out to dinner tonite with my parents and DSis. We ended up at Red Lobster, which was one of the best choices we could have made. I know their menu well enough that I could plan ahead for what to order. So I did. I had a Seafood Cesar Salad (dressing on the side, of course). I asked for 1/2 the amount of lettuce, since I can never finish it. It had shrimp and lobster on it. It was supposed to have parmesan cheese and croutons, but for some reason they left them off. GREAT!!! So I dipped my fork into the dressing for each bite, and barely used any of it. And my "treat" was one of those awesome cheddar biscuits! YUMMY!! I drank ice water with lemon. I think it was a darned good meal for a meal out! My DSis even patted me on the back!:lmao:

Now I'm back home, happy that the Giants won (and Dallas lost...), and praying that the rain does NOT turn into the 3-6 inches of snow they're predicting. I do NOT want a Snow Day!!
Hey all- checking in :flower3: I did pretty good food wise and I got to the gym too! :yay: I worked out on the treadmill for 45 min. and then did a couple of laps in the pool with my daughter. It felt good!! :woohoo: I am anxious to see what the scale will read on Tues. AM.
" keep track of my intake on FiT Day on a daily basis as well."
I may not have read far enough but what is this? It sounds helpful. Thanks
Good morning everyone! Today is my weigh-in day. I saw a loss but a very small one. Still a loss is a loss. I did great with working out last week and I know that if I keep that up and keep watching what I eat the pounds will come off.
Good Morning Well we missed the snow storm that they were predicting for us. It is dark and dismal here but no snow.

I did great with food yesterday. Never really had time to snack. Had some porktenderloin for dinner along with a broccliflower (green cauliflower) and some mashed potatoes.

I did get up this morning and walked for a while. Not as long as I should have but I did something which is a start.

I am just finishing my breakfast and getting ready to start my day.

Congrats Cam for finishing

Thanks Julie for letting us know about Cam. I know she had a tough time last year and she wanted to finish this year to prove she could do it again.

Hope everyone has a great day. DOn't forget the challenge. I am up to 55 points and I will get 25 for the no fast food since I have dinner just about planned for the week.

Don't forget to look for a new thread tomorrow morning for the new week.

Have a great day.
Congrats Cam---- You are an inspiration, we can all do this if we stick to it. Hope you are feeling ok after all that running.....
:cheer2: WTG Cam!!!:cheer2: I'm in awe. I couldn't even WALK that far!

I am very excited! When I was leaving the gym this morning, I stopped to ask the girl up front a question, and I noticed she was eating what looked like sliced bananas on whole grain bread. I asked what was under the bread--a little peanut butter! Yummy, I thought. Then, :idea: Yes, it's yummy--and PORTABLE!! Perfect for my early morning train ride on Wednesday! So I will be making a sandwich of Honey Flax bread, sliced banana, and 1T peanut butter to take on the train. There's a snack car so I know I'll be able to get OJ. YAY!!! (Now I just have to figure out what to do for dinner on the trip home on Sunday...)

It's 9AM, I've been to the gym, had a healthy breakfast, and already had 24 ounces of water. Good start to the day!:yay:

Have a great one, everybody!!
WOOOHOOO Cam, Dh and I have talked about possibly training for the 1/2 in 2010, I am SO not a runner but it is a dream of mine to run in some marathon and what better one than Disney:)

Had a TOUGH weekend, was hungry no matter what I ate:( did get in some upper body Friday and Sunday, took a 25 minute walk Sat am and did 1 mile WATP last night. Did not get on the scale this morning, figured it would be up and I would be discouraged, hopefully a maintain tomorrow for the official weigh in. Have been getting water in, NO fast food, have a good plan for today and plan to get in some cardio

Happy Monday
Onward and Downward
Way to go Cam!!!! I have thought about the half, but we'll have to see. Maybe some year it would work out. Maybe I'll tell my best friend that I'll do the half if he'll come with me and go for the Goofy! :) He's suggested it before to his niece so I'll be he'd agree. Hmmm...

