Tinker Bell ½ Marathon Weekend ~ 2014 Check-in!

I bought a Gymboss at the beginning of this week and it should be here today or tomorrow.

How about anyone else? How's training going for some of the other beginners on here? What about the experienced runners?

Ooohh! A new toy. What is that one, I've never heard of it before?

No training for this race for me. I'm doing Goofy the weekend before, so my goal for Tink is to just be able to finish the race and not get swept before me legs fall off. :rotfl2:
It really might be a silly thing to buy, since you could do the same exact thing with a watch, but it's an interval timer. You can set up to 2 intervals anywhere between 2 - 99 minutes, and set it to repeat up to 99 times. It also has an alarm that you can set to go off, either beep and/or vibrate so you'll know when to switch. I tried using the stopwatch function on my iPod the first day. It worked out alright, but I felt distracted, always trying to look at the time. Hopefully the Gymboss will let me focus on running. :)

The next toy I want is a Fitbit, to help me track my distance so I can get a feel for what kind of pace I need set for myself. But, I could probably just do the same thing with a pedometer... they're just not as pretty as a Fitbit!
Thanks for the welcome Sarah! This is exactly what I meant about the support. Complete strangers who are genuinely interested in other peoples' progress. Signing up for this half marathon is a huge deal for me, so any type of progress I make I feel like I want to share with the world, and I'm glad someone is interested!

I just completed Day 2 of the C25k program. I have to say, it was a LOT easier than Day 1! Maybe it was because my boyfriend was running with me and keeping time for me, so I didn't have to keep checking my iPod to know when to start/stop running. I bought a Gymboss at the beginning of this week and it should be here today or tomorrow. I'm extremely excited to start using it so I can just focus on running... and shaking my Nano to shuffle the music when a slow song comes on. Which reminds me, I need to make some serious changes to my playlist to keep me motivated!

How about anyone else? How's training going for some of the other beginners on here? What about the experienced runners?

When I was doing C25K I downloaded one of the C25K apps on my iphone. Made it so much easier to have someone in my ear telling me when to run and when to walk. So if you have a smartphone you might want to check that out.
The next toy I want is a Fitbit, to help me track my distance so I can get a feel for what kind of pace I need set for myself. But, I could probably just do the same thing with a pedometer... they're just not as pretty as a Fitbit!

I have some friends who have this, and both of them randomly had them fall off and get lost. I've done ZERO research on these, but I find it odd that both of them lost them off their bodies. Might want to research them a bit, read reviews, to see if this is a common issue...
My husband and I just signed up for this race yesterday. We'll be running the Wine & Dine at Epcot in November (our first half marathon) and will be going for the Coast-to-Coast in 2013!
I did some research on the Fitbit, but not a lot. They cost $100 and have a lot of neat functions, but I decided that for what I'd use the Fitbit for, it would be cheaper to get a pedometer. I'm mainly interested in tracking my distance so I can see how well of a pace I'm keeping. Personally, I don't think the extra features are worth it because I don't really care for them that much.

I do find it a little disappointing that a device that costs so much can be lost so easily. You would think they would make a better quality attachment part to prevent it from detaching so easily. That being said, I hope the $37 pedometer I bought from REI stays on me while I run!
I did it last night. 1 mile: half down the street and half back up. I had the jogging stroller with me, but I think that helped.

No, need to work my way up to 2 whole miles!
I did it last night. 1 mile: half down the street and half back up. I had the jogging stroller with me, but I think that helped.

No, need to work my way up to 2 whole miles!

Congrats!! :goodvibes

Heads up ~ the #'s jumped a little bit today. It's at 88% so you might have until the middle of next before it sells out.
I have officially ran my first 5K, got my number and tshirt.:cool1:

Okay I walked more than I ran but I finished in 57 min. Wohoo. I now have my baseline to improve on.

Some observations: Running on sand is definately different than streets or the treadmill. My ankles definately noticed the difference.

Agates on the beach must be scooped up quickly or race time suffers. :lmao:
I made DH grab a few of them (he ran/walked with me).

Spending 4 hours throwing and retrieving crab traps on the beach the day before a race is not the best pre-race activity. But boy did those little suckers taste great. Nothing better than catching your own supper. :beach:

I will be sore tommorow (more my arms from throwing the traps than anything) but I did the race and finished which was the goal afterall. I will sign up for another 5K that is connected to a local 1/2 the first week of August and continue my training. I have to be ready by January.

I also think I will go pickup the Big book of marathon running that I read about somewhere here in the DIS. Nutrition is going to be a big part of this training.
I have officially ran my first 5K, got my number and tshirt.:cool1:

Okay I walked more than I ran but I finished in 57 min. Wohoo. I now have my baseline to improve on.

Congratulations on your first race! Its a huge deal to get that first one under your belt! You did great! :cheer2:
I have officially ran my first 5K, got my number and tshirt.:cool1:

Okay I walked more than I ran but I finished in 57 min. Wohoo. I now have my baseline to improve on.

Some observations: Running on sand is definately different than streets or the treadmill. My ankles definately noticed the difference.

:cheer2::cheer2: Congrats on your 1st race!!! :cheer2::cheer2:

Running on sand is definitely different. :goodvibes But if you have weak ankles, it's a good way to strengthen them.

Congrats again!
I have officially ran my first 5K, got my number and tshirt.:cool1:

Okay I walked more than I ran but I finished in 57 min. Wohoo. I now have my baseline to improve on.

Some observations: Running on sand is definately different than streets or the treadmill. My ankles definately noticed the difference.

Agates on the beach must be scooped up quickly or race time suffers. :lmao:
I made DH grab a few of them (he ran/walked with me).

