To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

49 Days to Go! (Runnin' down a Dream) + Olympic Distance Triathlon - Mid-Vol - Week 2 + 80 Day Obsession - Week 5 (Beg of Phase 2)

4/22/19 - M - Cheaha+1 (90 min; 73 TSS)
4/23/19 - T - 80DO-D27-Booty + 9 x 2 min @ I w/ 2 min RI (Run) + Volunteer (30 min; 23 TSS)
4/24/19 - W - 80DO-D28-Cardio Core + Tower-3 (90 min; 97 TSS)
4/25/19 - R - 80DO-D29-Total Body Core + 60 min Run @ Easy
4/26/19 - F - 80DO-D30-Legs + Washington+3 (75 min; 98 TSS)
4/27/19 - Sa - 60 min Run @ Easy + Mount Hayes (90 min; 102 TSS) + 80DO-D31-AAA
4/28/19 - Su - 6 x 1 mile @ T w/ 2 min RI (Run) + 80DO-D32-Cardio Flow

Total Run Miles - 34.4 miles
Total Run Time - 4:47 hours
Total Run TSS - 310 TSS

Total Biking Time - 6:15 hours
Total Biking TSS - 393 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 5:12 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 73 TSS

Total Training Time - 16:15 hours (PR)
Total TSS - 791 TSS (PR)


I woke up to a very bad feeling. My right ankle was a touch sore. Like a 0.5/10. So nothing bad, but noticeable in the same spot as last year. I couldn't figure it out since I had no issues on Saturday or Sunday's run. And seemingly woke up with it on Monday morning. And nothing for 8 weeks, and suddenly today? The only siginificant change between last week and prior weeks was an increase in mileage, an increase in pace (although I've certainly done fast pacing over the last 8 weeks in short bursts), and a slight change to the route on Sunday. There's a certain right turn I take on my speed route that's a little tight. And I wondered whether I was leaning into the turn just a touch too much. So moving forward I'm going to edit my running route and take that specific turn out. Hope that'll resolve the issue.

I had my health assessment at 10am, which meant I needed to be in a fasted state. So no breakfast means I decided it wouldn't be smart to do a cycling workout in the morning. Since I didn't have to pick up Steph from work late, then I could do the workout in the evening instead. Originally, I had scheduled this to be a 60 min workout of substance. But I didn't think that would be a good idea coming off the weekend. So I went with a 90 min easy ride instead.

Cycling: Cheaha +1 is 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding mostly spent at 70% FTP and includes 3x20-second sprints.


The beginning of Phase 2 of 80DO! The ankle was still a bit sore, but nothing too bad.

Booty! 2x15 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 (Standing) - Squat to Hinge, Curtsy Lunge Lift, Rotating Back Side Lunge
Series 2 (Quad Ped) - Heel Press Up on Angle, Single-Leg Hamstring Curl, Bear Fire Hydrant
Series 3 (Weighted) - KB Swings, Sumo Hinge, Reverse Lunge
Series 4 (Floor Weighted) - Single-Leg Bridge, Press Up and Over, Camels

After last week's R run, I was fairly happy with where I'm at from a raw speed standpoint. Not the fastest I've ever been, but close enough. So I pivoted the future Tuesday runs away from R and to I pace instead. So this would move the intent from neurological to VO2max. Those VO2max workouts will mean more come 5k and HM race day. I decided to go with a 9 x 2 min at I pace workout.

4 mile WU + 9 x 2 min @ I w/ 2 min RI + 1 mile CD

Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 9mph to 15mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 65°F + 36°F; FL - 65°F
End: Temp+Dew = 64°F + 38°F; FL - 65°F

Didn't memorize the workout correctly. It was originally written with only a 1 mile WU, but I did 4 miles instead. Oh well. Had a workout setup on my watch, but didn't set any pace goals. It was mostly run by feel and assessment of the last interval and an adjustment mentally.

I pace (GP-6:17) - 6:36, 6:21, 6:26, 6:14, 6:22, 6:34, 6:17, 6:28, 6:12

I mentally broke this up into 3 sets of 3x2 min intervals. After each set I took a water break. So it would seem the intervals coming off the water break tended to be my best. My goal was consistency, and for the most part it was consistent. That small fluctuation in pace is due to very small differences in distance (0.01 miles). Well within GPS margin of error. But definitely an area for improvement based on these splits, so clearly this is a good area for me to be working the next few weeks. Best news was this was the first run since the ankle pain on Monday, and I had zero issues during the run itself. So maybe just a warning shot. Time will tell.

