Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Without talking in too much detail, I can sympathize. I think it is a combination of advancing age and bodily changes (even changes in a good direction) can really throw off the hormones. Large amounts of exercise can change things too. I am a bit older than you (46 later this week) and my "Aunt Flo" visits started being really sporatic about a year ago. They have come back to a somewhat normal pattern now, but my PCP said I was definitely perimenopausal. My mom thinks I'm too young, but I think she is just in denial about having a DD my age!! :rotfl:

If you feel comfortable just "letting it ride" for a few months, I would definitely do so, just to see if a pattern develops.

Well.... good afternoon everyone. Without going into detail I just want to share... we had a bit of a family emergency last night (actually, that is a bit of an understatement).... and I will say one of my first mental reactions was to want to EAT! I started thinking about finding an excuse to sit down and eat M&Ms and Twizzlers!! CRAZY! (We were just finishing dinner when this situation occurred, so it wasn't that I was hungry.)

I literally stopped myself in my tracks, talked OUT LOUD to myself about how I would feel tomorrow if I indulged in this "stress eating" (lousy, guilty, fat, out of control) and decided it definitely wouldn't HELP the situation. So instead of eating, I "stress cleaned" for two hours~! Burned some calories and got the house in decent order. I finally stopped cleaning about 10 pm... and went to bed.

Got up this morning without GUILT or REGRET, but still had the stress. Ran 4 miles, folded 4 loads of laundry, got DD off to school (DS not feeling well... but that is another story). Took care of some things, came home, made lunch, and power cleaned DD's bathroom! Obviously I am still stress-cleaning! And avoiding food actually... probably out of fear of going nuts.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

Probaly won't be on again until tomorrow....................P

Thanks Pamela and Lisa and Bree. That's what I needed to hear. Being the queen of google that I am, I did read that losing weight and lots of exercise can cause this fun issue in addition to perimenopause. I talked to my Dr. about this last time I lost weight and the same thing happened. She was not overly concerned, but did suggest the pill. I said no to that suggestion. Just feeling a little bit of frustration today, so happy to know I'm not the only one dealing with this. I've been doing the night sweat thing on and off the last couple weeks, so I'm guessing this is what is going on. Though DH does get awfully sweaty, maybe he is just making the room too hot!:lmao: I am determined to not let this derail me.:thumbsup2

Pamela--so glad everything is ok.:hug: Sounds like you did great handling the stress--at least as far as food goes.

Back to balancing my checkbook!
Lisa -- A konk cooler is a frozen rum drink that they make on the DCL ships and at Serenity Bay, that adult beach at Castaway Cay.

Here is the recipe I found on allearsnet !!!

3 oz. Light Rum (Suggestion - Malibu or Parrot Bay)
3 oz. Dark Rum (Suggestion - Cruzan Black Strap)
4 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Cream of Coconut (Suggestion - Coco Casa)
6 oz. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (Suggestion - Welches)
3 oz. Ice

Mix in blender until slushy.

Makes enough to fill a Disney Cruise Line drink glass... and then some!

Yum~can I have that delivered please?? ;)

I have declared wars on the ants - actually I think I'm answering their war declaration on me! In the play room, kitchen and our upstairs bath!! I've been spraying the house inside and out today. That's cut into my cleaning a bit plus also my Wal-Mart trip. I'm taking dd's friend home, planning that once I'm in the car I'll go but it'll be 4:45 by then - not sure I want to go at that time.

Pamela great job avoiding that stress eating!!!:woohoo:What a victory!

My day has been so-so. I think I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. :( Plus I my allergies are actually a cold (I think that's your gift to me Shannon :lmao:) So much going on plus financial stress (dd's cheer, going to see my dad in Orlando, going to Scotland in July). So what did I do? Ate 9 chips ahoy. :headache: I guess at least I counted right? And stopped! When I write it out it's not so bad - dd's cheer, working concerts to pay for that; Dad in Orlando? It's just not happening this summer. Scotland - flights & rental car paid, staying w/relatives, saving spending money. I feel more in control already. Those darn ants though!

More storms moving through. DD was scared last night and came into our bed, dh moved to the spare room, the dogs were in bed with me and DD, she couldn't sleep which meant I couldn't sleep...color me gray today b/c that's my mood. Sorry everyone! I need some serious doses of pixie dust.

So.... I've been thinking about getting a FB page to try and keep in better touch with extended family. DD ALWAYS knows the family news long before I do. My is coming up and this was going to be a good way to prove to myself that I can still keep up with the "young people" stuff! So DD is really excited and gets me all set up last night.

BUT IT IS SO WEIRD.... why do I want ALL OF THESE PEOPLE plus their friends and their friends friends, knowing my "status" at the moment and such. Like.... I was just on FB to start trying it out. Not a big deal that I see that a friend slept 12 hours last night. She coached a SO team this weekend, so she was wiped out. But really.... did I need to see every comment that her friends (most of whom I don't even know) made? And if I make a comment, do I really want all of her friends seeing it??

Make sense?? Clear as mud?? It really makes me think twice (or three times) about ANY comments I will make. I was hoping it would be a nice casual way to share family new/gossip.... but I don't really want it out there for everyone I've ever/never known to see.

