What were the biggest challenges of your school days?

My biggest challenges were social, but I suppose by biggest academically was also my handwriting which was always sloppy. I also didn't apply myself in subjects I didn't like, so while I could've been a straight A student, I just refused to put in the work on certain subjects.
Getting moved frequently to new foster homes which usually meant a new school.
My handwriting
Me took. And the more teachers that tried to help me improve it, the worse it got.

In College, I had several classes where I learned probably more than my classmates, but got lower grades because I didn't have any background in the topic I walked away from those classes feeling like I had accomplished something, but my grade didn't reflect that. And none of these classes had prerequisites.
Trying to stay focused and pay attention. I bored very easily and most of the teachers just didn't engage me
I didn’t get the best grades in high school. I was average at best. Hated school. I barely passed algebra my freshman year and the only math class I was able to take my sophomore year was geometry and I totally flunked out of it. They let me graduate with 1 math credit. I’m pretty sure I was supposed to have 2. But I didn’t care. I just wanted it to be over. Needless to say I never went to college either.
Handwriting for me also. I didn't want to take time and slow down to write neatly, and I'm a lefty so that didn't help. I'd get straight A's in subjects and C's or D's in handwriting 😂 I'm so thankful that I can type most everything now!
everything but Math , I barley got by in most grades, I would just listen enough to barley pass, never did homework (if they cant tell me what I need to know in 8 hours, thats on them), but my Junior and Senior years in High School, I just matured or something got really good grades
Shyness. I was a good student, not great, shyness has followed me my entire life, and played with my self esteem. Like most people, I wish I knew then what I know now, I would have had more confidence in my ability.
Being quiet. I wasn’t challenged in school which resulted in me being bored. So, I’d zip through my homework and then just start talking. Obviously it got better the older I got and I could control myself but that was a common complaint during my elementary days.
Math. I'm just not good with numbers and never have been. I failed geometry twice in high school. I scraped by with a D my senior year because my notebook was well kept, so I got extra credit for it. My lousy geometry grades kept me out of the National Honor Society.
barely passed algebra and geometry. And doing homework in general. I was a partier. This was back in the 60s and I grew up in a small town, if you could walk into a bar, you could get served. and I took full advantage. Some fun times
Academically, nothing. I’m an accountant with good handwriting.

Otherwise, boys.


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