After the run was done, I ran inside, quick changed clothes, and went downstairs for a short bike ride. I was trying to keep that TSS trend in my graph to continue to go up and to do so I needed to add a little bit of work on the backend of this run.

Cycling: Volunteer is 30 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP.


Time for some Cardio Core! It was different than Phase 1. The focus was less jumping jacks and a whole lot of other cardio movements.

Cycling: Tower -3 is marginally less punishing than its -2 version since the short recovery valleys grow to a full minute in duration and allow you to shed a little more fatigue prior to start each new step. Your first 16-minute step starts at 60% FTP until you progress the workload up to 100% FTP during your final step.


TBC at 2x15 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 (Shoulder) - Squat/Row/Twist/Row, Kneeling Lunge Clean & Press, Quad Ped Opposite Arm Knee Crunch
Series 2 (Chest) - Chest Press to Half Turkish Get-up, Spider Man Push-ups, Frog Sliders
Series 3 (Back) - "T" to Single-Leg Hip Hinge, Lat Pull Over w/ Leg Raise, Weighted Plank Hip Drop
Series 4 (Biceps) - Low Twisting Lunge Hammer Curl, Press Out to Curl, Weighted Standing Torso Rotation
Series 5 (Triceps) - Crab Position Tricep Dip to Sit Through, Alternating Skull Crusher with Bicycle Legs, French Twist

An easy run:

Conditions - Light Rain, Wind 10mph to 10mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 53°F + 49°F; FL - 53°F
End: Temp+Dew = 52°F + 48°F; FL - 53°F

I went to Gigi's Kindergarten orientation right after work, so the run started a little later than normal. Just learned about the expectations of what she should know coming into K and what we could do to help over the next few months for the transition. Not terribly worried given what she's capable of now versus the expectations. I did find it funny that on the sign-in sheet we were the only parents to have their child not in a 4K program. Hope they don't underestimate her because of that. Given they were learning placement and counting to 11-19 in the current K class and G is counting up to the mid-60s right now.

7.1 miles, 60 min, 8:26 min/mile, avg HR 142. The HR is a little high, but not unexpected since I was wearing a jacket in the rain. And I wore my heavier Launch 6s. Was a little worried I might have taken the workout a touch too hard, but honestly it didn't feel like LR effort.


Legs at 2x15 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 - Reverse Lunges, Reverse Slider Lunges
Series 2 - Weighted Goblet Squat, Modified Pistol on Sliders
Series 3 - Single-arm Weighted Curtsy, Curtsy Sliders
Series 4 - Sumo Squat, Sumo Heel on Sliders
Series 5 - Weighted Warrior 3, Hamstring Curls on Sliders

Cycling: Washington +2 is 5x7-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between intervals. A good solid workout.


The weather forecast was calling for 5-9 inches of snow throughout the day. Spoiler alert, we barely got an inch. But Cottage Grove had this weird bubble around it where most other areas did get a siginificant snow. But because Steph had to leave for work at 7am, I had to get an early start and change up the order of the exercises. So I started with the run:

Conditions - Clear, Wind 4mph to 4mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 40°F + 28°F; FL - 37°F
End: Temp+Dew = 40°F + 28°F; FL - 37°F

Nice and cold. 6.8 miles, 57 min, 8:28 min/mile pace, and avg HR of 134. Felt really nice and smooth throughout the run. Almost the same pace as Thursday, but with a dramatically different HR.

Then I ran into the house, through on cycling clothes and was down on the bike as soon as possible.

Cycling: Mount Hayes is 4x12-minute intervals at 95-99% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between them. I was wary of this workout because it was awfully similar to yesterday's bike workout. And since there wasn't much more than 12 hours between them, I figured this might be a tough one. And it was. I had to ratchet the 2nd half of the 3rd interval down in intensity to make it more manageable. By the time I was through the halfway of the 4th (and last) interval, I decided to try and make a push to the end by ratcheting the intensity back up to a full 100%. I made it, but man was it tough.

