What you drink the most

I drink coffee every morning to get started, then after that I drink water with a slice of lemon.
Coffee at breakfast, water all day at work, and watered-down cranberry juice at home.
red rose tea bag hot tea. I must drink 5+ cups a day... even when its like 90 degrees out. Right now i'm drinking snapple lemon ice tea, but i need the calories :mad: but its mostly hot red rose tea
Coffee in the am and then unsweetened iced tea or diet iced tea (packets) the rest of the day. In winter, I have hot tea.
Water all day and hot tea if my allergies are bugging me.

I have a killer Coke Zero addiction I am trying really hard to kick. Working on finding ways to "jazz" up my water.
Water. Pretty much that is it. Occasionally iced tea or hot tea, and one cup of coffee a day. But water the rest of the day. I have reflux, and have a lot of issues with certain foods and beverages.
Crystal lite. I cut out soda and I noticed a huge difference (economically and physically). X )
I usually drink water most of the day but have one can of Mello Yello over a large cup of ice to sip on all day at work during the week. On the weekend I will usually have a large drink from Sonic, used to be Mello Yello there also but since they quit carrying it I've had to try other options because I have a Sonic ice addiction. Favorite choices right now are Coke with a shot of Cherry syrup (tastes like the Cherry Coke we used to get from a drug store fountain) or Sprite with Grape syrup (tastes like a snowcone).
I go through sparkling water like a maniac. Since I hear that carbonation is bad for you, I have been trying to drink more decaffeinated, unsweetened tea. It is tough to change. I wish that I could learn to drink water all the time.

I have been able to pretty much give up sodas, which those are something I have managed to drink a few lifetimes worth in my younger years (I am just hoping I've done no permanent damage).


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