Why are we STILL ignoring the warning signs?

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Dont let facts ruin @erc good time.

Sigh. Its people like this that are either going to force the governments hand and put us in to full lockdown or a bunch of people are going to die unnecessarily because of irresponsibility of a few people that cant seem to grasp very simple concepts.

Don't bother trying to give facts to people that are repeatedly choosing to discard them. Just set them to Ignore.
Dont let facts ruin @erc good time.

Sigh. Its people like this that are either going to force the governments hand and put us in to full lockdown or a bunch of people are going to die unnecessarily because of irresponsibility of a few people that cant seem to grasp very simple concepts.

We are in nearly full lockdown mode. And it is not enough for you panicky types. We are worse than Italy. Good christ.
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I think the next week in New York will help prove which of us are correct. I pray those of you who think we are overreacting are correct. Let's talk in a week.

Here's the thing. If we are successful in flattening the curve and less people die as a result, the naysayers will proclaim that we overreacted. They don't have the capacity to realize that these proactive measures will be the REASON the people don't get sick and die.
Yes, we are:

Here's the thing. If we are successful in flattening the curve and less people die as a result, the naysayers will proclaim that we overreacted. They don't have the capacity to realize that these proactive measures will be the REASON the people don't get sick and die.
True, but I'm afraid New York didn't act in time. It will take 2 weeks before we even see the effects of a lockdown that just started. That is the hard part. It can be fine one day and the terrible in 3 days.
Don't bother trying to give facts to people that are repeatedly choosing to discard them. Just set them to Ignore.
Thanks, you are right time to no longer deal with the stupidity. I briefly felt sorry for that poster because he was talking about his death setting up his family for life. Now I realize he is just irresponsible and has no idea what's to come, especially if he thinks we are practically on lockdown now.
Some people's attitudes remind me of the that old guy who refused to evacuate when Mount St. Helen's was about to erupt. His family, police, scientists...all tried reasoning with him but no one could get through to him because he knew better than anyone. He was convinced it wasn't going to erupt, he was staying in his home no matter the warning signs and no matter what anyone said. Yeah, that didn't end well for him.
Can you stop with this irresponsible attitude? Please? COVID 19 is not the flu it is SARS. You're comparing apples to walnuts. And as one of those in the demographic of those likely to die from it your words are extremely hurtful and I would expect much better from this forum.

This is not about the mortality rate, of which we cannot be sure of yet though, numbers are showing that 1 out of every 10 with COVID 19 will die vs 1 in every 1000 that die from the flu.

It causes pneumonia, and people like me with asthma and existing respiratory issues ARE dying from it no matter our age. The 65+ age group is still at high risk but recent numbers in many areas are showing hospitalizations are nearly 50% 50 and under.

The infection rate is much higher than the flu. Someone with COVID 19 will infect 2.5 others vs someone with flu infecting 1.2 others. Also 15% of cases were spread by someone not showing symptoms. The incubation period is much longer than the common flu and average hospital stays are nearly doubled that of the flu (11 days vs 5-6 days). This is causing a strain on hospitals as they are running out of beds and ventilators. Which is why the mortality rate has climbed in Italy. Doctors have to turn patients away even if they are dying because their poor response has put them in the position of having to choose who lives. NY is going to peak in early May and will be 50k+ beds short. That's a lot of sick people that would have no place to go. Hopefully the lockdown wasnt too late and they can curve that.

Basic math can tell you this is 10x more lethal than flu. And, again, the bigger concern is the aggressive rate at which this spreads and HOW long it can spread. Not only could someone be going 5-11 days whilst still spreading it but you are still contagious for the same time period AFTER you stop showing symptoms. The flu is contagious for 3-5 days.

One person with it, symptoms or not will spread it to 2.5 others. Those 2 people spread it each to 2 others and then those people spread it to 2 others. That's already 15 people from just one person with your attitude going out to a crowded place. Think about how fast it would get out of hand at a fully packed theme park.

So I guess I get to be quarantined for the next 18 months til a vaccine is prepared while the rest of life goes on because of the ignorance and stubbornness of people like you? It's ok for me to die because I already have underlying conditions? Or it's ok for my mom to die because she will be dead in 18 months anyways because of her age according to you?

Can you please actually read what you are responding to? This was in response to another crazy panicky type who didn't think life insurance companies would pay for deaths related to coronavirus.

Some people's attitudes remind me of the that old guy who refused to evacuate when Mount St. Helen's was about to erupt. His family, police, scientists...all tried reasoning with him but no one could get through to him because he knew better than anyone. He was convinced it wasn't going to erupt, he was staying in his home no matter the warning signs and no matter what anyone said. Yeah, that didn't end well for him.
At least that guy only got himself killed.
People, there are teens going around purposely coughing on produce in our supermarkets across the country, recording it and posting it on YouTube. There are absolute idiots out there.

You can be a denier if you wish. You can pretend that this is no big deal and that you know more than the scientists if you wish. No skin off my back. But you do not get to create your own version of facts.

Fact - This is far more virulent than the flu - it spreads exponentially more easily.
Fact - This is far more deadly than the flu for anyone older than 10. 10-50 times as deadly depending on your age.
Fact - Even if you get this and survive, no matter your age, you could have life altering lung damage.
Fact - The US has fewer ventilators per capita than Italy, so it won't have to get as bad here for us to have to start letting people just die because we can't even treat them.
Fact - This is raving our healthcare workers already, and without adequate PPE, that will only get worse.

