Baseball - It's What's on Your Mind.

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:O mind has been blown.

The hot guy in my science class likes the New York Knicks.

See? Here, everyone loves the New York teams. Cause NY da' best.

I love Rocky Top <3

Rascal Flatts + Rocky Top = Love.

Whenever we go to Tennessee (which is often, because we go to the Appalachin Mountains a lot... and TN and NC are both part of the App Mts.) I sing this song xD I love Tennessee

Oh my gosh!! I love that song!!<3 I remember hearing it at Country Bear Vacation Hoedown when I was little and downloading it a while back :D
In a relationship
It's complicated
In an open relationship
In a civil union
In a domestic relationship
Gym was terrible. Thank goodness only 2 more days of it until health.

My whole class lost all respect for our gym teacher today. He messed up win we were assigned new teams for lacrosse. He messed up and instead of five teams there was only four. He blamed us for "not listening" and "arguing". Normally, I'd understand. But we did listen to him... and we never argued... I don't know what he's talking about. So he got really mad. And made us all line up on one side of the gym. And made us do Sweet Sixteens (where you run from one side of the gym to the other 16 times.) It wasn't that bad, he let us get water and then we came back. And, to our surprises, made us line up again. And made us do Sweet Sixteens again. So really, we did Sweet Thirty-twos (;

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
I can't decide on a bed now D-: I saw a nice bed today that was half off, but it's brown. I want to get customised wallpaper that looks like Spaceship Earth (if I can make an accurate design!), and brown doesn't go well with grey (according to my mum anyway...). I did find a black one, but it's a different design.
Pick ME, Love ME, Chose ME

I looove GA's!

Hmm... I should go watch the new episode... but I've got to babysit in 40 minutes...
I couldn't stop thinking about Walt Disney World this morning. I had New Horizons stuck in my head.
And everything went better then expected. :)

:O mind has been blown.

The hot guy in my science class likes the New York Knicks.

See? Here, everyone loves the New York teams. Cause NY da' best.

the knicks suck, bad.

not just because they're from ny, the celtics have won the most nba championships, oot oot

the knicks suck, bad.

not just because they're from ny, the celtics have won the most nba championships, oot oot

idc if they suck or not. idc about basketball.

but when a hot guy likes the knicks... yeah... it's all good in the hoood.

And the celtics aren't all they're cracked up to be, recently. :-)

Time to go babysit, ciao friends.
okaaay chill, i'm just sayiiiin' (;

booooooo, back to school on monday. i had a good half term. i'm so tired.
and i have maths tutor tomorrow and i have to do a load of homework i put off )':
Woo! I made a more accurate design! I wonder how big it would have to be to make it into wallpaper...
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