When I post HERE, I KNOW it is possibly seen by anyone/everyone in the entire world. And as honest as I am, I do censor myself because of that. But I was thinking that FB would allow for a bit more "personal" conversation. And the "chat" is a PITA unless the other person is online at the same time.

I'll keep my FB page, but I don't think I will check it/use it very often.


Had a nice healthy breakfast and now I am procrastinating on the kitchen project. I am DREADING cleaning the greasy dusty mess above the kitchen cabinets.... ICK! I won't TELL YOU how many years it has been since I really cleaned up there!! Just the top of the fridge took three levels of wiping to clear the grease/dust... and that was AFTER I moved and washed my chicken collection (now in the consignment box... anyone else collect chickens?).

Well... I'll give myself until lunch time to chill and then I will attack the mess with a vengeance!................P

Yes, FB is VERY public. Its not a good idea to gossip on anyone's wall (where you post statuses, comments, etc.). If you want to send something private you can do so through FB mail. Yes, it is no better than regular e-mail, but some people check FB more often, and they'll see that you've sent them something.

FB's downside can also be its upside. Lets say your cell phone took a dunk in a lake. You can put as your status: "Cell phone took a swim! If anyone needs to get ahold of me, please try DH's phone!" I'm all too familiar with this scenario :rotfl2:
I'm really excited about my mad tea party theme though! It is SO me... bright, cheery, colorful, funky, fun, whimsical.... and DISNEY!! I've resisted really going crazy with any Disney decorations around the house, but slowly that is changing. I did the kids bathroom in a yellow/white/red Mickey decor several years ago.... but that was my choice and not theirs. Now the bathroom is just DD's (DS couldn't stand sharing with her, so he uses ours) and she is SO ready for a change... and I am okay letting it be changed.

Well.... good afternoon everyone. Without going into detail I just want to share... we had a bit of a family emergency last night (actually, that is a bit of an understatement).... and I will say one of my first mental reactions was to want to EAT! I started thinking about finding an excuse to sit down and eat M&Ms and Twizzlers!! CRAZY! (We were just finishing dinner when this situation occurred, so it wasn't that I was hungry.)

I literally stopped myself in my tracks, talked OUT LOUD to myself about how I would feel tomorrow if I indulged in this "stress eating" (lousy, guilty, fat, out of control) and decided it definitely wouldn't HELP the situation. So instead of eating, I "stress cleaned" for two hours~! Burned some calories and got the house in decent order. I finally stopped cleaning about 10 pm... and went to bed.

Got up this morning without GUILT or REGRET, but still had the stress. Ran 4 miles, folded 4 loads of laundry, got DD off to school (DS not feeling well... but that is another story). Took care of some things, came home, made lunch, and power cleaned DD's bathroom! Obviously I am still stress-cleaning! And avoiding food actually... probably out of fear of going nuts.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

Gotta run... DD has a Rainbow Girls initiation tonight so I need to press her gown. DH will take her to that, as DS has a doctor's appointment for his skin condition. Hope it helps, as that situation is getting bad again. Not sure what dinner will be for DS and myself. DH and DD are sharing a pizza before Rainbow..... so much for the veggie-loaded baked pasta I had planned!:rotfl:

Probaly won't be on again until tomorrow....................P

It's always a great feeling to be excited about something! Please post some pics of your kitchen when it's done - sounds like it'll be really cute!

Hope your emergency situation is under control and everyone's A-OK. Way to go avoiding the stress eating :thumbsup2.

I'm done for today. Have a great night everyone and "see" you all tomorrow!

I have declared wars on the ants - actually I think I'm answering their war declaration on me! In the play room, kitchen and our upstairs bath!! I've been spraying the house inside and out today. That's cut into my cleaning a bit plus also my Wal-Mart trip. I'm taking dd's friend home, planning that once I'm in the car I'll go but it'll be 4:45 by then - not sure I want to go at that time.

I fought that battle last week. Good luck to you :flower3:! I put two of those ant baits down in front of the front door where they were coming in from, it only took about 12 -14 hours to completely stop them. I don't have small kids or pets at my house, if you do, please don't use these types of baits/traps - they smell like peanut butter and would be very tempting!

Now I'm really going! Happy ant-free evening ;)!

No excuses today...a plan of action and back on track.

:cool1::thumbsup2 Jenn!

Well, I'm back after taking a break this weekend. I don't know what happened, but I just fell into this relentless exhaustion and basically did nothing but sleep, eat and watch TV all weekend! I must have needed the sleep because I'm feeling a good bit better today and feeling more like myself. So, back on the wagon for me.

Glad you got rest! Sometimes, our bodies just need it!

I woke up naseaus this morning, but no time to consider being ill. I've made 4 dozen cookies (not tempted to snack on them with a tummy ache :thumbsup2) Now I need to get out of the house to pick up class trip supplies then I'm chaperoning a field trip for my 1st grader, if it doesn't rain.

Hope you made it on the trip, and that you are feeling much better!

I did 3.1 miles this morning in 48 min, which is very slow to some of you, but it's ok for me. I haven't been getting my 3 days a week, and I think that's why I haven't been able to pick up any speed.
I have decided that whatever speed I can run, complete the distance I want to, is a good speed. I watched Losing it with Jillian today, and she did a 5K with an overweight woman with a lot of knee problems. The clock, which they only showed briefly in a wide angle shot, read almost an hour and a half. The accomplishment of completion is all that matters! And thanks for your kind words!

