Your Shameful Disney Secret??

I love the current fireworks show... its the same one that ran on my first date with my now husband. We had spent 2 whole days at DL and by the time we saw the fireworks on the 2nd day I know I'd spend the rest of my life with him, as lame as that sounds is what makes it shameful but true.

I'm a DL schizo... I never plan a path for the rides, I just go randomly on a whim.. I'll hit MM then SplashM and come back to SpaceM, just because.

I also don't like using the train unless its a day that I have to use a wheelchair, because I can get somewhere faster by foot.

My hubby and I run away to disneyland when my mom has my son for a few days. (because she wants him, not cause I ask, and she knows where we are)

I hate iasw, it gave me nightmares when I was little.
I am addicted to the boards, no really it's almost shameful how much I'm on them (especially since I have no trip planned in the near future)
Well, I've been racking my brain for my shameful secret. I just happen to love all the rides - sing annoyingly out loud to IASW - so that's no secret. ;) In the past, when my kids were little, I used the long rides for catnap time when I could, so that would have been a shameful secret.

But, today. I guess that I would say that 1) I don't think the Fantasmic Dessert Buffet is worth the money. :::: gasp :::: :eek: and 2) Sometimes I drive to Disneyland and spend an afternoon just to get the corn dog (yummy). And more sappy than shameful ... the Flag Retreat always makes me cry. (Red nose & watery eyes - not a pretty picture)
Just wanna say, I'm enjoying this thread because everybody is, like, "Hey, we're all different and that's ok." I like that nobody is flaming anybody for having a different opinion or not liking something they like.

Isn't it funny to see how so many things that some of us just treasure about DLR, are the stuff of nightmares for others of us! :rotfl2:

ETA: Geez, I totally sound like Mr. Rogers, don't I? :blush: Probably because I teach kindergarten. :rotfl:
i have NEVER BEEN INSIDE THE TIKI ROOM!!! and i dont plan to go in it :lmao: other than that i love everything about Disneyland
Just wanna say, I'm enjoying this thread because everybody is, like, "Hey, we're all different and that's ok." I like that nobody is flaming anybody for having a different opinion or not liking something they like.

Isn't it funny to see how so many things that some of us just treasure about DLR, are the stuff of nightmares for others of us! :rotfl2:

ETA: Geez, I totally sound like Mr. Rogers, don't I? :blush: Probably because I teach kindergarten. :rotfl:

You're right, Gail. This isn't a mean-spirited thread (or even an anti-Disneyland thread) at all. Clearly, we wouldn't have all found our way to the DIS to begin with if we didn't love DLR.....a LOT. And we have certainly had many threads where we are singing the praises of all the things we love there. But it is unrealistic to think that any place or situation is 100% perfect, idyllic or meets all of our personal needs and expectations....though it comes pretty darn close!! So I think it is great that we can all reveal our shameful Disney secrets without being flamed or without being accused of hating Disneyland or anything. Now if this topic were taking place over on 'other' sides of the board, things might take an uglier turn. But here, everything is in good fun and everyone is pretty good-natured!:goodvibes :thumbsup2
I am not a big fan of the "Oh S--- Roller Coaster" in DCA. I rode it once, recently out of the hospital and screamed Oh Sh-- the entire time. My friend reminded me this was a FAMILY PARK and immediately re-named it the Oh Sh--.

Next we went on the DA-- Bear Ride and I (alone) was completely engulfed by a wave. Luckily we were staying at the Grand Cali so I could change...but it instantly became the DA-- Bear Ride.

Now married, we travel with my friend and his partner. My DH does the Da-- Bear Ride and the Oh Sh--Roller Coaster and the friend's partner and a little retain therapy.
OK I feel so bad I am about to rant about the one place I love the most in the world BUT....

OH man I am so happy to hear that other people dont like the ride Its a small world either... I am FREAKED out of that ride.. I have been on this ride twice, and have known to take a paper bag and hyperventilated into it. To me those little dolls are horrifying. Creepy to look at. I found that sometimes the lights hit their eyes and they glow, and that purple hippo at the end of the ride... Seriously!!! I get to Africa and im hyperventilating because those little dolls look as though they are going to jump off the track with their little spears and start picking on me! And being Canadian I found it to be a huge slap in the face for the Canada Mountie at the beginning of the ride, with only its bottom jaw opening and closing, is the only thing that represents Canada. Really? Is that how the Disney Engineers see us? Just a Mountie? Every other country gets like a whole room? COME ON!!! Then that song (Shakes head) it gets stuck in your head for 3 days. :scared:

Then after you get out of the ride, the clock door at the front of the building opens up and the little dolls come out. Its like they are chasing you...

As for other things..

