Would you leave your child overnight to get a tattoo?


DIS Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
If your child was severely sick, fever, cough, ear infection would you leave them overnight to go get a tattoo? At a house where there is a party?
If my children were sick I wouldn't go and get a tattoo. That's something that could be done at later time. When my kids are sick, they need me.
If my kids were super sick then no I wouldn't leave them. If they just had a run of the mill cold, then yes I would.
Do you blame the parent or the enabler? I just can't wrap my head around it and I'm trying to not care and I'm trying to control the urge to _____ out my SIL for it. Her daughter has been sick with the same cold for 3 months straight and went to the hospital because she stopped breathing less than a month ago. I'm so upset that this little baby has so many health problems. Yes in the beginning I was jealous that SIL was having a girl but I've come to really like the little girl. It pisses me off that her parents aren't taking care of her!
She refuses to change pediatricians or get a second opinion though I have stressed that their current doctor is missing something.

To top it off she post pictures on Facebook of getting tattooed and then literally two days later complains that she can't go grocery shopping because she has the kids with her? Maybe go grocery shopping vs getting a tattoo!
I'm trying to keep my mouth shut but I'm clearly annoyed.
Knew it was a complaint about the inlaws again before I even finished reading.
No one has the same cold for three months. There is obviously something else going on.

I think that you need to MYOB unless you really think this child is being abused/neglected, then feel free to report her to Child Protective Services.
My kids were total bugger balls from October - May until they got to kindergarten, with siblings bringing home every germ possible from preschool/elementary school. We'd have a couple of good days, and then someone would sneeze/cough/puke. I never brought them to the doctor unless I suspected strep or an ear infections (which were usually viral anyway, so no antibiotics needed).

Maybe she didn't want to bring a sick kid to the grocery store. Anyway, I'd leave my sick kids home, but only with DH or my parents (who see them daily). When I think back at home many days I was housebound because of a sick child, I don't know how I didn't lose my mind!
So has the kid had a fever, ear infection & cough for 3 months?

"Yes in the beginning I was jealous that SIL was having a girl but I've come to really like the girl"

I just don't even know what to say to that :confused3
Would you leave them in a house?
Would you leave them with a mouse?

Not with a cat!
Not for a tat!

Actually I was confused by the OP. Thought the sick child was spending the night somewhere and getting a tattoo at an all night place, in which case I figured the kid was old enough to know how he was feeling. Either way, I'm a big believer in MYOB when it comes to how others choose to parent.
Do you blame the parent or the enabler? I just can't wrap my head around it and I'm trying to not care and I'm trying to control the urge to _____ out my SIL for it. Her daughter has been sick with the same cold for 3 months straight and went to the hospital because she stopped breathing less than a month ago. I'm so upset that this little baby has so many health problems. Yes in the beginning I was jealous that SIL was having a girl but I've come to really like the little girl. It pisses me off that her parents aren't taking care of her!
She refuses to change pediatricians or get a second opinion though I have stressed that their current doctor is missing something.

To top it off she post pictures on Facebook of getting tattooed and then literally two days later complains that she can't go grocery shopping because she has the kids with her? Maybe go grocery shopping vs getting a tattoo!
I'm trying to keep my mouth shut but I'm clearly annoyed.

Have they checked this child for Leukemia or a milk allergy (not sure of age)?? OMGosh, I would so want to beat the crud out of her too.

Also, have you considered a call to CPS/Child Welfare to have them checked for neglect??
I'm trying to remember how the serenity prayer goes:
God grant me the ability to accept the things I can not change
The ability to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Is the child really in danger? Is she taking her to a doctor that you do not agree with or to no doctor? If you believe she is really in danger, are you willing to put forth the effort, time and money to take control of the situation?

Some kids are just sick all the time during the winter. It may be allergies or just a kid who picks up every cold going around.

Not sure where the tattoo comes into it except her using money that maybe should be spent elsewhere. So again.... is the child going with out food, medical care because of he money choices AND are you willing to do something about it.

My sister has "a few;)" tattoos and she is a amazing mom!

We have been there....done that medically with "our" 5 year old. We did decide to take action and it has been a long and expensive road but we decided it was a change we needed to make. Other situations we decided to accept. It's as simple as that. Decide and react. Whining about it does nothing to help the child or her mom.

Good luck as you decide what your role is in the situation.
I'm confused about how it would take "overnight" to get a tattoo... and where does the party mentioned in the OP come into it all??

If DD was sick with a cold/ear infection/stomach flu, something like that -- yes, I'd leave her to go get a tattoo if I had the appointment scheduled. DH is perfectly capable of taking care of his child for a few hours. If she had a serious illness that required hospitalization? No way. I doubt I'd be able to leave her side long enough to take a shower, let alone get a tattoo done.


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