Honestly, this list can go on, and on, and on. This is not the flu. This is not being exaggerated by the media. This is the worst viral outbreak of any kind in our lifetimes. Fact. Fact. Fact.

If you are worried about money, I understand. Call your congressman. They are our only hope there. Because 2.25 million jobs have already been lost to this, and that is only going to get worse. Talking about it may help us fell better, but that is not changing. Our economy was going to tank no matter how our local, state and federal government handled this. We can only treat the jobless as we treat the infected - with the resources at our disposal.

So, instead of fighting about which course has to be chosen, understand that there really is only one health-conscious choice. Now we have to find an adequate financial-conscious choice to help those with lost income.

If this is your concern, get off the Dis and call your congressman. The Dis can't help you. Your congressman can.
Did you go through any tunnels? Yinzers can’t go through tunnels without slowing down and hitting brakes no matter the time of day or absence of traffic. I abhor OH triple tractor trailers. They terrify me.

Just the ones on 376 before the bridge and the other one after downtown that's almost at the top of a hill.
I got a good look at Heinz Field, though, that was nifty! :)

I may be in my forties, but I still giggle like a little kid whenever I blow the air horn going through a tunnel. :rotfl:
(I don't do it unless there's noone around me)
Can you please actually read what you are responding to? This was in response to another crazy panicky type who didn't think life insurance companies would pay for deaths related to coronavirus.


I'm starting FACTS. I'm not panicked or crazy. I think we will get through this just fine. But we need to take it more seriously than people like you.

Again. Stop being so damn irresponsible by ignoring actual facts from the CDC, WHO, and medical professionals. I can tell you, that hospitals in my area are already being stretched thin.
People, there are teens going around purposely coughing on produce in our supermarkets across the country, recording it and posting it on YouTube. There are absolute idiots out there.

You can be a denier if you wish. You can pretend that this is no big deal and that you know more than the scientists if you wish. No skin off my back. But you do not get to create your own version of facts.

Fact - This is far more virulent than the flu - it spreads exponentially more easily.
Fact - This is far more deadly than the flu for anyone older than 10. 10-50 times as deadly depending on your age.
Fact - Even if you get this and survive, no matter your age, you could have life altering lung damage.
Fact - The US has fewer ventilators per capita than Italy, so it won't have to get as bad here for us to have to start letting people just die because we can't even treat them.
Fact - This is raving our healthcare workers already, and without adequate PPE, that will only get worse.

Honestly, this list can go on, and on, and on. This is not the flu. This is not being exaggerated by the media. This is the worst viral outbreak of any kind in our lifetimes. Fact. Fact. Fact.

If you are worried about money, I understand. Call your congressman. They are our only hope there. Because 2.25 million jobs have already been lost to this, and that is only going to get worse. Talking about it may help us fell better, but that is not changing. Our economy was going to tank no matter how our local, state and federal government handled this. We can only treat the jobless as we treat the infected - with the resources at our disposal.

So, instead of fighting about which course has to be chosen, understand that there really is only one health-conscious choice. Now we have to find an adequate financial-conscious choice to help those with lost income.

If this is your concern, get off the Dis and call your congressman. The Dis can't help you. Your congressman can.

Some people's attitudes remind me of the that old guy who refused to evacuate when Mount St. Helen's was about to erupt. His family, police, scientists...all tried reasoning with him but no one could get through to him because he knew better than anyone. He was convinced it wasn't going to erupt, he was staying in his home no matter the warning signs and no matter what anyone said. Yeah, that didn't end well for him.

Harry Truman (not the President, different middle name.). I grew up in Washington and remember the sound the mountain made when it blew. I was 4.

While reading a ton of stuff last night, one of the things I saw was a hospital doctor in Queens that said what was shocking was how fast they went from a “trickle of patients to a deluge.”

A previous poster was right, there is decreasing reason to argue, we will know soon enough. But will the communities that still have time to prepare take heed? And the rest of us will have to learn how to cope with what we see, hear and read. Look at how far away we are from what we knew 3 weeks ago.
I'm starting FACTS. I'm not panicked or crazy. I think we will get through this just fine. But we need to take it more seriously than people like you.

Again. Stop being so damn irresponsible by ignoring actual facts from the CDC, WHO, and medical professionals. I can tell you, that hospitals in my area are already being stretched thin.

And they wonder why critical thinking is lost among Americans. Let me make this very simple.

Person A: OMG! Life insurance companies won't be able to pay death benefits if you die of coronavirus, oh panic! panic!
Me: 37,000 people die of the flu every year and life insurance companies handle it just fine.
You: Stop comparing coronavirus to the flu! You horrible, horrible perthon. Panic! Panic!
Me: Please read.

Got it?
Don't let facts get in the way of those that think we are Italy. Doesn't matter that schools are closed, businesses are shuttered, nobody is going to work. It's not enough. We are Italy. 😊
What is your educational background that makes you more of an expert in this manner than the WHO? I’m sorry you don’t have enough in cash to weather out this fallen economy. I will probably not do well if I get ill, but financially we should be okay for a while.
If this is your concern, get off the Dis and call your congressman. The Dis can't help you. Your congressman can.
And complaining on the Dis about how others are treating/ignoring this helps you how?

Back to the "we are Italy" you keep espousing. It's actually apples to oranges to compare case counts. Italy's population is 60M. The US is 300M. Even if the US gets as many cases as Italy has, the percentage of the population with the virus would be much less.
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