Taryn – I am so excited to watch that countdown in your signature. I can’t wait to hear all about the trip. My family and I are heading to BLT for a weekend in August and I am beyond excited about it!

Don't worry, I'm sure I'll write a TR, and share wayy more than you wish you knew! ;)

I don't like to treat myself with food so every week I have a loss I buy a new nail polish. Usually something fun and funky. I have quite the collection of colors... I should open a nail salon! :)


Let's see I have 30 pounds to go to hit my WW goal. I was there once, made lifetime, but you know I'm a stress eater and lately it's been stressful. Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my ramblings and letting me part of yours.

Welcome! I am the queen of rambling here, so ramble on! We're always here to "listen"

And about the when to weigh. I weigh everyday as well. I find it helps me see patterns--like the too much salt. I find if I don't record stuff everyday--weight, how much I exercise and how I'm feeling--I'm much more likely to fall off the wagon. I think it's definitely a personal choice thing. I do use our weigh in days for when I put up a clippie, or for the weight I tell people if they ask how much I lost.

I am the exact same way!

I have gone from the reds visiting (this still makes me smile) way too frequently to the reds being on a really long road trip!:lmao:

I wonder if I work out hard and don't eat anything all week, the reds WON'T take the road trip to WDW with us as they are supposed to!;) Back. away. from. the. chips. Rose.

I think my personal COW for this week is going to be having a reasonable dessert (fruit or one snack cake or one serving of light ice cream, etc.) then brushing my teeth right away so I don’t continue to graze. I really hope that works. Then I’ll be able to say that my one treat is a sensible dessert on most evenings :rolleyes1!

Bree, light whipped cream only has 20 calories in a couple of tbsp. If I need something sweet, I'll get one spoonful out and dunk a few strawberries in it, or just eat the spoonful if I don't have any strawberries left! DD2 is an addict to them!

How was the orthodontist? We are doing that tomorrow. I am scared to hear what braces cost these days. :scared1:

We have to make one soon, too. :scared1:

I did the kids bathroom in a yellow/white/red Mickey decor several years ago.... but that was my choice and not theirs.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

p hug: And congrats on your HUGE victory!

3 oz. Light Rum (Suggestion - Malibu or Parrot Bay)
3 oz. Dark Rum (Suggestion - Cruzan Black Strap)
4 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Cream of Coconut (Suggestion - Coco Casa)
6 oz. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (Suggestion - Welches)
3 oz. Ice

O O O O, O my gosh that sounds sooooo yummy!!!

color me gray today b/c that's my mood. Sorry everyone! I need some serious doses of pixie dust.

:tink:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust: Feel better Jennifer!

I don't have small kids or pets at my house, if you do, please don't use these types of baits/traps - they smell like peanut butter and would be very tempting!

:rotfl2: Wait a minute, wasn't it Connie that couldn't back away from the peanut butter last weekend? Connie- don't get that kind of ant trap!

Took our change box to a cashpoints - $60! Gas money! :cool1: I haven't done a single digit dance yet - thanks for the reminder Lisa - :banana:!

All caught up, on track eating (mostly) today, and my planner says that is 5:00 and I should be dusting, so off I go! Gotta everything planned out hour by hour, but I finished my last hour early, so of course I gotta check in!
It won't let me PM since I have no posts. I think I read that it's never too late to join so here I am. I'd like to join the challenge too. I'll be on the losers team at 188.8 lbs and in 13 weeks I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

Although I finished the half marathon last January at WDW, I'm really just now starting to ease back into running after an injury 4 years ago. Next Januaray's half marathon will go a lot smoother for me!! (Barring 28 degree temperatures and snow flurries that is!) I need as much motivation and accountability and encouragement as a person can get! I recently graduated with my BSN and have the nclex scheduled for July 19. I start my GN job tomorrow. My husband should be leaving for Afghanistan on/around July 2 and currently he has been in Wisconsin since April 17. Our 15 year old daughter just got her driving learner's permit today. ...

Needless to say, I'm STRESSED and OVERWHELMED! So, getting back into shape and adding physical activity to my life will be a huge physical, emotional, and mental health benefit but it will also be an enormous challenge. I look forward to getting into healthy habits and communicating with people who are in the same lane of this crazy race called life.
All caught up, on track eating (mostly) today, and my planner says that is 5:00 and I should be dusting, so off I go! Gotta everything planned out hour by hour, but I finished my last hour early, so of course I gotta check in!

Taryn I didn't notice you're staying at BLT!!! How awesome - I love that place! We took a tour last summer. What view do you have?

QTrunninglady - welcome!!:welcome:
Well.... good afternoon everyone. Without going into detail I just want to share... we had a bit of a family emergency last night (actually, that is a bit of an understatement).... and I will say one of my first mental reactions was to want to EAT! I started thinking about finding an excuse to sit down and eat M&Ms and Twizzlers!! CRAZY! (We were just finishing dinner when this situation occurred, so it wasn't that I was hungry.)

I literally stopped myself in my tracks, talked OUT LOUD to myself about how I would feel tomorrow if I indulged in this "stress eating" (lousy, guilty, fat, out of control) and decided it definitely wouldn't HELP the situation. So instead of eating, I "stress cleaned" for two hours~! Burned some calories and got the house in decent order. I finally stopped cleaning about 10 pm... and went to bed.

