What real life mystery would you like to see solved?

Gotta add a few more

This one may be controversial - but what really happened with JFK's death? I personally have never bought the lone gunman theory and can't wait until all of the documents of the Warren Commission are released.

Jack the Ripper- never found out who it was

the men from the Alcatraz prison escape - did they make it out alive?

DB Cooper - watched a documentary on him once and just very interesting, what ever happened to him?
Jon Benet

Dr. Jeffrey McDonald...serving time for killing his wife and daughters in Fort Bragg, NC. Nearly forgot to add - he treated me for strep throat when I was a kid.
Can't believe nobody has said this yet - where is Jimmy Hoffa buried?

Also, what ever happened to the Roanoke colony?

According to a book I read, and I cant for the life of me remember what it was...the Roanoke colony was eaten by cannibals:faint: (where the heck is that smilie with the fork and knife?)
According to a book I read, and I cant for the life of me remember what it was...the Roanoke colony was eaten by cannibals:faint: (where the heck is that smilie with the fork and knife?)

Just speculation - there is no concrete conclusion what happened and at this point there probably never will be.
With the news that Albert DeSalvo has been almost positively identified as the Boston Strangler, a 50 year old mystery may have been solved.

What real life mystery would you be most interested in seeing solved?

Umm only links him to the last death which may have been a copy cat.

Jon Benet Ramsey - just so many variables.
What happened to Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martin. They were both paperboys for the Des Moines Register and disappeared from Des Moines two years apart (Johnny in 1982 and Eugene in 1984).
Etan Patz and Adam Walsh :sad1: :sad1:


and of course Jon Benet Ramsey. :(
Is the Loch Ness Monster real?

Is Bigfoot real?

Is there life on other planets?

Are aliens among us?

How does the universe go on forever?

What happens when we die?

Is there a heaven?
For my own personal peace of mind, I would like to know who robbed and murdered my uncle. He was driving cab in Stockton, CA back in 1978 when a fare got in his cab and demanded money. When he only had a small amount on him, he was shot and killed. No one was ever arrested.
JonBenet Ramsey

Yes! That's a big one.

For my own personal peace of mind, I would like to know who robbed and murdered my uncle. He was driving cab in Stockton, CA back in 1978 when a fare got in his cab and demanded money. When he only had a small amount on him, he was shot and killed. No one was ever arrested.

:hug: I'm so sorry. Not knowing what happened to a love one would drive me crazy.

Which brings me to Natalee Holloway. We know who did it but where is she? I feel so sorry for her parents.

I also wonder where Stacy Peterson is. I really wish she could be found so that Drew could stand trial for her murder. I can't stand that man.
For my own personal peace of mind, I would like to know who robbed and murdered my uncle. He was driving cab in Stockton, CA back in 1978 when a fare got in his cab and demanded money. When he only had a small amount on him, he was shot and killed. No one was ever arrested.

Sorry for your loss. :hug:


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