Where do you think DVC resale prices are headed?

As a seller, do you want the most money it to sell the fastest? What broker you list with may depend in part on your answer to that question.
Is there any rhyme or reason why prices vary so much even among the reputable brokers?

I had heard that Fidelity gets the contracts from "distressed" sellers. Somehow Disney refers them or something. I don't know if that's still true but for a long time Fidelity had considerably lower priced contracts, so it seemed to make sense. I haven't noticed as much of a difference lately. However, I'm only looking at small contracts for specific resort and UY, so, I'm not studying across the board pricing.
Is there any rhyme or reason why prices vary so much even among the reputable brokers?
It’s because the brokers don’t actually set the prices. They can make a recommendation but ultimately the seller decides the price they are going to list at. If you talk to some of the brokers regarding the clearly overpriced contracts, they will tell you the price is unrealistic but the seller is unwilling to move. Not to stick up for the brokers too much, but most of the unrealistic prices right now are because sellers refuse to accept the market turned and will no longer command the crazy prices of just a few months ago.
6/11 update

number of newly posted resale contracts at about 200-220% of average*

* Aggregating site is not updating so lower level is directly observed, upper level includes what is would typically only observed through the aggregating site.
6/11 update

number of newly posted resale contracts at about 200-220% of average*

* Aggregating site is not updating so lower level is directly observed, upper level includes what is would typically only observed through the aggregating site.
I feel like I must be missing a few major sites or something because I'm not seeing these new contracts, lol. I guess they must be mostly in resorts I'm not interested in.
OMG to these new AKL listings. I haven’t been stalking prices since I bought SSR last week. I saw the first $125 listing but now there are multiple $125 listings and now even larger contracts are getting $118. That is nuts!
I guess if I was an owner at AKL who was thinking of selling and watching them sell quick at the listed price I would try my luck with the higher price for a month or so but wow, that stinks as a buyer.
Guess I’ll hold off to buy direct in the fall.
OMG to these new AKL listings. I haven’t been stalking prices since I bought SSR last week. I saw the first $125 listing but now there are multiple $125 listings and now even larger contracts are getting $118. That is nuts!
I guess if I was an owner at AKL who was thinking of selling and watching them sell quick at the listed price I would try my luck with the higher price for a month or so but wow, that stinks as a buyer.
Guess I’ll hold off to buy direct in the fall.
The one large site that has the prices at $10 above the other sites has a pricing tool that provides those higher recommendations (118 to 120 for a point neutral medium size contract)
The one large site that has the prices at $10 above the other sites has a pricing tool that provides those higher recommendations (118 to 120 for a point neutral medium size contract)
That same large site and others as well send notifications/email that a listing was reduced, when it hasn't been. It's so annoying. I keep track in a spread sheet for various listings that are of interest to me and this has happened multiple times now.
Do you look at all resale sites or just one, and which ones do you prefer and trust? I ask because this is the first time we are looking to purchase a resale as our current contracts were direct buys.
I became very annoyed at one of the very large brokers... inflated prices from mega-sellers at 15 to 20 over fair value and unwilling to negotiate,, I believe basically trying to artificially support the market during this in-ordinary time... I quickly caught on and moved along. I don't know if I am allowed to post who I purchased from, but it was a smaller broker and I had a very smooth professional experience.
I know $125 a point is still significantly less than what direct DVC is going for, but at $125 a point I’d almost rather just buy Riviera direct, get all the perks and an extra 13 years. I just think the prices for AKV on that site are insane right now and I’m surprised anyone is paying it
Weird question on my line of thinking and maybe this can help people out. We bought a Animal Kingdom 155 point contract that has 310 points loaded up right now and another 155 coming in Feb. We paid $110 per point. We plan on renting/transferring 155 points and banking the other 155. So that will get us about $2300 back. So doing it this way we really paid about 95 a point if we are able to rent/transfer. Is my line of thinking correct? If it is, maybe look for a front loaded contract and follow that method to bring the cost down. LOL!
I became very annoyed at one of the very large brokers... inflated prices from mega-sellers at 15 to 20 over fair value and unwilling to negotiate,, I believe basically trying to artificially support the market during this in-ordinary time... I quickly caught on and moved along. I don't know if I am allowed to post who I purchased from, but it was a smaller broker and I had a very smooth professional experience.
Thank you for pointing this out. This issue is being brought up again and again on this thread and though the folks here are aware of this pattern of listings, likely 99% of resale buyers aren't here with us in this discussion. The only thing you can do is wait and watch until sanity returns.

I actually really like the broker you are referring too, but have two contracts I attempted to buy, one was listed at the wrong price and no, I wasn't going to pay $13 more than the posted price. The second, being asked to rebid on a contract due to multiple bidders, seriously? Liking the broker does not mean I'm willing to pay thousands more to work with them!

There are a couple smaller brokers that seem to have lower prices. I also see a pattern of prices going lower at the smaller brokers as well, with new contracts $5-10 lower than similar ones UA. They are there on various websites for all to see. My checkbook meanwhile, sits in the drawer until I can make a fair deal.
Weird question on my line of thinking and maybe this can help people out. We bought a Animal Kingdom 155 point contract that has 310 points loaded up right now and another 155 coming in Feb. We paid $110 per point. We plan on renting/transferring 155 points and banking the other 155. So that will get us about $2300 back. So doing it this way we really paid about 95 a point if we are able to rent/transfer. Is my line of thinking correct? If it is, maybe look for a front loaded contract and follow that method to bring the cost down. LOL!
This is how I have bought in the past and it has been a valid plan...now with the rental market rather sketchy, I'm not so sure it will work for me. We plan on "spending" additional points ourselves or gifting. The only way I will rent is with someone I know personally who I can work out a deal with an exit ramp in case of another disaster. Tread carefully and good luck!
This is how I have bought in the past and it has been a valid plan...now with the rental market rather sketchy, I'm not so sure it will work for me. We plan on "spending" additional points ourselves or gifting. The only way I will rent is with someone I know personally who I can work out a deal with an exit ramp in case of another disaster. Tread carefully and good luck!

Thanks! Would it be fair to say a transfer would be the better option?


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