Any Reformed FP- Uber Users Who Have Embraced FP+ ?

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Apparently you endorse the practice of lifting a comment out of context, editing it, and presenting it as an exact quote. Or, would you agree that that is not appropriate and identify who did that?

Are you suggesting that you've never clicked the "Quote" button and then edited the quote?
Are you suggesting that you've never clicked the "Quote" button and then edited the quote?

Wisblue? No.

I've seen you do this several times Lake. :confused3. You've done it to me. It's not that you edit the quote or chop parts to only quote the relevant bits, it's that you add words as if the quoted person said those. Go back thru this thread and look closely at your quotes and you'll see.
Are you suggesting that you've never clicked the "Quote" button and then edited the quote?

In general message board decorum dictates that you can shorten the original post in the quote box, but should never edit the actual content of the original quote unless it's for comedic effect.

Again ... that'll get you a suspension on a lot of boards.
In general message board decorum dictates that you can shorten the original post in the quote box, but should never edit the actual content of the original quote unless it's for comedic effect.

Again ... that'll get you a suspension on a lot of boards.

So would the usage of "..." to indicate there was more that wasn't quoted, or brackets to insert words to help clarify meaning (like) be among acceptable conventions of decorum?
Even if Fuzzy wanted to, I'm sure they have all be re-edited already!

While that is certainly a concept the PR Team may like to promote, it would be extremely easy to determine if and when a post may have been edited - not to mention the inability to edit quotes when they are included in comments posted by others.

Are you also suggesting that someone can make accusations but has the option to not want to back them up?
So would the usage of "..." to indicate there was more that wasn't quoted, or brackets to insert words to help clarify meaning (like) be among acceptable conventions of decorum?

If you are quoting someone and fixing a typo, that is acceptable.

Original: I went the store.
Quote: I went [to] the store. (acceptable).

~provided~ you are correctly injecting the intended word. If the OP meant to say "I went [from][over][through][behind] the store..." then you are misquoting to reinject the wrong preposition. If you do not know the intended word then it is not ok to inject it.

If you are quoting a quote that involves a pronoun, but have chopped the former paragraph in which the pronoun was defined, it's ok to reinject the proper name.

Orignal: I went to the store with my mom and kids.
Original: While there we had a great time shopping.

Acceptable: (chop first paragraph)
Quote: While there we [OP, mom, kids] had a great time shopping.

Not acceptable:
Quote: While there we [OP, mom, kids] had a great time shopping [because you went on a category 4 day]
Are you suggesting that you've never clicked the "Quote" button and then edited the quote?

Yes, I have done it to remove things that were irrelevant to the point I was making. I think almost everyone does that and I know you do that frequently too.

But, I have never, intentionally at least, eliminated words from a sentence I was quoting or added words that were not in the original thing I was quoting. And, if I did that unintentionally, I would have the courtesy to apologize and not try to defend myself by saying that I didn't have any malicious intent or think my edits affected the meaning.
Now color me confused. I see all these accusations. But no examples.

We never waited longer than 20 minutes for anything either trip :thumbsup2

Ha! I have said this exact thing VERBATIM to multiple people. We went last August with high crowds and LOVED combining rope drop with FP+. It's a very cool thing that my kids don't even know the experience of spending half your day waiting in long lines.
Now color me confused. I see all these accusations. But no examples.


Seriously, that's what these folks have devolved to.

They are quite literally all ganging on Lake first picking apart single words here and there, and now debating with him the general etiquette of message boards.

Its so obvious they just can't stand for him to be right, in any way shape or form. This is isn't about the question asked any more, ironic given that fuzzy called me out saying that whether I liked FP+ or not was somehow not relevant to this thread :confused3 ... this is about them proving they are in some way better or more "right" than lake. Except they are trying to do it 3 or 4 vs 1, and think that because they represent an echo chamber for each other that some how bolsters their case.
Its so obvious they just can't stand for him to be right, in any way shape or form. This is isn't about the question asked any more, ironic given that fuzzy called me out saying that whether I liked FP+ or not was somehow not relevant to this thread :confused3 ... this is about them proving they are in some way better or more "right" than lake. Except they are trying to do it 3 or 4 vs 1, and think that because they represent an echo chamber for each other that some how bolsters their case.

What is Lake right about? I don't even know what point Lake is trying to make any more, let alone whether he is right or not.

Initially, he made the case that because of FP+, WDW was reduced to basically riding 3 things, then waiting in long lines the rest of the day.

When asked why he got this experience, he refused to discuss why, or provided any details.

Then eventually he showed us an itinerary in which he got on way more than that, then asserted he got on lots because he toured well, and used FP+ particularly well, yet he doesn't like it, but goes more often, and for longer, and is planning to go back already... but FP+ to him is still bad even tho he gets on a lot and tours particularly well.

I don't know what point he's even trying to make. FP+ is good for him or bad for him? It's good for me. It seems to be good for Lake too, based on his touring plans of wanting to do several major destinations in a day, short stretches in a park during busy times, yet ride lots of rides.

I have made a clear and simple case all along: That by being flexible and innovative, and using all the options available to you, one can get on a lot of rides at WDW in a day. WAY more than 3, and with minimal planning, and no more restrictions upon when you have to be somewhere than you'd have had under FP-. I have evidence to back this up, demonstrations of even on busy days how one can get on a lot of things via FP+ and other tools.

Lake do you get on a lot more than 3 rides with short waits in a day or not? Do you wait in long lines for all headliners beyond 3? And no, not looking for the silly redirect on how you could ride Carousel of Progress "probly" 20 times. For real. Are you able to get on more, or were you just exaggerating when you suggested that because of FP+, the general experience for visitors to WDW is largely reduced to 3-and-done.

I guess, make a definitive point, and I'll tell you if I agree w it or not. Don't make an obvious generalization like "everyone is different". Of course we are. Tell us about how FP+ actually affects your trip, what you actually got on, etc. Or don't. 'Sup to you.

So just come up w something random to say. Or nothing at all. I don't want you to feel you're on the spot. Let's put it this way. If you'd like to make a definitive point about whether or not one can get on more than 3 rides in a day with short waits, and defend it, I would be happy to engage you in such a discussion. If not, that's cool too.
Wow. I thought atll the back and forth was over yesterday. It seemed like it was getting back to some actual conversation. That didn't last long
So nobody really cares about the post's topic anymore, apparently.

OK, moving on then.
I truly believe if you are going to accuse someone of such an egregious act, then the least you can do is provide an example of what you are referring to.

Aside from that, I think the PR Team has inadvertently revealed one of their most utilized tactics. They won't quote someone directly, but will instead use a strategy of "You said...." or "They said....." followed not by what the poster actually said, but by what they need their interpretation of it to be.

Pretty slick.
What is Lake right about? I don't even know what point Lake is trying to make any more, let alone whether he is right or not.
He never had a point, other than to play games with us. Your questions seem reasonable but he won't answer them, not a single one. The longer the replies he sucks out of us the more he chuckles behind his keyboard. Time to stop feeding him, IMHO.
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