But I wasn't done yet as I quickly transitioned into 80DO.

AAA at 2x15 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 - Bilateral Press, Alt Unilateral Press, Lateral Raise, Y, Lat Side Bend, Standing Weight Knee Drive, Loop Standing Donkey, Forearm Plank Jumping Jacks
Series 2 - Chest Press, Fly, Kickback in Plank, Tricep Pushup, Corkscrew, Teaser, 1st Pos. Bridge, Single Leg Bridge w/ Loop
Series 3 - Pullovers, Renegade Row, Curls, Turned Out Curls, Loop Scissor Twist, V Leg Raise, Narrow Bridge Clam, Straight Leg Curls

All in all about 3.5 hours of continuous exercise, albeit different disciplines.


Wasn't sure what the road conditions would be early in the morning, and because we were going to see Endgame, I decided to run in the afternoon instead.

4 mile WU + 6 x 1 mile @ T w/ 2 min RI + 1 mile CD

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 7mph to 14mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 54°F + 27°F; FL - 54°F
End: Temp+Dew = 54°F + 27°F; FL - 54°F

My normal timing system was all thrown through a loop because of Endgame. So I was a tad worried being dehydrated, going potty, etc. The 4 mile WU felt good. Pacing wise the WU was around an 8 min/mile, but felt very comfortable.

T paces - 6:57, 6:53, 6:56, 6:53, 6:49, 6:52

The first three I tried to hone in on 6:57 pace and effort. On the second three, I kept the watch on HR and tried my best to hit my LT HR pace (157). Easier said than done, for sure. The HR avg were 151, 151, 148, 149, 150, 148. Again, physically I was pushing, but cardiovascularly I was clearly getting stronger.

Then, came inside, changed the clothes, grabbed my wife, and we started Cardio Flow. Not much has changed in Phase 2. Except instead of 4 reps per move in the progression, it was 6 reps.

A good week overall. Happy that the ankle issue was a one off. And based on my resting HR, my body continues to make adaptations physically to the running training load and is clearly accepting the training.

Screen Shot 2019-04-28 at 9.45.03 AM.png

Next week will be slightly easier than this week, and the duration will drop back down into the low 15s. But the training load will remain up in the "optimal" zone. Only a few short weeks until the 5k.
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42 Days to Go! (RUN) + Olympic Distance Triathlon - Mid-Vol - Week 3 + 80 Day Obsession - Week 6

4/29/19 - M - Carter+1 (45 min; 43 TSS)
4/30/19 - T - 80DO-D33-Booty + [4x3 min @ I w/ 3 min RI + 3x2 min @ I w/ 2 min RI] (Run)
5/1/19 - W - 80DO-D34-Cardio Core + Dade+3 (90 min; 116 TSS)
5/2/19 - R - 80DO-D35-Total Body Core + 60 min Run @ Easy
5/3/19 - F - 80DO-D36-Legs + Rubicon+1 (75 min; 93 TSS)
5/4/19 - Sa - Gibralter+1 (90 min; 124 TSS) + 80DO-D37-AAA + 60 min Run @ Easy (TSS PR at 199)
5/5/19 - Su - 2 x 2 mile @ T w/ 3.5 min RI + 2 x 1 mile @ T w/ 3.5 min RI (Run)

Total Run Miles - 33.7 miles
Total Run Time - 4:45 hours
Total Run TSS - 302 TSS

Total Biking Time - 5:15 hours
Total Biking TSS - 376 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 4:36 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 66 TSS

Total Training Time - 14:37 hours
Total TSS - 744 TSS


Cycling: Carter +1 ups the demand to the point where you'll ride for 30 continuous minutes between 75-85% FTP.


Booty! 3x10 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 (Standing) - Squat to Hinge, Curtsy Lunge Lift, Rotating Back Side Lunge
Series 2 (Quad Ped) - Heel Press Up on Angle, Single-Leg Hamstring Curl, Bear Fire Hydrant
Series 3 (Weighted) - KB Swings, Sumo Hinge, Reverse Lunge
Series 4 (Floor Weighted) - Single-Leg Bridge, Press Up and Over, Camels

Run: I paced day!

