Any Reformed FP- Uber Users Who Have Embraced FP+ ?

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I think more likely the PR Team is stumped. But I'm sure they'll formulate a new strategy.

Back to the topic of the thread, I'm not seeing many who have embraced FP+.

I think I'll go check out that thread on the usefulness of FP+ Kiosks now and see what the consensus is.
So would the usage of "..." to indicate there was more that wasn't quoted, or brackets to insert words to help clarify meaning (like) be among acceptable conventions of decorum?

Bottom line ... people don't like it when you screw around with their text. Delete sections, shorten up a passage ... but when you add words or delete words that effect context it's just not cool. Again, a lot of board where the discussion is more heated in general (some hockey boards I've moderated for example) just draw a hard line and discipline any poster who edits quoted text in any way other than to reduce the length of a quote.

Nothing personal ... just suggesting that you take it easy on that kind of stuff.
Nothing personal ... just suggesting that you take it easy on that kind of stuff.

It was an accusation without example. But your advice does not go unheeded - it seems it's much more effective for someone to not use quotes at all and simply say "He said" or "They said" if they are trying to convey a meaning that was not the original.

Just wanted to inject some levity,
Yeah, the PR Team is busy doing damage control in another FP+ thread. :rotfl2:

Lake, I invited you to engage in a conversation about something real. You declined. I even posited a definite stance of my own, and was prepared to back it up:

By being flexible and innovative, and using all the options available to you, one can get on a lot of rides at WDW in a day. Way more than 3, and with minimal planning, and no more restrictions upon when you have to be somewhere than you'd have had under FP-.

So far on this page alone you've made 5 posts with no real content. It's like you just want to go [poke] [poke] "PR Team". "Pretty slick". "Thumbs Up". [poke]. "Say something". "FP+ Sucks". [poke]. Really. If you want to talk, Go back to my post 672, and give some honest replies to the analysis you requested, and I provided for you. If you're just baiting to have ppl volunteer info and then you'll redirect and go on a tangent but avoid the question, then so be it. If we ask you a question, you say you're on trial and you go on a rant. Or if you say something incorrect, you redirect with craziness like "sorry mr officer"...

Posit something useful. A position, and cohesive stance on how FP+ affects you and what you can get done in a day at WDW. State how many rides you get on with minimal waits in a typical day. State how many you waited over 60 min for. State what you did in the time between your FP+'s. In your trip report, you said you only found you could ride 3 things, then shop. Was that the case? Did you ride 3 things then shop?

Share some real content and someone will be happy to engage you. Until then, perhaps Jennasis' post on dancing moneys is more up your alley. Enjoy!
So far on this page alone you've made 5 posts with no real content.

Well, here's some content for you, buddy!

Since the practice of the PR Team seems to be to make serious accusations and then run off without offering any proof, I decided to go back and search for the dastardly deed I was accused of.

And guess what I found?

First, Wisblue tries to make several points in Post #531.

I never even responded to that thread, much less quote him.

I do quote and respond to him in Post #538, but the quote I used came from his Post #536, which are word-for-word what he said and that post has not been edited.

Wisblue then quotes me in post #539, which I respond to and quote him - again, word for word and that post has not been edited.

Then, he accuses me of pulling his quote "out of context and rearranged without showing that you had done that." (Post 550).

It appears that Wisblue got his own posts confused, then accused me of taking his comments out of context, accusations which later became "eliminated words from a sentence I was quoting or added words that were not in the original thing I was quoting." when in fact there was no such thing.

Now I understand why the PR Team is maintaining radio silence on the matter, and I'm also a bit disappointed that JeffBear bought into the hype and admonished me for something that didn't even happen.

You guys have absolutely zero credibility with me.
Let me post that for you again in case you missed it the first time:

Well, here's some content for you, buddy!

Since the practice of the PR Team seems to be to make serious accusations and then run off without offering any proof, I decided to go back and search for the dastardly deed I was accused of.

