Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Cool idea! A friend of mine did a Toy Story theme and I don't remember what she did for a cake but should couldn't find any Toy Story plates so she got clear plates and glued a Toy Story picture to the bottom of the plate-they looked super cool!!!!!
Ooh...that's a great idea, too!!

awwww - COME ON! You give up the incriminating photos, and I'll post my circa 1994 Glamour Shots!
We MUST see these photos!!! I'm hoping you've already posted them and I haven't got that far yet! I SO wanted to get Glamour shots done way back in the 90's, but never did. Now I'm kinda glad I didn't! My grandma had them done recently. They actually did a really nice job. No big hair and garish makeup. No feathers, either. :confused3

Heather, if you wanted another cake idea, I think it would be really cute if you carved out a Mr. Potato Head from a cake. You could even use the real MPH parts - just wash em up really well and stick them right into the cake.
That sounds cute, too!

CINDEE!!!!! I LOOOOOVE it!! You are the master of the not-too-dressy-just-dressy-enough princess dresses!!

Here were a couple of toy story cakes. I was trying to find a picture of the etch a sketch. Oddly enough I almost did one last week but then the neighbor brought one over before I frosted it! I was devastated (silly, I know), it was DH's birthday.


I like the potato head idea too.
Thank you so much, Jessica! I'm leaning towards something with Buzz on it. Sawyer LOVES him!

That is just adorable, and so original!!! Isabelle is going to look beautiful in it!!!

HEY! Are your trying to SUGGEST that Corey, SWEET Corey could be difficult? I don't believe it for a second!:duck:
He's an angel!! Most people would pay money to see their teenager act as nice as Corey on a BAD day!

According to my mom. They were packed up in a box with my trophies and pageant dresses and the landlord took them. Apparently she was being evicted for not paying the rent and the landlord came in to seize property to cover the rent that was owed. I think that my grandma may have one, but she doesn't have many pictures of me as a child, because they burnt up in a house fire that they had when I was eight. Tragic I know. There are very few pictures of me.
That IS sad!! My poor sister has no pictures of her as a baby, but that is just because my parents didn't like her as much. :banana: :banana: :banana:

:scared1: What??? Tessa won't wear her pettiskirt????
I know!!! It's a travesty!! She says it's "too poufy"! What kind of nonsense is that?

So cute! Tell Tessa Luke likes her new pajamas and her stuffed animals and her castle bed and she is being good and NOT jumping on the bed, because, see? look at her feet. :rotfl:
I read this to Tessa and she said "*sigh*I just looooove him!":rotfl:

Stephres: I lost your quote, but I just wanted to tease Jacob about being a "Pageant King". I bet he was adorable, though!

These are adorable!! I especially love the flamingo dress. So cute! So, Elisa, don't you think it's time to start putting your pictures in a different folder instead of Christmas 2007? ;)

It's beautiful!!! I just love all these outfits!!! Everyone is really outdoing themselves. Now I'm a little nervous about my dress!

Your outfits are amazing! What an inspiration you are!

Of course, this is the disboutique board and EVERYONE'S outfits are amazing!


:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
You ARE still around!! I was wondering where you'd went to!

*delurks* Hi guysI found this thread recently and love looking at all your creations but, although I sew myself, i've been a little hesitant to share any pictures: I don't have kids yet so I just sew for myself, family and friends and i've only ever made baby blankets as far as kid stuff goes but if no-one minds me being a bit off-topic (I know this thread is mainly for kids clothes) i'd be happy to join in I especially like all the appliques posted on here, something i'd like to start doing I have at least three baby gifts to make this year and have some cute ideas for them
:welcome:!!! PLEASE share pictures of anything you've made! We like to see all sorts of things around here! (If you've already posted pics, I just haven't got to them yet.)
Thanks for the warm welcome :goodvibes Here are a few things I have pictures of.. I've been doing a lot more sewing lately (just finished my degree so I have some free time while i'm jobhunting as i'm only working part-time right now) and i'm going to take pictures of my more recent creations soon :cool1:



Dress made from my favourite fabric ever (I stocked up on it in case it's ever discontinued!!) I can't remember the pattern but I think I butchered it a bit since I didn't have a puff sleeve block at the time.





I used to be really into 'reconstructing' T-shirts to sell on :wizard: but I prefer to make things from scratch so I haven't done any in a while.



