The "Boo to Us" Weight Loss Challenge

Well today I was as good as I could be, chicken soup for breakfast, a glass of V8, 1/4 of a grilled Ham & Cheese on Rye and a big bowl of Caesar salad for lunch, and for dinner we'll be having balsamic chicken and a veggie. Still need to figure out whether it's zucchini or spinach.
Just finished dinner and I think I did okay today.

2 slices of wholemeal (wholewheat) toast for breakfast with jam, no butter. Tea, no sugar.
I had a skim milk latte with a macaroon for morning tea.
Lunch was half a vegetarian focaccia (shared with a girlfriend).
Lots of fruit, some cheese and about 5 rice crackers for afternoon tea.
And dinner was pasta with marinara sauce and parmesan cheese.

All within the WW portion sizing; and except for the macaroon, all within WW points.
Tonight is my normal night for a WW weigh in. I chose not to go.

I normally go with a friend of mine and she was encouraging me to head on down. I debated it with her this afternoon and in the end, it was the fact that I had the wedding at the weekend that swayed it for me.

So, no matter what! I am getting on the scales next Monday night! And with you all here, I should be more mindful about tracking and portion sizes. I have hopes that this will translate to a small loss; or at the very least, no weight gain on the scales.

To make up for the lack of bravado, I ended up going for a 30 minute walk. Right now, I'm so ready for's 10.50 pm Melbourne time; so excuse me whilst I *yawn*......

Catch you all tomorrow.

I haven't been feeling well since Saturday morning (figures, because I leave for WDW in ONE WEEK!!!!) so I haven't eaten a whole lot.

Yesterday I had some Cream of Wheat for breakfast...which was like 10 points because I put a ton of sugar in it! :rotfl2: and my dinner last night was 10 points, and I had a few cookies last night after dinner (with milk of course!) so I used up my 28 points exactly.

This morning, I had some OJ which is 2 points. I'll be eating oatmeal for breakfast in a couple of minutes which is 3 points. And I have a 2 point snack and 1 point snack (Fiber One bars are REALLY good, BTW!) and my lunch is 10 points so I'll have 10 left over for dinner.

I weigh in tomorrow so I gotta be good today! This will be my last weigh in before vacation!
I haven't been feeling well since Saturday morning (figures, because I leave for WDW in ONE WEEK!!!!) so I haven't eaten a whole lot.

Yesterday I had some Cream of Wheat for breakfast...which was like 10 points because I put a ton of sugar in it! :rotfl2: and my dinner last night was 10 points, and I had a few cookies last night after dinner (with milk of course!) so I used up my 28 points exactly.

This morning, I had some OJ which is 2 points. I'll be eating oatmeal for breakfast in a couple of minutes which is 3 points. And I have a 2 point snack and 1 point snack (Fiber One bars are REALLY good, BTW!) and my lunch is 10 points so I'll have 10 left over for dinner.

I weigh in tomorrow so I gotta be good today! This will be my last weigh in before vacation!

I hope you feel better in time for the vacay :hug:....and good luck with the weigh in!
Well, it looks like this thread is taking shape and that we are all being a bit more diligent about the food we put in our mouths.

So I was thinking that it might be time to put some thoughts down on .....


or my lack there of :rotfl2:

I am starting to go for a walk after dinner and will be targeting about 3 or 4 walks per week. Okay - they are VERY slow walks; but at least I'm getting moving.

The other thing that I plan to start (after I come back in November) is to bike ride.

I am fortunate to have a local one of these within 1 km of my house (about 1/2 mile).


Most of the time, the velodrome is NOT this wet :rotfl2: and as we are coming up to summer, I plan to spend at least 3 times a week riding at least 5 km.

What about the rest of you?
Most of the time, the velodrome is NOT this wet :rotfl2: and as we are coming up to summer, I plan to spend at least 3 times a week riding at least 5 km.

What about the rest of you?

Is this the thing that you used to go ride your bike in your PTR? I remember you saying you went for bike rides at a place that didn't make sense to me....
OK, so I was pretty good today.