Got up this morning without GUILT or REGRET, but still had the stress. Ran 4 miles, folded 4 loads of laundry, got DD off to school (DS not feeling well... but that is another story). Took care of some things, came home, made lunch, and power cleaned DD's bathroom! Obviously I am still stress-cleaning! And avoiding food actually... probably out of fear of going nuts.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

Gotta run... DD has a Rainbow Girls initiation tonight so I need to press her gown. DH will take her to that, as DS has a doctor's appointment for his skin condition. Hope it helps, as that situation is getting bad again. Not sure what dinner will be for DS and myself. DH and DD are sharing a pizza before Rainbow..... so much for the veggie-loaded baked pasta I had planned!:rotfl:

Probaly won't be on again until tomorrow....................P

Good for you for skipping the treats and cleaning! I am a stress cleaner too. Yesterday my DH said he wished the Blackhawks were still playing. I was so stressed out on game day, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. The house was museum clean. :laughing:

Yes, FB is VERY public. Its not a good idea to gossip on anyone's wall (where you post statuses, comments, etc.). If you want to send something private you can do so through FB mail. Yes, it is no better than regular e-mail, but some people check FB more often, and they'll see that you've sent them something.

FB's downside can also be its upside. Lets say your cell phone took a dunk in a lake. You can put as your status: "Cell phone took a swim! If anyone needs to get ahold of me, please try DH's phone!" I'm all too familiar with this scenario :rotfl2:

I had a status last month that said something like "My son microwaved my phone... if I don't answer when you call... call next week." :rotfl:
Lisa -- A konk cooler is a frozen rum drink that they make on the DCL ships and at Serenity Bay, that adult beach at Castaway Cay.

Here is the recipe I found on allearsnet !!!

3 oz. Light Rum (Suggestion - Malibu or Parrot Bay)
3 oz. Dark Rum (Suggestion - Cruzan Black Strap)
4 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Cream of Coconut (Suggestion - Coco Casa)
6 oz. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (Suggestion - Welches)
3 oz. Ice

Mix in blender until slushy.

Makes enough to fill a Disney Cruise Line drink glass... and then some!

All I can say is "heaven"!!! Wish I was there.
I've seen several ladies voicing their frustration about the days when the scale is up after successful days of eating and exercising. I know how that feels and I would encourage you to NOT weigh yourself every day. I've done that before and if I had good weigh-in days, I would "coast" for a couple days and if I had less-than-good weigh-in days, I would start questioning whether it was worth even trying. Neither of these outcomes is helpful in reaching a long-term goal. Right now, I am weighing myself twice a week. Once on Monday, to keep me honest on the weekend, and once on Friday for our BL weigh-in. Over the past three weeks, I have been down each time except one Monday when I was even. I know it won't always happen that way, but taking three or four or even seven days between weigh-ins gives me a better chance of seeing what I need to see to keep me motivated. Anyway... there's no right or wrong frequency for weighing, but if you're spending too many days getting frustrated, it might be worth trying something different.

I am a bit behind..but I am glad you said this. I think I was letting myself get overly-obsessive with the scale since the challenge started..lots of day to day fluctuations. I just need to step back and weigh only on Fridays, and maybe one other day. I know weighing daily works for a lot of people, and it might for me later in my weight loss journey.

It won't let me PM since I have no posts. I think I read that it's never too late to join so here I am. I'd like to join the challenge too. I'll be on the losers team at 188.8 lbs and in 13 weeks I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

Although I finished the half marathon last January at WDW, I'm really just now starting to ease back into running after an injury 4 years ago. Next Januaray's half marathon will go a lot smoother for me!! (Barring 28 degree temperatures and snow flurries that is!) I need as much motivation and accountability and encouragement as a person can get! I recently graduated with my BSN and have the nclex scheduled for July 19. I start my GN job tomorrow. My husband should be leaving for Afghanistan on/around July 2 and currently he has been in Wisconsin since April 17. Our 15 year old daughter just got her driving learner's permit today. ...

Needless to say, I'm STRESSED and OVERWHELMED! So, getting back into shape and adding physical activity to my life will be a huge physical, emotional, and mental health benefit but it will also be an enormous challenge. I look forward to getting into healthy habits and communicating with people who are in the same lane of this crazy race called life.

:welcome: you have joined a great group of people. There are lots of great ideas and support given daily by the wonderful folks here!

Had a great day with DS..(took the day off to spend just with him)..the only downside was letting him pick the place for lunch..he choose chinese I will have to be extra careful with dinner. Right now, DS is in the kitchen making "moo-less chocolate pie" with tofu...he saw it on an episode of Alton Brown's Good Eats and wanted to try it..I will take a bite to make DS happy, but I don't know that I am tofu person...guess we will see. I am happy that he like to experiment with food.

QOTD - Treats - for me, it will probably be some kind of ice cream, or possibly a cupcake every once in a while.....for now, I am trying NOT to eat that kind of stuff, and use non-food as a reward (massage at 10 pounds gone, can't wait!) but there is no way I can reasonably say I will never eat ice cream again. Just isn't going to happen.

Have a great evening!