Conditions - ☁️ Overcast, Wind 16mph to 16mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 45°F + 40°F; FL - 38°F
End: Temp+Dew = 45°F + 40°F; FL - 38°F

1 mile WU + 4 x 3 min @ I w/ 3 min RI + 3 x 2 min @ I w/ 2 min RI + 1 mile CD

Goal pace of a 6:17 min/mile.

4 x 3 min I = 6:21, 6:19, 6:20, 6:23
3 x 2 min I = 6:09, 6:18, 6:25

That 6:09 pace felt fantastic. I was really in the zone and nearly felt effortless.


Time for some Cardio Core! It was different than Phase 1. The focus was less jumping jacks and a whole lot of other cardio movements.

Cycling: Dade +3 is five sets of 3x2-minute VO2max repeats at 115% FTP. 2 minutes of recovery fall between Intervals and 5 minute of easy spinning separates each set.


TBC at 3x10 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 (Shoulder) - Squat/Row/Twist/Row, Kneeling Lunge Clean & Press, Quad Ped Opposite Arm Knee Crunch
Series 2 (Chest) - Chest Press to Half Turkish Get-up, Spider Man Push-ups, Frog Sliders
Series 3 (Back) - "T" to Single-Leg Hip Hinge, Lat Pull Over w/ Leg Raise, Weighted Plank Hip Drop
Series 4 (Biceps) - Low Twisting Lunge Hammer Curl, Press Out to Curl, Weighted Standing Torso Rotation
Series 5 (Triceps) - Crab Position Tricep Dip to Sit Through, Alternating Skull Crusher with Bicycle Legs, French Twist

Run: Super easy run.

Conditions - ☁️ Overcast, Wind 6mph to 7mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 54°F + 45°F; FL - 54°F
End: Temp+Dew = 54°F + 45°F; FL - 54°F

7.2 miles in 62 min at 8:41 min/mile pace with 134 HR.


Legs at 3x10 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 - Reverse Lunges, Reverse Slider Lunges
Series 2 - Weighted Goblet Squat, Modified Pistol on Sliders
Series 3 - Single-arm Weighted Curtsy, Curtsy Sliders
Series 4 - Sumo Squat, Sumo Heel on Sliders
Series 5 - Weighted Warrior 3, Hamstring Curls on Sliders

Cycling: Rubicon +1 is 3x10-minute intervals at 105% FTP with long, 8-minute recoveries between intervals. While this can serve as a recovery workout, it also works as a low-volume suprathreshold workout.


Cycling: Gibraltar +1 is 105 minutes of continuous riding where you'll spend 90 minutes between 85-90% FTP. That's like 90 continuous min at Half Ironman bike leg (58 miles). That was not easy by any means. I took 6 backspins throughout the workout.

AAA at 3x10 going through the whole set and then restarting from the start
Series 1 - Bilateral Press, Alt Unilateral Press, Lateral Raise, Y, Lat Side Bend, Standing Weight Knee Drive, Loop Standing Donkey, Forearm Plank Jumping Jacks
Series 2 - Chest Press, Fly, Kickback in Plank, Tricep Pushup, Corkscrew, Teaser, 1st Pos. Bridge, Single Leg Bridge w/ Loop
Series 3 - Pullovers, Renegade Row, Curls, Turned Out Curls, Loop Scissor Twist, V Leg Raise, Narrow Bridge Clam, Straight Leg Curls

Run: Super easy run that evening.

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 6mph to 6mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 68°F + 44°F; FL - 68°F
End: Temp+Dew = 65°F + 45°F; FL - 68°F

7.2 miles in 59 min at 8:19 min/mile pace with 136 HR.

Ended up with a new TSS daily training day PR at 199.


Run: T paced day!

Originally this was scheduled as a 8 x 1 mile T. After the 4 x 1 mile T, and then 6 x 1 mile T, I felt like I was satisfied with 1 mile T and so I wanted to step it up another level to a 4 x 2 mile.

