Tinker Bell ½ Marathon Weekend ~ 2014 Check-in!

First off, I think this is my very first post on these boards, and while this may not be the place to do it, :wave2:, my name is Janelle!

I found the Tinker Bell Half Marathon information because I originally saw a post for the DL Half Marathon on these boards, and I got really excited. I'm definitely a great candidate for the C25k program. My work schedule is nowhere near as hectic as indygirl's, and if she can do it, so can I (you've totally inspired me!). I originally felt very hesitant about doing this because, hello, I have NO training at all whatsoever! But I found some helpful information on About.com and a few training programs in addition to C25k that I'm starting today to help me get ready for this!

Hi Janelle! You are going to have so much fun. The disney races are the best place to run your 1st race. It's such a great environment, and they're definitely addictive. I can't even imagine a Labor Day weekend now, where I'm not down in DL running. :goodvibes Congrats on starting training today!!

Heads up everyone ~ reg jumped to 81% today, so you probably have only a couple weeks left before it sells out!
A question for all of you non-runners doing the C25k programs. Are you signing up for the 5k or the 1/2. I guess I don't understand how a C25k program can help me run the half??

Scared to Try Anything New (hahaha)
A question for all of you non-runners doing the C25k programs. Are you signing up for the 5k or the 1/2. I guess I don't understand how a C25k program can help me run the half??

Scared to Try Anything New (hahaha)

The C25K program is just a great way to START running! My example: I started with C25K if Feb or March, having never been a runner...ever. And by May I did my first 5K and ran the whole thing. I was so proud of myself and the program eased me into running and showed me that I COULD run!

I just did my 2nd 5K this past weekend and am currently registered for a 10K in September and Tink in January. Now that I'm very comfortable with a 5K distance I'm going to start increasing my distance slowly, similar to how I did it with the C25K program.
Exactly what Kirstie said... it's just a place for me to start. In fact, I'm starting even smaller than that with a 3-week program that helps you create a 30-minute running habit. Hopefully that will prepare me for the C25k. I also realized that after registering, there was a link to another training program, specifically for the Tinker Bell that was written by Jeff Galloway. It's a 20 week program starting on Sep 4 and ending the week after the half marathon. It's free to download and if you have Outlook you can download their calendar with reminders too. I don't know if it's overkill to do all three programs, but I figure, it can't hurt!

A side question to those who've done this once or twice before, do you recommend that I find a 5K and do one or two BEFORE the half marathon in January?
A side question to those who've done this once or twice before, do you recommend that I find a 5K and do one or two BEFORE the half marathon in January?

I would, at least one, a couple is better. They're good learning tools ~ it'll help you w/ the start of the race when everybody is all together and settling into a pace that's your's and not everyone around you. It'll also help w/ race day nerves, they never really go away although I wish they did. :goodvibes And while it's a 5k vs a 1/2, you can play around w/ types of food you eat pre-race and how early or late you can eat before the start and still feel comfortable.
Yay for new runners!!! WTG ladies- you will love it.

Dont misunderstand me- running sometimes sucks (ha ha ha) but the event is worth it to me, so I suck it up and just go. And I love the gear. And skirts. But actually running? eh. LOL

I guess that's not fair- some days I REALLY love it. But I will admit that if it wasn't for the Princess and now Tinkerbell, I would not be looking at half marathon type mileage. So, thank you Disney!

You two will have a lot of fun, burn some calories, and have some really cool bling to hang on your wall. CONGRATS on signing up!!!! :)

You sound like me...I think I love the cute running shoes and clothes and race bling better than the actual running part of it all. :rotfl: I love the whole race atmosphere, the crowds, the spectators.
First off, I think this is my very first post on these boards, and while this may not be the place to do it, :wave2:, my name is Janelle!

I found the Tinker Bell Half Marathon information because I originally saw a post for the DL Half Marathon on these boards, and I got really excited. I'm definitely a great candidate for the C25k program. My work schedule is nowhere near as hectic as indygirl's, and if she can do it, so can I (you've totally inspired me!). I originally felt very hesitant about doing this because, hello, I have NO training at all whatsoever! But I found some helpful information on About.com and a few training programs in addition to C25k that I'm starting today to help me get ready for this!