Had to get some Disney in there! Skirt and matching bow from my EGL (gothic lolita) days



Open front jumper dress, EGL influence again! This was my first try at shirring which I haven't attempted again since *lol* I've recently got over my zipper fear though so I guess I should give shirring another go :bitelip:

My Flickr sewing set has more stuff:
Welcome to the thread. Your stuff is really cute!
My version of the pillowcase top:


Your top turned out really nicely! It will look great with blue shorts or capri pants.
I need input from the kind ladies (and Tom) of this thread. I did this appliqué this weekend and just not sure. I mostly like it but I'm not pleased with how much the fabric shows through some layers. For example fabric of the "hair" shows through where the fingers overlap it. I also feel like the dots of the base fabric showing through almost look like Giselle is pocked. LOL It doesn't show as much in the photo as it does in person. I'm hoping it will be less noticeable once I line the back of the appliquéd area.

What do you think? ANY suggestions or critiques are welcome!


BTW - I'm also not sure about how the hands look. Something just doesn't look quite right but I'm not sure what.
I think she looks beautiful.

Wow amazing stuff posted today and many new "window shoppers" this weekend! Welcome! I love the Big Give Giselle!. I hope it fits too! Lisa, your Giselle is just gorgeous...you really captured her expression. So if you don't like it....what are you going to do with it? I'll give you my address if need be

Well, this weekend was our recital. Each girl had two numbers and their were two shows plus two days of dress rehersal. Here are some shots from the last 4 days!





Beautiful Dance pictures. What songs/music did they perform too?
OMG! I love the Dorothy Costumes! We had our recital too. It was Disney themed this year since the older students performed at Disney in April. We were technically "Snow White" (my DD had quite an arguement with her teacher that this costume looks nothing like Snow White and that they should have been Giselle!!!) I wish I could think of something to turn this into for the Disney trip!
I think you DD is right it does look like Giselle! What Music did your DD perform with?
Yeah!!!!! It's finished & I love it & so does she!!

This was a vintage Simplicity pattern that my grandmother used for my mom. Now that I've figured it out, I think I'm giong to use one of the other views to make the girls' Christmas dresses. (Yes, I really do think that far ahead sometimes. I bought the fabric last year on clearance & it has the same vintage-y feel that this does.)

I love this dress. The collar on it is adorable! Great job. I have seen that fabric in the store, and never could think of what to do with it. I love the way you used it. It is so cute!
YAY! I think it looks great!

Wow!! You can sew! These two are my favorite, but all of your stuff is so original and great!
ETA: I meant to quote the Edward Scissorhands shirt and the Pirates of the Carribean shirt. But, like I said, they're all great!

VERY cute!

I think it's beautiful! I wouldn't have noticed any of the "imperfections" if you hadn't mentioned it. The only thing I can see, after you mentioned it, is the brown showing through the fingers.

Wow, what beautiful girls! I especially love the Wizard of Oz costumes!
This is probably a dumb question but the peasant blouse everyone loves is the one from YCMT right?
Not a dumb question at all!! There are several peasant blouse patterns on YCMT. The one we all love is the Portrait Peasant Top for Dolly and Me by CarlaC.
Hi everyone! Love all of the Crayon rolls. They look great. I need to try one of those. This is a dress that I had the fabric for, but just never did anything with it. last night I cut it out and this morning sewed it up.


These are the two parrot cay dresses for the cruise. One is missing a bow in the front, and the other, needs the straps sewn down. I've been hesitant to do it, I'm waiting to see if she grows before we go.
One dress is for Ireland, but she didn't want her picture taken, she's doing her spongebob stickers...LOL


Ps...Lexie and out kitty got into a fight this morning...the kitty won..now Lexie has a gash on her arm that required skin glue. It's little, but it was gaping open. Poor girl..
I love your dresses. They are perfect for the cruise. DH and I are thinking our next trip will be a Disney Cruise. Poor Lexie. I hope she gets better soon.
ok I finished my BIG GIVE outfit. I am a little worried about it though. I think it is too small. When Jenna gets up I will try it on her and see if it fits. I hope it does, because I had some problems making this dress.

I love the tulle. This is beautiful.
Since we were showing recital pictures, here is Megan's from last week. She was in a hip hop class and danced to a HSM song. As usual, her costume didn't fit and she spent most of the song pulling on it. If anyone needs hip hip shoes that were barely worn (she didn't wear them at practice) let me know. I think they are size 12 or 12 1/2.


Oh Teresa, please tell Arminda that Jacob was too a beautiful baby! Strangers would come up to me all the time and tell me he was too beautiful to be a boy! Isn't that weird? I didn't know how to respond to that. Luckily he grew out of it and I don't think he looks like a girl now (right, Arminda?).