3 mile WU + 4 x 2 mile @ T w/ 3.5 min RI + 1 mile CD

What actually occurred:

3 mile WU + 2 x 2 mile @ T w/ 3.5 min RI + 2 x 1 mile @ T w/ 3.5 min RI + 3 mile CD

2 x 2 mile intervals: 6:56+6:57, 6:59+7:03
2 x 1 mile intervals: 7:15, 6:59

The first two 2 x 2 miles went well. That third interval didn't start out well. So I decided mid-run to switch to a 2 x 1 mile to finish. I wanted to rally for that 4th interval, which I did. The HR indicated I didn't push it too far since my HR in the CD was right on target. The HR for the T intervals was also solid (153+155, 151+154, 146, and 149) and showed that classic falling throughout the run. So a 6:56 pace for the first interval was a 153 HR and at the end was a 149 HR.

Decided to skip the Cardio Flow 80DO workout.

Happy with the continued progress, but man am I ready for a recovery week. Which thankfully is well timed to occur next week. Monday will be my first day off since April 8th (27 straight days).
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35 Days to Go! (I Remember) + Olympic Distance Triathlon - Mid-Vol - Week 4 + 80 Day Obsession - Week 7

5/6/19 - M - OFF
5/7/19 - T - 80DO-D39-Booty + [2x4 min @ I w/ 4 min RI + 2 min @ I w/ 2 min RI + 2x4 min @ I w/ 4 min RI] (Run)
5/8/19 - W - 80DO-D40-Cardio Core + Pettit (60 min; 40 TSS)
5/9/19 - R - 80DO-D41-Total Body Core + 40 min Run @ Easy
5/10/19 - F - 80DO-D42-Legs + Jacks+1 (75 min; 96 TSS)
5/11/19 - Sa - 40 min Run @ Easy + Fish-2 (93 min; 109 TSS) + 80DO-D43-AAA
5/12/19 - Su - [5 mile HM Tempo + 1 mile Daniels T] (Run) + 80DO-D44-Cardio Flow

Total Run Miles - 29.4 miles
Total Run Time - 4:00 hours
Total Run TSS - 254 TSS

Total Biking Time - 3:48 hours
Total Biking TSS - 245 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 5:22 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 79 TSS

Total Training Time - 13:11 hours
Total TSS - 578 TSS


Off from workout out! Been 27 days since my last day off, so it was a nice way to start off recovery week. But as I was getting in the car that night to go pick Steph up from my work I definitely did something to my lower back. G and I were playing tennis earlier, so it might have been that. BTW, she gave her self positive affirmations before each swing. "I can do this!" But I couldn't be sure. But something definitely off.


Booty! 3x10 going through all three sets on a single series before moving to the next series
Series 1 (Standing) - Squat to Hinge, Curtsy Lunge Lift, Rotating Back Side Lunge
Series 2 (Quad Ped) - Heel Press Up on Angle, Single-Leg Hamstring Curl, Bear Fire Hydrant
Series 3 (Weighted) - KB Swings, Sumo Hinge, Reverse Lunge
Series 4 (Floor Weighted) - Single-Leg Bridge, Press Up and Over, Camels

Run: Another I paced run. Another run that I edited from the original plan based on what's been happening live during the training cycle.

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 10mph to 15mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 58°F + 36°F; FL - 58°F
End: Temp+Dew = 57°F + 35°F; FL - 58°F

1 mile WU + 2 x 4 min @ I w/ 4 min RI + 1 x 2 min @ I w/ 2 min RI + 2 x 4 min @ I w/ 4 min RI + 1 mile CD

I paced splits: 6:25, 6:17, 6:01, 6:23, 6:26

That 6:01 pace felt really strong. But I wasn't able to recapture that magic again for the second set of 4 min intervals.


Time for some Cardio Core! It was different than Phase 1. The focus was less jumping jacks and a whole lot of other cardio movements.

Cycling: Pettit is an hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-70% FTP.


TBC at 3x10 going through all three sets on a single series before moving to the next series
Series 1 (Shoulder) - Squat/Row/Twist/Row, Kneeling Lunge Clean & Press, Quad Ped Opposite Arm Knee Crunch
Series 2 (Chest) - Chest Press to Half Turkish Get-up, Spider Man Push-ups, Frog Sliders
Series 3 (Back) - "T" to Single-Leg Hip Hinge, Lat Pull Over w/ Leg Raise, Weighted Plank Hip Drop
Series 4 (Biceps) - Low Twisting Lunge Hammer Curl, Press Out to Curl, Weighted Standing Torso Rotation
Series 5 (Triceps) - Crab Position Tricep Dip to Sit Through, Alternating Skull Crusher with Bicycle Legs, French Twist

Run: Recovery week run of only 40 min.

