WISH Away the Pounds -- Delightful December Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

My best accomplishment is my weight loss.....I will get to target early in the new year - I am determined.

My immediate plan is to keep doing the 5K parkrun every weekend....I've done 20, so another 30 to do before I get my 50 T-shirt!!!

I have identified 3 10K races I intend to do, but am looking for another to make it one a quarter. In the autumn I might face a 10 miler, but it is a long way off yet!!

Congrats on your weight loss and good luck on your races! I love doing races of all lengths the feeling of accomplishment when I cross the finish line is amazing!
Welcome to Thursday everyone! Thinking most of us are really to busy to post!
Thanks for letting me coach this week. It actually was super easy as it was very very quiet.

What is the one treat you look forward to most at Christmas time?

I will say mine used to be the cookie exchanges, but I went gluten free 18+months age, so now it is definitely Cadbury holiday balls. They are just like the mini eggs at Easter that have hard candy shell and chocolate center. I have been able to resist buying any thus far, but figured I might just find some in my stocking this year as I have been mostly good!:cheer2:
Well another day is in the books! We are that much closer to the celebrating and the ending of another year! I hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday.

It seems everyone is keeping very busy, and I hope that you take a little me time over the next week or so and celebrate all you have accomplished thus far in your life! Which brings me to my
QOTD- What is the one thing you are most proud of accomplishing this year? What is top on your list to accomplish for next year?

I am hoping to get my Coast to Coast medal in 2014. :goodvibes

Thanks for coaching, Kate! :flower3:

I just wanted to come on and say HI.

I know I haven't been on this month but it has been a long and hard month so far. I came today to say I am going to be coaching starting Friday so I thought I should show my face. I will be back tomorrow night to post my question for Friday since my computer hates to get on Disboards in the morning.

Nice to see you, Dona! You've been missed. Thanks for being our next coach. :flower3:

Welcome to Thursday everyone! Thinking most of us are really to busy to post!
Thanks for letting me coach this week. It actually was super easy as it was very very quiet.

What is the one treat you look forward to most at Christmas time?

I will say mine used to be the cookie exchanges, but I went gluten free 18+months age, so now it is definitely Cadbury holiday balls. They are just like the mini eggs at Easter that have hard candy shell and chocolate center. I have been able to resist buying any thus far, but figured I might just find some in my stocking this year as I have been mostly good!:cheer2:

This is one of the busiest weeks of the year with all the holiday festivities for sure! :santa: But I know we have lots of people following along even if they aren't posting. We should be a few delurkers soon. ;)

I really love fudge. I limit it to a small package from the store to minimize the damage. It is a once a year thing and just says Christmas to me.

Have a great day all! :goodvibes
I am on an all watermelon diet today! Trying to flush out the salt I had yesterday with my naughty food and kickstart good eating for the worst eating week of the year! (for me anyway).

At least I found a good juicy sweet watermelon!

Well I'm here lurking...
Thought I'd do the usual January start, but am coming here for inspiration for now.:)


It seems everyone is keeping very busy, and I hope that you take a little me time over the next week or so and celebrate all you have accomplished thus far in your life! Which brings me to my
QOTD- What is the one thing you are most proud of accomplishing this year? What is top on your list to accomplish for next year?

My biggest accomplishment is getting within reach of my goal weight (12 more lbs)! I did not think I would ever see this weight again as I have not seen it since high school which was 20 yrs ago!
At the top of my list for 2014 is to complete a race every month. I did a 5k every month in 2012, then in 2013 took several months off to train for a half and a full marathon, so I would love to try for another year like 2012, except with longer race distances mixed in. I have several already on my calender for Jan, Feb, March and April, so just need to continue the streak. My main obstacle at this point is time is I work nights and weekends so it is difficult to do races as most are done on Saturday or Sunday!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and try and stay warm. Remember you are the master of your own destiny, you are in charge, you make the choices, so choose wisely! Take the time today to smile and enjoy the beautiful world around you! :);)

WONDERFUL question and your answer is SO inspiring! And I love that part I bolded at the bottom.

