Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I understand that but for that long? How are they trusting players to stay at their resorts? I would go crazy if I was required to stay within the boundaries of CSR and the ESPN sports complex for 4 months.

Contracts and salaries. I'm sure there was a risk assessment. No plan is perfect, but considering the situation this is a decent way to create a bubble. It looks like dining and golf will be allowed as well so there will be some outlets to unwind.
I did send an email to Guest Services letting them know why. Instead of normal call I have always received in past, they just sent a cursory email it would be forwarded on.

Same here. I’m a firm believer in letting them know both good and bad, rather than just complain here. I don’t email them a lot, but they have never failed to call when I did, until this time. I got probably the same letter you did where they just fill in the blank with your name to make it seem personalized.

I didn’t expect miracles, but I I did expect them to at least care enough to discuss it. But they didn’t. I realize it’s a crazy time, but if you don’t have time to address guest issues, there’s a problem,
I understand that but for that long? How are they trusting players to stay at their resorts? I would go crazy if I was required to stay within the boundaries of CSR and the ESPN sports complex for 4 months.
I bet you could find a way to stay in your room for a few months for a couple million dollars or 38.3 million like LeBron gets. $$$$$$$
This matches what Remy is saying about the reservation system being a permanent change.
Exactly. This is what I have been thinking too. There is no way that they are completely changing how guests access the parks and book dining and experiences if they were not planning to make this a long-term change. They are not doing this just to get WDW reopened. They already had some ideas in place and are probably using this as an opportunity to get that implemented.
I understand that but for that long? How are they trusting players to stay at their resorts? I would go crazy if I was required to stay within the boundaries of CSR and the ESPN sports complex for 4 months.

After staying almost entirely in the boundaries of my house for almost 3 months in mostly snow ... I think I could suffer
I bet you could find a way to stay in your room for a few months for a couple million dollars or 38.3 million like LeBron gets. $$$$$$$
Maybe. But what about the lower-paid equipment managers, trainers, etc? Each team will be bringing a few of these ancillary staff members, presumably with their families at least as an option. It's not all about the athletes and the owners in the bubble. Plus, media is in some way affected here, as well. So that gets in to the behind the scenes technical operators of cameras, lights, rigging, etc. Their families deserve some way to let off steam and not just be confined to a room or the WWoS facility. That's why it wouldn't chap me so hard to see teams get "special treatment" tours or whatever as they are eliminated from competition. There are many who we will never hear about brought into the bubble. Not everyone is LeBron or Giannis.
I’m still over here waiting for them to let me book for the 50th. :surfweb:

We had plans on a huge blowout trip for the 50th. I’m glad we hadn’t finalized any plans yet. We’ve been so disappointed about our cancellations I’d hate to have another one on the books that we might end up having to cancel.

Now I can sit back and see what happens before deciding with no pressure. Hopefully conditions will be something we can work with. Right now, we don’t even know when the 50th will officially start. Plenty of time.
Are you implying CPs aren’t a lot of the soul? Because my child was dcpx2 and I can tell you those kids are full of soul. Did you not watch the videos of them heartbroken when they were sent home?
ETA: I also never said they shouldn’t go in order of seniority. My comment was not directed at that at all. They definitely should.
I did watch the videos, and I did not say anything negative about the CPs-- but you also need to understand that there are cast members that remember me from when I was 8, and who I visit when I fly down. If Disney COULD save the money, they would, at the expense of these cast members. The union is what is protecting their positions. Unfortunately, union seniority is why the CPs won't be back for a while.

I am also majorly pro-union; I teach in Wisconsin, post Walker and his act 10. I sympathize with the union workers, even though I am CP age. :)
Great breakdown!

When it became clear in April that they would not be reopening any time soon, I wonder why they didn't start this process and in fact offered a highly coveted recovery offer. They announced reopening and started blocking new data on the same day. Why wait until late May to stop taking reservations especially knowing this new reservation system was a possibility and something Disney has been toying with for some time (or so I've gleaned)? Would have made things a heck of a lot easier to be doing this the past two months. It's hard to believe that was the plan as it's not a very good one.