Conditions - ☁️ Overcast, Wind 10mph to 21mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 48°F + 41°F; FL - 44°F
End: Temp+Dew = 48°F + 41°F; FL - 44°F

4.7 miles in 39:51 min (8:25 min/mile pace) at HR of 132.


Legs at 3x10 going through all three sets on a single series before moving to the next series
Series 1 - Reverse Lunges, Reverse Slider Lunges
Series 2 - Weighted Goblet Squat, Modified Pistol on Sliders
Series 3 - Single-arm Weighted Curtsy, Curtsy Sliders
Series 4 - Sumo Squat, Sumo Heel on Sliders
Series 5 - Weighted Warrior 3, Hamstring Curls on Sliders

Cycling: Jacks +1 is 4x8-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 4-minute recoveries between intervals.


Steph had to leave for work at 7:30am for work. So I got up at 5:30am, out the door at 6:30am. Ideally, this run would have occurred as the last in the series of three, but because of life schedule it got moved to first.


Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 2mph to 5mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 45°F + 40°F; FL - 45°F
End: Temp+Dew = 46°F + 40°F; FL - 45°F

4.86 miles in 40:49 (8:23 min/mile) at 135 HR average. The run was suppose to be easy, but probably felt a tad tougher than it should.

Cycling: Fish -2 is 4x15-minute intervals at 95-99% FTP with only 4-minute recoveries between intervals. This was a brutal workout. My legs felt dead for a large majority of the second half. I had to adjust the intensity of the workout down. Not concerned because I've noticed a trend that my first workout back from recovery week/workouts tends to be one of the toughest. This was the second workout, and given last night's Friday workout was tough on it's own, I'm sure the combination just caught up with me.

AAA at 3x10 going through all three sets on a single series before moving to the next series
Series 1 - Bilateral Press, Alt Unilateral Press, Lateral Raise, Y, Lat Side Bend, Standing Weight Knee Drive, Loop Standing Donkey, Forearm Plank Jumping Jacks
Series 2 - Chest Press, Fly, Kickback in Plank, Tricep Pushup, Corkscrew, Teaser, 1st Pos. Bridge, Single Leg Bridge w/ Loop
Series 3 - Pullovers, Renegade Row, Curls, Turned Out Curls, Loop Scissor Twist, V Leg Raise, Narrow Bridge Clam, Straight Leg Curls

During this workout, I realized this is likely where I hurt my back (even though it took nearly 60 hours to materialize). I didn't have good form on the Bilateral Presses. So I fixed that up and hope it should resolve the back issues sooner rather than later.

Celebrated Steph's cousin's graduation, so we didn't get home until 10:30pm.


Steph had to work again, and so she had to leave at 7:30am. I was up at 4:45am and out the door at 5:45am. I was a tad worried about this run because of the shorter than normal sleep (6 hours). I was just going to take whatever my body gave me.


Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 1mph to 1mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 36°F + 34°F; FL - 36°F
End: Temp+Dew = 39°F + 36°F; FL - 36°F

5 mile WU + 5 miles @ HM Tempo + 1 mile @ Daniels T + 1 mile CD

Originally this workout was suppose to be a Daniels T long interval series, but I've felt the Daniels T is in a good enough place. So time to get race specific. So I've moved to sustained continuous HM Tempo with a fast finish at Daniels T. I decided to wear my race kit (new Nike singlet and G shorts). I made up Tailwind at 1.5 scoops per 17oz liquid.

5 mile WU - The HR was good at around 133 and pace was around 8:10s.

5 mile HM Tempo - Excited to get this pace started. Took a moment to get settled into the pace. Splits were 7:21, 7:21, 7:23, 6:40, and 7:05. But with Grade Adjusted Pace (since this was the first continuous run with hills vs the Daniels R, I, and T pace work which was flat) was 7:15, 7:04, 7:16, 6:49, and 7:00. With my new house I'm able to put my drink right outside on the sidewalk and run by and pick it up off the ground rather easily. Which means no more mid-workout pauses. Then I just run a small lap around the neighborhood while drinking the bottle. I think this will work best when it comes to race prep. The 6:40/6:49 pace was on the downhill and was when things really started to pick up. My cadence and stride length started to pick up. I think the downhill really jumpstarted everything and then it was a matter of trying to hold on. Which I did.