TO answer the QOTD I'd say..... that my biggest accomplishment of the last year, as it relates to this topic, is getting my job with WW and sticking with it, despite some issues with lack of training, etc. For someone who is as naturally shy and introverted as myself, standing up in front of 10-20 people once a week to talk and laugh and try to be funny and inspiring and all... it can be TOUGH!

For next year??? Gotta give that one some thought, but getting back to a REGULAR EXERCISE plan should be TOPS on the list!!

My best accomplishment is my weight loss.....I will get to target early in the new year - I am determined.

My immediate plan is to keep doing the 5K parkrun every weekend....I've done 20, so another 30 to do before I get my 50 T-shirt!!!

I have identified 3 10K races I intend to do, but am looking for another to make it one a quarter. In the autumn I might face a 10 miler, but it is a long way off yet!!


I just wanted to come on and say HI.

I know I haven't been on this month but it has been a long and hard month so far. I came today to say I am going to be coaching starting Friday so I thought I should show my face. I will be back tomorrow night to post my question for Friday since my computer hates to get on Disboards in the morning.

We have missed you my friend! Hope the sewing machine has been humming along steadily!

Welcome to Thursday everyone! Thinking most of us are really to busy to post!
Thanks for letting me coach this week. It actually was super easy as it was very very quiet.

And thank you for being here and sticking with us! It has been SUPER QUIET here, but I'm sure we are all in the same boat.... busy with holiday prep, shopping, wrapping, and EXERCISE ;) .

What is the one treat you look forward to most at Christmas time?

I can't think of any ONE particular treat.... but just being able to RELAX my eating, JUST A BIT, for a day or so is kind of nice. I'll probably enjoy a mimosa (or two :thumbsup2), a dessert (or three :lmao:) and some indulgent foods like prime rib.... but it will definitely be limited to Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas day, and then maybe just ONE other meal when we get together with extended family. If I had to pin it down to just ONE food, I'd probably say cheesecake, but I don't even have that on the menu this year!:rolleyes2

I will say mine used to be the cookie exchanges, but I went gluten free 18+months age, so now it is definitely Cadbury holiday balls. They are just like the mini eggs at Easter that have hard candy shell and chocolate center. I have been able to resist buying any thus far, but figured I might just find some in my stocking this year as I have been mostly good!:cheer2:

You should let Rose know about those GF candies!

I am hoping to get my Coast to Coast medal in 2014. :goodvibes

I can't WAIT to celebrate that accomplishment with you!!

This is one of the busiest weeks of the year with all the holiday festivities for sure! :santa: But I know we have lots of people following along even if they aren't posting. We should be a few delurkers soon. ;)

Yup.... I hope EVERYONE shows their face, come January, and participates along with us! It will be mean that the January thread will move along VERY QUICKLY, but it will keep things FUN!

I really love fudge. I limit it to a small package from the store to minimize the damage. It is a once a year thing and just says Christmas to me.

Have a great day all! :goodvibes


I am on an all watermelon diet today! Trying to flush out the salt I had yesterday with my naughty food and kickstart good eating for the worst eating week of the year! (for me anyway).

At least I found a good juicy sweet watermelon!


:lmao: Does it really help? I do know that watermelon is supposed to flush the system, but this time of year I wouldn't even think of it! Hope it works for you! Maybe I'll try it for a day or two after the holiday eating!


Morning all! Down to the final days before Christmas! Hope you are all managing to stay OP with your eating and exercise. The day(s) to indulge will be here before you know it and the indulging will be all the sweeter, knowing that you've stayed OP up until then!

I had one of the BEST weigh-ins I have had in a LOOOONG time yesterday.... perfect timing for my monthly work weigh-in! Today's number wasn't quite as sweet, but still good. I'm feeling REALLY GOOD about going into the holiday week at the lower end of my maintenance range! It will spur me on to STAY THERE!

Off to check on movie times. DD and I want to go see Frozen and Saving Mr. Banks and we are planning to go see Catching Fire tonight (with the girlfriend) if possible. Lots to see in a few days before Christmas....and we haven't even gotten a tree yet!! :eek: TTYL..............P
Good Friday morning.

this is the first chance I have to get on this morning. It will be better the next couple of days since I am off.

