As the Ticker Turns~The next chapter of the Resort Changers Saga...*RC trips pg.238

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DS is resting now at home and did very well in surgery. Thanks again to everyone for keeping him in your thoughts! :flower3:

pas - I hope your DDs appointment went well today. :goodvibes

Glad he got through it okay....sending many hugs and good thoughts for his recovery.:flower3:

Pas: Hope your Bree's app't went ok.....:flower3:
DS is resting now at home and did very well in surgery. Thanks again to everyone for keeping him in your thoughts! :flower3:

pas - I hope your DDs appointment went well today. :goodvibes

I Heart, You must be so glad to have your DS home and resting. :goodvibes

Pas, Thinking of your sweet DD. :flower3:

Hope your testing goes well. :goodvibes

Hope all is better with your little ones. :goodvibes

Time to get everyone recovered, there are WDW trips to plan! :thumbsup2
Time to get everyone recovered, there are WDW trips to plan! :thumbsup2

I second that! Our poor RC group is a mess! :scared: Thanks goodness we have each other. I am so grateful for all of you! :lovestruc

Missoutandabout - I don't know how I missed that you were having health issues. Sending healing thoughts your way along with everyone else! :goodvibes
Dani: hope your little ones are starting to feel better!

PAS: wow! You're holding down two jobs now? you are superwoman! don't work too hard and burn yourself out!

MM: glad you're enjoying yourself and so happy you got a great room!

Thinking about and missing LUV lately! Sounds like she's going to have the time of her life with the move to our favorite destination! can you say member of the annual pass holder club :thumbsup2 soooo jealous, but not about those horrid H&H summer days ;) :scared: those I could live without!

I'm having a hard time at work right now with some coworkers who save complaints until the boss is away, then decide to point out a few of my "supposed" shortcomings to the coworker who is "acting" business mgr.....what happened to the last 2 silent yrs where I've been doing my job fine without a single complaint?? :furious: now they nitpick and say I am turning the phones over too early to the 24 Hr desk ( god forbid they should have to answer a phone for 5 minutes!) :( I work in a correction facility.....reception. phones get turned over to the 24 desk when I leave for the afternoon. I start closing procedures at 4:15 for a 4:30 leaving time......well, the staff in the back say I'm shutting the phone off to early.....they want it shut down not before 4:20, they can't handle the calls and find it too stressful! :scratchin crazy!
Anyway, I got called into the office for an informal talk about these "issues"... It burns me that I am doing my job fine without issue for 2 yrs, then my boss goes on holidays, and they start nattering and finding little things to pick about!!! I actually broke down and :sad: I don't take criticism well, I always want to please people and do a good job! I don't want to let anyone down..,but there are people so quick to throw you under the bus!!!
I am at a point where I just want to go to work, do my job then go home.....,talk to no one, get away on my lunch hour instead of staying at the office, and just keep to myself, trust no one. I am so upset but have decided just to focus on getting my job done, then going home. Why do people always have to be so quick to focus on the negative!? It is frustrating.....

Sorry for the vent! :crazy2: boy, the only thing making me still smile lately is knowing I have my trip to look forward too!

~ Marie
Dani: hope your little ones are starting to feel better!

PAS: wow! You're holding down two jobs now? you are superwoman! don't work too hard and burn yourself out!

MM: glad you're enjoying yourself and so happy you got a great room!

Thinking about and missing LUV lately! Sounds like she's going to have the time of her life with the move to our favorite destination! can you say member of the annual pass holder club :thumbsup2 soooo jealous, but not about those horrid H&H summer days ;) :scared: those I could live without!

I'm having a hard time at work right now with some coworkers who save complaints until the boss is away, then decide to point out a few of my "supposed" shortcomings to the coworker who is "acting" business mgr.....what happened to the last 2 silent yrs where I've been doing my job fine without a single complaint?? :furious: now they nitpick and say I am turning the phones over too early to the 24 Hr desk ( god forbid they should have to answer a phone for 5 minutes!) :( I work in a correction facility.....reception. phones get turned over to the 24 desk when I leave for the afternoon. I start closing procedures at 4:15 for a 4:30 leaving time......well, the staff in the back say I'm shutting the phone off to early.....they want it shut down not before 4:20, they can't handle the calls and find it too stressful! :scratchin crazy!
Anyway, I got called into the office for an informal talk about these "issues"... It burns me that I am doing my job fine without issue for 2 yrs, then my boss goes on holidays, and they start nattering and finding little things to pick about!!! I actually broke down and :sad: I don't take criticism well, I always want to please people and do a good job! I don't want to let anyone down..,but there are people so quick to throw you under the bus!!!
I am at a point where I just want to go to work, do my job then go home.....,talk to no one, get away on my lunch hour instead of staying at the office, and just keep to myself, trust no one. I am so upset but have decided just to focus on getting my job done, then going home. Why do people always have to be so quick to focus on the negative!? It is frustrating.....

