The Duggars

On one particular episode Michelle explained how the children go about "requesting" time with their parents. Somewhere near the master schedule of "goals" is a sheet where they can pencil their name into a time slot with the hopes that Mom or Dad is available and willing to spend 30 minutes with them (it might have actually only been 15 mins, I don't recall exactly). Like our WDW hotel requests...they are only requests and NOT guaranteed. That just made me so sad. I appreciate that they need to have a scheduled household to run efficiently, but I just can't imagine that all children have the ability to plan AHEAD of time when they might need some alone time with Mom or usually happens spontaneously in my house and they usually last more than 15-30 mins. :rolleyes:
:scared1: Wow, I dont know why (LOL) but I feel attacked. If I started telling you why the Bible is true, etc you would be offended. As for your last statement, you should know that (it appears you have read it). I do know that our God is a loving God and when I look around me I am in awe at his doings. For the record I attend a southern church and we dont gay bash.

As for populating the earth, I did not want children to polpulate or not, I wanted children because I wanted a family.

Of course there are churches in the south (and north, and where-ever) that do not gay-bash. But there is one church, and it's from the south, and they picket and chant at funerals about how God is killing soldiers because we (Americans) allow people who are homosexual to actually exist on this planet. They are psycho-religious, and I put the Duggars in the same category. I was just wondering if they were affiliated in any way.

ETA: It's the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, that does the picketing, and the Duggars live in Arkansas, so I doubt they belong to the same church. Actually, I couldn't find any church info on their website at all. Thought they had a church in their house?
Well statistically, at least one of the Duggar kids will end up in jail. One will have an unplanned pregnancy. Two will become vegetarians.

And half will become Democrats.

It ain't gonna be pretty.:)
How are the Duggar children ever going to survive in a world that is not created by their parents?
Is there a possibility that the children will be able to meet others, possibly date and even marry? Are their parents going to arrange all that for them too? Are the children ever going to be allowed to leave the compound?

Do the children even know about the big world around them?
Serving God includes serving others not just family.

These are both exactly what I was saying!

Really? Valued? HOW?? They are primped and pimped out to the television cameras. They are made to be cheerful little slaves - - one of those young girls is doing TEN LOADS OF LAUNDRY A DAY.

That is what I am talking about. All of the comment on the Duggers exploiting their children for money well.... Jon and Kate are doing the same thing. Is the difference that they are admitting they receive nice perks?

Merriam Webster Defnition
Exploiting: to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage

Going by the definition, I think the Duggars exploit their kids quite a bit more than the Gosselins do. Sure, the Gosselins have a TV show to get extra money, but they've said it's really so they can support their children better and give them a better future (college).The Duggars (and I know this is going away from the common defintion associated with being pushed into the spotlight) use those girls to do all of that laundry and work (they had a ton of kids and they're paying for it), and it's not for only theirselves, but everyone else (I realize they like helping, and that's certainly not a bad thing, but they do so much). That sort of sounds like the parents are making use out of them unfairly for their own advantage, doesn't it? :confused3
Well statistically, at least one of the Duggar kids will end up in jail. One will have an unplanned pregnancy. Two will become vegetarians.

And half will become Democrats.

It ain't gonna be pretty.:)

I had a conversation with my liberal friends where we decided all our kids would be come conservative Christians to shock us.

Really, most of us just try and do the best we can with what we've got - and even if we do that much - there aren't any guarentees our kids aren't going to become drug addicts - you can raise 'em conservative and religious or raise them secular and liberal and eventually they need to find their own way.

I happen to think giving my kids the best I can with what I've got involves limiting the number of kids I have to two - that's all I can put through college. Other people have different views - and I can respect that - I may not agree with it or understand it, but I can respect it.
It really amazes me how many perfect people there or their (what ever) is on this thread. I never heard them really talk that much about there religon or that the girls are just going to be house wives and baby breeders. The goslings are exploiting there family if not more then the duggars because they have a weekly show. Iam sorry if anybody had the chance as they do ,you all would do the same! Heck I'd sell out my own family just for the disney perks!:rotfl:
These threads about the Duggars are always very interesting.

Personally I can't imagine having 17 kids. I have 2 and my house is loud enough. :rotfl: Of course their house/lives are much more organized than our are.

Anyway -- I know there are lots of differing opinions on these folks and their lifestyle but if it devolves into a fight the thread will be closed down. Please continue to be respectful of everyone's opinions.

Thank you!
Their home church is modeled after Bill Gothard materials, the homeschooling end is called AGI (not sure what it stands for) but you can look up Bill Gothard online. I personally think he is WAY out there, certainly not mainline in any way. I think maybe that is one thing that bothers me about him, being seperate from other Christians, you must live a certain way, etc....he stretches his beliefs with scripture that I really don't think is applicable for the situation he is giving, but, whatever.


Of course there are churches in the south (and north, and where-ever) that do not gay-bash. But there is one church, and it's from the south, and they picket and chant at funerals about how God is killing soldiers because we (Americans) allow people who are homosexual to actually exist on this planet. They are psycho-religious, and I put the Duggars in the same category. I was just wondering if they were affiliated in any way.