- Peter Pan ride should have a new entrance. Those line up lanes are super tight. I am only 125 lbs and I feel squished in those things. I feel bad for other people who arent my size.

- Star Tours is way too out dated. I love the effects of the queue more then the ride itself.

- Innovations is a huge waste of space

- I am 100% for the new promo "What are you celebrating". I think its great. But I am not really sure what they were thinking about the decor for the new promotion. Big colorful Mickey balloons everywhere and a big envelope with balloons coming out of it on Main Street... REALLY????
My secret : I love any ride that will get me wet. Soaking wet. Sprinkled on, whatever! I love Grizzly River Run, and Splash Mountain are 2 of my favorites.


(I also hate the people not smoking in designated areas.)
I hate it when parents leave their kids standing in line (esp. when they're queued up to meet their favorite character) to go smoke. Good for the adults for smoking in the designated areas, but can't they ignore their nicotine cravings for another half hour or chew on a ton of Nicorette gum so that they don't miss that (imo) special moment when their kid meets their favorite Disney character for the first time?

I love meeting the princesses and make sure to get my picture taken with whatever three are out there when I go to the PFF.

While some people aren't a fan of doing what might be considered childish things, I love it when a CM bothers to encourage adults to participate with the little kids. For example, the first time I went to see the PFF royal coronation, I sat on the floor because I didn't want my view to be blocked by parents standing up in the stands to take pictures of their little ones on the floor. When the CMs told everyone to stand up, one of the princesses in waiting was looking right at me when she said it (like she was implying "yeah, you too"). It made me feel like it was okay that I secretly wanted to join the 5 year olds in their princess dresses and didn't have to be ashamed of my age.
I have loved reading through all the posts! Makes me miss Disneyland even more!

As for me, turkey legs gross me out too! And churros aren't that great.

Not a huge fan of Buzz or the Toy Story ride.....I guess it's because I'm horrible at video games. I have been known to ride with my kids and not shoot anything....

I have the DL 50th Cd in my car and we listen to it ALL the time......:upsidedow

I love the tiki room!!! I don't really like riding the train....:rolleyes1

Also, I LOVE DCA!!!!!!

and our trip to WDW last summer made us all REALLY appreciate how wonderful Disneyland is......
Just wanna say, I'm enjoying this thread because everybody is, like, "Hey, we're all different and that's ok." I like that nobody is flaming anybody for having a different opinion or not liking something they like.

Isn't it funny to see how so many things that some of us just treasure about DLR, are the stuff of nightmares for others of us! :rotfl2:

ETA: Geez, I totally sound like Mr. Rogers, don't I? :blush: Probably because I teach kindergarten. :rotfl:

No, you are WRONG WRONG WRONG and I take personal offense to everything you have written!!!!! I am the ONLY ONE who is right here and boo hiss on everyone who likes the things I hate!!!!!

Now I'm going to march right out of here and go to the WDW boards where we can all hold hands and sing Kumbayah.




;) :p

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
No, you are WRONG WRONG WRONG and I take personal offense to everything you have written!!!!! I am the ONLY ONE who is right here and boo hiss on everyone who likes the things I hate!!!!!

Now I'm going to march right out of here and go to the WDW boards where we can all hold hands and sing Kumbayah.




:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

;) :p

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Mine......I really dislike Star Tours. I have no desire whatsoever to ever ride it but go on it for my kids. Also, I was VERY dissapointed with the Finding Nemo ride. I was really glad that we didn't have to wait that long to ride it. And the last thing I can think of at the moment is I do not like churros. ick
I think the whole Jedi training thingy is dumb. All I picture when I see it is a bunch of Trekkies in the making. :rolleyes1

The churros? Im pretty sure Costco sells the same ones at the food court, and they are only $1

Smoking in the park.....and IM A SMOKER. I have enough self control to pull myself into the des. smoking area instead of firing one up wherever I please. Either that or I just dont smoke at all.

Any and every ride that includes neon and blacklights. Can you say tacky?

Toon Town Morning Madness thing.....*yawn* I was pleasantly surprised at how lame this was.

I do love me a good parade and thrill rides though. :cloud9:
No, you are WRONG WRONG WRONG and I take personal offense to everything you have written!!!!! I am the ONLY ONE who is right here and boo hiss on everyone who likes the things I hate!!!!!

Now I'm going to march right out of here and go to the WDW boards where we can all hold hands and sing Kumbayah.