1 mile Daniels T - Stoked to give this a try. I've been scheduling these fast finishes for a while now on other's training plans. So I was ready to try for myself how it felt. I started to kick the pace up and then just try and hold it. Just last week I was hovering around 6:55-7:15 pace for Daniels T. But likely because of the weather and lower prior day TSS (162 vs 199), it was faster today. It was 6:37 pace or 6:31 GAP. Solid. Felt like I could have kept up this pace for a little more.

Happy with the run overall. It was an average HMT of 7:10 (GAP of 7:05) and the Daniels T got down to 6:37/6:31. HR wise it was crazy good. The HMT was around 146 average (historical is 154) and Daniels T was 151 (historical 157). HR wise I'm pretty much in the same place I was in Spring 2017 and Winter 2018 (my two peaks of performance). So I'm in a good place right now even with the reduced running (but dramatically more overall exercise).

Wasn't planning on doing the Cardio Flow 80DO workout. But when I saw the day's TSS and because of the lower than normal HR, I decided to just go for it. A nice little stretch for post-run.
2019 DopeyBadger Racing Season Prediction Contest - Race #2 (BratFest 5k)

Alright posters and lurkers, let's play a prediction game! It's one of my favorite things to do pre-race. It's also something I do with everyone else on their training plans. Go through the process on deciding race day goals and pacing strategies all based around a possible finish time. I want to hear from everyone.

But here's the twist this time around- It's going to be a season long contest. I'll explain more below.

Please don't be concerned that your time prediction will have much of an impact on my chances. I could run really well, or I could crash and burn. Anything is possible. Here are some rules:

1) Predictions must be made after this post either in this journal, to me verbally, or on my Strava account.
2) Only one prediction per person per race/TT.
3) Predictions must be in by 48 hours prior to the race or time trial.
4) Predictions can be as close as you like to another person’s guess. So, if someone says 3:45:00, you can guess 3:45:01, or the same time (3:45:00).
5) A prediction must be in time. Thus, a guess of "you'll do your best" or something similar is appreciated but not valid.
6) In the event I don't finish, the race is cancelled, or I don't have an official time (unless pre-decided otherwise), then there will be no time recorded for that race.
7) The winner receives a mystery item via email.
8) An important one - To be eligible to win, a person must predict in at least one half marathon race and the 2020 Disney marathon.

I reserve the right to change these rules however I see fit, as after all, this is for fun.

How to play?

Simple explantation

You choose how fast you think I'll run a race when we're about a week out from the race itself. Don't worry I'll remind you.

Longer explantation on how it'll work

-You choose how fast you think I'll run a race when we're about a week out from the race itself.
-Whatever the difference is (negative or positive) from my official time to your prediction is your rolling value from one race to the next.

For example, let's say you predict I will run a 25:00 min 5k. And I run a 26:45 min 5k. Your difference from that race is a -1:45. You predicted my time too fast (thus negative) by 1:45.

As a different example, let's say you predict I will run a 25:00 min 5k. And I run a 24:30 min 5k. Your difference from that race is a +30 seconds. You predicted my time too slow (thus positive) by 30 sec.

The goal is to be the person closest to 0:00 at the end of the season. So if you were -30 seconds on the 5k, then maybe on the next race you'll want to guess 30 seconds slower than you actually think I'll run to try and get back to 0:00.

-You do not have to participate in every race to be eligible to win at the end. You are only required to play in at least one half marathon game and the 2020 Disney Marathon.
-But to incentivize you to predict in more races, for every race you play in above and beyond the required minimum of a HM and the M, you get a bonus 15 seconds. That means if someone plays in 6 total races (HM, M and 4 other races), then they'll get 60 bonus seconds (15*4) off their final time when the game is over. The bonus will not be applied until after the Disney Marathon. The bonus will not hurt you. So if you have 60 second bonus time, and you end with a +/- 45 second final score, then you end with 0:00 as your final adjusted score.

In the event of a tie, then the bonuses will be removed from each of the tied players to the unadjusted final score. Whomever is closer to 0:00, will be the winner. In the event, that after removal of bonuses the unadjusted values are still tied, then it will be decided by some game decided by Gigi at a later point.