And guess what I found?

First, Wisblue tries to make several points in Post #531.

I never even responded to that thread, much less quote him.

I do quote and respond to him in Post #538, but the quote I used came from his Post #536, which are word-for-word what he said and that post has not been edited.

Wisblue then quotes me in post #539, which I respond to and quote him - again, word for word and that post has not been edited.

Then, he accuses me of pulling his quote "out of context and rearranged without showing that you had done that." (Post 550).

It appears that Wisblue got his own posts confused, then accused me of taking his comments out of context, accusations which later became "eliminated words from a sentence I was quoting or added words that were not in the original thing I was quoting." when in fact there was no such thing.

Now I understand why the PR Team is maintaining radio silence on the matter, and I'm also a bit disappointed that JeffBear bought into the hype and admonished me for something that didn't even happen.

You guys have absolutely zero credibility with me.
Haha. So you just assumed you were guilty when you responded with:

No malicious intent and I think the essence of your point was conveyed nonetheless. Nobody is keeping score, Wis. At least that I'm aware of. Your original post is still available for full view.
Lake....If you want to talk......
What on Earth makes you think he has interest in talking? He's messing with you, playing games! Until he responds to any, just one, of the reasonable questions asked of him I am done "talking" to him. No more feeding. Think about that. He has, however, given me lots of catch phrases I can use in all my future postings, and I thank him for that!
It just occurred to me that the "quote" that you were responding to was taken out of context and rearranged without showing that you had done that. The full thought, with the relevant part bolded was:

"I really don’t think the purpose of the board is to discuss how FP+ or WDW could be improved, how it compares to Universal Studios, and what the future plans of the Walt Disney Company might be. I don’t see how any of that helps people plan trips that are planned for the near future. If I were moderating the board I would be moving those discussions somewhere else, like a Community Board. Discussions like this are fine for people who want to participate in them (which I do sometimes). But, I don't think that it is appropriate to use those subjects to sidetrack threads that are started to discuss something completely different, like what types of FPs can someone get in the days or week before a trip."

Maybe you think your editing job did nothing to change the meaning of what I had said, or maybe you are agreeing with me that comments about Universal and the Disney Company don't add anything to help people plan trips. I have no problem picking out part of a post and responding to just that part. But, I personally think that lifting something out of a post, editing it, and presenting it as an exact quote is not a good example of a civil and amicable discussion.

Well, here's some content for you, buddy!

Since the practice of the PR Team seems to be to make serious accusations and then run off without offering any proof, I decided to go back and search for the dastardly deed I was accused of.

And guess what I found?

First, Wisblue tries to make several points in Post #531.

I never even responded to that thread, much less quote him.

I do quote and respond to him in Post #538, but the quote I used came from his Post #536, which are word-for-word what he said and that post has not been edited.

Wisblue then quotes me in post #539, which I respond to and quote him - again, word for word and that post has not been edited.

Then, he accuses me of pulling his quote "out of context and rearranged without showing that you had done that." (Post 550).

It appears that Wisblue got his own posts confused, then accused me of taking his comments out of context, accusations which later became "eliminated words from a sentence I was quoting or added words that were not in the original thing I was quoting." when in fact there was no such thing.

Now I understand why the PR Team is maintaining radio silence on the matter, and I'm also a bit disappointed that JeffBear bought into the hype and admonished me for something that didn't even happen.

You guys have absolutely zero credibility with me.