Mom's cell phone battery had died and they were in the middle of no where! They arrived around 4. We had potatoes on the grill and pork chops/chicken. Mom really wanted ice cream so I took her and the girls to get ice cream to bring home. DD2 who doesn't like ice cream wanted to try some again so I got us a bowl of chocolate frozen yogurt. Only ate a little! I wasn't even tempted to eat much! I've been really good all day.

My mom and I are planning on walking my usual route in the morning and maybe a little extra. Tomorrow is my very long and stressful day. Going to eat my big meal at lunch tomorrow and have a LC or WW meal for supper. Going to try and drink lots of water/Crystal Light again. Hoping I can squeeze in my smoothie in the morning and my BL Protein water. I had the Special K Protein water today. The iced tea is pretty good. I had a double one which is about 60 calories.

Didn't get any other workouts in today besides my morning walk but I did some cleaning when I got home and then made supper. Tomorrow will be my walk and giving 3 massages so I think that should be fine for tomorrow!

I still won't step on the scale until Wednesday morning! Not even tempted!

Time to relax with DH!

OOOOHHHH I just bought tickets for us to see Toy Story 3 on the 27th with other Disers! Can't wait!!!
real half and half and real sugar for my coffee ...

:thumbsup2 I don't blame you. I actually think sugar subs make me hungrier.

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I need to have chocolate, a new favorite is WW dark choc raspberry ice cream bars.

Sounds delicious!

Back from my run. Did 5.25. Was going for 6, but around mile 3 my knee starting hurting, and the week before a WDW trip is NOT the time to push it too hard. Feeling good now, a little tender.

QOTD: my treat? I dunno. There is nothing I want consistently, just a taste of something every now and then. Or a bigger calorie meal, like pizza (just not in such mass quantities) every few weeks.

Have to share quickly - last night DH and I were watching losing it w/ Jillian as we were plotting for our trip. I said "I wonder if she would come here and help me", DH informed me that there are people that need her a lot more than I do, yada yada. Then "I am so proud of what you have done on your own. I don't know anyone that could lose 55 pounds without some sort of itemized plan, group meetings, etc." My reply "Thanks, but why do you think I've spent so much time on Dis? That's my key." He laughed a bit, and said "your disney obsession doesn't play into that time??" :laughing:

Here's to the power of the BL threads! :goodvibes

:lmao: Your dh is great! I didn't think about a Disney obsession being healthy.;)


Okay - starting a pool on when Tracey will actually get on the scale - I'm choosing today at 6:30 pm - anyone else in? :rotfl: Sorry Tracey couldn't resist! ;) :hug:

I wish we had your's another humid humid allergy filled day here. :( Yesterday I took the dogs for a walk and after 15 minutes they were laying down in the shade, poor things. Today I'll plan a short outdoor walk and some indoor activities for myself. Sadly cleaning must be one of them!:laundy: At least I'll be moving right? ;)

Hope the weather is better! :goodvibes

If I weren't obsessed with Disney, I wouldn't be on Disboards, which means I never would have found you guys. It's definitely a healthy thing. :lmao:

I'm in - I'm guessing tomorrow am, P, since you weigh less in the am! ;)

:rotfl: to both!

I was away all day yesterday for my kids dance recital. It was a really fun day but a long one! For all of you who followed along with my job situation last week, thanks again for all the support. I still feel bad that I didn't get the job iI wanted but it is time to begin to focus on moving forward. I had a horrible week of eating and discovered I am a pro at finding reasons for over eating. From saying I deserve to eat because I ran a 1/2 marathon to I am so emotional I need to eat to just one more day and I will be back on track...the excuses are all there. No excuses today...a plan of action and back on track.

Time to catch up on some of what I missed yesterday...

I love this idea! I think knowing I am getting a dessert would make me feel so much happier about the dieting.

Thanks! A few times a week is really enough, although everyday would be even better. :goodvibes

How are you doing? I'm guessing very OP!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I love the single serving ice cream packages that Edy's makes. They're all so good and it helps me not overdo it in the portion sizes. I've also occasionally found some single serving sizes in Hershey ice cream, but the store sells out of them quickly.

Those single-serve ice cream cups are great!
I woke up naseaus this morning, but no time to consider being ill. I've made 4 dozen cookies (not tempted to snack on them with a tummy ache :thumbsup2) Now I need to get out of the house to pick up class trip supplies then I'm chaperoning a field trip for my 1st grader, if it doesn't rain.

Hope you are feeling better and had a great day!

Good morning everyone!! This thread is hopping, and once again I feel like I can't catch up. I did 3.1 miles this morning in 48 min, which is very slow to some of you, but it's ok for me. I haven't been getting my 3 days a week, and I think that's why I haven't been able to pick up any speed. Now that school is almost out, I'm going to make that 3 day a week commitment.

Sounds great to me!

Friday QOTD: Describe your trip to the grocery store. How do you tackle this task?I LOVE printing coupons from some on-line sites. Then I put them in an envelope with a list on the outside. When I get to the grocery store, it seems the bottom of my cart gets filled in the produce section before I ever start going up and down aisles. I definitely avoid the aisles where I’ve decided ahead of time I won’t shop (snacks, cookies, cereals, etc.) Most of my groceries are from produce, meats and dairy. We have a standard list that DH picks up from Costco, too, which minimizes what I have to get at the grocery store. Oh, and we always stock up on Lean Cuisine panini’s at Target since I use them for lunches pretty much every work day.


QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?
As crazy as this sounds, I am looking forward to starting physical therapy tomorrow night. I have been having a hard time just sitting still, waiting for bone to graft and cartilage to grow. I feel like once I start PT I can really make progress toward getting back to normal (for the first time since July 14, 2009)

So happy to hear that you are starting PT! I know you couldn't wait. I hope it is as successful/helpful as you hope and have been promised it will be. :goodvibes

The support here is amazing.

It definitely is!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I don't like to treat myself with food so every week I have a loss I buy a new nail polish. Usually something fun and funky. I have quite the collection of colors... I should open a nail salon! :)

Great idea!

I guess this may be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Virginia. I've been fighting this darn scale all my life. Actually maybe only for the past 20 years. I think before that I ignored it. I have gone up and down, up and down. I usually get success with WW, but I'm just darn sick of paying them. Why it worked was because I had to be accountable since I had to get on that scale every week. That's why I'm hoping this group will do the same, make me accountable. Let's see I have 30 pounds to go to hit my WW goal. I was there once, made lifetime, but you know I'm a stress eater and lately it's been stressful. Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my ramblings and letting me part of yours.


Welcome! We are a very supportive group.

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

Well...I never met a cookie I didn't like :rotfl: so I know I'll never eliminate those from my life, but I also know I will have to have an occasional cheesburger. :guilty:

Cookies, yummm!

Good morning.:goodvibes

Back from the Y. Did group strength and 42 min on the elliptical.


QOTD Monday - I guess for me it could change weekly, sometimes it would be chocolate (which is my absolute favorite) but other times it could be fries. Depends on what I'm craving.

I've learned though that sometimes for me it's best to completely eliminate something from my diet because if I try to have a little sometimes it can snowball and I eat TOO much of it. :headache:

I know I am doing much better pretending to not be able to eat chocolate again. I was on doctor's orders to avoid it, but am not anymore. I feel better too by avoiding it.

I also found edys fruit bars which are all natural frozen fruit puree. WDW actually has the stawberry ones and they are so yuummmmoooo!!!! They are nice and refreshing especially when it is HOT HOT HOT!!!

Inspiration for tomorrow's QOTD! Thanks!


I can guarantee you I won't step on the scale at 6:30pm tonight. I never get on the scale at night! I'm holding off until Thursday. So what do I get if I don't step on it until Wednesday morning????:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Oooopppps! I meant to say that I am holding off until Wednesday to weigh myself. I need at least 2 days to figure out what I can do to have a loss for the week! I've been typing the wrong day constantly the past few days. Probably due to the craziness of this week! I want this week over already!!!!!
Oooopppps! I meant to say that I am holding off until Wednesday to weigh myself. I need at least 2 days to figure out what I can do to have a loss for the week! I've been typing the wrong day constantly the past few days. Probably due to the craziness of this week! I want this week over already!!!!!

I wait until Friday....last week it was only a pound, I worry if I do it any sooner I may be disapppointed :confused: I hope Wednesday is a good day for you. :banana:

I was out today (limping around, due to stupid foot!) and a friend I hadn't seen in 7 weeks thought I looked like I had lost 10 pounds!1 ......i hadn't but at least what I've lost was noticeable :love:
IT"S ABOUT TIME!:rotfl2:
I have gone from the reds visiting (this still makes me smile) way too frequently to the reds being on a really long road trip!:lmao: Which means I feel like I've had pms for over a week now including the carb cravings which I have been fighting. This is either perimenopause or because I am finally dropping belly fat. I'm self diagnosing because I don't want to go to the doctor! I feel like I hit 42 and I'm falling apart.:confused3 I really, really hate the doctor, so I'm going to give it a couple more months and see if things "regulate". Ok, vent over.

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon. Still craving chips and dip, (since yesterday) but I'm going to ignore it!

So glad others have helped. At 25, I have no personal experience.

Saturday QOTD: What is your favorite beverage?
Right now I’d say anything but water :rolleyes:!


Great job staying on plan and even working out at the hotel, CC!


QOTD for Sunday, 6/13: As we start a new calendar week, the school year is ending, and/or summer vacations are imminent, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the next few days?
We’ve got a lot of stuff going on this week, but I think I am most looking forward to Saturday. My parents and some friends are coming over for a “game night”. I really enjoy having people over to my house, but I don’t do it very often because I can always find something “wrong” with the house that I don’t want people to see, like I have a crack in the paint in the dining room and I still need to find a table for the entry, silly stuff like that. But I am excited about this weekend. It should be a lot of fun plus I can have some adult beverages since I won’t have to drive anywhere! And bonus - we have no plans for Sunday so I can sleep in, which is always my favorite thing to do on a Sunday :woohoo:! I am also very excited for Toy Story 3 – we have free tickets from buying TS1 and TS2 on BluRay a few months ago, so depending on what we decide to do for my dad for Fathers’ Day, we might be going to see TS3 on Sunday afternoon.

Sounds wonderful!

Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?
Gosh, if I could cut it down to just one, I’d probably be at goal by now :sad2:! I have a really bad dessert habit. I feel like I *need* to have something sweet after dinner. I try to make do with fruit, but it just doesn’t satisfy that particular want. I enjoy having down time between dinner and getting ready for bed for my sanity, but I hate it because I can’t keep myself from grazing. I think my personal COW for this week is going to be having a reasonable dessert (fruit or one snack cake or one serving of light ice cream, etc.) then brushing my teeth right away so I don’t continue to graze. I really hope that works. Then I’ll be able to say that my one treat is a sensible dessert on most evenings :rolleyes1!

