How long had you been dating?

We've been together 10 yrs as of Jan. 17th. As of the proposal on Dec 19th, we were together 9 yrs. Marriage was 1st brought up after our 1st yr together. That just being "When I ask, you will say yes, right?" :rotfl: We both said we would get married before 1 of us turned 30. He'll be 32 and I'll be 29 when we get married in Sept. :laughing: Just made it!!!
We were togethert 5 years when he proposed. We will be 6 years when we get married. We talked about marriage about a year or 2 in, but life dealt us alot of different issues and I can honestly say it made us both and our relationship stronger. :goodvibes
We were together for about 2 1/2 years when he proposed. We will have been together for 3 1/2 when we get married. And we probably started talking about marriage 6 months into dating, but more saying that we would like to get married "someday" as we were both still in college then. We had talked about it enough that he knew I would say yes when he asked :)
DH bought the ring 6 months after we met (I didn't know about it at all at the time - he told me later)
He proposed 3 months after that
We were married 9 months later

We started talking marriage about 3 months after we met, but I figured he'd wait until our 1 year anniversary to propose - he surprised me!
We met on December 13th, 2008 (at Disney)
First Date August 27th, 2009 (at Disney)
Engaged April 3rd, 2010 (Disneyland)
Married December 3rd, 2010 (Disney)

Hmmmm, I see a Disney trend here :rotfl: I should also add:
Honeymoon January 2011 (on the Disney Dream)

All together is was almost exactly 2 years :goodvibes
We were dating for around 3 years before we were engaged. Yes we talked about getting married before then. We were dating for a little over 6 years before we got married.

However these times are probably longer then the average couple since I was a month shy of 16 when we started dating.

My DF and I have a similar story! I met my DF when I was 14 and started dating June 2006. He proposed in June 2009 and we will be married in May 2012. So we dated for three years and will have been engaged for about three years by the time we are married. He will be 24 and I will have just turned 21 :woohoo:

We talked about marriage extensively before he proposed. He told me he knew exactly where he was going to propose to me about a year and half after we started dating. The silly thing is that with all discussion about marriage, you would think I wouldn't have been surprised when he proposed, but I cried like a baby! I would have never pictured myself as one who would cry at my own wedding, but then I start crying just listening to the ceremony music we have chosen :rotfl2:
We met in high school and started dating in college- we dated a little over 6 years ( 2 of those years were long distance) before he finally popped the question last June! We will be celebrating our 8th year together on our Disneymoon!! :goodvibes

We had talked about marriage prior- I was ready!! :) Although I had no idea when he would ask me as we had talked a year prior and still nothing!! I was surprised when he finally asked and he managed to pick the most beautiful ring all on his own! :thumbsup2
First Date 3-11-88
Started "Dating" only each other 4-20-88
Engaged 6-8-88
Married 10-14-89

I proposed to her after 4 years of dating on Christmas morning:thumbsup2 We were married the following October and had our first Disney trip 2 Octobers after and our first DS(5) 10 months after that!
We dated for 4 years before he proposed. We got married 14 months later.

We talked about it that last year before he proposed. I think what pushed him to do it was that I was applying to law schools out of town and I don't think he was ok with me leaving. He proposed a month after I got the first acceptance letter to a law school in orlando. I did get a letter for one in Miami (which I was already planning on going to).
We had been dating 7.5 years before he proposed - sounds long, but we were dating through end of high school and through school, he lived with me at school. There was no rush since we were young and knew we would have a wedding when we had the money, etc. We had talked about marriage before engaged. :)
Started dating: 11/11/2006
(Started talking about getting married in early 2007)
Engaged: 5/30/2009
Wedding: 11/11/2011
We've been together since we were 14/15, so we were together for almost 9 years when he proposed last year. We talked about getting married since we were in high school and always knew it would happen. We'll be getting married on our 10 year anniversary - Aug 25, '11. :lovestruc
We were engaged three months after our first date, and we were married three months later. I had only known him for about a month before we started dating. I just knew that first night that he was the one for me. We just celebrated 22 years together.:love:
We were engaged three months after our first date, and we were married three months later. I had only known him for about a month before we started dating. I just knew that first night that he was the one for me. We just celebrated 22 years together.:love:

We have a similar story. We were engaged 2 months after we started dating and got married four months later.
We were dating for 6 years and 10 months before we got engaged. (Now we have been together 8 years!) We talked about marriage before our engagement, we knew we would get married one day, but I was only 21 when we got engaged, so even though we talked about it and had been dating for a while, we wanted to wait until we were a little older to get married since it's a huge commitment, and very expensive!
We dated for nine months before we got engaged. We began talking about marriage several months after we met--we both knew we wanted to get married and have kids in the future. I would say that we talked about it at least on a weekly basis (not serious in-depth talks all the time, but just casually in coversation). We got engaged in the castle last Labor Day and we are celebrating our honeymoon in Disney World this coming labor day!


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