Ok, hey Miss Cammie, I found some baby pictures of Jacob and can show though the magic of the scanner: isn't that great? At Christmas:


At Animal Kingdom (those drums have their siren call, don't they?):


And because he is just so stinkin' cute!


I just spent too much money ordering them both Keens for the summer. Has anyone tried them for the kids? My kids are so hard on their shoes so I am hoping these will last. They need closed toe for camps and the Keens seem like a cross between sandals and sneakers. Any experience would be appreciated!

Jacob is adorable. I don't blame poor Megan for messing with those sleeves. That is a cute costume. I hope the Keens work out well. I don't know anything about them.
Here is something I worked on today.


I just have to hem it and make her a watermelon hair bow and I will be finished. I am trying to decide if I like the white ribbon for ties. I had thought about doing green ties but the girl at Hancock's said she thought it needed white to go along with the white checks. What do you think?
Very pretty. I think I would use green ties too. Try them out and see how it looks.

Since we are posting recital photos here is mine. I din't get a chance to snap a ballet one. This is tap:

I am almost afraid to post this in light of recent events, but i am taking my chances b/c I need feedback on the applique


What do ya'll think? I know it is a little blocky, but is it ok considering the fabric is drawn that way?

Great applique. I think that Stephres had a good idea to add some pink to the checks. Otherwise I think it is great.

OK so I am going to try and not overload you guys lol. Plus my 4 year old only wanted to do so much modeling today and I have not had time to edit them all out. We went and picked up her clothes today! I am so excited! She acted like a whole different kid with new clothes! :goodvibes

First the Froggie outfit which honestly I am not really really fond of. I think I am going to add some appliqued froggies to the green bib would love opinions on that. Also do you ladies put something on under these outfits? She is just so dang skinny that it leaves a lot that I am afraid jumping around could be seen lol.



OK and I lied will post two tonight lol. This is my one of my favorites though!


I had planned on appliquing it but I really do not think it needs it.



The pants she made out of the scraps for my little guy. She thought they would be to small because they fit her 6 month old GD! She also thought they woudl be shorts on him lol. My little guy is pretty little. ;) I was in shock when DH said that I could put them on him! :scared1: I thought for sure he would throw a royal fit! Anyway I think I am going to applique him a little Tshirt with a sock monkey on it to go with it. This was the best I could get ... at 16 months he is rarely ever still for longer than a few seconds.
These outfits are adorable. Your little guy is so cute in those matching pants.

Ok I can sleep I have won and bought more fabric I do not need lol. I thought it was to cute you guys have probably seen it already though. I bought 6 yards for a little over 60 bucks. To blasted much for fabric but I thought it would be perfect for Spirit of Aloha! I just have to find some stuff to coordinate with it! DH said he and the boys could wear the blue color in it of polos ... gotta love having a guy that is on the coordinating band wagon!


I really want to find some of this fabric. I think it is gorgeous.

I am amazed at all the BIG GIVE outfits. Everyone has really outdone themselves with their generosity. I am still anxiously awaiting my appliqué from eBay before I buy any fabric.

I do have one concern though and it is fairly selfish on my part. Everyone is being so generous with their contributions that Isabella could not possibly wear each outfit during their trip. Part of me would feel awful (maybe even rejected, like she did not like my dress) if Isabella did not get to wear my dress/top since I will have spent time (and money) on making something for her. I have issues with feelings of inadequacy (as you might be able to tell). Due to these feelings I am second guessing myself about participating in the BIG GIVE. I feel so selfish right now to feel this way. Please do not judge me harshly.

:hug: :hug:
LOVE this fabric. Your fabrics stores all have much better fabric than mine...we still haven't had that "epcot" fabric (with the flags and children's faces) and I've been looking for over a year.

I did not buy this in a store i bought it on :wizard: I only wish our stores had fabric like this! I know what you mean about the epcot fabric as well. I was very blessed that another disboutiquer picked up that fabric for me! ::yes::
OK and I lied will post two tonight lol. :rotfl: This is my one of my favorites though! :goodvibes


The pants she made out of the scraps for my little guy. She thought they would be to small because they fit her 6 month old GD! She also thought they woudl be shorts on him lol. My little guy is pretty little. ;) I was in shock when DH said that I could put them on him! :scared1: I thought for sure he would throw a royal fit! Anyway I think I am going to applique him a little Tshirt with a sock monkey on it to go with it. This was the best I could get ... at 16 months he is rarely ever still for longer than a few seconds. :rotfl:

I love it. So cute! We :lovestruc sock monkeys around here too.
I think you DD is right it does look like Giselle! What Music did your DD perform with?