Brushing my teeth helps me A LOT!

I have some treat planned. It varies from week to week but usually involves having a beer, especially now that it is getting warmer! :sunny:

What a great summer treat!

II have a lot of sympathy for you guys with these kinds of issues, trust me. My TOM was like living through hell every month, the pill helped a little, but now it's like no worries! I seriously plan to get these shots until I'm like 80 - just in case ;). I can only imagine what my GYN will be thinking as she's giving my old wrinkly butt that shot! :rotfl:

Hell, here too. I used to wonder what child birth would be like the pain was so bad. No shots for me, I was on naproxen sodium-Rx strength. I was still going to the pediatrician, I was so young when all of this was happening. I was "lucky" enough to have started TOM on the morning of a physical and my APRN was like, "What's with her?" because she say me lying down on chairs pratically in tears. My mom told her and she was like, "Absolutely not. Something needs to be done about that now." I am on the pill now, but that APRN made my life 1000s times better. Oh, and my mom's...:rotfl:

Well.... good afternoon everyone. Without going into detail I just want to share... we had a bit of a family emergency last night (actually, that is a bit of an understatement).... and I will say one of my first mental reactions was to want to EAT! I started thinking about finding an excuse to sit down and eat M&Ms and Twizzlers!! CRAZY! (We were just finishing dinner when this situation occurred, so it wasn't that I was hungry.)

I literally stopped myself in my tracks, talked OUT LOUD to myself about how I would feel tomorrow if I indulged in this "stress eating" (lousy, guilty, fat, out of control) and decided it definitely wouldn't HELP the situation. So instead of eating, I "stress cleaned" for two hours~! Burned some calories and got the house in decent order. I finally stopped cleaning about 10 pm... and went to bed.

Got up this morning without GUILT or REGRET, but still had the stress. Ran 4 miles, folded 4 loads of laundry, got DD off to school (DS not feeling well... but that is another story). Took care of some things, came home, made lunch, and power cleaned DD's bathroom! Obviously I am still stress-cleaning! And avoiding food actually... probably out of fear of going nuts.

I just wanted to share that small victory over food with those of you who would appreciate it! And yes, we are all fine and safe... but considering I RARELY feel stress about much of anything, this was a WHOPPER. But it too shall pass.

Gotta run... DD has a Rainbow Girls initiation tonight so I need to press her gown. DH will take her to that, as DS has a doctor's appointment for his skin condition. Hope it helps, as that situation is getting bad again. Not sure what dinner will be for DS and myself. DH and DD are sharing a pizza before Rainbow..... so much for the veggie-loaded baked pasta I had planned!:rotfl:

Probaly won't be on again until tomorrow....................P

:yay: Awesome (not just "small") victory!

My day has been so-so. I think I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. :( Plus I my allergies are actually a cold (I think that's your gift to me Shannon :lmao:) So much going on plus financial stress (dd's cheer, going to see my dad in Orlando, going to Scotland in July). So what did I do? Ate 9 chips ahoy. :headache: I guess at least I counted right? And stopped! When I write it out it's not so bad - dd's cheer, working concerts to pay for that; Dad in Orlando? It's just not happening this summer. Scotland - flights & rental car paid, staying w/relatives, saving spending money. I feel more in control already. Those darn ants though!

More storms moving through. DD was scared last night and came into our bed, dh moved to the spare room, the dogs were in bed with me and DD, she couldn't sleep which meant I couldn't sleep...color me gray today b/c that's my mood. Sorry everyone! I need some serious doses of pixie dust.

Sending :goodvibes for sleep and pixie dust, plus no more ants! Hope you feel better soon and glad to hear you are feeling more in control! Have a great day tomorrow!

FB's downside can also be its upside. Lets say your cell phone took a dunk in a lake. You can put as your status: "Cell phone took a swim! If anyone needs to get ahold of me, please try DH's phone!" I'm all too familiar with this scenario :rotfl2:


Have a great night everyone and "see" you all tomorrow!


Have a great night too!

I have decided that whatever speed I can run, complete the distance I want to, is a good speed. I watched Losing it with Jillian today, and she did a 5K with an overweight woman with a lot of knee problems. The clock, which they only showed briefly in a wide angle shot, read almost an hour and a half. The accomplishment of completion is all that matters! And thanks for your kind words!


It won't let me PM since I have no posts. I think I read that it's never too late to join so here I am. I'd like to join the challenge too. I'll be on the losers team at 188.8 lbs and in 13 weeks I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

Although I finished the half marathon last January at WDW, I'm really just now starting to ease back into running after an injury 4 years ago. Next Januaray's half marathon will go a lot smoother for me!! (Barring 28 degree temperatures and snow flurries that is!) I need as much motivation and accountability and encouragement as a person can get! I recently graduated with my BSN and have the nclex scheduled for July 19. I start my GN job tomorrow. My husband should be leaving for Afghanistan on/around July 2 and currently he has been in Wisconsin since April 17. Our 15 year old daughter just got her driving learner's permit today. ...

