Will you be ok jobwise with this nightmare?

I can do my job from home (and have for many years). However, my position is under marketing. If business drops off as a whole, then who knows what will happen. Marketing positions seem to get hit hard in downsizings.
I am a school administrator and am on medical leave this entire school year due to medical treatment. Because I was only at my new school for six weeks prior to my diagnosis, I did not qualify for paid leave or disability, thus no income for this entire academic year. I landed an at home job scoring state standardized exams in CA, but I have a feeling the state exams will be canceled and no scoring position. Sigh. I am also very close to retirement and a saddened by the state of my 401k.

I thought all standardized exams were cancelled
I don’t know yet. Our main project is a construction site that has been shut down. My boss has been doing her best to get us hours in our workshop, but there isn’t anything for us to do except clean/find busy work. She’s rotating who works so we can all have some hours. I love my job but damn do I wish it could be done remotely!
I think both DH and I are fine for now. But juggling that plus 13 year old. Well it’s a lot of together time 🤪

DH’s job survived 2008 and he’s got enough seniority he will make it even if layoffs.

I’m worried long-term for me. Our college is lacking the leadership needed during this and I don’t think it will survive. Time will tell. Thankfully due to so many retirements in my field I can find another position.
IT Healthcare here - just need a computer. Now 100% at home (and crazy busy) I do have family members impacted due to not being able to do their jobs during all the closures. I feel for all those impacted. It's going to be a rough ride for awhile.
Yes. My husband works for UPS. Assuming he stays healthy (a BIG if, since most of his co-workers are young and believe themselves invincible and therefore are NOT practicing social distancing....very frustrating), he has a job. Similarly, all our extended family are in occupations whether they can either work from home or are designated "essential" (or would be). I don't personally know (as in "friends with") anyone who will be affected from an economic perspective (other than the obvious decline in the stock market).
I am not trying to be negative but I see a lot of people saying they have transitioned to working from home. That is only part of it. The most important part of working from home is not being able to set up a desk and a computer and work from home. That is the easy part.

The issues comes on down the line when revenues are down because less product is being made, orders being fulfilled or services required. Less volume requires fewer people whether you can successfully work from home or not.

Granted different types of economic downturns impact different industries differently and I get that.
My husband is straight commission in the auto industry and depends on parts being supplied by the auto factories, that just shut down...so....things will be getting real.

I am a teacher. Our school is closed so far until April 6th. So far being paid but....
Thankfully, I am in that "essential business" category working for a CPA. It is a small firm with only 4 of us in the office. We were the only office open on our floor this week, so we felt somewhat quarantined due to that alone. We have cancelled all tax appointments and are encouraging people to mail, fax or email their paperwork to us. We have many elderly clients and have sent couriers to pick up their info. Next week we are closed to everything, so no drop offs, pick ups or stopping by to sign anything. We will use other means.

We are planning to continue tax season, as usual, and encourage our clients to do the same. We have heard nothing from the state agreeing to honor the July 15th deadline extension and since the first line of the state return begins with the federal AGI, you cannot complete a state return without completing the federal first. Who knows what next week will bring, but that's the plan right now.

Since I am a single mom, I'm very thankful to not lose my job or income during this difficult time.
I'm still going to work 5 days a week. I work in a book warehouse for one of the big 5 publishing companies. As long as book stores stay open, we'll keep working. We also ship books to Amazon. So we keep not only stores, but websites stocked with books. It would take 1 of 3 things to get us to shut down the warehouse. A government (city/state/national) ordered shutdown, a worker tests positive or the number or orders being shipped out drops too low.

I had a good talk with my supervisor the other day. I told her that I would come to work in a hazmat suit before I let this virus cost me my job. She assured me that wasn't necessary and my job was safe if I needed time off. I also found out that if we do shut down the warehouse, I will get paid. Not 100% of my pay, but I will get something.

I'm not concerned about the industry tanking. During the whole 08-09 recession our company was growing. I've worked for this company for 15 years. We've had out ups and downs, but we will survive this.

For all of you bored at home... buy a new book so i can keep working! :laughing:
I'm retired and a stay at home parent but DH works as a stage tech in a casino. He has been temporarily laid off until April 16, but it has already been announced a couple of months ago that the business is being sold and closed to be converted to high end condos so he was going to retire at that time. He is being paid for 2 weeks and then will take PTO. The company will pay all insurance benefits until June 30 so that is a plus. He will file for unemployment if he runs out of PTO. Luckily we have savings and very few bills. Our IRA's have taken quite a hit so hoping those come back within a year or two
As of right now, no, but in the long run most likely. I'm a waiter in two restaurants (one full, one part time). My full time job is a national company and when it's all said and done I feel very confident they will still be standing. My part time (2/3 days a week) restaurant is a local chain so not quite as confident about it being around. Although, I do think it will be since they were bought out by a group a few years ago that runs a handful or chains across the country.

The worst part right now is the unknown. I wouldn't be surprised at all, and mostly expecting it, to see the restaurant ban that starting Monday (for 2 weeks), extended. I just hope it's not extended too long.
Dh and I both work for small essential businesses (Pennsylvania). We both have to go in to work, and I don’t think our jobs are going away because the revenue is still there. I do feel blessed.
We should be fine. I do payroll accounting for the fuel transportation division of a large corporation. We have all transitioned to working from home and things have been going well so far. My husband is a maintenance manager for a food production facility and so far it’s business as usual for him as well. We are still placing more money into savings and being smart about spending just in case.
Waiting to find out..

They have been cancelled. I also score standardize tests every spring, from home. I was already notified by my employer that my project had been cancelled and I would not be working this year. I was scheduled to begin work 4/4.
DH - still working
DW - cut 3/4 of my hours
DD - still working
DS - home- work was closed


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