There is a new thread:* Don't post here* 2014 BC&YC FAQ *MAY-SEPT 2014

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Ninja Mom hope you had a great birthday today pixiedust:pixiedust::banana::banana::bday::bday:party:party:

TATTLE TAIL!! Sleep with one eye open when your vacation starts because I'm coming for ya!

Let me preface this by saying that I can't begin to compete with Ninjamom when it comes to writing so I am not even going to try. I was catching up on about 5 days worth of this thread, laughing so hard DH left me sitting at the pool by myself shaking his head in embarrassment..

Laughing?? What is this about laughing? (Why was she laughing?)

Sorry Buzzy, I was totally distracted with shirts announcing Ninja's


Didn't have to contact a manager but did run into Jeff in the villas yesterday. He asked me about our stay and we chatted for a while. Went for dinner and when we came back later there was a surprise waiting for us. Will try to post a picture later if Couchy is around to show me how.

I hope it wasn't a customized, competitive pool tube prototype complete with beverage holders. I'm working on that even as we speak but the wine "plass" holder is proving to be an especially difficult attachment to master. There is just no room for it because of all the other stuff like the high def GPS unit and the stereo system that Scott insisted on for all of the tubes. That and the fact that they have to be clear is really putting a damper on the tube aesthetics. I did however put my foot down when he tried to insist on waterproof, WiFi enabled tablets. I could just tell he was not going to be taking this seriously at practice if he had all those distractions at his disposal...

Dee, Teena, YCFan, have a magical time with your families on your respective vacations!

Congrats on the über pixie-dust! Have you been to HS yet? Has that glorious 40's & 50's Hollywood motive been completely covered up by Frozen mania?
Don't get me wrong, I love Frozen, but it really looks as if it's taken over the Studios.
Hi everyone!!!! Happy summer! I have been out of commission with end of school activities and travel sports! I hope everyone is doing well. I hope to catch up on all missed this week.

Why thank you and it is indeed turning into a saga isn't it?

Sadly, my dream of an over 50 Women's Gymnastics team, (and that is over 50 years of age, falling apart and hairy, NOT 50 plus in number JanetMom!) is looking like it is NOT going to happen due to the shocking lack of sign ups for this team. I am now forced to go to plan "B".

Is anyone interested in joining my new Synchronized Pool Tube Team? This has the improbable potential of one day becoming a sanctioned Olympic sport, especially when you consider all the X games crap they keep adding to the Olympics these days. (Can anyone say Figure Skating TEAM event :confused3 I mean seriously, isn't that what Hockey is for??)

So far I am working on graceful entry and exits on the tube but that is not going well so I need a coach. Say Couchy! Aren't YOU a COACH?? You'd be perfect to stalk around on the deck of the pool shaking your head and yelling at us a lot during practices.

Once we master the entry and the exits we have to fill the middle of the program with all sorts of swirley crap and a tube trick or two. Since I have no imagination what so ever and my sense of aesthetics is limited to fashions from the 80's we are going to need a choreographer for our Synchronized Pool Tube routine.

This person should be extremely organized, have a great sense of direction and should not have any tendencies to get stuck in a corner of the pool. Previous experience is a must for a Synchronized Pool Tube choreographer but my Google search and budget are coming up empty. We may have to compromise in that area. Are there any artsy fartsy types that are extremely well organized and have experience herding farm animals in this Beach/Yacht club Bunch? DEEcide for yourself if you think you are up to the DEEmands of this job.

And we also need lots of "Tubettes" and "Tubers" since this is a coed team. As far as the uniforms are concerned I vote for my pink sparkly body suit but the rainbow leg warmers really become water logged so we may have to come up with a different choice for leg wear. I think the "Tubers" on the team might look spiffy in a lime green mankini like this...


BTW: You can thank me later for posting that picture! ;)

So now we need a sign up sheet for our team. I've taken the liberty of filling in some of the blanks, especially to save Nannette the trouble of pounding on the keyboard and wrecking her manicure.

Coach: Couchy
Choreographer: Still DEEciding

Team Spots:

Ninja Mom
Pinkgirl and her entourage (Because you KNOW she has one!)