Sorry for the vent! :crazy2: boy, the only thing making me still smile lately is knowing I have my trip to look forward too!

~ Marie

Oh boy...hugs to you Marie:hug: I don't like these workplaces that aren't treating our RCers right, or not appreciating them. Try not to let it get you down (I know it is very hard), but focus on your upcoming trip and time away from work. I am sure you do a fabulous job, and hope they all come to realize it. ::yes::
Just got back from our family reunion in North Carolina. We had a blast. I got to spend time with my sisters and my parents while visiting a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, and old friends. Now I can focus on my trip. I have 4 weeks until my trip to the world!!!! :cool1: I missed the trip list train. :sad:. Come back!!!!

Our trip is 8/15 - 8/25. We will be at PBH and YC (I think....) unless regular rooms open up at CR. Currently there is only a suite on CL (more than double the cost of a regular room). :scared: Still thinking about Poly. DH says that if we can't get CR, we should try Poly over YC BUT DS's want YC (pool fanatics). I am still concerned having read posts about pool hoppers at Poly. I think that would drive me crazy....:scared:. I like the gated pool at YC BUT....I've always wanted to try Poly....

4 weeks to go and I'm still stuck here......:rotfl:
Step :goodvibes welcome home! Glad you had a great time with family :lovestruc that's wonderful!
I vote POLY :flower3: I'm always thinking it's great to try something new when opportunity arises. My last trip in Feb 2011 with just my son and I , I was originally booked LV CL at the POLY , but let the negative reviews push me to switch. we went BC CL instead.....while nice, it didn't wow us and it's not my favorite! I kind of regret giving up LVCL at the POLY, because this time it seems much more expensive than when I had it booked in 2011.....over $1000 more than my current garden view CL booking! So while lagoon view is un- attainable this time, I am happily looking forward to finally trying the POLY for myself.....and it looks like I got in at just the right time to experience it before all the upcoming changes :)
I say go for it if it's always been on your bucket list :thumbsup2

Jenny: Thanks so much :hug: you all always know how to cheer up a gal!
Marie I am so sorry for your work situation. As you know, I am in a similar situation myself. It really does suck. I'm sure you are a great employee. It really chaps my hide when people nitpick over nothing. Please try not to let it get you down. Just think, soon you will be in Disney! :flower3:
:wave: Good morning, everyone! Did you in 1955 Disneyland opened. Like Bree, I'm off to the cardiologist (finally) this morning. Hope to check-up with you all later.

IHTM: So glad that your DS is out of surgery and on the road to recovery.

Marie: Your situation sounds very frustrating. Do you think things will get better once your boss is back?

Step: CR is so so hard to get with all the conventions that block out rooms. My vote would be for YC over Poly. More room to spread out at SAB, 'fresher' rooms and you can walk to Epcot!
Good Morning Everyone!:surfweb:

Just a little sunshine for your morning!


IHTM...So glad to hear the good news about your son:goodvibes. Hope all continues to go well.

Kook....Morning to ya! No changes??;) DH said he thought Kidani looked great (he only saw our pictures) He thought it appeared to be a great place for relaxation and PEACE. Can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Step...If you give the Poly some time, they'll be renovating (or so I've heard) I read on the CL Thread that they will be doing the Hawaii building in 2013. Did anyone else read that?? Hope I have my info correct... We had a great experience at the Poly, but that was 2 years ago. Can't beat the views:thumbsup2

Dani...I sure hope everyone is on the mend...good times are surely coming your way:goodvibes

Marie...sending happy thoughts your way, too. Hang in there! And you're do have something to look forward to....Disney World:woohoo: you snagged Le Ceiller??!! Even at 7:30am, it sounds that place!!!

