John and Kevin's Big Christmas in Italy Adventure

i can't believe i didn't know you were going to Italy!!!
(in my defense, i've been busily planning DD's trip to Alaska this coming summer)...

what a wonderful trip!!!!

and now that you're in Italy, you're so close, you're really only a hop and a skip away from me!!! actually only a hop...

i'm just 3 hours away......a blink of an eye....

just pop on a plane and i promise to do the rest, the holy land from A to Z and everything in only 3 hours....

think about it.. :goodvibes

in the meantime, Merry Christmas!!!!

How about you meet us in Venice? We'll be there tomorrow. I'll buy you a Bellini at Harry's bar (its going to be right across from our hotel).
The Duomo is but a few blocks away from our hotel and the church bells rang for two hours last night.

It was indescribably beautiful.

Everything is closed but the restaurants and all of Florence is out strolling today.

After our pasta making class and lunch, we waled to the Ponte Vechio and took photos, then through the Uffitzi colonade and the Dow the main shopping street.

Just a gentle, beautiful Christmas Day....

Tonight we go to dinner and our gift swap and then back to the hotel to pack.

Tomorrow we head to Venice.

I'm going to miss Florence.

If the city of Florence and I were dating....I'd say that our relationship had a future.

I find Florence accessible, friendly, charming, beautiful.....I feel comfortable here.

More later.
The Duomo is but a few blocks away from our hotel and the church bells rang for two hours last night.

It was indescribably beautiful.

Everything is closed but the restaurants and all of Florence is out strolling today.

After our pasta making class and lunch, we waled to the Ponte Vechio and took photos, then through the Uffitzi colonade and the Dow the main shopping street.

Just a gentle, beautiful Christmas Day....

Tonight we go to dinner and our gift swap and then back to the hotel to pack.

Tomorrow we head to Venice.

I'm going to miss Florence.

If the city of Florence and I were dating....I'd say that our relationship had a future.

I find Florence accessible, friendly, charming, beautiful.....I feel comfortable here.

More later.

Oh my.....does Paris know about this? :)

Can't wait to hear about your dinner overlooking the city tonight. :goodvibes
How about you meet us in Venice? We'll be there tomorrow. I'll buy you a Bellini at Harry's bar (its going to be right across from our hotel).

so tempting.....

The Duomo is but a few blocks away from our hotel and the church bells rang for two hours last night.

It was indescribably beautiful.

Everything is closed but the restaurants and all of Florence is out strolling today.

After our pasta making class and lunch, we waled to the Ponte Vechio and took photos, then through the Uffitzi colonade and the Dow the main shopping street.

Just a gentle, beautiful Christmas Day....

Tonight we go to dinner and our gift swap and then back to the hotel to pack.

Tomorrow we head to Venice.

I'm going to miss Florence.

If the city of Florence and I were dating....I'd say that our relationship had a future.

I find Florence accessible, friendly, charming, beautiful.....I feel comfortable here.

More later.

i don't think i've ever met anyone who didn't fall in love at first sight with florence....exactly as you described it - accessible, friendly, charming, and beautiful.....and everyone immediately feels comfortable and at home!!
i don't think i've ever met anyone who didn't fall in love at first sight with florence....exactly as you described it - accessible, friendly, charming, and beautiful.....and everyone immediately feels comfortable and at home!!
I don't know... I got sort of lost in Florence when I was there. Although I must admit I was never uncomfortable or afraid while I was lost. I rarely get lost; I have an excellent sense of direction. But somehow I got totally turned around, and no-one could help me get back to the Piazza Di Santa Croce. The street signs were extremely confusing, and looked nothing like the map I was given. However, I still loved Florence. What I saw of it was lovely!

Merry Christmas to you in beautiful Florence.

I have heard so many good things about the city from friends who have visited Italy.
First...Kevin asked me to tell you that he typed a huge post but lost it - he will try to post tomorrow.

As he mentioned, today was our last day in Florence. Pasta making was lots of fun and we spent a few hours on our own before heading to dinner with the group.

We went to a mbeautiful restaurant on top of the mountain overlooking Florence. The view was awesome.

This was where we did our 'white elephant' gift exchange. It was loads of fun. I actually bought a white elephant figurine as my gift. No one else found that funny but Kevin and our ABD guide Courtney.

This was the first meal all trip that I didn't think was that great. They sort of served the food family style but instead of leaving the plates on the table the servers plated the food. It took forever and the first ones plated got cold before everyone at the table was served. Plus I didn't think the food was that good to begin with.

All-in-all the food on this trip had been very good to excellent so far so I can't really complain.

We are back in the hotel room and all packed for our trip to Venice tomorrow. I am sad to leave Florence but so looking forward to Venice....
Sounds very nice! :) I realize I never asked! Who are your Adventure Guides? You said one is Courtney?

Poor Kevin. I hate losing posts!

Merry Christmas John and Kevin. I can picture the beauty and the love of the city in my head!! Today has been a fabulous Christmas here and knowing my friends are in Italy enjoying every minute makes me feel even better.

