WISH Away the Pounds -- Delightful December Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

I'm here and I'm maintaining.
Things are just non stop here, very frustrating.

Monday DS17 and I are going to the gym. I need to get back into a routine. I am very behind in my training.

Do your best....no one expects perfection (well, except maybe YOU).

Good Sunday morning

Sorry I forgot about yesterday

That's okay.... I thought about posting a question for you, but things are so quiet here, I figured no one probably missed it!

Question of the Day

What do you have left to do for Christmas?

Everything is pretty much wrapped. All I think I have to do is grocery shop and then cook for Tues and Wed.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Well.... I'm glad I didn't see this yesterday! My answer yesterday morning would have been much worse!

As of today I need to finish decorating the tree (just got it yesterday and finally got it into the stand and the lights on last night after dinner), finish my wrapping (probably about half done), figure out what we are having for Christmas morning breakfast (quiche or egg casserole???) and then make sure I have the ingredients for it, make the twice-baked potatoes for Christmas Eve (the potatoes got baked last night, they just need to be finished now), wash all of the Christmas dinnerware (it has been in storage since last year), help DD pick up her room so that my Mom can sleep in there, help DS pick up HIS room so my Dad can sleep in there, make sure the kids bathroom is clean, make sure we have the ingredients for the MYO pizza for Christmas day (including potato chips.... my Dad can't have pizza without potato chips :rolleyes:), clean up the rest of the house (mostly just needs a quick pick-up and vacuuming), and of COURSE.... relax and enjoy the holiday season with my family!!!:rotfl:

I still need to pick up some last minute presents, and everything still needs to be wrapped. I am not doing it at our house this year so do not have much cooking to do!
My husband tested (+) for the flu yesterday along with bronchitis and an ear infection and my oldest daughter is currently in bed with a sore throat so this could actually be a very interesting Christmas!

OH NO!!! Prayers that you ALL get healthy and stay healthy for Christmas day!!

Hi Guys

I'm here. A couple of pounds up on the scales this week, but still here none the less!!

The one thing that I wish someone would buy me is either a new pair of running shoes or a new running bra....both too personal for anyone to get due to fitting I think!!! Although it feels like I have only had my Ghost 6 for 5 minutes, they are already showing signs of wear......I'm going to start a small savings account in the new year specifically for running shoes.

What a great idea! I have about $100 "funneled" off of the regular bank account every month into my "secret" savings account (it has just my name on it). The original plan was that it was my Disney savings, but it has become my general "vacation or something special" account. I don't really miss the money in the regular account and it builds up quickly if I can ignore it for a while! I also deposit any "extra" money that I come up with occasionally (like selling stuff on a FB yard sale or a refund or bonus). You should start a small account with auto deposit every month for your running gear!

What do I have left to do for Christmas.....I have a small (less than 10 items) grocery list that I will take care of today, then it's just present wrapping which I always do on Christmas eve in front of the fire with a glass or 2 of something warming!!! I will also be preparing the vegetables for Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as we are going on the parkrun at 8:00am Christmas Day.

Looking forward to my coaching gig between Christmas and the New Year!!

Chat soon

I'll be thinking of you outside running on Christmas while I lay around the house in my pajamas.... ALL DAY!!:lmao:

Good Monday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here this week. I know everyone is pretty busy this week. It will be crazy next week.

Question of the Day

There is so much talk about Mary Poppins this week.
What is the first Disney movie do you remember seeing?

We have not seen Saving Mr. Banks yet but we will be seeing it this week. I do remember going to the drive in to see Mary Poppins but I remember Bedknobs and Broomsticks more. I saw it at Radio City Music Hall one Christmas. We used to go the day after Christmas every year to see the first movie and then the show since it was usually a family show.

Off to start my day

Have a happy and healthy day

Honestly, my first movie memory is 4th grade, going to see The Sound of Music with my school. But I've been told that I was taken to see a re-release of Snow White before that. We didn't go to the movies much at all (although I can remember being a very little kid and going to the drive-in in my pajamas with my parents). So my first "REAL" Disney movie memory is seeing The Little Mermaid with my (then) DFiance, during a snow storm...and absolutely falling in love with Disney all over again!!


Morning all! Fates are really trying to throw me for a loop today... so much to do and we wake up to freezing rain and icy roads. DH is heading to Maine right now, so prayers for his safe travels appreciated. And of course, I try to grab 10 minutes to come here and the stupid wireless keyboard starts acting up. New batteries seems to have helped.