Current Race Schedule

This may or may not change based on how the 2019 season plays out.

4/12/2019 - One Mile Time Trial *Has occurred
5/25/2019 - Brat Fest 5k (This is happening)
6/15/2019 - Hot2Trot HM (This is happening)
9/22/2019 - DoLittle 5k or HM (Depends on how training is going up till then, but likely to be the 5k)
10/20/2019 - Haunted Hustle HM (This is happening)
12/1/2019 - Last Call HM (Based on training design, this may be a training run or not occur at all)
1/12/2020 - Disney Marathon

Since to be eligible to win at the end, you're required to play in at least one HM there are a few along the way. The Hot2Trot (June) and Haunted Hustle (October) are the only ones that I feel very confident I will be doing. The DoLittle (September) and Last Call (December) may or may not happen. So keep that in mind if you're strategically selecting races along the way.

This schedule is based on me not getting injured between now and Disney. I'll do what is in my best interest when it comes down to the race. But even if Last Call ends up being a training run, it'll still be eligible for a prediction and thus eligibility purposes.


BratFest 5k!

I've run this race once before in 2017. It measured in at 3.12 miles. It had 26 feet total elevation gain. I ran a 20:30 that year. Let me know if you have any other questions about prior experience on this course.

So as a reminder, the goal is to have a season ending score of 0:00. Here are the current standings:

Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at 9.04.25 AM.png

So for example, let's use @canglim52 as an example. He has currently predicted my mile time as 39 seconds too fast based on the last race. Let's say canglim52 actually thinks I'll run a 20:00 flat 5k at BratFest. Since he's currently sitting at -39, then he would actually want to guess a 20:39 if he believes I'll run a 20:00 flat. This will cancel out the amount of time off he was from the "mile test run" and get him back to zero. Since every player was too fast on the "mile test run", then every player should be guessing a slower time than they actually think I'll run to try and get themselves back to 0.

Also, being that this game was designed as a season long does not exclude one from jumping in late. You could have not played in the "mile test" and yet want to start playing now, and that's perfectly fine. Additionally, you could have played in the "mile test" and yet want to sit out on the BratFest 5k prediction. That's fine too. But as a reminder, anyone who plays in not their first HM prediction (which one HM is required) earns a 15 second bonus on their final time guess at the end of the game for each race played. So everyone is eligible for the 15 second bonus for this race. You can always ask questions if you're confused about this (also see the rules section under the spoiler tag).

Everyone has until 48 hours prior to the race to get their prediction in. So your guess is due by Thursday, May 23rd at 9am.

18:03 - @SarahDisney
18:52 - @canglim52
19:42 - @TeeterTots
19:47 - @FFigawi
19:57 - @MissLiss279
20:05 - Gigi
20:12 - @michigandergirl
20:19 - @roxymama
20:20 - @bovie
20:30 - @Chaitali
20:32 - @flav
20:36 - @DisMatt0483
20:42 - @QueenFernando
20:47 - @steph0808
20:48 - @surfde22
20:55 - @lhermiston
21:00 - @Jules76126
21:02 - @mrsg00fy
21:03 - @SheHulk
21:16 - @KSellers88
22:05 - Steph


Best of Luck!
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I missed the deadline for the mile test, but I'll start with this one.

One question first - what did your mile time trial result end up being?
I'm gonna wait and see what other people say first :scratchin


One question first - what did your mile time trial result end up being?

I ran a 6:19 on 4/13/19 (so about a month ago). The splits were approximately:

1/4 mile splits (per Garmin evaluation):

1/4 - 1:16 (5:04 min/mile)
2/4 - 1:34 (6:16 min/mile)
3/4 - 1:42 (6:48 min/mile)
4/4 - 1:44 (6:56 min/mile)

1/2 mile splits (per Garmin evaluation)

1/2 - 2:50 (5:40 min/mile)
2/2 - 3:26 (6:52 min/mile)

I'm sticking with NYC marathon qualifying time :)
I may lose the contest, but I think I win for optimism.

So a 1:23 HM is a 18:03 5k (5:48 min/mile). Haven't broken a 6 min/mile yet, but what better place to do it than 3 consecutive times in a 5k race!


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