Needless to say, I'm STRESSED and OVERWHELMED! So, getting back into shape and adding physical activity to my life will be a huge physical, emotional, and mental health benefit but it will also be an enormous challenge. I look forward to getting into healthy habits and communicating with people who are in the same lane of this crazy race called life.

Welcome! You will find lots of support here. I did!

I had a status last month that said something like "My son microwaved my phone... if I don't answer when you call... call next week." :rotfl:


Had a great day with DS..(took the day off to spend just with him)..the only downside was letting him pick the place for lunch..he choose chinese I will have to be extra careful with dinner. Right now, DS is in the kitchen making "moo-less chocolate pie" with tofu...he saw it on an episode of Alton Brown's Good Eats and wanted to try it..I will take a bite to make DS happy, but I don't know that I am tofu person...guess we will see. I am happy that he like to experiment with food.

QOTD - Treats - for me, it will probably be some kind of ice cream, or possibly a cupcake every once in a while.....for now, I am trying NOT to eat that kind of stuff, and use non-food as a reward (massage at 10 pounds gone, can't wait!) but there is no way I can reasonably say I will never eat ice cream again. Just isn't going to happen.

Have a great evening!


I've had ice cream made with soy/tofu. I like it in "moderation." ;)

Have you tried making cupcakes with diet soda and topping it with fat free Cool Whip? I love that.

DD2 who doesn't like ice cream wanted to try some again so I got us a bowl of chocolate frozen yogurt. Only ate a little! I wasn't even tempted to eat much! I've been really good all day.

OOOOHHHH I just bought tickets for us to see Toy Story 3 on the 27th with other Disers! Can't wait!!!

:yay: to both eating a little fro you and seeing TS3 with some Disers!
Good Evening Everyone!

Today was a much busier day than I expected. I did not make it to the gym so I will go tomorrow afternoon/night. I did go to an hour long Zumba class. I had hoped to do both.

I just have a few minutes so I will post tomorrow's QOTD. I was going to base it off of something Leleluvsdis said, but I will wait until Wednesday. I don't want to steal her thunder. It will still be Disney related though!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

Off to bed. I may be working different hours tomorrow, so I'm not sure when I'll be on again.

Have a great day tomorrow!

Ive had a tough weekend with controlling my eating. I cant say I totally went off plan but it was close. I feel like I am back on track and am chalking it up to being the week of TOM. Today I made a bad choice for lunch. I had an all day class for my job and the only thing close was a pizza place. I had planned to get a salad but when I saw the price of 9$ for a salad with grilled chicken I decided to just get a slice of pizza. Then I got to the counter and saw the specialty pizza and out of my mouth came "i will have one slice of the taco pizza":confused: Where that came from I have no idea. It totally was impulsive. Honestly it didnt even taste good and was so heavy in my stomach. I regretted it all day. I guess this was just my sign to focus again. I did a 4 mile run tonight in 48:30. I feel so much better.

QOTD- I can honestly say this time around I have not set a specific treat for myself. Every now and then I drink a cup of regular ice tea so I guess that is considered a treat. I am trying to not reward myself with food anymore. So thats why I guess I dont have a treat in mind.

QOTD-tuesday- We finished our last trip with MNSSHP and stayed until close. We rode IASW as our last ride and the night there was just magical and one of the best moments of our trip. I think we will finish every trip with a day long visit until closing of MK from now on.
:hug: Hope that everything is okay, Pamela. Great job avoiding adding to the problem by overeating. :thumbsup2

Is it tomorrow or Friday your birthday? :cool2:
Actually, it is Thursday. Wasn't it nice of Disney/Pixar to open a movie for me so that we would have a fun way to celebrate!?

It won't let me PM since I have no posts. I think I read that it's never too late to join so here I am. I'd like to join the challenge too. I'll be on the losers team at 188.8 lbs and in 13 weeks I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

Although I finished the half marathon last January at WDW, I'm really just now starting to ease back into running after an injury 4 years ago. Next Januaray's half marathon will go a lot smoother for me!! (Barring 28 degree temperatures and snow flurries that is!) I need as much motivation and accountability and encouragement as a person can get! I recently graduated with my BSN and have the nclex scheduled for July 19. I start my GN job tomorrow. My husband should be leaving for Afghanistan on/around July 2 and currently he has been in Wisconsin since April 17. Our 15 year old daughter just got her driving learner's permit today. ...

Needless to say, I'm STRESSED and OVERWHELMED! So, getting back into shape and adding physical activity to my life will be a huge physical, emotional, and mental health benefit but it will also be an enormous challenge. I look forward to getting into healthy habits and communicating with people who are in the same lane of this crazy race called life.

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Evening friends.... had a nice long post typed up, but my stupid laptop made it disappear.:mad:

Anyhow, thanks to everyone for the concern about my family emergency. We are all well and good and things will go back to normal soon. I did splurge on a slice of ham and pineapple pizza for dinner tonight (but just one... it was very big) and worth every one of the TEN points it cost me! But it was a conscious decision, not a stress-related reflex.

Exciting day planned for tomorrow.... 5 mile run, trip to the dump, picking up prescriptions, and the usual cooking, cleaning, laundry, and kid taxi-ing. Bet you're jealous! :rolleyes1

See you all tomorrow. I'll catch up on the QOTD tomorrow...........P
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