The Super Exersice Thread.

I use sparkpeople to track my exercise and what I eat. it is helpful. They will also make meal plans for you. It is a free website. They also have a lot of good recipes.

the website is sparkpeople dot com
Good thread, thanks for starting it!!:thumbsup2

I was very overweight about 4 years ago, I lost 35 pounds & I felt really good. My Sister passed away, and I lost the plot & put it all back on again. I have been very unmotivated since, then met someone...and the motivation has come back.....amazing what an awesome guy can do!!!!:banana:

So I have started back at my local gym. It is Contours. It is a circuit that takes 29 minutes. It has weight machines (which I love) and cardio rebounders. You only do 45 seconds on each thing, which doesnt sound like much, but it is amazing. They also have boxing, core training and hand weight classes.
I am actually going there 6 days a week, cant go 7 because they close on Sunday...:)

I have lost 5.5 pounds in the first month, and have just started a 6 week challenge. We get measured each week, and get weighed at the end. I had my first measure yesterday & I have lost 4 inches from all over my body already. I lost the most inches out of the 15 ladies, so that was cool!

I find that I am an "all or nothing" girl. I cant just have one biscuit & put the packet away, so I have to completely cut out all junk. I am also drinking massive amounts of water, it flushes all the toxins out of the body.

It will be nice to keep each other of luck in all of your efforts!!!!:thumbsup2
Ofcourse! The more the better, I will have to buy it online, I dont think I can get it in Australia so if I express post it, it should come by Tuesday if I buy it on Thursday.

What do you eat while doing the 30 day shred?

When you get it come over on a Sunday & we can do it together!!!!
One day when I was walking in the woods, all of a sudden... boom and crash... I fell through the forest floor, it had been raining that day... and the ground just opened up. Well 30 days later, after only eating bugs and insects, tiny ones, big ones, and tiny ones that were eaten by the bigger ones, and only having rain water to drink, by the time I was found I was 3-4 dress sizes smaller.... and I had no broken bones either. However... I did end up craving insects and bugs for awhile. Preferably those that are alive. They seem to be tastier that way.... well since that incident occurred, which was back in the summer of 09, I have managed to keep the weight off. I still have a few inchs to go, but all in all I am good with it.
One day when I was walking in the woods, all of a sudden... boom and crash... I fell through the forest floor, it had been raining that day... and the ground just opened up. Well 30 days later, after only eating bugs and insects, tiny ones, big ones, and tiny ones that were eaten by the bigger ones, and only having rain water to drink, by the time I was found I was 3-4 dress sizes smaller.... and I had no broken bones either. However... I did end up craving insects and bugs for awhile. Preferably those that are alive. They seem to be tastier that way.... well since that incident occurred, which was back in the summer of 09, I have managed to keep the weight off. I still have a few inchs to go, but all in all I am good with it.

Similar to my bro's diet plan: I'm -broke-and-have-no-money-for-food diet.
I've been doing good with my eating, keeping my daily calorie intake around the 1400 mark. I didn't make it to the gym today, I feel horrible. That cold that's going around dug it's tallons into my head. It's hard enough to work out with out feeling like the world is spinning. Hopfully I feel better tomorrow after a good nights rest and plenty of fluids (and maybe some anitbiotics.)
Unfortunately, my 'start' has been ruined by the poop-storm my life has decided to be for the past few days. I'm too blah to walk the dog, even though I know it will make me feel better, and I've been eating way too much comfort food!

Tomorrow I am really, really, really going to walk the dog.
Unfortunately, my 'start' has been ruined by the poop-storm my life has decided to be for the past few days. I'm too blah to walk the dog, even though I know it will make me feel better, and I've been eating way too much comfort food!

Tomorrow I am really, really, really going to walk the dog.

Dont Worry! I girl at work and I were meant to be healthy but we are already planning a night in the city full of many cocktails and shared some redskins at lunch today :rotfl2:

Monday we have made a promise to start! New week - New Diet!
Dont Worry! I girl at work and I were meant to be healthy but we are already planning a night in the city full of many cocktails and shared some redskins at lunch today :rotfl2:

Monday we have made a promise to start! New week - New Diet!

What are redskins?
I spend too much time on the DIS and therefore neglect exercise, as well as school work! :laughing:
So i just kind of even it out by eating less and what I do eat I make sure it's not junk.
Once I am done with school (a month to go!) I will definitely exercise more! :thumbsup2 I just feel like now when I do exercise I could be spending the time studying or I could be working on my school projects, so with that aspect gone I won't feel so bad!

