Disney Disingenuous?

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The bill seems to require (Or rather prohibit teachers from maintaining confidentiality) teachers or school officials to out a child to their parents if the child confides in them that they are Trans or gay unless they feel disclosure would lead to abuse abandonment or neglect.
Why is this thread allowed? Totally political.
Most news topics are political/controversial in the last few years. Gas price threads can get very political and there have been at least 3 new ones in the last few days.
I personally don’t see a problem with the thread as long as people aren’t hurling insults at one another. I think it is a good thing to hear an opposing opinion like what is being shared here.

I support lgtbq rights 100%.
when I first saw the clickbait headline, I was angry. I read the clickbait article and got even angrier. I then read the actual bill and realized that it is completely reasonable.
If you are angry about this bill and have only read interpretations of the bill, I highly
recommend that you read the wording of the actual bill.

Are we that divided that we can’t agree that parents, not teachers should be the ones speaking to our 5 to 8 year olds about sensitive subjects?

IMO,This is not a Gay rights issue. Teachers should not be talking to very young kids about anything to do with sex or sexual orientation. Period.
The bill seems to require (Or rather prohibit teachers from maintaining confidentiality) teachers or school officials to out a child to their parents if the child confides in them that they are Trans or gay unless they feel disclosure would lead to abuse abandonment or neglect.
It does no such thing. Read the bill to find out what it actually says.
To answer OP's question, Disney and lots of other companies donate to political candidates for two reasons.
  1. They donate to candidates who they think will support their business.
  2. They also donate to candidates they are confident will win election in order to have access to them.
The Florida Legislature has more than 3,000 bills introduced each session, and only a small percentage of those actually get enacted into law. There is no way that any company would donate to any particular legislative candidate based on ONE silly bill.
Not a lot, only a small number of cases that got a lot of attention in conservative press. The bill is to prevent it from spreading and coming to more schools.

Specifically, what happened in those cases were schools bringing up the topic of sex changes in elementary school class discussions (even in primary grades), encouraging a child to change genders, including calling the child a different name & pronouns at school, while intentionally keeping it a secret from parents, who they suspected might be unsupportive of their child pondering a sex change. The secrecy is especially problematic, given that in some areas, minors can obtain sex change drugs and procedures without parental consent.

Would like specifics on this....when, where. who, plus documentation. Because i believe it hasnt happened.
It's really a matter for local school departments ...period. If a teacher brings this up in her class then the parents take it to the principal and up the chain. If the Superintendent/Director of the District doesn't disagree, then it's up to the School Board to hire a new Superintendent if they want to change the direction. No need for a Statewide bill for something that happened in a few classrooms -all that says is that there is obviously an ulterior motive behind the bill. What ever happened to "small" government...
The bill doesn’t take away rights from anyone, but instead gives rights to the parents of kindergarten to third grade students concerning their children’s education. Many parents think teaching any sexuality to 5-8 year olds isn’t age appropriate and would prefer those topics to be discussed in the home, and a public education to be the basics such as math, science, language arts and history.

It takes the rights away from a trans child's teacher having a discussion in class about a name change, pronoun change, etc. Having a friend whose child is in the 3rd grade, and trans since kindergarten, it's important to be able to have that discussion with students beforehand.

Not a lot, only a small number of cases that got a lot of attention in conservative press. The bill is to prevent it from spreading and coming to more schools.

Specifically, what happened in those cases were schools bringing up the topic of sex changes in elementary school class discussions (even in primary grades), encouraging a child to change genders, including calling the child a different name & pronouns at school, while intentionally keeping it a secret from parents, who they suspected might be unsupportive of their child pondering a sex change. The secrecy is especially problematic, given that in some areas, minors can obtain sex change drugs and procedures without parental consent.