After reading everybody's encouraging comments, I feel completely comfortable to just get out there and give it my best shot. My biggest fear is failing the half marathon and not being able to complete it, but like indygirl said, the most important thing is that I actually try and give it my best shot, and perhaps not to finish with the best time, but to actually FINISH! :cheer2:

So, the reason for my post is to thank everybody for being so encouraging and providing a place where us beginners can get the support we need!! I'll be signing up for this by the end of the week, while I can still (hopefully) afford it!


I am humbled that you are inspired by me. I will try to keep that inspiration coming.:thumbsup2

I have been doing the C25K for 2 weeks now and today was able to run/walk for 30 min and 1.75 miles. I will get there.

I am doing a 5K run/walk this weekend at the beach. Will be interesting to see how the run part works on the sand. I imagine my time will be slower with the sand but any excuse to go to the beach right. :lmao:

I also signed up for a 5K the first part of August and then will look at races in Sept and Oct, either 5K or 10 K depending on how I do in the August race.

I am hoping to do one race each month up to the big one in Jan.:dance3:
Thanks to everybody for the support! I really appreciate it! Yesterday was the first day of the C25k training for me, and boy am I sore! Good thing today is a rest day. I really wish I had someone to do this program with. It would make it a lot more fun and hopefully help keep my motivation!

I took a peak at some of the Marathon merchandise from last year on Google. I'm super excited to get that finish medal at the end! (I'm easily attracted to shiny and sparkly things!). Out of curiosity, does anybody know what's included in the iGift bags?
When I did C25K I followed it exactly and my first official 5K race I ran without walk breaks. I think that gave me a good foundation and taught me what my body was capable of doing. And I'm glad I stuck to it and did it that way.
Now that I'm training for a 10K and the half, I'm using Jeff Galloways run/walk intervals and enjoying my long runs a little more than I was when I was running the entire thing. And I've found my time is about the same with the intervals as is was without. I still try to do my 30 minute runs without intervals. Pretty much just to prove to myself that I can still do it. But I dont feel guilty if I do the intervals.

Just something to think about once you progress past C25K.
Thanks to everybody for the support! I really appreciate it! Yesterday was the first day of the C25k training for me, and boy am I sore! Good thing today is a rest day. I really wish I had someone to do this program with. It would make it a lot more fun and hopefully help keep my motivation!

I took a peak at some of the Marathon merchandise from last year on Google. I'm super excited to get that finish medal at the end! (I'm easily attracted to shiny and sparkly things!). Out of curiosity, does anybody know what's included in the iGift bags?

Yay! Day 1 down!:banana: As for the ibag, don't have high hopes. Last year it was a couple of coupons and some ads for things to buy. It's basically things that they used to put in you bag you pick up at the expo but online so there's less garbage.

And the medal... Tink spins!!
When I did C25K I followed it exactly and my first official 5K race I ran without walk breaks. I think that gave me a good foundation and taught me what my body was capable of doing. And I'm glad I stuck to it and did it that way.
Now that I'm training for a 10K and the half, I'm using Jeff Galloways run/walk intervals and enjoying my long runs a little more than I was when I was running the entire thing. And I've found my time is about the same with the intervals as is was without. I still try to do my 30 minute runs without intervals. Pretty much just to prove to myself that I can still do it. But I dont feel guilty if I do the intervals.

Just something to think about once you progress past C25K.

Thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup2: I really appreciate all the advice I can get! I've even began keeping a blog to track my progress, feelings, etc. while I prepare for the half so I can go back and look at how far I've come and hopefully that will keep me motivated too. Most of it is nerves and the fear of failing, so that's why there are so many questions. But everybody has been great and I'm feeling more confident and excited about the race!
Yay! Day 1 down!:banana: As for the ibag, don't have high hopes. Last year it was a couple of coupons and some ads for things to buy. It's basically things that they used to put in you bag you pick up at the expo but online so there's less garbage.