ETA: It's the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, that does the picketing, and the Duggars live in Arkansas, so I doubt they belong to the same church. Actually, I couldn't find any church info on their website at all. Thought they had a church in their house?
Their home church is modeled after Bill Gothard materials, the homeschooling end is called AGI (not sure what it stands for) but you can look up Bill Gothard online. I personally think he is WAY out there, certainly not mainline in any way. I think maybe that is one thing that bothers me about him, being seperate from other Christians, you must live a certain way, etc....he stretches his beliefs with scripture that I really don't think is applicable for the situation he is giving, but, whatever.


Thanks for the info - I've been studying and comparing different religions of the world for 12 years now, and find the different interpretations very fascinating. I've got quite a collection of religious books, some which make my visiting Jehovah Witness and Mormon recruiters pause a bit.

I just don't get the rabid religiousness of some people. I'm always thinking god is looking down on us, shaking her head, wondering how we got it so wrong... Then she'll let us wipe ourselves out and say "OK, the dinosaurs messed up, the humans messed up, who wants to go next?" :confused3
I'm pretty sure that homeschooling portion is called ATI not AGI. I have friends that do it and they're pretty normal homeschoolers. They did go to a weekend thing to learn how to use this material. My friend and her family like the philosophies that go with it (the homeschooling portion) but even she rolls her eyes at some of the stuff Bill Gothard says. My firsthand impression, FWIW.
I just don't get the rabid religiousness of some people. I'm always thinking god is looking down on us, shaking her head, wondering how we got it so wrong... Then she'll let us wipe ourselves out and say "OK, the dinosaurs messed up, the humans messed up, who wants to go next?" :confused3
:rotfl2: agreed
Oh, shoot. You are probably right about the ATI and not AGI thing. I really don't pay attention.

I just know some folks around here who follow that and they now have their own church where they don't use birth control, women wear collared shirts, most don't cut their hair, all women stay home and homeschool and the men must wear collared shirts too.


I'm pretty sure that homeschooling portion is called ATI not AGI. I have friends that do it and they're pretty normal homeschoolers. They did go to a weekend thing to learn how to use this material. My friend and her family like the philosophies that go with it (the homeschooling portion) but even she rolls her eyes at some of the stuff Bill Gothard says. My firsthand impression, FWIW.
I agree with you- This is NOT abuse!! So sad what people do to others- I just don't understand it :confused3
Ok I started reading this last night and wow it has blossomed just like the duggar family:rotfl2: Ok sorry bad joke
There are a few things I wanted to throw out-
*The Duggars & Jon & Kate are not the first couples to have many many children and accept "gifts" for giving interviews and having tv special or even endorse a product or two. What are they stupid- I don't think so- They know they have a lot of mouths to feed, bodies to clothes, hineys to diaper etc... When you have everyone beating down your door to give you "free" stuff what are you supposed to do???

*Didn't they already have 14 children whom they had supported for there whole lives on their own before Discovery knocked on their door???

*Don't they own a used car business on top of the real estate investments to support their family?

* Didn't they start building that house all by themselves and have alot of it done before Discovery stepped in and finished the huge undertaking of building and furnishing that massive house??

*It wasn't that long ago that people routinely had 10+ children- My grandma is one of 12!!! Yes it was before the pill but people have been having kids for centuries!! I'm sure they knew about fertility cycles and other birth control methods. Why is it such a big deal now?? Just because they choose not to use those methods.

* I have to admit that I admire that all of them play the Piano and Violin- how many kids in small families can do that. Even if they don't get 1 to 1 time they all get attention from their parents and from their siblings!! They all know they are loved and seem to take care of each other.

* On top of the music lessons they are learning real life skills and problem solving. They work together as a team to make their family run smoothly.
How many parents do EVERYTHING for their kids and then the kids go out into the world maybe off to college and guess what they can't even make a bowl of cereal because no one showed them how!! Forget about laundry, money skills and other basic daily living skills- HELLO have you seen Super Nanny!!!!
I am not familiar with ezzo or the parenting methods that have been discussed so I cannot speak to those but I think I have taken up enough of your time so I will now step off my soap box- thank you for reading :)

Amen, sister!
What does wearing a collared shirt have to do with being a Christian?:confused3 Just wondering.
What does wearing a collared shirt have to do with being a Christian?:confused3 Just wondering.

I was trying to figure that out, I grew up in a Christian home and am raising my daughter in a Christian home and have never been made to wear a collared shirt unless I wanted too
I was trying to figure that out, I grew up in a Christian home and am raising my daughter in a Christian home and have never been made to wear a collared shirt unless I wanted too

Me too. I had girl cousins and friends that couldn't wear pants or shorts. But I just don't get the collared shirts.
:confused3 Geeze Louise! I checked this thread out thinking I was going to get some great organizing or budget advice and or tips!! Boy was a saddly mistaken!! :scared1: :confused3


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