More prayers needed for Kevin today (Update post 113)


Glad to hear it was NOT more retina problems...........get well soon.:hug:
Thanks for the update Kevin! Thinking positive thoughts!

:grouphug: pixiedust: :grouphug:
Posting this from my "eye phone"...

Dr nett us at 6pm and did all tetsts. Retina is still attached. All GOOD news.

Will post more info when we get home.

Thank you all,

So glad you've gotten some good news. I've been thinking of you all day. Take care Kevin.
Kevin thank you for giving us the good news. We will all keep saying prayers and sending pixie dust your way.

Kevin, I am so sorry to hear know we are sending lots of love and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayer.:grouphug:
Kevin, I do wish your recovery was going better for you and I hope you will see more improvement every day. Thanks to John for caring for you and keeping us informed.

Eyes are so important and I am sure none of us will take our eyesight for granted. I know I don't!
Ok....we are home.

I have gotten nothing but good news after a day of being scared and worried and distraught.

I woke up this morning and my eyes were puffy and swollen. Had some tears last night and it seems they may have been to blame, but didnt think of that at the time.

One of the symptoms of having a detached retina is that it looks like a shade is being drawn from the top of your periphiral vision. It was one of the things that originally led me to believe I had a retina problem.

It seemed to be back this morning and I took that as a sign that my retina had re-detached. I called my eye DR (who is fantastic and a saint) and he answered his own phone....on a Saturday....he suggested that I give it a bit of time and that he'd call back. He called back and I was more nervous and upset and he suggested I come to his office at 6PM ....on a Saturday!!!!

We met him at the office and he did a full exam. It's hard to explain, but during the surgery, he put a gas bubble in my eye. This is done to hold the retina in place . This is why you must lay face down for so long. That bubble rises to the top and holds the retina where it is suppsed to be.

It seems that when I am looking straight ahead, that bubble rises to the top of my eye and now....I can start to see the bottom of the bubble where it meets the fluid in my eye. This is the dark line I am seeing....and not a detached retina.

I was elated, hysterical, grateful and exhausted. Armed with my limited knowledge and experience, I had diagnosed my very worst fears as far as my eye is concerned and obsessed ablout it all day. By the time I had reached his office, I was a mess.

To say that the DR , John and my Mom have been patient with me is an understatemment. I was sure that today was a major setback and I had a hard time dealing with it. To find it wasn't that at all has made me anew man and even more appreciative of my friends and family.

Thank you again for all of the prayers. I'm really glad to have you all in my corner. Words dont seem to be enough....

Thank you all....

Thank goodness it's all part of the healing process and nothing seriously wrong!

We appreciate the update and are just happy to know you're okay.

Keep healing, and just continue to rely on your family - that's what they're for.

You guys get some rest! :)
Thank goodness!! :cool1: :cool1:

Keep on taking care of yourself, Kevin. We are all rooting for you.
I am so glad it is good news. I can only imagine what you have been going through with all of this.

Take care and further pixiedust: for the remaining healing time!

Your experience has made me ever more grateful for my own eyesight. Your doctor sounds fantastic - so glad you did not wait the weekend to get it checked out.

Hopefully you are on the downside of this "adventure" and this will soon be a memory.

I hope you are all able to rest and relax, and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Take care!
Val & I are happy to hear that things are going well for you now. :cool1:

We hope your recovery proceeds apace and that you'll shortly be back giving us those wonderful dining reviews. Thanks for keeping us updated, we've also been worried for you.
That's excellent news. I'm so glad everything is healing as it's supposed to; your doctor sounds like a great guy (and we already knew John and your mom were great :thumbsup2 ).

Take care of yourself. ::grouphug:
Kevin -

Just the thought of having things get worse, more surgery, etc. is very scary. Many of us would have had a similar reaction. It sounds like you all had a rough day that ended with a sigh of relief. Glad to hear things are ok. Hope you all rest easy tonight. Best wishes for a speedy full recovery. You are in our thoughts.


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