It was a pretty good weekend here. I didn't get any exercise in yesterday, but calories have been good and my challenge is coming along. I started out this morning with 10 min Yoga morning wake up, 20 minutes of strength training and 10 on the bike so I've got a good start to the week going. Did it all while watching the Disney Planning Video to keep that goal in mind!
i am so far behind and don't have time to read and catch up!

i gather Cam was succesful in adding another Donald to her collection? :woohoo: WTG Cam!!

i was at an indoor waterpark this weekend with my youngest DDs youth group, it was a good time, the food was out of my control which was crappy but the 2 fast-food meals we had I was able to speak up and say SUBWAY and my requests were granted both times! yea!! so i got through the weekend away with no illegal fast-food! yeah for me! i didn't get any official workouts though...but did get my HR up lugging rafts up the stairs for the slides!
Hi all

Did everything I was suppose to this weekend as far as food goes!

Today is the official clean induction start, and so far so good. It's almost 10 here, and I haven't eaten breakfast yet, but will get that omelette in...

Had scuba class last night, we had to swim 200 yards, and because I'm a swimmer by nature I ended up swimming 400 which is 16 laps while the others did there 200 :) yeah me! :banana: My instructor asked me why I was still swimming, i just said- eh gotta exercise :)

Typed up the list of foods for DBF's truck, he didnt weigh in this morning, so he's going to have to do that if he makes it back tonight, pending no layoever...

Off to calculate my points for the challenge

I am very excited! When I was leaving the gym this morning, I stopped to ask the girl up front a question, and I noticed she was eating what looked like sliced bananas on whole grain bread. I asked what was under the bread--a little peanut butter! Yummy, I thought. Then, :idea: Yes, it's yummy--and PORTABLE!! Perfect for my early morning train ride on Wednesday!

Yum. Yum!!! Guess what I just had for breakfast!!??!!
Good morning everyone! (still early here on west coast). Did 25 mins on the eliptical, and will go into the gym in a bit, (I can wait until the 'have to go to work' crowd thins out, as my day is more flexible). Managed to stay within my points and did my fruit/veggies and water. My DD14 and I have to have dinner on the go on Mondays, so we bought some ready-made chicken ceaser salads to take with us. Best part it was her request (she's not known for healthy food choices, lol)
Morning everyone! Hope you all had good weekends. My weekends are the hardest for me, and this one went....OK. Not great, but not bad either.

Today I've already been to the gym and had my yogurt and berries lunch. Not sure what's for dinner but it must be light because tomorrow is my WW weigh-in. I'm really going to push the water today, because that always helps me have a good weigh-in, and I know I got too much salt this weekend.
Good afternoon, everyone. Today starts my serious dieting. I was at Disney World last week and I didn't have any of the right food at my house, so I went to the store on Friday night. I have officially begun my program. I'm doing WW points, but I'm not going to the meetings. I'm hoping that this board can be my accountability and motivation. I've made contact with my buddy, but haven't heard back from her again. Thanks for all to support!
Good afternoon, everyone. Today starts my serious dieting. I was at Disney World last week and I didn't have any of the right food at my house, so I went to the store on Friday night. I have officially begun my program. I'm doing WW points, but I'm not going to the meetings. I'm hoping that this board can be my accountability and motivation. I've made contact with my buddy, but haven't heard back from her again. Thanks for all to support!

Hi Buddy :goodvibes
I know you can do this:cheer2: :cheer2:
Good Morning Wishers :goodvibes Hoping everyone had a good weekend. I weighed less this morning than Friday so I feel sooo happy. On Saturday hubby said "Let's go to Sonic" to which I replied "NO!" I'm pretty proud of myself as I do love the Sonic Jalepeno cheese burger. Thanks for the challenge, if not for that, I probably would have gone to Sonic as I am PMS'ing pretty bad for some junk food.

Yay for Cam .. congrats on your finish .. what a great accomplishment :dance3:
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