Just a little stocking stuffers for dh and I should be done. I have 4 pages of lists to get Christmas dinner together but that is normal. If I don't write something down I forget it.

Question of the Day

Is there something you wish someone would buy you but you don't think they will since it a pain for them to get?

I would love a new quilt frame but the one I really want I would have to order for myself and there goes the surprise.

I would also love a kitchen aide food processor but dh would think it is just another toy.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Well I'm here lurking...
Thought I'd do the usual January start, but am coming here for inspiration for now.:)

Hi Susan! :wave2: Nice to see you! Hope that you and the kitties are doing well. :santa:

Good Friday morning.

this is the first chance I have to get on this morning. It will be better the next couple of days since I am off.

Just a little stocking stuffers for dh and I should be done. I have 4 pages of lists to get Christmas dinner together but that is normal. If I don't write something down I forget it.

Question of the Day

Is there something you wish someone would buy you but you don't think they will since it a pain for them to get?

I would love a new quilt frame but the one I really want I would have to order for myself and there goes the surprise.

I would also love a kitchen aide food processor but dh would think it is just another toy.

Have a happy and healthy day.

For most gifts it is easier for everyone if we all participate -- sometimes I think people will really like something and then I find out it is the last thing they want. :rotfl: What would be fun is for someone else to plan a vacation or trip and me not have to do any of the planning -- just show up and go. :santa:

Hope you have a fun day today, Dona. :flower3:

My HS student was counting down the minutes until break starts this morning. :rotfl2:
Good Friday morning.
this is the first chance I have to get on this morning. It will be better the next couple of days since I am off.
Just a little stocking stuffers for dh and I should be done. I have 4 pages of lists to get Christmas dinner together but that is normal. If I don't write something down I forget it.

Me and you both! I haven't even BOUGHT my groceries for Christmas dinner yet!

What I am STILL primarily missing is about a $50 gift for DS and a few stocking stuffers.

Question of the Day

Is there something you wish someone would buy you but you don't think they will since it a pain for them to get?

Yup.... I'd love an annual pass to Disney and a year's worth of plane tickets... but it seems to be a PAIN in DH's wallet! :rotfl2:

For most gifts it is easier for everyone if we all participate -- sometimes I think people will really like something and then I find out it is the last thing they want. :rotfl: What would be fun is for someone else to plan a vacation or trip and me not have to do any of the planning -- just show up and go. :santa:

Hope you have a fun day today, Dona. :flower3:

My HS student was counting down the minutes until break starts this morning. :rotfl2:

Yup... my DS was singing the happy song when I picked him up at 3:15!!

Long week.

152.9 today


Sorry you aren't happy with that. Keep plugging along! It will happen!


Okay... don't walk... RUN to see Saving Mr. Banks!! It was SO GOOD!! I cried! So much more than I thought it would be .... so much DEEPER! And Tom Hanks does credit to Mr. Disney!! And of course, getting a glimpse inside the workings of Disney Studios during Walt's time was PRICELESS! DD and I saw the first showing today at noon and I would see it again!!

Next up tonight is Catching Fire and probably DD and I will see Frozen on Sunday. Keeping in mind, of course, that we STILL have NO Christmas tree!! :rolleyes2

Brought my own home popped (fat free) popcorn to the movies, but did share a few M&Ms with DD. Lunch was the popcorn and a banana. Gotta keep it under control until Christmas!!

Off go make sandwiches for dinner so we can head out at 5:30 for Catching Fire!.......................P
So once again I am a THREAD KILLER!!:rotfl2:

Oh well.... hope you all are enjoying this last weekend before the big holiday! Hope you are out there getting your shopping finished, your wrapping done, your baking completed, and EATING ON PLAN!!

I had a bit of a "fall off the wagon" last night.... a run-in with some peanut butter M&Ms but not a huge tragedy.... if it hadn't been combined with a LARGE slice of real pizza! :crazy2: Oh well.... at least I didn't compound it with movie popcorn! I definitely went over my Points yesterday, but will pull it back together today and finish these last few days before Christmas in a good way!