Spending 4 hours throwing and retrieving crab traps on the beach the day before a race is not the best pre-race activity. But boy did those little suckers taste great. Nothing better than catching your own supper. :beach:

I will be sore tommorow (more my arms from throwing the traps than anything) but I did the race and finished which was the goal afterall. I will sign up for another 5K that is connected to a local 1/2 the first week of August and continue my training. I have to be ready by January.

I also think I will go pickup the Big book of marathon running that I read about somewhere here in the DIS. Nutrition is going to be a big part of this training.

YAY!! Congratulations!! :woohoo: I don't even know you and yet I'm so proud of you!! I'm looking for a 5k to sign up for locally, but only after I get a little further into the C25k program. I'm starting my 2nd week today and the thought of doing a 5k is still terrifying to me! But, on the advice of others, I think it would be fantastic to try a couple of 5ks before the Half in January.

::yes::, get the Runner's World Big Book of Marathon and 1/2 Marathon training! I got it last week and haven't gotten too far into it (oops!), but so far it's been fantastic. Really inspiring, and really informative!

Congrats again!!
Indygirl99 - You'd better believe you're an inspiration!! I believe in you, and I'm now considering doing the impossible also!

I am not now, nor have EVER been a runner. I played volleyball in high school and the first couple years of college (a sport chosen largely because of the lack of running it required :lmao:); I have since led a very sedentary lifestyle and am waaaaaaaaaaay out of shape. I could stand to lose a few (dozen) pounds. I haven't run a lick in at least a decade. But here I am, thinking hard about dipping my toes in the shallow end of the pool. And reading about your efforts is almost enough to send me cannonballing into the deep end!

My younger sister runs, although she would not call herself a runner either. She's done a few half-marathons and has asked me to run this one with her. She wants it to be a sisterly experience.

So, what's holding me back?

1 - Guilt. I have a 2 year old DD that I would leave at home with her daddy (my wonderful DH) for the weekend. They have a........ shall we say...... challenging relationship. I wouldn't want to subject either of them to the probable battles that will occur while I'm gone.

2 - Money. While we have the money to do this, I'm not convinced I should spend it on something that, let's face it, I may not be successful at.

3 - Fear. I should put this one on top because its the biggun. I'm mostly afraid that I'll fail. That I'll be picked up by the sweepers. That I'll be the big, fat woman fooling herself that she can complete a half-marathon. That I won't even get that far -- that I'll abandon all efforts after a few weeks and not ever even see the start line, let alone the finish line.

So, again I say to you, Indygirl99... You are an inspiration. If I don't kick myself in the a$$ to participate in this thing myself, you'd best believe I'll be watching from the sidelines and cheering for you!

And that goes for all of you ladies! You ALL rock!! :worship:
Hi Jessica - I'm not a runner either, and I have never been athletic, but after finding and reading the Couch To 5K training program and hearing the advice and encouragment from other people on the board, I decided to sign up. Personally, the $150 registration fee is a slight motivator in keeping up with the training and getting to the point where I can finish the race! For me, at my current stage in weight and experience, that will be a huge accomplishment in itself. Whatever you decide to do, know that there are people here who will support you every step of the way!!
Okay ladies--- 92% full. No pressure for those still on the fence, but um, yeah... it might be time to make the leap!

Jessica- I weigh about 200lbs post baby. I played soccer all my life but always hated to run. HA. Wrong sport dummie!

Anyway... I've done the Princess 2 times, and I will admit I was terrified of getting swept. Crazy terrified. BUT... I didn't. I finished. And one year I was 6 months pregnant (I lucked out and started in B corral because of a previous 10K time, and had a lot of extra time padding to get me through the end!)

We all have that fear. I still say it's better to try and possibly fail, then never try and never know. And with 6 months to go, there is PLENTY of time to get moving and walk this bad girl. Disney races are so fun, empowering, non threatening as far as other racers go... I love it.

If you feel up to it, you know you will have tons of support here!
I did it! I ran on the treadmill today and here's my baseline:
I ran for 20 minutes (and walked for 8)
While running, I went 1.75 miles. I finish just over 2 miles.

Later this week, I will work my way up to 3 miles!

I have already registered think i Have talked my sister into it too. She is a marathon manaic so this is no big deal.

Question: I made reservations at Castle Inn in march. I have older children so need a larger room. Has anyone stayed at this property? how is this is in relation to starting line?
3 - Fear. I should put this one on top because its the biggun. I'm mostly afraid that I'll fail. That I'll be picked up by the sweepers. That I'll be the big, fat woman fooling herself that she can complete a half-marathon. That I won't even get that far -- that I'll abandon all efforts after a few weeks and not ever even see the start line, let alone the finish line.

I too have never been a runner - not ever. Like I rode my bike as a kid along side my running cousins. I decided this is a good challenge and goal for me. I am doing the galloway training first for a half in September and then Tinkerbell. Saturday I ran/walked 8 miles - which was the longest run of my life and i was so nervous. my daughter runs with me. when we got to Mile 6 - I was like we are going to do this. Quite empowering. I constantly have talked myself out of things. No more. :)
Okay, I want to get all the costs put together so that I can have all my ducks in a row when I speak with my DH. Can someone tell me if I'm in the right ballpark? What am I missing?

Registration fee: $150 (if I do it soon)
Running Shoes: $100 (????)
Workout/Running Clothes: $100 (seriously - I don't have anything) :rotfl:
Plane tickets: $150
Hotel: $500 (3 nights at $150/nt plus taxes)

Looking like this spur of the moment idea of mine would cost upwards of 1 grand! :crazy2:


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