OK! So who did I miss? After spending fruitless hours at my Women's over 50 Gymnastics team sign up table I now realize that the only way to get things done is to volunteer people for them. However I did not want to be pushy and sign EVERYONE up for the team who may be interested in joining. Some of you will just have to gather up your courage and step forward of your own accord!


I feel like the choreographer job is calling my name. Though, I'm thinking more "The Beach Club Bathing Beauties" would be a great team name. I'm thinking Buzby Berkley all the way....
I'm thinking of calling Google Maps to take the areal shot of BC/YC while the routine is going on. Clearly it has to start with y'all with hands clasped over your heads, all falling sideways into the pool in rapid succession.

I hope it wasn't a customized, competitive pool tube prototype complete with beverage holders. I'm working on that even as we speak but the wine "plass" holder is proving to be an especially difficult attachment to master. There is just no room for it because of all the other stuff like the high def GPS unit and the stereo system that Scott insisted on for all of the tubes. That and the fact that they have to be clear is really putting a damper on the tube aesthetics. I did however put my foot down when he tried to insist on waterproof, WiFi enabled tablets. I could just tell he was not going to be taking this seriously at practice if he had all those distractions at his disposal...


Is this me you're talking about? I admit I have to remind myself to "unplug" from time to time. No worries about the speakers anymore. For our Buzby Berkley-inspired number, I've reworked some wiring on the Epcot loop and now, inexplicably, the BWI's lobby and area music is relaxing guitar music, and the BC?YC is blaring big band music from the 20's, 30's and 40's.
We leave in one week for YC! One week from now I have a FP+ at the 7D mine ride. I am starting to pack and get things squared away. Its hard to pack when the kids need to wear the clothes I want to pack! :upsidedow

Sadly our dog passed away last week so we have been a ball of emotions. So very sad he is gone but happy we were with him and we were not away when it happened. :sad1: :littleangel:
Our up coming trip has really helped the kids (and us) get through this.

Even though I do not post often I have gotten so many tips and laughs from being on this board. I cant believe our trip is next week!
Awww Mom2 :hug: It's always hard to lose a loved pet.

I hope your family has a great time on vacation. We'll be there in less than 6 weeks now. My kids are so ready to enjoy SAB.
Helloo Epcot-resort-lovers :wave2: My DBF and I will be visiting the BC 2-9th September, then moving over to the GF 9-16th. I CANNOT WAIT:banana:

Thanks for all the great info on this thread :thumbsup2

See some of you soon :woohoo:
I hope it wasn't a customized, competitive pool tube prototype complete with beverage holders. I'm working on that even as we speak but the wine "plass" holder is proving to be an especially difficult attachment to master. There is just no room for it because of all the other stuff like the high def GPS unit and the stereo system that Scott insisted on for all of the tubes. That and the fact that they have to be clear is really putting a damper on the tube aesthetics. I did however put my foot down when he tried to insist on waterproof, WiFi enabled tablets. I could just tell he was not going to be taking this seriously at practice if he had all those distractions at his disposal... ~NM

It wasn't but maybe that would have made it easier on you??? I'm all in on the competitive pool tube team but still working on DH who thinks this whole thing is just about a bunch of lunatics with too many sunken treasures under their belts.

A little more disney magic poolside today from a cast member. Please can someone give me a heads up on how to post pictures? Just a link to directions would be great. Would love to share our disney pixie dust.

Saw Couchy earlier today. Best of luck to Mr. Couchy and fingers drossd on his interview today!
NM have a super birthday.

Teena enjoy your time with the girls.

Dee have a super trip. Aloha.
I feel like the choreographer job is calling my name. Though, I'm thinking more "The Beach Club Bathing Beauties" would be a great team name. I'm thinking Buzby Berkley all the way....
I'm thinking of calling Google Maps to take the areal shot of BC/YC while the routine is going on. Clearly it has to start with y'all with hands clasped over your heads, all falling sideways into the pool in rapid succession.