DD and I are scheduled to head out at about 9:30 for a chiropractic appointment, then drop DS off at the Y for a "swim" date with his girlfriend. Then the plan is to pick him up and then the three of us head off to see Frozen before buying the last few groceries and heading home to tackle the list I mentioned above!! I'm truly not sure how I will possibly get this all done today and I know the PRACTICAL thing would be to skip the movie.... but it wouldn't be the fun thing, right???

Exercise is not happening right now, but eating is still good, so I'm cutting myself some big-time slack. And my little cold from early last week is gone (although DD might have gotten a bit of it), so that is good.

Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for the rest of the day.... just too much on the "to-do" list! TTYL.....................P
So I have a question for everyone-

Who has lost a lot of weight (any time in their life), do you find it hard to shop for smaller sizes? Or should I say, "hard to believe", to shop for smaller sizes?

I've been SO use to buying XL shirts for so many years, that now- almost 30 pounds smaller- I have a hard time buying mediums because my brain and my eyes (looking at the shirt as I hold it up) never think it's going to fit! They do fit, but it's so hard to believe.
So I have a question for everyone-

Who has lost a lot of weight (any time in their life), do you find it hard to shop for smaller sizes? Or should I say, "hard to believe", to shop for smaller sizes?
Congrats on your recent weight loss and your journey into single letter and digit sizes!

I am right there with you! I am fitting in to single digit size pants for the first time since high school I was a 20/22 and XXL 18 months ago. I have dropped more then 70lbs since then. I will say my hubby forced me to go get new clothes a couple months ago because my pants looked ridiculous cinched with a belt. I picked up several pairs in a size I thought was right and was astonished when they were to big and I had to go down 3 more sizes before I found a pair to fit:eek:. I walk into a store and immediately head to the plus sizes, because that is where I have shopped for 15+ yrs!
Congratulations to all the losers and maintainers this last week!! I just updated the first page! :thumbsup2

I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas! The festivities start here in Germany already today. For us Christmas eve is the main event - with church followed by presents and a nice dinner. For me it is going to be a nice roast beef that was marinaded in red wine for quite some time. Since the meat is rather lean and we will have lots of vegetables with it, I am counting it as still a fairly healthy Christmas meal! Of course the Christmas cookies and sweets are something different...
Have an excellent time Magdalene, and thanks for your continued hosting this month.

I still have problems picking up the right sized clothes in a shop......old habits are hard to break I guess.

Not sure if I'm meant to be hosting from tonight or tomorrow??? So, a little question for those of you that are still around......What are your plans for tonight??

I'm leaving work at 3:30, going home to wrap the last of the presents and prepare the veg for tomorrows lunch. Once that is done, I will chill out with OH and watch Christmas programmes on TV. For supper we are having crusty bread, cheese, hummus and olives. I think I've earned it!!!

A Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas from the Wonder Mutt to all my DIS friends! :hug: and :love2: to all of you and your loved ones! :santa:
DD and I are scheduled to head out at about 9:30 for a chiropractic appointment, then drop DS off at the Y for a "swim" date with his girlfriend. Then the plan is to pick him up and then the three of us head off to see Frozen before buying the last few groceries and heading home to tackle the list I mentioned above!! I'm truly not sure how I will possibly get this all done today and I know the PRACTICAL thing would be to skip the movie.... but it wouldn't be the fun thing, right???

Hope you did the fun thing and saw the movie yesterday, Pamela. You have lots of elves to help you get the Christmas festivities in order. :santa:

And I have to tell you that I was shocked to read that someone in your family was going to the Y to swim and it wasn't your daughter. :faint::rotfl2:
How does she like her new pool at school?

So I have a question for everyone-

Who has lost a lot of weight (any time in their life), do you find it hard to shop for smaller sizes? Or should I say, "hard to believe", to shop for smaller sizes?

I've been SO use to buying XL shirts for so many years, that now- almost 30 pounds smaller- I have a hard time buying mediums because my brain and my eyes (looking at the shirt as I hold it up) never think it's going to fit! They do fit, but it's so hard to believe.

It is hard to get out of that mindset. I think that is one of the secrets of maintaining really believing the new you! :cool2:

Hi! I am still alive! Will update your weights tomorrow!


Thanks for hostessing, Magdalene! :flower3:

Congrats on your recent weight loss and your journey into single letter and digit sizes!

I am right there with you! I am fitting in to single digit size pants for the first time since high school I was a 20/22 and XXL 18 months ago. I have dropped more then 70lbs since then. I will say my hubby forced me to go get new clothes a couple months ago because my pants looked ridiculous cinched with a belt. I picked up several pairs in a size I thought was right and was astonished when they were to big and I had to go down 3 more sizes before I found a pair to fit:eek:. I walk into a store and immediately head to the plus sizes, because that is where I have shopped for 15+ yrs!