I WILL ignore the candy, cookies, and goodies that DD is making this weekend, make sure I get my walks done, and feel really good about myself come Christmas Eve!

On the schedule for me today.... last minute shopping (ICK), getting a Christmas tree BOUGHT, into the house, and decorated, and finish the wrapping! Ice storm schedule for the overnight, although it sounds like it will be mostly NORTH of us, but we will plan to spend the evening at home decorating and enjoying the time at home together.

I'll pop on again later and hope that I'm not still alone!..............P
I had one of the BEST weigh-ins I have had in a LOOOONG time yesterday.... perfect timing for my monthly work weigh-in! Today's number wasn't quite as sweet, but still good. I'm feeling REALLY GOOD about going into the holiday week at the lower end of my maintenance range! It will spur me on to STAY THERE!

Off to check on movie times. DD and I want to go see Frozen and Saving Mr. Banks and we are planning to go see Catching Fire tonight (with the girlfriend) if possible. Lots to see in a few days before Christmas....and we haven't even gotten a tree yet!! :eek: TTYL..............P

Congratulations on your great WI, Pamela! Your hard work is paying off! :yay:

Lots of movies to catch up on at your house. I know that you are loving having your DD home. :love:

Long week.

152.9 today


It's moving. I know it is hard when it is not the number you were hoping for. :hug: I have faith that it will show up soon! :flower3:

I'm trying to get the last of the things that need to be done around here this week-end. Have a great week-end all! :santa:
Congratulations on your great WI, Pamela! Your hard work is paying off! :yay:

Thank you!

Lots of movies to catch up on at your house. I know that you are loving having your DD home. :love:

Yup.... DD wanted to see three movies while she was home.... 2 down, one to go (Frozen). Trying to enjoy every minute she is here.

I'm trying to get the last of the things that need to be done around here this week-end. Have a great week-end all! :santa:

I hope your weekend is wonderful as well! Do you have all your shopping done?


Heading out in 10 minutes to deal with the holiday madness! Wish me luck!...P
I am here! Can not believe just how close we are to Christmas with so much still to do and working 4 12 hr night shifts the Sat, Sun, Mon and Tue. I hope to get it all done!

Something I would love but is a pain is entry fees to all my up coming races for 2014. It is hard because still picking them, but I wish I could just sign up when I found one I like and it be paid for all ready. They get so expensive!

I hope everyone had a great Saturday!:wave2:
I am here! Can not believe just how close we are to Christmas with so much still to do and working 4 12 hr night shifts the Sat, Sun, Mon and Tue. I hope to get it all done!

Something I would love but is a pain is entry fees to all my up coming races for 2014. It is hard because still picking them, but I wish I could just sign up when I found one I like and it be paid for all ready. They get so expensive!

I hope everyone had a great Saturday!:wave2:

Whew! I think you will need a long winter's nap after those shifts! :santa:
I'm here and I'm maintaining.
Things are just non stop here, very frustrating.

Monday DS17 and I are going to the gym. I need to get back into a routine. I am very behind in my training.
Good Sunday morning

Sorry I forgot about yesterday

Question of the Day

What do you have left to do for Christmas?

Everything is pretty much wrapped. All I think I have to do is grocery shop and then cook for Tues and Wed.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Question of the Day

What do you have left to do for Christmas?

I still need to pick up some last minute presents, and everything still needs to be wrapped. I am not doing it at our house this year so do not have much cooking to do!
My husband tested (+) for the flu yesterday along with bronchitis and an ear infection and my oldest daughter is currently in bed with a sore throat so this could actually be a very interesting Christmas!
Hi Guys

I'm here. A couple of pounds up on the scales this week, but still here none the less!!

The one thing that I wish someone would buy me is either a new pair of running shoes or a new running bra....both too personal for anyone to get due to fitting I think!!! Although it feels like I have only had my Ghost 6 for 5 minutes, they are already showing signs of wear......I'm going to start a small savings account in the new year specifically for running shoes.