They performed Tap to "Going to the Chapel" with little bouquets...so cute. And then Ballet was this GORGEOUS song about Snow White that I've never heard before, forgot to ask the teacher who sang it, and now I can find it online for the LIFE of me.
I am amazed at all the BIG GIVE outfits. Everyone has really outdone themselves with their generosity. I am still anxiously awaiting my appliqué from eBay before I buy any fabric.

I do have one concern though and it is fairly selfish on my part. Everyone is being so generous with their contributions that Isabella could not possibly wear each outfit during their trip. Part of me would feel awful (maybe even rejected, like she did not like my dress) if Isabella did not get to wear my dress/top since I will have spent time (and money) on making something for her. I have issues with feelings of inadequacy (as you might be able to tell). Due to these feelings I am second guessing myself about participating in the BIG GIVE. I feel so selfish right now to feel this way. Please do not judge me harshly.

:hug: :hug: I just had an idea that might help ease your concerns. I would like to suggest that you could make a top and pants for Alicia (spelling?) There have been some cute appliqued t shirts and pants for adults posted before.
I had similar concerns so I am making her a bag with Minnie Dot fabric.:idea:
Well, this weekend was our recital. Each girl had two numbers and their were two shows plus two days of dress rehersal. Here are some shots from the last 4 days!









Yeesh thats practically a trip report! :3dglasses Glad the whole thing is done for now! Nine more days of school and its summer vacation!!!:cool1:

your girls are SO adorable!!! LOVE the Dorothy outfits!!! I have a THING for sparkley red shoes!!! Does your older girl do lyrical ballet? I love the outfits!!!

Since we were showing recital pictures, here is Megan's from last week. She was in a hip hop class and danced to a HSM song. As usual, her costume didn't fit and she spent most of the song pulling on it. If anyone needs hip hip shoes that were barely worn (she didn't wear them at practice) let me know. I think they are size 12 or 12 1/2.


Oh Teresa, please tell Arminda that Jacob was too a beautiful baby! Strangers would come up to me all the time and tell me he was too beautiful to be a boy! Isn't that weird? I didn't know how to respond to that. Luckily he grew out of it and I don't think he looks like a girl now (right, Arminda?).

Ok, hey Miss Cammie, I found some baby pictures of Jacob and can show though the magic of the scanner: isn't that great? At Christmas:


At Animal Kingdom (those drums have their siren call, don't they?):


And because he is just so stinkin' cute!


I just spent too much money ordering them both Keens for the summer. Has anyone tried them for the kids? My kids are so hard on their shoes so I am hoping these will last. They need closed toe for camps and the Keens seem like a cross between sandals and sneakers. Any experience would be appreciated!

Megan looks SO sassy and cutet in her little hip hop outfit!!!

I'll bet Megan would be a FANTASTIC cheerleader!! It really is a wonderful sport. The time requirements can be a lot, but it's a great sport to start young and it teaches kids a lot about commitment and discipline!!! I started when I was just three. I cheered all the way through college and got a job after college with NCA. I coach two squads now and I love it!! :cheer2:

Jacob truly was a gorgeous little boy. I don't think he looked like a girl at all! Darling little cherub, but in a very masculine way!

what was that word you used...scanner? Don't believe I've heard of that...I know I don't have one!

KEENS ROCK!! You won't be sorry. I got a pair for Teddy after he beat his crocs to death last summer. They were the best investment. Incredibly durable. They can be worn for any activity. They can get wet with no problem and dry in a flash. They are acceptable for camp wear (at Teddy's camp they were!) and they have a supportive foot bed which is actually really important for growing bodies! Teddy loves his. I got a pair for Jay before Disney last year and even though he was massively resistant at first, he wore them every day and was really happy with them. He brought them out this weekend b/c it was pretty spicy round these parts! I ALSO got a pair for Sally. She isn't overfond of the "look" but she wore them on hikes and such.

Here is something I worked on today.


I just have to hem it and make her a watermelon hair bow and I will be finished. I am trying to decide if I like the white ribbon for ties. I had thought about doing green ties but the girl at Hancock's said she thought it needed white to go along with the white checks. What do you think?

SOOO cute! Green ties would be cute too, but white looks adorable as well!

Since we are posting recital photos here is mine. I din't get a chance to snap a ballet one. This is tap:

I am almost afraid to post this in light of recent events, but i am taking my chances b/c I need feedback on the applique



What do ya'll think? I know it is a little blocky, but is it ok considering the fabric is drawn that way?

your daughter is adorable!!!