For breakfast I had a scrambled egg (in a tiny bit of butter), a link of turkey sausage, a piece of rye toast with a little butter and 14 grapes. (This basically fits right into my allowed breakfast since the egg & sausage count as protien, bread as grain, butter as fat and grapes as fruit).

I had a glass of V8, a glass of lowfat chocolate milk and a bowl of Caesar Salad for lunch. (This counts as two vegetables, 1 protien (choc milk) and a fat (dressing)).

For dinner we had 1/4 lb of pork chop in a packet with a slice of green pepper, onion and pineapple with a little butter & teriyaki sauce over rice. (This fits 1 protein, 1/2 veggie, 1/2 fruit, 1 fat and 1 grain).

I had the equivalent of 2 glasses of wine (or will) which is better than most nights. I still have left the following servings. 1 dairy, 1/2 fruit, 1 fat and 3 1/2 veggies. However, since there is no allowance on my diet for wine, perhaps I should quit, but maybe half a baked apple with a tad bit of butter and cinnamon would be within my limit....that's why I like my diet, I can be creative and still eat what I like. Perhaps I should have another couple glasses of V8, or I could have a piece of celery with peanut butter....

Choices choices!
Finally unpacked the wedding photos....

Here's the setting for the wedding - the Homestead at Point Cook.


The restuarant is NOT in the homestead; but rather in an old farmhouse near here. Unfortunately, I don't have one that is suitable for posting.

Here are some pictures of the wedding cake. As it was a very low key affair, the cake was PERFECT for the occasion.


The bride loves lilies and burgundy - hence the decoration.


Here's dessert; which was the cake and the highlight of the meal.


This photo is self explanatory....One of the consequences of having a wedding in the country.


And this was an unwanted guest at the wedding!


Today, I pretty much stuck to my points:
  • 2 slices wholemeal toast with jam
  • Fruit, cheese and rice crackers for morning tea
  • Tuna and capsicum spread sandwich
  • Fruit for afternoon tea
  • Baked potato, cheese, baked beans, coleslaw and avocado for dinner

No coffee, just tea and water all day.

My one indulgence was a sticky date cookie. :love:
Finally unpacked the wedding photos....

Here are some pictures of the wedding cake. As it was a very low key affair, the cake was PERFECT for the occasion.

And this was an unwanted guest at the wedding!


Love the cake, the unwanted guest...not so much! :rotfl2:
Today I hit my all time low since May 16 when I started this whole thing! :banana:

I am less than a pound away from 20 lbs lost in about 5 months. Not stupendous, but better than 20 lbs gained! I'm only a few pounds from my first goal!

Today I was not so good so far. We had a Dr. Appt to get the staples out this morning, so we went to McDonald's drive through on the way. Since I've been sick I didn't get my normal side salad with low-fat balsamic vinaigrette, way to acidic for my sensitive system. So I got a 4 pc chicken McNuggets and a Fruit and Yogurt Parfait. I checked my favorite calorie counting website and was pleased to find the McNuggets were only 185 calories, and the dipping sauce was only 60, but since I barely ate a 1/4 of it, 200 total. The fruit and yogurt parfait is only 160 calories. A coffee with 3 creams is 60 cal (next time I'll get 2 and save 20 cals), so breakfast was really only 420 calories. Since we had breakfast at 11AM that's OK I ate almost 1/3 my calories. We'll see how I do the rest of the day. The good news is that it's that "fat time of the month" so I may lose some more water weight next week! Need to eat something else, getting hungry again....

Today, I pretty much stuck to my points:

Tuna and capsicum spread sandwich

Tuna and Red Pepper Spread?
I've been doing terrible this week so far. :( I really wanted to do WW and stick with it for the 5 weeks I have left before my trip, and so far, that hasn't happened. I don't know what my problem is lately, but I feel like I get home from work and I'm just so starving and exhausted that I don't feel like cooking so I just eat anything that I find. I really need to pull out all my WW stuff and re-motivate myself, or maybe go to a meeting or something, just to get started! Friday will be only 4 weeks til my trip now, and I can't lose a decent amount in 4 weeks! :eek: Uggghhh...we'll see what happens I guess!
Today I hit my all time low since May 16 when I started this whole thing! :banana:

I am less than a pound away from 20 lbs lost in about 5 months. Not stupendous, but better than 20 lbs gained! I'm only a few pounds from my first goal!