Above in bold is WisBlue's actual quote. In post #541 you edited her post to this without indicating that you manipulated it:

I think a lot more visitors to the board (especially those who post rarely, if ever) are more interested in things like how FP+ works and how they can make best use of it than things like yield management, why Disney should change FP+ to make it more like Universal's Express Pass, how Disney is skillfully manipulating guests' behavior, and how a comment made by a Disney executive suggests that there won't be significant changes in the WDW parks for the foreseeable future.
Well, here's some content for you, buddy! Since the practice of the PR Team seems to be to make serious accusations and then run off without offering any proof, I decided to go back and search for the dastardly deed I was accused of. And guess what I found? First, Wisblue tries to make several points in Post #531...................................................................................................
In the interests of moving this train wreck closer to its inevitable end I gotta say, this is starting to look like the Nuremberg trials!
Above in bold is WisBlue's actual quote. In post #541 you edited her post to this without indicating that you manipulated it:

I think a lot more visitors to the board (especially those who post rarely, if ever) are more interested in things like how FP+ works and how they can make best use of it than things like yield management, why Disney should change FP+ to make it more like Universal's Express Pass, how Disney is skillfully manipulating guests' behavior, and how a comment made by a Disney executive suggests that there won't be significant changes in the WDW parks for the foreseeable future.

You're just as confused as Wis is. The part you say I took and "manipulated" is exactly what Wis stated in post #539:

I think a lot more visitors to the board (especially those who post rarely, if ever) are more interested in things like how FP+ works and how they can make best use of it than things like yield management, why Disney should change FP+ to make it more like Universal's Express Pass, how Disney is skillfully manipulating guests' behavior, and how a comment made by a Disney executive suggests that there won't be significant changes in the WDW parks for the foreseeable future.
What on Earth makes you think he has interest in talking? He's messing with you, playing games! Until he responds to any, just one, of the reasonable questions asked of him I am done "talking" to him. No more feeding. Think about that. He has, however, given me lots of catch phrases I can use in all my future postings, and I thank him for that!

I know, Kidd. It's kind of like Luke and Vader. I know he has some good in him, and I want so badly to bring it out... yet... he just keeps wanting to blow up planets. In the end, Luke perseveres, and draws the good out of Vader. (I don't think we're there yet.) :)

The offer is there Lake if you want to discuss if you actually got on only 3 rides then shopped like you assert in your trip report, or if you actually did a lot more. I have a feeling you will not engage tho, because to say you got on even 5 headliners with little wait would basically invalidate much of the premise of your trip report thread.

Oh well. How about a random comment about leveling a demand curve then.
Lake, Lake, Lake.....if you want to be able to keep plying your craft here you might consider posting something useful regarding FP+ experiences, good or bad. This thing's gonna get shut down soon I fear. Hey, maybe try answering one of the questions you've been asked!
Haha. So you just assumed you were guilty when you responded with:

Dude, seriously - that was because he originally led me to believe that because I didn't quote his full post, the meaning was misconstrued.

You guys are a hoot. Several of you can accuse another of manipulating quotes by adding words and changing the meaning. You spent how many posts hashing over that?

And then, when asked for proof, you clam up. I don't take such accusations lightly, so I researched it and showed that no such thing happened, that the accuser actually confused his own posts, and it's no big deal? And who's practicing diversion now? "Aww, Lake, how come you don't just answer our questions, huh?"

Naw, I'm pretty sure if the tables were turned there would be vehement demands for an apology at this point.

This from a group who claims to remember the times and dates and length of lines in exact minutes and crowd conditions and availability of FP's from a kiosk several months ago?

I think a lot more visitors to the board (especially those who post rarely, if ever) are more interested in things like how FP+ works and how they can make best use of it than things like yield management, why Disney should change FP+ to make it more like Universal's Express Pass, how Disney is skillfully manipulating guests' behavior, and how a comment made by a Disney executive suggests that there won't be significant changes in the WDW parks for the foreseeable future.

The Quote as posted by Lake in post #541

I think a lot more visitors to the board (especially those who post rarely, if ever) are more interested in things like how FP+ works and how they can make best use of it than things like yield management, why Disney should change FP+ to make it more like Universal's Express Pass, how Disney is skillfully manipulating guests' behavior, and how a comment made by a Disney executive suggests that there won't be significant changes in the WDW parks for the foreseeable future.

I'm flattered that you remember so many details about my comments.

Verbatim .... get off your horse any time now.
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