Remy has stated differently but this whole thing feels unorganized and now, very rushed. I'm sure it will be fine at the end of the day, but they sat closed for months and it looks like they halted ALL movement instead of gearing up for an eventual reopening, until they were forced to.
It's difficult to be agile if you are a large company. You have to gather data and then convince other leaders that your proposal for change is the one that is going to solve x or y problem and that it is worth allocating x resources to making it happen. I'm sure it took a bit of time just to make that decision.

There were some indications along the way that they were considering capping capacity without using a reservation system. FPs were severely limited, much more limited than what we had typically seen in busy periods. I think they considered simply keeping the current system, maybe with fewer ADRs and fewer FPs, and maybe selling fewer tickets and then decided to overhaul the entire thing. I'm sure there is a good reason behind it. It probably aligns better with the Genie and the "paid FP" ideas. Having your guests pay for something that was free never goes well. But, if they take away FP ffor a while, and then there is an option to fast track your virtual queue, then that will be a lot more palatable than making FPs paid.
Exactly. This is what I have been thinking too. There is no way that they are completely changing how guests access the parks and book dining and experiences if they were not planning to make this a long-term change. They are not doing this just to get WDW reopened. They already had some ideas in place and are probably using this as an opportunity to get that implemented.
Agreed. We aren't typically a "hopping" family, but even when the ability to do so is brought back (it is a big money maker, so I'm sure it will return in some fashion), I can see them requiring guests to reserve the hopping in some form or fashion. Like a morning safari AK experience followed by the common afternoon break, then dinner and drink tour around WS. Or a SW:GE morning facilitated by "Genie," a quick swim in the heat of the afternoon, and HEA to end the night. But they'll want to know when you'll be in each park, and for roughly how long. Enter when you wish in certain hours, but not before your "window" for the second park begins.
We had plans on a huge blowout trip for the 50th. I’m glad we hadn’t finalized any plans yet. We’ve been so disappointed about our cancellations I’d hate to have another one on the books that we might end up having to cancel.

Now I can sit back and see what happens before deciding with no pressure. Hopefully conditions will be something we can work with. Right now, we don’t even know when the 50th will officially start. Plenty of time.

I’m planning to be there October 1, 2021.
Same here. I’m a firm believer in letting them know both good and bad, rather than just complain here. I don’t email them a lot, but they have never failed to call when I did, until this time. I got probably the same letter you did where they just fill in the blank with your name to make it seem personalized.

I didn’t expect miracles, but I I did expect them to at least care enough to discuss it. But they didn’t. I realize it’s a crazy time, but if you don’t have time to address guest issues, there’s a problem,
I'm sorry they dropped the ball on calling you. I wrote to them about my disappointments and they called me within 48 hours to discuss it. I was surprised as a previous time I emailed them they just sent me a canned response.
I would assume it’s because Florida is so much bigger and many cases are in certain areas of Florida.

For the most part, being the density that NYC is, and the largest majority of cases in that area, the majority of whom would fly from JFK and LGA, so that’s the concern imo

I guess they can’t just make it people from the state of NY can come but not from the city.

I don’t think they will extend it either though.

Well, my county is entering phase 3 soon, and doing well. So, I do wish they would decide based on where one lives In the state.

But, at least NYC went to Phase 1 today so by end of the month, even they should be Phase 2.
I'm sorry they dropped the ball on calling you. I wrote to them about my disappointments and they called me within 48 hours to discuss it. I was surprised as a previous time I emailed them they just sent me a canned response.

Just by chance, did you discuss or get an answer on AP extensions/refunds? They haven't called me back yet.
I would assume it’s because Florida is so much bigger and many cases are in certain areas of Florida.

For the most part, being the density that NYC is, and the largest majority of cases in that area, the majority of whom would fly from JFK and LGA, so that’s the concern imo

I guess they can’t just make it people from the state of NY can come but not from the city.

I don’t think they will extend it either though.
True even so NY is at 700 cases yesterday. Florida at 1100. It turned around so fast in terms of new cases. If you are going to stop NYers from coming you’ll have to start quarantining other states. Many many states are doubling their usual number daily since reopening. I’m sure once these protest numbers hit we will see even bigger spikes. A protestor who didn’t wear a mask just came down with corona after being at protests all last week. If we are going to be out doing things at least wear a mask so we don’t have to restart all the good we just did for 3 months.
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