This scenario of yours happens a few times a year in our small high school, but I've never heard it ever happening in elementary school. Parental approval/disapproval is much stronger with younger (elementary) aged kids. Of course, we support all kids up here in MA, no need to legislate this kind of stuff in a sensible state. I think Florida is crazy!
It takes the rights away from a trans child's teacher having a discussion in class about a name change, pronoun change, etc. Having a friend whose child is in the 3rd grade, and trans since kindergarten, it's important to be able to have that discussion with students beforehand.

This scenario of yours happens a few times a year in our small high school, but I've never heard it ever happening in elementary school. Parental approval/disapproval is much stronger with younger (elementary) aged kids. Of course, we support all kids up here in MA, no need to legislate this kind of stuff in a sensible state. I think Florida is crazy!
What about the rights for the parents of the other twenty kids in the class who are too young to have sexual identity instruction at age 5-8? That’s not the teacher’s job - he or she is to teach educational subjects and let morality to the parents and the church. If there is such an issue as you described, a note can go home to the parents and they discuss it with their child how they see fit.
Unfortunately, teachers are put into the position of parenting. I think most teachers would prefer not take that roll. The New York Post story reveals as much about the teacher as the PARENT in my opinion. As a parent, I would hope that I have a good understanding of the feelings my child has about a wide range of subjects.
Unfortunately, teachers are put into the position of parenting. I think most teachers would prefer not take that roll. The New York Post story reveals as much about the teacher as the PARENT in my opinion. As a parent, I would hope that I have a good understanding of the feelings my child has about a wide range of subjects.

And this is exactly the problem these days. BOTH teachers and parents are responsible for a child's education. They need to work together, not pawn it all off on the school or actively work at odds with one another.
Can children as young as this really know whether they are trans or not? I’m not saying they can’t but I was pretty clueless when I was little so it’s fascinating to me.
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This will be a tool they use to bully schools into not being able to correct a student using a slur, not answer a simple question of a student or even just acknowledge different students lives and realities.

Realistically speaking, any bill that allows/encourages parents to file lawsuits directly against the school and individual teacher over a social issue is intended to have a chilling effect on conversations about the specified issue/topic. Because the thing is, even if the school and teacher are 100% in the right, defending those suits takes time and money that schools simply don't have to spare. So that leads to an extreme erring on the side of caution. You see the same thing happen with certain media outlets, not the well-known national orgs but smaller and local outlets who don't have the budget to fight libel suits, and especially with freelancers who have no organization at all mitigating their risks. It doesn't matter in the end if the story is well-sourced and absolutely accurate; you're going to spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars that you might or might not have to be vindicated. So the risk of running unflattering stories about those with deep pockets or certain types of backing just isn't viable, no matter how important the story actually is. Saying nothing won't get you sued; saying something might. Hence the "don't say gay" label for the bill.
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The bill is about teacher-led discussions. You just gave examples of student comments, not teacher-led discussions. Teacher-led discussions of sexuality (including sex, sexual orientation, sex changes) in elementary school are what the bill is trying to prevent. There is absolutely no need for an elementary school teacher to lead discussions about sexuality.
You should learn more about comprehensive sex education. There are developmentally appropriate lessons for kids starting in kindergarten (for instance, about safety and bodies). I have kids this age and 100% am grateful that they attend a school where teachers present developmentally appropriate information and am troubled by people who want to offer legislation that hurts my kids and family, and the citizens who encourage it or are complicit in it (such as comments like yours).
Can children as young as this really know whether they are trans or not? I’m not saying they can’t but I was pretty clueless when I was little so it’s fascinating to me.
Yes, as gender (and sex) are things taught and coded into society pretty early (similar to how kids need to learn about race and racism because those lessons make it in even before kindergarten). I don't think the idea is that every person who is trans (or non-binary) will know that as a kid - things unfold in different ways. Meanwhile, if I can be bullied and physically harmed for being gay in 3rd grade (which is when it began), certainly we can give kids resources and information to know more about that (fyi, I'm not gay - though I'm bi - and my 3rd grade teacher said, "Well, gay is my first name - so that's what they mean" which made absolutely NO sense since I was literally beaten up while being called "her first name").
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