This is fantastic!! YOU ARE SO HIRED TO BE THE CHOREOGRAPHER!!! You have also given me some inspiration! We can steal the bathing suits off of those (some times twirling, mostly NOT twirling) femanikins in the great movie ride and use them for our uniforms! I seriously doubt anyone working on the Great Movie Ride would notice a bunch of poorly lit, non-twirling, nekked, femanikins on that ride. If anyone should notice we can just mumble something about Disney cutbacks and quickly move along.


Is this me you're talking about? I admit I have to remind myself to "unplug" from time to time. No worries about the speakers anymore. For our Buzby Berkley-inspired number, I've reworked some wiring on the Epcot loop and now, inexplicably, the BWI's lobby and area music is relaxing guitar music, and the BC?YC is blaring big band music from the 20's, 30's and 40's.

Um... I was thinking more Olivia Newton John but that was before we had a THEME!


Sadly our dog passed away last week so we have been a ball of emotions. So very sad he is gone but happy we were with him and we were not away when it happened. :sad1: :littleangel:
Our up coming trip has really helped the kids (and us) get through this.

Even though I do not post often I have gotten so many tips and laughs from being on this board. I cant believe our trip is next week!

I very sorry to hear this but know that he will be in your hearts forever... well, that and the sofa if he sheds like my dogs do. Archaeologists will one day study all the layers of dog fur that live on my sofa and will come to the conclusion that canines domesticated humans at the turn of this century.

Ugh, you have no idea how hard it is to make things big and sparkly on an iPad. :rotfl2:

You are in charge of the web page for our Olympic Synchronized Pool tube Team. Anyone who can master the challenge of changing a font color on an ipad has got to have the skill set that we need to bring a professional polish to our image!

Saw Couchy earlier today. Best of luck to Mr. Couchy and fingers drossd on his interview today!

Oooh! Was Mr. Couchy trying out for the Synchronized Pool Tube Team?
I'm not one to point out the BLATANT NEPOTISM since his wife is the coach but it might be good to have some one on the team who is used to getting yelled at by her so he can translate for the rest of us.

It wasn't but maybe that would have made it easier on you??? I'm all in on the competitive pool tube team but still working on DH who thinks this whole thing is just about a bunch of lunatics with too many sunken treasures under their belts.

Have you shown him that lime green mankini yet? That's usually all it takes to send the guys over the edge and get them to sign up for the team. Most men are all about the fashions they are going to be wearing when competing on a Synchronized Pool Tube Team so, as far as the swimsuit is concerned, you have to "Bring it" and that suit certainly leaves nothing left behind.

It's official! Over the weekend, we realized we had an unused vacation day. Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah, we are now booked for a long Labor Day weekend at YC! :dance3: This will be our 2nd time at YC (and 4th in the YC/BC).

We'll arrive late on Aug 28. That is less than 2 months away! We're totally winging it. ADRs? I have made 2. FP+? Well, I got a mine train, but I'm not even sure what day we'll be where. This is so not like me!
And we had many of our own snacks and beverages with us at the pool so we didn't utilize the servers a lot but when we did they were great, The pool staff in general was terrific. I did get asked any number of times at the pool by staff about my wine and champagne plastic glasses but once they realized they were plastic, I got a friendly smile and an appreciative thank you for being careful. One exception, who will go unnamed told me 7 different times that I wasn't allowed to have glass in the pool area, three times in one day. After the 5th time I actually said yes, you told me that already 5 times. Can you believe I got the same comment again today and the staff member actually had to touch the glass again!!! Really???

So, is it OK to bring a glass of wine down, as long as it is in a plastic cup? That's good to know!
We just switched from the Wilderness Lodge pool mess to Beach Club. Though we love WL, we are happy to be coming back to BC, garden view room. Our dates are September 29-October 4. Last time we stayed there was 2010. I think there has been a soft goods update since then. Excited!

Planning lots of EPCOT time. How crowded is the marshmallow roast on the beach? And, what's the best way to walk from BC to the beach area/zero entry part of SAB?

Thanks for this thread! I know it's a big job! The information is MUCH appreciated!
LOL!!! I was thinking of that exact scene in the Great Movie Ride before you posted that picture!!
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