I LOVE the epcot outfit! :) That is my favorite fabric of all time!! I'm glad to see another outfit made with it!

Back in the fall, Kirsta was in Cheer competition. One of the girls on another team, about 13, kept stopping her routine so she could tug her bra down. She'd grab a big handful of uniform and tug. She must have been REALLY uncomforable to stop her routine to do it. I couldn't help but chuckle. Never did look to see if it's on the video!

:lmao: she MUST have been!! How old are the girls?

Ok, Not pageant or dance......

But here is Morgan cheerleading.


And just for Teresa and Heather (since they are convinced Morgan is "sweet":lmao: ) Morgan and her "halo"


I LOVE that she's cheering!! How DARLING!!! Aww, really that is so great!

I am amazed at all the BIG GIVE outfits. Everyone has really outdone themselves with their generosity. I am still anxiously awaiting my appliqué from eBay before I buy any fabric.

I do have one concern though and it is fairly selfish on my part. Everyone is being so generous with their contributions that Isabella could not possibly wear each outfit during their trip. Part of me would feel awful (maybe even rejected, like she did not like my dress) if Isabella did not get to wear my dress/top since I will have spent time (and money) on making something for her. I have issues with feelings of inadequacy (as you might be able to tell). Due to these feelings I am second guessing myself about participating in the BIG GIVE. I feel so selfish right now to feel this way. Please do not judge me harshly.

I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal. I know that that family appreciates every single solitary effort that has been made on their behalf!

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.

I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal.

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.


Beautifully said! I couldn't agree more.
I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal.

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.


Dog! Now I am crying.
This is adorable fabric. Is it pre shirred?QUOTE]
Oh God yes, I'm not that good with the sewing machine!!! JoAnne's actually had a few pre-shirred Disney (and tons of other) fabrics. I might go back for more now that I know I can do it! They had some cute "hawaiian" ones that might be cute for O'Hanas.
:hug: :hug: I just had an idea that might help ease your concerns. I would like to suggest that you could make a top and pants for Alicia (spelling?) There have been some cute appliqued t shirts and pants for adults posted before.
I had similar concerns so I am making her a bag with Minnie Dot fabric.:idea:
Thank you for the suggestion. I was originally going to make a sailor-inspired sun dress with the Donald Duck appliqué but I have changed my mind after seeing all the dresses. I am now thinking of making an a-line top and shorts or capris for Isabelle. But a top for Alicia might be a good idea.
I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal. I know that that family appreciates every single solitary effort that has been made on their behalf!

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.


Thank you. I was hoping you might chime in. You always have such good advice and "words of wisdom" - it must be the school counselor in you.
She does love it--she won't take it off! It's not for Disney b/c we are going until maybe next year but I'm trying to decide if it needs something on it? Any suggestions or should I leave it alone?
Anyone else with a daughter that now expects you to sew all of her clothes???? I don't know what to do. I make one dress and DD was p*ssed this morning that I didn't have a dress made for her to wear to school :rotfl2:
I think everyone is putting a lot of emotional effort into these outfits as well as time, so it's understandable that you've have some anxiety about it. Perhaps if you thought about it in terms of EVERY single outfit that Isabelle receives gives her so much joy! Every time she opens an outfit she is excited, she gets to try it and model it for mom and dad and just feel good about herself. Every outfit gives her a moment of respite from the loss. She also gets to see her mom being excited and rushing to get the camera and making a big to do over the outfits. Even if Isabelle doesn't wear every outfit on the trip, every single piece she receives is Pixie Dust to her and to her mom and dad. She may be young but she is well aware that her life changed drastically with the loss of her little brother. Any moment of seeing her mom excited and happy is a healing moment. Every outfit that arrives is helping that family to to be happy about Disney. This Big Give effort is not only giving outfits to Isabelle, it's giving back to the whole family that feeling of anticipation and excitement that we all love before a trip. Now they have something to think about and plan for, options to pour over, instead of thinking every second about who won't be there.

So your generosity of time and effort is helping this family to heal. I know that that family appreciates every single solitary effort that has been made on their behalf!

don't be anxious. give yourself a hug for doing such a wonderful thing for people who need every single second of joy and excitement they can find.


:hug: I love what you wrote. Very sweet.:love:
Thank you to all for the kind words on my "Newbie outfits"!

Now I have a question for you all (sorry if this has been posted, but I'm just too tired to go back and read everything...darn pregnancy hormones;) )

Where can I get some very cute Nemo fabric???:confused3 :confused3 :confused3
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