Oh, well that's a little disappointing. But its okay, because I'm sure there will be plenty of other things that will catch my eye, and my wallet. Like those super cute skirts that I see most everyone wearing in pictures of last year's marathon!

And the medal... Tink spins!!

:woohoo: Even better! I really, really want it now! Seriously, I'm just like a kid.
Oh, well that's a little disappointing. But its okay, because I'm sure there will be plenty of other things that will catch my eye, and my wallet. Like those super cute skirts that I see most everyone wearing in pictures of last year's marathon!

Yeah, the bags have gone down hill in the past years, which kinda sucks b/c the reg prices keep going up. :sad2: When I did the Princess race in '09 the race bag was a nice smallish backpack w/ the logo on the back, I still have mine and use it once in a while. And for the Marathon weekend in '10, it was a really nice mesh one that had small place for your shoes. But do not worry, there will be tons of stuff to buy at the expo. It's actually quite dangerous. :rotfl: I also though that the selection of race merchandise was actually better and had more than the DL 1/2. And some places like Jelly Belly give out free samples. As for the skirts, there's 1 company that has a booth, but you can also order online. They're called Team Sparkle. They have skirts and socks, maybe wings too, they are really popular at the Disney races.
Yep- Tinkerbell looks really great on that medal! And I want the C2C once. You are not alone in coveting the medals!!!

So I've been injured for 6ish weeks and finally got permission from PT to try running. I got to go .5 mile. LOL It was great to get it done, but I am sore today. Sadz. I have to be able to run this race for many many reasons (both financial as well as mental and physical!) Hoping the continued PT will allow me to get back out there for REALZ soon
BabieDuckie said:
Thanks to everybody for the support! I really appreciate it! Yesterday was the first day of the C25k training for me, and boy am I sore! Good thing today is a rest day. I really wish I had someone to do this program with. It would make it a lot more fun and hopefully help keep my motivation!

I took a peak at some of the Marathon merchandise from last year on Google. I'm super excited to get that finish medal at the end! (I'm easily attracted to shiny and sparkly things!). Out of curiosity, does anybody know what's included in the iGift bags?

For some reason I don't get the emails from runDisney so I never got the iGiftbag link.
For some reason I don't get the emails from runDisney so I never got the iGiftbag link.

Ditto...I get my confirmation emails. But, when people talked about other emails, I never got them. Really hope it's different this year.
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing with their training!

Hope its going well for everyone. Welcome to the new runners - good for you for doing it. A warning though - it becomes addictive once they start putting medals around your neck! :rotfl:

Keep logging the miles ladies!
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing with their training!

I've had 2 successful half mile runs. Yes, Half.A.Mile. :rotfl2: Probably not what I should call "training" but it is a start. I'm in PT and just got the ok to try to start up slowly. I was pretty sore after both runs, but by the next day felt ok, and the pain during the run was minimal... so I see this as progress. Hoping my PT feels the same way and will let me start adding a bit farther in the coming weeks. My personal goal is to be at 3 mile runs by the time "official" Galloway training starts, but I'll listen to the PT for that guidance.
Thanks for the welcome Sarah! This is exactly what I meant about the support. Complete strangers who are genuinely interested in other peoples' progress. Signing up for this half marathon is a huge deal for me, so any type of progress I make I feel like I want to share with the world, and I'm glad someone is interested!

I just completed Day 2 of the C25k program. I have to say, it was a LOT easier than Day 1! Maybe it was because my boyfriend was running with me and keeping time for me, so I didn't have to keep checking my iPod to know when to start/stop running. I bought a Gymboss at the beginning of this week and it should be here today or tomorrow. I'm extremely excited to start using it so I can just focus on running... and shaking my Nano to shuffle the music when a slow song comes on. Which reminds me, I need to make some serious changes to my playlist to keep me motivated!

How about anyone else? How's training going for some of the other beginners on here? What about the experienced runners?


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