:wave: Hope everyone has a great day! We're off to bowl a few games later this morning...should be interesting!

Happy Tuesday morning! After a very long day yesterday...I fell asleep at 630 pm....but before I went nite nite....

Bree did fine at the cardiologist, we go for more testing, but nothing which will hurt :goodvibes

Happy, happy news was received....ALL OF HER TESTS CAME BACK FINE!!!!!! The letter & a copy of all the tests were waiting for DH & I when we got home yesterday. I started crying (from relief) and it took poor DH 3 times to get through the letter....

RC prayers are magical...thank you all for getting me through the last month!!!!

A great big hug to pas, dani, and missoutandabout. :grouphug: I hope everyone has a good day at the doctors, good news and sleepy kids tonight! Please let us know how everyone is doing, we all think about you and your little ones a lot and can't do much except send love and hugs!

We still have some RC family that are going to WDW soon that aren't on our list. Let me know dates if you want to be added!

Did I add my change......WL Honeymoon Room Aug 9-12th :woohoo:

RC trip dates to be announced this week!

I've been thinking about what the doctor said -- that surgery might be the best solution. It's quite standard thing -- a carpal tunnel release -- snip, snip of the ligament which is making my arm and hand go wonky. Wonder if you're allowed to swim after the surgery? If not, it'll just have to wait until after Disney. Gotta have our priorities, right?
Definitely swim first, surgery later :hug:
Bree was such a trooper at the cardiologist. She deserves a very special sticker:
Thank you, I LOVE IT! Good luck to you today! :hug:

"Can I go in now?" ... "No." ...
"What about now?" ... "No." ...
"Now?" ... "You just asked 3 seconds ago. No."

That is word-for-word dialogue from my childhood summers. :rotfl:
DS is resting now at home and did very well in surgery. Thanks again to everyone for keeping him in your thoughts!
:yay: :hug:

Pas: Hope your Bree's app't went ok.....:flower3:

Time to get everyone recovered, there are WDW trips to plan! :thumbsup2

Sorry for the vent! :crazy2: boy, the only thing making me still smile lately is knowing I have my trip to look forward too!

~ Marie
Vent away Marie! Many of us understand, I know I do :hug:

step My quote for you disappeared :confused3 Welcome back home !!!!! 4 weeks will be here soon! You'll be headed down after I get back....and I hope CR opens up...we have had stuff open up...last minute :wizard: If not swimming by the castle...ahhhh. But SAB looks fab as well!! Win win :dance3:

:wave: Good morning, everyone! Did you in 1955 Disneyland opened. Like Bree, I'm off to the cardiologist (finally) this morning. Hope to check-up with you all later.

:hug: We are keeping our fingers crossed here for's a good news kind of day :flower3:

heather Nice pic! I would love a Disney cruise...if only I didn't hate boats! :sick:
Just wanted to drop in and say HI!!

Pas- yay!!! For Bree and her tests coming out fine! Soooo happy for you!!
Marie - bummer on the work thing, but I agree...go in, get your work done and go's just a job after all.

Everyone is still sleeping right now. Yesterday was jam packed with Epcot in the morning ((DD5 rode Soarin' for the 1st time and loved it)...the we spent a few hours at the pool. Had dinner at 1900 PF, which was a blast and the at DHS until midnight....DD5 rode ToT for the 1st time and LOVED it!! :goodvibes

Today, we plan on hanging around the hotel, and then Epcot tonight. Have Via Napoli ressies!

Hope everyone is having a spectacular day!! :goodvibes
Just wanted to drop in and say HI!!

Pas- yay!!! For Bree and her tests coming out fine! Soooo happy for you!!

Thanks! I am SO relieved!!!

Your trip sounds wonderful! Have a fantastic day and enjoy the quiet time while everyone is resting!!!!!:love:
Good morning everyone. I was up until 3 in the morning being excited about our trip. I can't believe we are now down to the teens! online check-in is in just 9 days!

