Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Thanks guys. It is hard. Like Tink, I have been that way for my entire life and I hate for him to feel inadequate. He has so many gifts, I want him to see them. I don't want him to feel like I do, completely untalented and unwanted all of the time. It's so miserable to be mediocre at everything you do. I want him to see the value in his gifts and do his best to let them shine through and focus on them instead of looking constantly at the talents he doesn't have and wishing they were his. I have never been able to do that. I have never excelled at anything well enough to be like "this is MY thing" and focus on it, I only see all of the talents I wish I did have and mope about them NOT being mine. You know even to this day I see people, musicians, artists, wonderfully crafty people and wish that was me. I just did not grow up to be the person I thought I would. I am so mundane. It breaks my heart that I have drug my DH and sweet sweet boy into mediocrity w/ me.

I know it is the plight of all parents to want your children to NOT go through the pains and heartaches that you did. And I know that everyone has to grow up on their own and there WILL be pain and heartaches. I just wish I was a better mom and knew how to steer him through it.:(

Thanks guys. It is hard. Like Tink, I have been that way for my entire life and I hate for him to feel inadequate. He has so many gifts, I want him to see them. I don't want him to feel like I do, completely untalented and unwanted all of the time. It's so miserable to be mediocre at everything you do. I want him to see the value in his gifts and do his best to let them shine through and focus on them instead of looking constantly at the talents he doesn't have and wishing they were his. I have never been able to do that. I have never excelled at anything well enough to be like "this is MY thing" and focus on it, I only see all of the talents I wish I did have and mope about them NOT being mine. You know even to this day I see people, musicians, artists, wonderfully crafty people and wish that was me. I just did not grow up to be the person I thought I would. I am so mundane. It breaks my heart that I have drug my DH and sweet sweet boy into mediocrity w/ me.

I know it is the plight of all parents to want your children to NOT go through the pains and heartaches that you did. And I know that everyone has to grow up on their own and there WILL be pain and heartaches. I just wish I was a better mom and knew how to steer him through it.:(

I know how you feel. I think you and I are in the same boat emotion wise. My feelings of being inadequate have to do with my mother and my step-dad. I was in therapy for awhile and because of that I have been able to hopefully keep Jenna from the same trap. The best thing that I was told was this: You tell your children what they are. If you tell your child that they are smart than they will strive to be smart. The same goes with the negative stuff. I let Jenna know that she can be whatever it is that she wants to be. I don't shoot her dreams down. That is what my mom and step-dad did to me. Just keep assuring him that the talents that he has are good enough. As for the party just do what I do invite the ones that you know will come. Mostly Jenna has family at her parties, because I know that they will come. It makes her happy because she has a party. It doesn't make you a bad mom just because your child is depressed.
Any new !!!!!BIG GIVE!!!!!!!! outfits today??? I like to concentrate on the posotiveness going on around here!!!! It makes me happy!!! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes[/QUOTE]

I don't have a pic but I'm sending the Snow White costume from the World of Disney.
This board so gets into my head. I was reading Fancy Nacy Bonjour Butterfly last night to dd4 & I kept thinking that would would a really cute outfit, or I have the PEERFECT butterflies to do that with through the whole book!
Any new !!!!!BIG GIVE!!!!!!!! outfits today??? I like to concentrate on the posotiveness going on around here!!!! It makes me happy!!! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

I hope to have mine done tomorrow or the day after. Just need to add a ruffle to the top and sew up the shorts.
We are all packed and ready to go! DD cannot wait to wear all her new outfits. Thanks for helping along the way! I'll be sure to check in either at WDW or after we get home.
I had to go to the Periodontist this morning... no fun, but it did mean I could make a stop at the only Hancocks left around here. They had a whole table full of flat-fold Disney fabrics for $1.95 a yard. I think they were "seconds" - some of the colors didn't fit exactly within the outlines, but you really had to look close to notice. There were a couple of Mickey prints, and probably 6 or more each of Finding Nemo and Winnie the Pooh (and friends).

Just wanted to pass along in case anyone is in need of inexpensive Disney fabric!!
Tammy: GREAT find. Sorry it had to be after seeing the periodontist :headache: But hey, some good came of it and I bet your gums w/ thank you later.

AMY!!! Off to the world, I am SOOOO jealous. I'm sure you guys will be the hit of the parks in your beautiful customs. Great job!!! Travel safe and have fun!
No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!

Last night Lily said she was going to be a pirate.. She said " ...but first I am going to be a princess, when I grow up I will be a pirate" I don't know if I've mentioned that my DH and his cousin had our boys convince (they are 10 now and have caught on;) ) that when men in the Ruck family turn 18 they become pirates??? So it was really funny, my MIL said "well, it's in your blood":rotfl: Anyway that was last night and just now I accidentally ran across this picture


PS. That's my mom w/ her
And just because everyone was saying how she is more of a middle now, I thought I'd post this picture, because I LOVE IT, it is from Thanksgiving 2006


She was soooo cute, I just can't stand the thought of her turning 10 TOO!!!