:yay::yay::yay: <---jumping jacks! :rotfl:
I spend too much time on the DIS and therefore neglect exercise, as well as school work! :laughing:
So i just kind of even it out by eating less and what I do eat I make sure it's not junk.
Once I am done with school (a month to go!) I will definitely exercise more! :thumbsup2 I just feel like now when I do exercise I could be spending the time studying or I could be working on my school projects, so with that aspect gone I won't feel so bad!

:yay::yay::yay: <---jumping jacks! :rotfl:

Wish I could do jumping jacks like that!!!!:)

I did a boxing class tonight, the instructor made us work hard!!! We even had to do "planks".....I am not good at them!
This week's going well for me so far. A little sore from my workout yesterday, good feeling! Still doing good keeping track of my food, definitely helps me stay on plan when I check in here!:)

Hope you are feeling better Goofymom!
OK, count me in! I need all the help I can get and will do my best to be a good cheerleader for all of you as well! :cheer2:
I made a pledge to myself this week to start working out and eat better. I have been over weight for a long time now and have had such a hard time staying motivated to do something about it. I do good for a week or two and then go back to my old ways....Uuugh! So frustrating!
I never had a weight issue until I got into my 20s and now it seems like I have absolutely no metabolism. What's the deal!?
Anywho.........So here is what I have done so far this week:
I signed up on Fitday dot com ( a free weight loss/ food diary and activity log website) to keep track of whats going in and how much exercise I am doing. Worked out on Monday, Tuesday and today on the treadmill and did crunchies with the exercise ball.
Today's menu so far has been a granola bar and yogurt and for lunch I brought veggies and hummus. Have no idea what to do about dinner yet though. Anybody have any good ideas?
OK, count me in! I need all the help I can get and will do my best to be a good cheerleader for all of you as well! :cheer2:
I made a pledge to myself this week to start working out and eat better. I have been over weight for a long time now and have had such a hard time staying motivated to do something about it. I do good for a week or two and then go back to my old ways....Uuugh! So frustrating!
I never had a weight issue until I got into my 20s and now it seems like I have absolutely no metabolism. What's the deal!?
Anywho.........So here is what I have done so far this week:
I signed up on Fitday dot com ( a free weight loss/ food diary and activity log website) to keep track of whats going in and how much exercise I am doing. Worked out on Monday, Tuesday and today on the treadmill and did crunchies with the exercise ball.
Today's menu so far has been a granola bar and yogurt and for lunch I brought veggies and hummus. Have no idea what to do about dinner yet though. Anybody have any good ideas?

Check on line on a site called cooking light. They even have desserts for your sweet tooth
OK, count me in! I need all the help I can get and will do my best to be a good cheerleader for all of you as well! :cheer2:
I made a pledge to myself this week to start working out and eat better. I have been over weight for a long time now and have had such a hard time staying motivated to do something about it. I do good for a week or two and then go back to my old ways....Uuugh! So frustrating!
I never had a weight issue until I got into my 20s and now it seems like I have absolutely no metabolism. What's the deal!?
Anywho.........So here is what I have done so far this week:
I signed up on Fitday dot com ( a free weight loss/ food diary and activity log website) to keep track of whats going in and how much exercise I am doing. Worked out on Monday, Tuesday and today on the treadmill and did crunchies with the exercise ball.
Today's menu so far has been a granola bar and yogurt and for lunch I brought veggies and hummus. Have no idea what to do about dinner yet though. Anybody have any good ideas?

Good for you for starting.....that is one major hurdle out of the way.:thumbsup2

For dinner I usually have chicken breast with spices ...we get them here in bottles already mixed thai, or potugese chicken..they add flavour, but no calories.
I then have a heap of steamed vegs. We have frozen bags of them that you pop in the microwave for 30 seconds.
After coming home from the gym the last thing I want to do is fuss over dinner, so this is quick & easy
OK, count me in! I need all the help I can get and will do my best to be a good cheerleader for all of you as well! :cheer2:
I made a pledge to myself this week to start working out and eat better. I have been over weight for a long time now and have had such a hard time staying motivated to do something about it. I do good for a week or two and then go back to my old ways....Uuugh! So frustrating!
I never had a weight issue until I got into my 20s and now it seems like I have absolutely no metabolism. What's the deal!?
Anywho.........So here is what I have done so far this week:
I signed up on Fitday dot com ( a free weight loss/ food diary and activity log website) to keep track of whats going in and how much exercise I am doing. Worked out on Monday, Tuesday and today on the treadmill and did crunchies with the exercise ball.
Today's menu so far has been a granola bar and yogurt and for lunch I brought veggies and hummus. Have no idea what to do about dinner yet though. Anybody have any good ideas?

You can also try Sparkpeople . com they have a lot of good recipes. They will even do a meal plan. The site is free.


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