Both kids seem to be on the mend and doing much better...and now I think I am getting their virus. I woke up with a sore throat. I also need to see a doctor because I am in so much pain all the time and my mom has fibromyalgia. I've been avoiding it for a while but I can't even start my day without ibuprofen anymore.
Good morning to all. :goodvibes

I heart: What a relief! Glad to hear he's home and doing okay.:hug:

Pas: :woohoo: Excellent news! Go Bree go! :cheer2:

Kook: Yikes. Nothing serious... just a check-up? :confused3 :hug:

Marie: Sorry you're working in a 'toxic' environment. Your retelling of it hit home with me -- making me recall one of my previous jobs. :hug: If keeping to yourself at work -- and complaining here to us along with repeating, "Disney soon, Disney soon" in your head -- helps you through, I think that sounds like a great plan. :thumbsup2

Dani: :hug: to you and the kiddos.

Gwynne: "Time to get everyone recovered, there are WDW trips to plan!" YES! :laughing: Isn't that the truth?

Jenny: You give me hope. I've been checking on Le Cellier lunch now after having given up. :worship:

Step: 4 weeks... :woohoo: I do quite love SAB. :rolleyes1

Heather: Bowling? Non-Wii version, I take it? :laughing:


... and s'more :hug: to pass around to everyone else. Off to swim lessons, torturing myself with weights and then science class. Where's my cab driver's cap?

Speaking of weights, when we were on our walk yesterday evening, I saw something quite strange -- at least for Chicago suburbia. Someone had built a trebuchet in their driveway. Medieval siege weapons in the 'burbs! I guess it's potentially a good deterrent for door-to-door salesmen. :lmao:
Good morning everyone. I was up until 3 in the morning being excited about our trip. I can't believe we are now down to the teens! online check-in is in just 9 days!

Both kids seem to be on the mend and doing much better...and now I think I am getting their virus. I woke up with a sore throat. I also need to see a doctor because I am in so much pain all the time and my mom has fibromyalgia. I've been avoiding it for a while but I can't even start my day without ibuprofen anymore.
:hug: Very sorry to hear this sis. You are under so much stress with your job and the kiddos getting sick...your poor body can't take it....get well wishes

Sorry for your pain :hug:

Pas: :woohoo: Excellent news! Go Bree go! :cheer2:----------------------

... and s'more :hug: to pass around to everyone else. Off to swim lessons, torturing myself with weights and then science class. Where's my cab driver's cap?

Speaking of weights, when we were on our walk yesterday evening, I saw something quite strange -- at least for Chicago suburbia. Someone had built a trebuchet in their driveway. Medieval siege weapons in the 'burbs! I guess it's potentially a good deterrent for door-to-door salesmen. :lmao:

Very relieved about my Bree :hug:

:rotfl:The story reminds me of my DH who is constantly planning for a disaster....if I see him digging...I'll have him committed :sad2:
pas - Yay for Bree! I am so happy that you got the good news that you have been hoping for! :cool1:

stepdisney - I'm no help. Although I'm partial to the Poly, I think YC is my #2. Although our dates do overlap and I'll be at the Poly then. Dani and Magic too... just sayin' :idea:

Dani - Take care of yourself!

Kook - Sending good thoughts for your appointment. :goodvibes

chimo - Sorry work has been bad lately. I wish I had some advice, but all I've got is... just keep swimming!
Jeanette thanks Sis. :hug: I always put off my own health. I'd rather not deal with it. Terrible, I know.
I am SO relieved to hear about Bree. RC Pixie Dust really is magical!!

Funny story about Danimal. Last night I was telling him how we are meeting up with some DISers on our trip and he asked if they know about him. I said of course they know about you! And he says "so I'm like famous?" :rotfl: Kids!
pas - Yay for Bree! I am so happy that you got the good news that you have been hoping for!
Me too :hug: How's DS today?
Jeanette thanks Sis. :hug: I always put off my own health. I'd rather not deal with it. Terrible, I know.
I am SO relieved to hear about Bree. RC Pixie Dust really is magical!!

Funny story about Danimal. Last night I was telling him how we are meeting up with some DISers on our trip and he asked if they know about him. I said of course they know about you! And he says "so I'm like famous?" :rotfl: Kids!

He is famous...royalty...a RC Prince...:goodvibes

Us mommies just put our health off..but you gotta take care of you. Now that the kiddos are good, we have to keep Mommy well :hug:
Me too :hug: How's DS today?

He is famous...royalty...a RC Prince...:goodvibes

Us mommies just put our health off..but you gotta take care of you. Now that the kiddos are good, we have to keep Mommy well :hug:

I'm kind of afraid of what the doctor is going to say. I'd rather not know. Yes, I know how dumb that is. :rolleyes1
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