Isn't that fun and exciting? ::yes::

Hope everyone in your family is feeling better today. :flower3:

Congratulations to all the losers and maintainers this last week!! I just updated the first page! :thumbsup2

I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas! The festivities start here in Germany already today. For us Christmas eve is the main event - with church followed by presents and a nice dinner. For me it is going to be a nice roast beef that was marinaded in red wine for quite some time. Since the meat is rather lean and we will have lots of vegetables with it, I am counting it as still a fairly healthy Christmas meal! Of course the Christmas cookies and sweets are something different...

Merry Christmas to you, too, Magdalene. :santa: Your dinner sounds delish!

Have an excellent time Magdalene, and thanks for your continued hosting this month.

I still have problems picking up the right sized clothes in a shop......old habits are hard to break I guess.

Not sure if I'm meant to be hosting from tonight or tomorrow??? So, a little question for those of you that are still around......What are your plans for tonight??

I'm leaving work at 3:30, going home to wrap the last of the presents and prepare the veg for tomorrows lunch. Once that is done, I will chill out with OH and watch Christmas programmes on TV. For supper we are having crusty bread, cheese, hummus and olives. I think I've earned it!!!

Sounds like a peaceful, restful evening, Helen. :hippie: Nice after the busy month you've had and to get ready for your run tomorrow.

We are having appetizers for dinner tonight and will look at pictures and maybe watch a movie. We are a small group for Christmas so it is low key here.

A very Merry Christmas to all! :santa:
Good Tuesday morning.

I think I am still hosting until tonight but I will follow up with Eliza's question

Question of the Day

What are your plans for tomorrow?

Today we go to visit my family. I have to bring 2 pies. Tomorrow we go to visit in laws. I bring everything. I have been up since 4:30 and cooking since 6. Ds peeled all the apples and dh is helping to set up the trays tomorrow morning. We will go to church early tomorrow morning and then pause at 10am to watch the opening number for the DW Christmas parade. One of my students is dancing in it right behind Neil Patrick Harris. Then off to visit in laws.

Have a happy and healthy day and

Merry Christmas

A Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas from the Wonder Mutt to all my DIS friends! :hug: and :love2: to all of you and your loved ones! :santa:

Merry Christmas to you and Wondermutt, too, Kim! :santa: I love her sweet little labrador face. :love:


Merry Christmas to you, too! :santa:

Good Tuesday morning.

I think I am still hosting until tonight but I will follow up with Eliza's question

Question of the Day

What are your plans for tomorrow?

Today we go to visit my family. I have to bring 2 pies. Tomorrow we go to visit in laws. I bring everything. I have been up since 4:30 and cooking since 6. Ds peeled all the apples and dh is helping to set up the trays tomorrow morning. We will go to church early tomorrow morning and then pause at 10am to watch the opening number for the DW Christmas parade. One of my students is dancing in it right behind Neil Patrick Harris. Then off to visit in laws.

Have a happy and healthy day and

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you, too, Dona, and thanks for coaching! :santa:

You're always so good about doing a celebration for your IL, Dona. :flower3: It is something they will always remember. ::yes::

We are having a quiet day here. I think my DS and Mom are having a contest to see who can sleep the latest here so it may be awhile for gift opening. DH is in charge of the prime rib, potatoes and dessert. Everything is done except for the roast. I have the rolls and zucchini casserole which won't take much time at all. Then we have a slideshow of Christmas past and from our trip to watch on our tv. It will be fun! :santa:

Merry Christmas to all! :santa:
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just sitting here watching the disney parade waiting for everyone to wake up.

Can't wait to join up with you guys in January-- I missed you guys, just simply loathed the scale more. Had a bit of a trauma last night, our apprentice int he meat dept. cut off the top of his finger with the saw.:scared1:
It was awful-- blood everywhere, coulda been worse though I guess.
We're stuck here at home today because the car has some issues and we're not supposed to drive it out of town. My truck is too small to haul everyone around. It's ok though we just saw everyone at my Mom n law's 80th birthday and will see them again soon for dh's birthday. Plus I got an actual Prime Rib from work marked down yesterday so I'm looking forward to that.
Have acquired 7 more cats since we last talked--someone was evicted down the street and left them. 3 have run off over the last few days because I opened the porch gate and they escaped kitty prison. It's just not fair to the other cats to keep them from the back yard.
I'm going to go look for them today but have a feeling I won't see at least one of them again. It's ok though I got them all fixed and shots. The ones left are the kittens. Ha-- we've had 7 almost full grown kittens assaulting the tree the last week....
I'm doing a lot better with the depression bit and the daughter has stabilized some. Now I'm ready for the boards again!
Here's some pics of the newbies:
Evening all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Praying that you all had/are having a WONDERFUL, fun-filled, love-filled Christmas celebration!!