Today I was not so good so far. We had a Dr. Appt to get the staples out this morning, so we went to McDonald's drive through on the way. Since I've been sick I didn't get my normal side salad with low-fat balsamic vinaigrette, way to acidic for my sensitive system. So I got a 4 pc chicken McNuggets and a Fruit and Yogurt Parfait. I checked my favorite calorie counting website and was pleased to find the McNuggets were only 185 calories, and the dipping sauce was only 60, but since I barely ate a 1/4 of it, 200 total. The fruit and yogurt parfait is only 160 calories. A coffee with 3 creams is 60 cal (next time I'll get 2 and save 20 cals), so breakfast was really only 420 calories. Since we had breakfast at 11AM that's OK I ate almost 1/3 my calories. We'll see how I do the rest of the day. The good news is that it's that "fat time of the month" so I may lose some more water weight next week! Need to eat something else, getting hungry again....

Tuna and Red Pepper Spread?

Hope the Dr appt went well.

Yes, Tuna and Red Pepper spread.

Stay good!

I've been doing terrible this week so far. :( I really wanted to do WW and stick with it for the 5 weeks I have left before my trip, and so far, that hasn't happened. I don't know what my problem is lately, but I feel like I get home from work and I'm just so starving and exhausted that I don't feel like cooking so I just eat anything that I find. I really need to pull out all my WW stuff and re-motivate myself, or maybe go to a meeting or something, just to get started! Friday will be only 4 weeks til my trip now, and I can't lose a decent amount in 4 weeks! :eek: Uggghhh...we'll see what happens I guess!

:hug: Don't beat yourself up too much. We all have moments like this. Great idea to go to WW meeting to get the "rah rah" remotivation stuff.

4 weeks is still a long time. Remember happy with any loss no matter how small; as long as it's a loss! Sometimes it is better not to set a "target" by this date because it can be demoralising when you don't get to the target.

Just stay good with your points and tracking; and see how much weight you can lose in the 4 weeks.

I've been cutting up carrot sticks and storing them in a tupperware container in my fridge. I also cut the skin off watermelon and store the watermelon in the fridge. When I get hungry, I open the fridge and there is always the containers looking at me!

Tinned tuna, hummos and rice cakes also feature in my stores. I can open a tin of tuna, spread some hummos on the rice cakes, put the tuna on top and that's a great no cook meal that is well within the points.

And whenever I want hot food, I always have some of the frozen meals in my freezer to pop in the micro. I don't keep a lot of this; just about 3 packs for those "I can't be bothered" moments.
I tracked well today for breakfast and lunch. I normally completely blow the diet on Wednesday nights because we go to my mum's for dinner. It's hard not to pig out with mum's cooking. :goodvibes
Ok, so we didn't weigh in at work yesterday or today. It figures though....the people I work with are known to give up on weight loss plans rather quickly.

So tomorrow morning I will weigh myself at home and see where I'm at. I last weighed myself 2 weeks ago I think and I was at 214lbs.

Yesterday I was not horrible but I did have McDonald's for dinner :blush:
A Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese and half a box of fries (I actually tossed them halfway through because they weren't salty enough :rotfl2: ), but I didn't have any dessert or anything and I was good throughout the day.

Today is already going to be an "off" day because it's Taco Night at our house!
I had coffee this morning
I have oatmeal that I will eat for my official breakfast in a few minutes.
I have a piece of chicken parm that I brought for lunch which is about 8 points by itself! :rolleyes:
And I have 2 Fiber One bars that I brough for snacks that are 1 point each.
So all together, that is 17 points for the day, then dinner tonight will be about 10 points. That will bring me to 27...and I'm sure we will have home made cookies for dessert. I'll try not to over do it though!

I can't wait to do a whole lotta walking in WDW next week! I have a pedometer I'm bringing with me so I can see how much we walk while we're there! And I'm going to try REALLY hard to be good on my trip! I already know I'm not counting points, but the good thing about WW is that is teaches you to be aware of what you're eating!


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