The Super Exersice Thread.


Disney Princess
Sep 6, 2010
I thought we could all use this. I really need to get serious about my exersicing and thought it would be helpfull if I rounded up some like minded, goal orientied people. Anyone can play. If you don't want to exersice, you can be a cheerleader or booty pusher (help get the rest of us lazy persons off the computer and to the gym). You can brag about your goals that you've hit, share your plans for your fitness goals, healthy (yummy) recieps, etc. You can even post pictures of your success.

I won't post my picture now, but when I get to my goal I'll post a before and after. I plan to get down to a size 10. I'm 5'8", 33 years old married with 2 kids. I used to be fairly fit. I was a Marine and the first time I went to college I was a dancer. I have dropped 10 inches already, but I've slacked off on my eating and I plan to go the gym 4 times a week. I'll do cardio and weights and I have a personal trainer. I plan to hit my goal by July 2011.

Anyone else want to be sexy again?

I wish i could get motivated to lose some weight. My mum is in this great lose weight mood and has lost alot already, I am sure she will join this thread sooner or later. Looking forward to hearing some yummy recipes and hearing some success stories :thumbsup2
I wish I could get motivated to get healthy and fit. I finally made the big move to give up soda and I've managed a whole 2 months now without. The next step is getting some form of exercise. Any form of exercise. I really need the motivation in order to do so.
I too could use some support. I do really good for about a month and then life starts getting in the way again.

I was doing really good in Setpember/Early October and then found out my trip to Disneyland, planned for next week wasn't going to happen. And that caused me to just blow it and now I can't get my motivation back. There is a chance the trip will happen in February/March But it won't know for sure until at least mid-January.
For some people mini goals help. So say every month you plan to lose 3lbs. If you hit your mark go get a pedicure. My big goal is a new suit from Venus swimwear. I printed out the two bikinis I liked best and posted them on my school table. One thing that doesn't work for me is to reward myself with a "naughty" treat. I end up continusly rewarding myself.
For some people mini goals help. So say every month you plan to lose 3lbs. If you hit your mark go get a pedicure. My big goal is a new suit from Venus swimwear. I printed out the two bikinis I liked best and posted them on my school table. One thing that doesn't work for me is to reward myself with a "naughty" treat. I end up continusly rewarding myself.

That's a good idea. What's the point of sweating off 3000 calories during the week to eat 3,000 on Friday night?

Rewards that are nice things that don't have to do with diet or excerise are really helpful.
That's a good idea. What's the point of sweating off 3000 calories during the week to eat 3,000 on Friday night?

Rewards that are nice things that don't have to do with diet or excerise are really helpful.

Plus they last longer. After you eat your reward, thats all you get. Put if you get a "pretty" it'll be pretty for more than an hour.
Right now, the best reward I'll hav to work towards is fitting into a pair of jeans of mine. I finally managed to right after giving up the soda, and even better after Disneyland (I was surprised I actually dropped a couple pounds). Then I went on a pigging out binge and let's just say they aren't fitting again!
Right now, the best reward I'll hav to work towards is fitting into a pair of jeans of mine. I finally managed to right after giving up the soda, and even better after Disneyland (I was surprised I actually dropped a couple pounds). Then I went on a pigging out binge and let's just say they aren't fitting again!

Chocolate is my ackelies heal. The Godiva store call to me:rolleyes1
Chocolate is my ackelies heal. The Godiva store call to me:rolleyes1

Chocolate does me in here and there. What's even worse about that is that I shouldn't be having chocolate period. I'm lactose intolerant. But sometimes, it just cannot be helped. Stupid Halloween always throws me off to boot.
Plus they last longer. After you eat your reward, thats all you get. Put if you get a "pretty" it'll be pretty for more than an hour.

Plus you feel bad you ate something you shouldn't have, and then you eat more of it because you already blew it.

Of maybe that is just me? :lmao:

Goofy Mom, I remember you saying something on another thread about Zumba classes...can you tell me more? I've been thinking of trying them, but I'm an old, out of shape, lady, and wondered if I could even begin to hack it?

I'd like to lose 10 - 15 lbs and quite a "few" let a long time ago...:rotfl2:

Belle Ella,

Good to see you again :goodvibes. I gave up soda too, about six months ago - I was having a ton of what I thought were ulcer problems, turned out to be gall bladder, which is now gone :-)dance3:), but I'm still to going back to was so hard at first, but now it's easier.
Plus you feel bad you ate something you shouldn't have, and then you eat more of it because you already blew it.

Of maybe that is just me? :lmao:

Goofy Mom, I remember you saying something on another thread about Zumba classes...can you tell me more? I've been thinking of trying them, but I'm an old, out of shape, lady, and wondered if I could even begin to hack it?

I'd like to lose 10 - 15 lbs and quite a "few" let a long time ago...:rotfl2:

Belle Ella,

Good to see you again :goodvibes. I gave up soda too, about six months ago - I was having a ton of what I thought were ulcer problems, turned out to be gall bladder, which is now gone :-)dance3:), but I'm still to going back to was so hard at first, but now it's easier.

Zumba!! lots of fun, at least at my gym. It's a very popular class, included with membership (inshape sports club) The best way I can descibe it is like salsa but more "hippy" You get a good abb and calve workout. Their are a lot of different shapes and ages in our classes. Some even move to the sound of their own drum, and make up their own moves.
Okay, since I started this thread I suppose I should be "the example":yay: I took the grilled chicken breast strips out of the freezer so that I can mix them into my spring mix greens for lunch tomorrow. No soda for me for the whole week. I do indulge in one soda (usually not even a whole one) on Saturday. I plan to eat a bowl of frosted mini wheats for breakfast and tri tip for dinner. I haven't any idea on my snacks (if i'm hungry) will be. The gym will most defintaley be hit tomorrow in the A.M.
OK, it's not much, but tomorrow I pledge (because I thought it would be fitting to say that) to take the dog for at least a 45 minute walk.
What types of exercise does everyone do?

I like outdoor walking, usually with our dog. I also like Leslie Sansone (WATP/In Home Walking) & Jillian Michaels DVD's.

We are getting a WII for Christmas (family present), any suggestions for fitness games/workouts ?
OK, it's not much, but tomorrow I pledge (because I thought it would be fitting to say that) to take the dog for at least a 45 minute walk.

My dog has an excess of energy so I take him on at least 2 walks a day. He's crazy. It's necessary for him though, so it becomes necessary for me.
What types of exercise does everyone do?

I like outdoor walking, usually with our dog. I also like Leslie Sansone (WATP/In Home Walking) & Jillian Michaels DVD's.

We are getting a WII for Christmas (family present), any suggestions for fitness games/workouts ?

I like to go hiking. The problem with it is I can't go alone or with just me and the kids. Too many things can go wrong and my little ones are too little. In a couple years I'll be able to take my DD just her and me. Until then, I have to figure out a way to get my DH's booty in gear.


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