John I totally find buying a white elephant funny. Had I been there I would have laughed with you.

Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.
This was where we did our 'white elephant' gift exchange. It was loads of fun. I actually bought a white elephant figurine as my gift. No one else found that funny but Kevin and our ABD guide Courtney.

Love it! :lmao:
A "white elephant" white elephant gift is hilarious. That would be what I would have wanted to receive just for the story alone.:thumbsup2
Sounds very nice! :) I realize I never asked! Who are your Adventure Guides? You said one is Courtney?

Poor Kevin. I hate losing posts!


Our guides are Courtney and Marco.

Courtney was the guide Pete and Teresa had on their med cruise (she still hasn't recovered). Marco was the guide Marilee and Dino had on their Vivs Italia.

Both have been excellent!!!
It's Monday morning here in Florence and I have a few minutes while Kevin gets ready before we head to breakfast so I wanted to share some random thoughts I had about this trip so far.

One - something that has made this trip so much better for me was bringing Sweet and Low. Sounds petty I know but the sweetener just isn't the same here and it has made my morning coffee infinitely better. I highly suggest packing a small zip lock bag with your favorite sweetener on any trip you take abroad - and that goes for folks traveling both ways.

Two - on any of these ABD trips you need to do what you want and what you are comfortable with. While we have done most of the group activities we did skip some to either have more free time or not have to worry about our own physical limitations. This has removed a great deal of stress from the trip.

Three - this is an incredible time of year to travel to Italy. The crowds have been light. The places are decorated beautifully and everyone seems to be in a great mood. We are definately considering another trip at this time next year - maybe Germany....

There are more but those are the ones I've been thinking about a lot on this trip and wanted to post them while they are still fresh in my mind.

It's off to breakfast, then to the bus, then to the train station and then to Venice.

See you at Harry's Bar Beth :rotfl2:
Breakfast is done and the bags have been collected.

We have about 20 minutes before we meet the rest of he group and head to Venice.

It's hard to believe that there are only a couple of days left before we head for home.

While I love traveling, it's about this point in each trip that I start to think about the things I miss at home.

I miss the dogs, my comfortable chair, having our morning coffee on the back porch and the utter convenience of having a car in my driveway and being able to just jump in and go.

With that being said, Florence is a great city. (and I'm not cheating on Paris:)) I just feel comfortable here and in Paris. I don't know why that is. Maybe I was here in a past life....who knows?

I know it feels different than Rome. I find Rome intimidating, bossy, get the idea. I'm thrilled that I get to see the history and grandeur of Rome....but I never feel like I want to stay. Both times I have been here, I have been ready to leave when it was time.

I don't feel hat way about Florence. I feel like I could spend a month here and be content.

Oh yeah......I agree with everything John said abut last night's dinner. Amazing location, but the worst food of the trip.

Time is up......we are off to catch the train to Venice.

More later.
I don't know... I got sort of lost in Florence when I was there. Although I must admit I was never uncomfortable or afraid while I was lost. I rarely get lost; I have an excellent sense of direction. But somehow I got totally turned around, and no-one could help me get back to the Piazza Di Santa Croce. The street signs were extremely confusing, and looked nothing like the map I was given. However, I still loved Florence. What I saw of it was lovely!


so now i've "met" someone who didn't fall in love with florence :goodvibes
i've loved it ever since i spent a month there when i was 14 years old...

as for venice - i'm not a fan....not sure why i don't like it, but i don't......and rome is ok to visit, but i never would want to live there.....

there are other places in italy that i love almost as much as florence, especially around lake como, a love affair that started way back when i was 7 years old (the very first time i was in italy)....(which is now only a few months short of a half century ago :eek: )...

i'm sorry we never took the kids to italy - kind of crazy considering how close we live....perhaps this year...
I had a delicious Tuscan soup called ribolite. It's a bean and vegetable soup with chunks of bread soaking in the broth. It's topped with a drizzle of olive oil and shaved parmesan. Also not a bad problem to have.

Excellent Choice. It is beautiful, is it not? That would be my first thing to eat when arriving and my last when departing. Really enjoying the updates.
Ahhhhhhhhh - today is Venice :goodvibes

It's been almost three months since we were there and I can honestly say that a day doesn't go by that I'm not trying to figure out how to get there again . . . & SOON ;)

I love Venice the way Kevin loves FLorence :love:

I'll be walking along side of you in my mind while you're there - savor the moments

Also, if Marco doesn't remember Dino and me, remind him that I was the one with the sprained ankle who was always hobbling along at the back of the pack ;)
One - something that has made this trip so much better for me was bringing Sweet and Low. Sounds petty I know but the sweetener just isn't the same here and it has made my morning coffee infinitely better. I highly suggest packing a small zip lock bag with your favorite sweetener on any trip you take abroad - and that goes for folks traveling both ways.

Oh so true. ::yes:: I always pack Sweet n Low. Nothing worse than not having the right sweetner for your vacation coffee!


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