;) :p

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes


(or better still the Kumbayah'ers on the Community Board ;))

hound :cool2: - shamefully dislikes (or is indifferent about):

- Nemo
- Muppets & Star Tours (liked them the first 10-12 times, but is ready for something new).
- The Orange stinger gives me the willies.
- likes the parades for about 37 seconds....then i'm out-a-there.
- the Putt Putt cars aka AutopiaPuttPutt (or sumthin).

hound :cool2: - likes the following even though they're kinda lame (or creepy, or over the top):

- IASW (the ultimate lame & creepy ride...but it's like trying to turn away from those "cops chasing cars" shows.)
- Snow White & Pinocchio (dark & wonderfully creepy)
- Tiki (show is so lame it's a 60s sitcom)
- Jungle Ride & Crush (jokes cornier than corny dogs & I can never get enough of them.)
- RogerRabbit - love the weasels.

hound <----kinda wishes that Carousel of Progress was in DLR so i would have a good place to take a 20 min. nap. ;)
A girl of about 7 years old with a turkey leg, sad.

I now have to go on the Maliboomer as that is the only ride I have never been on, I dread that but maybe I can do it.

My complaints from the last couple of days.

It took me 40 minutes to get in because the idiot manager had only one CM at the booths on the right side but the people on the far left lanes got in within 15 minutes. She should have directed traffic so that the people on the right lanes did not get stuck for 40 minutes.

Please people do not walk 18 abreast. We all have to snail crawl because of people who take up the whole walkway.

If only people stayed to the right side and went to the middle if passing then life would be easier.

Leash your kids please. I love seeing kids on leashes as I am sick and tired of watching bratty parents let their kids run around the park and get hurt. The kids just dart off in front of moving carts, strollers, wheelchairs and ECVs or guests. One woman let her kid go past the yellow line, wafy waffle strip, and then the white line at the trams. LADY WAKE UP, but she was letting her precious baby girl toddle into the tramway and I wonder if we should call the law on her as she probably lets the kid wonder into the street.

OK folks why do we have to jump on trams when there is an empty tram right behind the one we are staring at and another is behind that. If you have to put strollers in the disabled area up front then put the rest of your party in the rows behind that. Why do we need 18 people all attending to one stroller. 4 strollers and 4 adults is all that is needed up front so please split your party and sit further back.

That is something I would change. I would change the front car to have a stroller corral and disabled seating area as each tram only takes 2 or 3 strollers so why not a stroller caboose where guests drop of the strollers and the CM just throws them on board or uses a ramp or something. I am disabled and have a wheelchair so I am tired of waiting 15 to 25 minutes for strollers to board so I can get the chair on a tram.

Please people stop leaving your drink cups at the entrance to Ariel. why not put things in the trash, sigh, that annoys me to no end.
I hate that they allow smoking inside the parks. That is the first thing I would change if I could. My little sister was burned by a cigarette by this woman who was walking by, she knew it happened and stopped and then just kept walking...didn't apologize or anything while my sister was screaming. Plus I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke.

I am so with you on this! When dh and I were in the line to HM, a woman finished her cigarette, then threw it on the ground!!!! She didn't step on it to put it out!!! AND,..,.AND...a trash can was right by us all to boot! I looked at her, at the cigarette, back at her, over at dh (who had a please do not say anything look on his face), looked around at all the people in the very long line with us, then I told this woman, "excuse me, excuse me maam" I finally touched her on her shoulder, told her I was talking to her, and that I know it is her choice to smoke, but it isn't her choice as to throw the lit cigarette butt on the ground,especially with all the children in lines with us and the trash can right by her! I told her she should be a good example for everyone who smokes and do the right thing by crushing out the cigarette and then disposing of it in the right place...meaning the trash can. She looked at me, then looked around and saw so many parents smiling, that she quickly picked up the butt and put it in the trash.
I can say, I don't know what I would have done if at the time I had my children. I am a cancer survivor (salivary gland) in which my cancer was caused in part by second hand smoke. So, you betcha, I do speak up about smoking.
ps I have never smoked anything a day in my life. I have been around many who have smoked. Second hand smoke does hurt others.
Okay, off my soap box and back to reading the post while munching on Dove Easter Eggs.
:banana: :banana:
I love this thread!
I love the cheesy jokes on the jungle cruise....
I really dislike mint juleps but drink them down dutifully with my 12 year old who loves them. Shhh don't tell her :)
I love IASW and will gladly sing it all day long :yay:
Iam a screamer ...... Sorry :confused3 I am tryng to stop
I am terrified of maliboomer. I rode it once.
I am terrified of TOT............I rode it once.
I keep a cd in my car of Disney park songs.... I looked up most of the lyrics so I can sing them correctly.
We used to not know what some words in splash mountain were.
Ok I know it's NOT the words but in my head I would say "pretty good, show us your Bong... (oops can I say that) it is "pretty good, sure as your born"

I have a hard time with people who change their kids diapers in public
Use the restroom please!
My number one petpeeve is people who spit.... Oh yuck!



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