I've been eating (a bit too much), drinking, and being merry last night and today. Gifts have been opened and much enjoyed and appreciated by all.

DD's "big" gift to me is something you would ALL love.... she made a GREAT music video that she made from videos taken during our Disney trip this past May. I would share it here, but it is a HUGE file and it probably wouldn't mean as much to you all. I'll tell you a bit more about it later.

My "big" gift from DH was (drum roll).... an iPhone! I'm coming into the 21st century! Our big gift to the kids was iPhones as well, but I wasn't going to upgrade my line for a while.

Off to enjoy more family time! I'll try to pop on tomorrow to chat more.......P
Hi Everyone

Hope you all had a really good Christmas. I fell off the healthy eating wagon rather, but it is only one day after all.........or is it????

QOTD for 26th December is........are you straight back on the healthy eating regime today or not???

It's a no from me I'm afraid, we have a public holiday here in the UK called Boxing Day. For me this means party food at the in-laws this afternoon, with a glass of two of mulled wine. Definitely back on it on Friday though. Already planning my meals!

I did do my 5k parkrun yesterday at 9:00am as an extra to the one I do every Saturday. Was only 3 seconds outside my PB too! There is another extra race on New Years Day, but will have to wait and see how I feel for that one!

Hope you're all having a good day whatever you're doing. Will be back to check in on you later.

Going to see one of my presents on Friday....OH sponsored a donkey in my name at a local donkey sanctuary...he's called Ripple and I can't wait to meet him. I love donkeys....it's an Eyeore thing!
QOTD for 26th December is........are you straight back on the healthy eating regime today or not???

Thought I would be, but then a friend went to DD and I just HAD to try one of their salted caramel hot chocolates. Oh my!!!!!!:love:

Going to see one of my presents on Friday....OH sponsored a donkey in my name at a local donkey sanctuary...he's called Ripple and I can't wait to meet him. I love donkeys....it's an Eyeore thing!

Right there with ya ! :eeyore:

Santa was very good to me as he always is. :goodvibes I think someone was trying to tell me something between the Costco cookbook from my MIL and a set of cast iron skillets from the DH. Guess I should actually start spending some time in that room with the fridge and microwave in it! :lmao:
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

I hope you have a great day!

Hope you had a great day, too, Buffy! :wave2:

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just sitting here watching the disney parade waiting for everyone to wake up.

Can't wait to join up with you guys in January-- I missed you guys, just simply loathed the scale more.

Hi Susan! :wave2: Nice to see you! :flower3: Glad your coworker is okay and I always enjoy your sweet kitty pics.

Evening all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Praying that you all had/are having a WONDERFUL, fun-filled, love-filled Christmas celebration!!

I've been eating (a bit too much), drinking, and being merry last night and today. Gifts have been opened and much enjoyed and appreciated by all.

Glad that you had a great Christmas, Pamela! :santa:

Hi Everyone

Hope you all had a really good Christmas. I fell off the healthy eating wagon rather, but it is only one day after all.........or is it????

QOTD for 26th December is........are you straight back on the healthy eating regime today or not???

Congrats on a great run, Helen! :yay:

I am on track at least as far as tracking and eating within my points are concerned. We have one party tonight and then I think I will rein things in the rest of the way. I was a brave soul and went to my regular WW meeting yesterday and had a gain of only .2 pounds -- that was a maintain in my book! :cool2:

Right there with ya ! :eeyore:

Santa was very good to me as he always is. :goodvibes I think someone was trying to tell me something between the Costco cookbook from my MIL and a set of cast iron skillets from the DH. Guess I should actually start spending some time in that room with the fridge and microwave in it! :lmao:

LOL, Kim! We'll be looking forward to seeing your wonderful cooking creations! ::yes::

Happy Friday all! :goodvibes
OMG so I got some motivation for the new year!! They opened an Athleta store in the mall, I could have bought one of everything. I tried a lot of stuff on and I'm a large or XL in most of the stuff. I need to shed a bit more of the belly to wear a Med/ Large.
Such cute stuff though!
OMG so I got some motivation for the new year!! They opened an Athleta store in the mall, I could have bought one of everything. I tried a lot of stuff on and I'm a large or XL in most of the stuff. I need to shed a bit more of the belly to wear a Med/ Large.
Such cute stuff though!

Oooooooh what store?!

I can't WAIT to be able to fit better in cute clothes :laundy:


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