and in case I have not WHINED enough lately, I just realized I have a wedding to go to on Sat. and I am WAY too fat to go to a wedding!!! UGH!!! I thought it was later in the month. I also have to get clothes for the kids and myself to wear. I guess I could make Little something....that's just insane, fah-get about it!!!
OK. If I can knock out the rest of my Togs this week (2 more) I will get to my big give outfit on sat. We were gonna have a weekend w/ just us and the boy, he's been awfully morose lately- he had to write a poem like Andy Warhol (sometimes I am red .....) only his said he was grey like sadness and white when he is invisible... I don't really know where it is all coming from, but kids w/ high IQ's often have a hard time socializing and I think he has issues about wanting to invite kids to his BD party and he doesn't think they will come. I have tried to offer every possible solution, not having a party, inviting his whole class etc.. but he just thinks noone will want to come. It is a sad thing to watch your baby go through. Especially since I am 30 and I feel the same way most of the time. It is breaking my heart, BUT DH is probably going to have to work so maybe I can get my big give outfit finished up and the kids can get some time w/ my parents. They haven't seen them in a while.

:hug: To both of you! This is a hard age for kids, just give him lots of love! The next few years I think will try everyone (personally I think kids from the age of 11-15 should be in boarding school until they become "human" again :rotfl2: , just kidding) so hang on for the bumpy ride but know that you are strong enough and a fantastic Mom and you will make it through.

No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


Wow, that is really cute!
No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


I love it!!!!!!!!! Dalmatian lover here
Oops, forgot to give myself a little :banana: :banana: :banana: dance!

I got the first of my storybook panel skirts done! Yeah, one down, one to go!

I'll post pictures when both girls have them on along with shirts (which I haven't even bought the stuff for!). I've got till Saturday so I'm sure I'll get them done in just enough time!
Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now
Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now

I think I would leave it as is -- it is sooooo pretty and classic looking!
OK. If I can knock out the rest of my Togs this week (2 more) I will get to my big give outfit on sat. We were gonna have a weekend w/ just us and the boy, he's been awfully morose lately- he had to write a poem like Andy Warhol (sometimes I am red .....) only his said he was grey like sadness and white when he is invisible... I don't really know where it is all coming from, but kids w/ high IQ's often have a hard time socializing and I think he has issues about wanting to invite kids to his BD party and he doesn't think they will come. I have tried to offer every possible solution, not having a party, inviting his whole class etc.. but he just thinks noone will want to come. It is a sad thing to watch your baby go through. Especially since I am 30 and I feel the same way most of the time. It is breaking my heart, BUT DH is probably going to have to work so maybe I can get my big give outfit finished up and the kids can get some time w/ my parents. They haven't seen them in a while.
:hug: :hug: Hugs to your DS. I feel the same way. I want my kids to be confident. I went to a parenting seminar at the beginning of May, and I attended a session on raising confident children. The speaker was Char Wenc and she recommended that you praise your kids a lot. Her suggestion was to say either "I like . . . or I appreciate. . ." to your kids 4 times a day for a week. For example if your three year old shows you a picture they just colored you say "I like the way you used the color blue!"
LOVE the Democrat fabric - I wanted to get some to make DD an outfit but I think it would stir up some MAJOR trouble at school! Love that sailor fabric too we're going on a cruise in sept - I may have to hunt that down!!!

I bought the sailor Fabric at JoAnn's today I went and got some Anchor fabric and some solid red to go with it.
I know how you feel. I think you and I are in the same boat emotion wise. My feelings of being inadequate have to do with my mother and my step-dad. I was in therapy for awhile and because of that I have been able to hopefully keep Jenna from the same trap. The best thing that I was told was this: You tell your children what they are. If you tell your child that they are smart than they will strive to be smart. The same goes with the negative stuff. I let Jenna know that she can be whatever it is that she wants to be. I don't shoot her dreams down. That is what my mom and step-dad did to me. Just keep assuring him that the talents that he has are good enough. As for the party just do what I do invite the ones that you know will come. Mostly Jenna has family at her parties, because I know that they will come. It makes her happy because she has a party. It doesn't make you a bad mom just because your child is depressed.
:thumbsup2 I agree ::yes::
We are all packed and ready to go! DD cannot wait to wear all her new outfits. Thanks for helping along the way! I'll be sure to check in either at WDW or after we get home.

Have a great Trip!

I had to go to the Periodontist this morning... no fun, but it did mean I could make a stop at the only Hancocks left around here. They had a whole table full of flat-fold Disney fabrics for $1.95 a yard. I think they were "seconds" - some of the colors didn't fit exactly within the outlines, but you really had to look close to notice. There were a couple of Mickey prints, and probably 6 or more each of Finding Nemo and Winnie the Pooh (and friends).

Just wanted to pass along in case anyone is in need of inexpensive Disney fabric!!
Sorry you had to go to the Periodontist. DId you buy any of the fabrics?

No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


I love the Dalmatian shirt!!! Very cute.
Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now

I like it the way it is...and love how it looks.
Sorry you had to go to the Periodontist. DId you buy any of the fabrics?

I didn't buy any of them... sadly I already have most of the ones they had. But I paid full price for mine!!

I'm actually getting used to the Periodontist... we are trying to keep me from having to have gum surgery so I've been seeing him every 3 months for the last couple of years.
I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!
I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!

LOVE IT!!!!!!!:cutie:
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