What do I have left to do for Christmas.....I have a small (less than 10 items) grocery list that I will take care of today, then it's just present wrapping which I always do on Christmas eve in front of the fire with a glass or 2 of something warming!!! I will also be preparing the vegetables for Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as we are going on the parkrun at 8:00am Christmas Day.

Looking forward to my coaching gig between Christmas and the New Year!!

Chat soon
Good Monday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here this week. I know everyone is pretty busy this week. It will be crazy next week.

Question of the Day

There is so much talk about Mary Poppins this week.
What is the first Disney movie do you remember seeing?

We have not seen Saving Mr. Banks yet but we will be seeing it this week. I do remember going to the drive in to see Mary Poppins but I remember Bedknobs and Broomsticks more. I saw it at Radio City Music Hall one Christmas. We used to go the day after Christmas every year to see the first movie and then the show since it was usually a family show.

Off to start my day

Have a happy and healthy day
I'm here and I'm maintaining.
Things are just non stop here, very frustrating.

Monday DS17 and I are going to the gym. I need to get back into a routine. I am very behind in my training.

Hang in there, Buffy! :hug: A maintain is a winner this time of year for sure! ::yes::

Jeff Galloway says you keep your endurance for three weeks so you may not be as far behind as you fear. :flower3: Lots of time before the race. princess:

Good Sunday morning

Sorry I forgot about yesterday

Question of the Day

What do you have left to do for Christmas?

Everything is pretty much wrapped. All I think I have to do is grocery shop and then cook for Tues and Wed.

Have a happy and healthy day.

No worries, Dona, fits right in with the one QOTD for the week-end we've been doing. :goodvibes Thanks for coaching! :flower3:

Everything that is going to be wrapped is wrapped. All the stocking stuff is safely hidden away. This morning I will do the last of the grocery shopping. We have the big stuff -- this run is for the last minute appetizers and sandwich stuff. We will pick up my Mom and have a nice lunch out today so that takes care of cooking for today. :thumbsup2

I still need to pick up some last minute presents, and everything still needs to be wrapped. I am not doing it at our house this year so do not have much cooking to do!
My husband tested (+) for the flu yesterday along with bronchitis and an ear infection and my oldest daughter is currently in bed with a sore throat so this could actually be a very interesting Christmas!

Oh, Kate, pixiedust: for some speedy healing at your house! :hug:

Hi Guys

I'm here. A couple of pounds up on the scales this week, but still here none the less!!

The one thing that I wish someone would buy me is either a new pair of running shoes or a new running bra....both too personal for anyone to get due to fitting I think!!! Although it feels like I have only had my Ghost 6 for 5 minutes, they are already showing signs of wear......I'm going to start a small savings account in the new year specifically for running shoes.

What do I have left to do for Christmas.....I have a small (less than 10 items) grocery list that I will take care of today, then it's just present wrapping which I always do on Christmas eve in front of the fire with a glass or 2 of something warming!!! I will also be preparing the vegetables for Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as we are going on the parkrun at 8:00am Christmas Day.

Looking forward to my coaching gig between Christmas and the New Year!!

Chat soon

Running on Christmas Day is a great way to start the celebrating! :santa:

Sorry about your shoes but you probably have more miles on them than you realize because you are so faithful with your runs every week and increased your mileage this year. :cool2:

Good Monday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here this week. I know everyone is pretty busy this week. It will be crazy next week.

Question of the Day

There is so much talk about Mary Poppins this week.
What is the first Disney movie do you remember seeing?

We have not seen Saving Mr. Banks yet but we will be seeing it this week. I do remember going to the drive in to see Mary Poppins but I remember Bedknobs and Broomsticks more. I saw it at Radio City Music Hall one Christmas. We used to go the day after Christmas every year to see the first movie and then the show since it was usually a family show.

Off to start my day

Have a happy and healthy day

We haven't seen Saving Mr. Banks or Frozen yet but they are on the list for during holiday.

That sounds like a fun tradition that you had while you were growing up, Dona. :goodvibes

The first movie that I remember seeing is Mary Poppins at the drive in a cool company car that looked just like this:

I'm pretty sure we fell asleep in the back of the car before it was over since I was 4 at the time. :rotfl:

Happy Monday!


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