"What Not To Wear" - Show is on again May 29

My name is Kelly and the description said something like "Children's television producer Kelly has a wardrobe worthy of Sesame Street", I think.

Hi Kelly, its so good to see you back. Hope you have a fun trip
in aug. ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo I'll definitely be looking for your trip report!
Hope its magical...win lotsa dreams!!:wizard:
Saw the episode. And may I say that Clinton stealing your Alice tote was a piece of rudeness more than I could bear. How dreadfully savage! :ccat:

Also, did Stacy London break one of the straps on the Alice bag you had in the H&M portion?

Btw, you looked great. And we loved the key chains! :banana:

That other poor Alice bag was falling apart from being so old - I did finally sit down with it the other day and pin the busted strap back on. Hopefully it will last through my next trip!

Me too. I just watched for the first time. Loved it!! You are so cute! I loved your hair and make-up. I hope you decided to keep those up. My DD and I could not get over how different you looked. Great makeover. You are so pretty.

I read your posts in the beginning, but never got to see the episode until today. You looked great!

Today is the first time the I have watched this show and I have been hooked all day!!! I knew that a fellow Dis'er was supposed to be on so I set my DVR to record it while I was going to be gone. DD16 ended up watching with me and insisted that my Mom put your show on while we were at her house. DD16 LOVED your clothes. She was very upset that they made you give up your Alice bag. She asked where they were going because she wanted all of your clothes, lol. We all agreed that you are adorable. You looked great!

Now the question is, have you kept up the new look?

Oh yeah, and your glasses, do you still wear them? I so badly wanted to reach in and straighten them for you. :goodvibes You handled everything they said to you (about you) so well. Not sure if I would or not.

We all agreed that we thought you looked very similar to Winona Ryder after your make over.

I also noticed that they used a couple of clips from your show during the Flip this House commercial.

I have heard from quite a few people that clips from my episode have shown up in commercials but I keep missing it! Boo. As for the glasses, my first reaction when seeing the show was "WHY didn't anyone tell me how crooked my glasses were??" I really had no idea! They didn't show it on the show, but WNTW bought me an awesome new pair of tortoiseshell glasses. I will have to post a picture of then at some point.

I think I have done a good job of keeping up with most of the look. I let my hair grow out a bit (the shorty-short cut from Nick was just too hard to keep up) and I have purchased one or two items 'for WDW use only' but mostly I have been good! thank you all for the kind words.

I'll watch for the TR.

Hi Kelly, its so good to see you back. Hope you have a fun trip
in aug. ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo I'll definitely be looking for your trip report!
Hope its magical...win lotsa dreams!!:wizard:

Yes it should be fun - I'll finally have a use for all the clothes Stacy said would only be appropriate at Magic Kingdom!

"...but she's my favorite character....":)

"I see princesses."princess:

"Let's go in let's go in let's go in!"

"Hello puppet.":laughing:

"I look like a grownup."

I'm suprised you didn't say something like "yummy yummy yummy" or "Mickey's my boy".:happytv:

Hey, I said lots of intelligent and cultural things too - they just cut it to make me look like a little girl with severe Peter Pan syndrome :laughing:

I wouldn't have been able to resist a visit to World of Disney either if I was in NY.

But you look great! I was wondering how the hair would come out, but it looks so good. To me you looked even more pixie-ish or should I say Fairie-like. In fact, I think you remind me of one of Tinkerbelle's friends.

Thanks! Even before I got there I was hoping to sneak away to visit WOD - I was lucky they let me go on WNTW time ;)
Hey, I said lots of intelligent and cultural things too - they just cut it to make me look like a little girl with severe Peter Pan syndrome :laughing:

Well, I'll tell you the truth. Everytime you said something, my DH would cut his eyes over to me like he was thinking, " She sounds just like you. There are 2 of you out there!" I am not sure if he realizes there is a whole board of us!! :rotfl:
I thought all the things they showed you saying were cute and Disneyish. :laughing: He esp. liked it when you all were reviewing your tapes and talking Disney and Stacy said something about, "Well, since there is no Epcot in Philly..." :lmao: He looked over at me real quick because there's no Disney in TN either!! :goodvibes

I'm 43 so you are safe as far as age goes. You have plenty of time to grow up ;) and hopefully, so do I. :rotfl:
Hi again Kelly. I see you're going to WDW again in August. I know you were made over on What Not to Wear.....would you be tempted to go in to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique? I mean you'd make a very nice princess there. AngieBelle who works there is a WNtW fan...she'd be delighted to see you.
Hi again Kelly. I see you're going to WDW again in August. I know you were made over on What Not to Wear.....would you be tempted to go in to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique? I mean you'd make a very nice princess there. AngieBelle who works there is a WNtW fan...she'd be delighted to see you.

You know I don't think I'm going to get a BBB makeover for myself :cutie: But I am curious to check the place out! They are new since the last time I was at WDW. Which one does AngieBelle work at?
allllright I started my pre-trip report for my trip at the end of this month - if anyone wants to check it out it's here.

Figured it was relevant to this thread since Jakkie will be joining me, and is already unhappy about all the Disney apparel that has made its way into my suitcase :rotfl:
DoOverDreams let me know on another thread that my episode of the show is on tomorrow (Aug 4) at 1pm, on TLC. :happytv:
I was taking a break from cleaning today, sat down, turned on the TV and WNTW was on, so I told myself I'd just watch that and then start cleaning again. Well, after that episode, you came on, Kelly! So I just had to take another hour break and watch you again. :)

Did you end up getting those brown pants that Stacy said were just a little too tight? I thought you look really cute in that outfit.

Oh, one other thing...they made you bring your socks?! Do they make you bring other undie things?
I was taking a break from cleaning today, sat down, turned on the TV and WNTW was on, so I told myself I'd just watch that and then start cleaning again. Well, after that episode, you came on, Kelly! So I just had to take another hour break and watch you again. :)

Did you end up getting those brown pants that Stacy said were just a little too tight? I thought you look really cute in that outfit.

Oh, one other thing...they made you bring your socks?! Do they make you bring other undie things?

No, thank goodness! Everyone was making a big deal over my socks because they were so goofy. My co-workers were always appalled that I would wear Christmas socks year-round :laughing:
DoOverDreams let me know on another thread that my episode of the show is on tomorrow (Aug 4) at 1pm, on TLC. :happytv:

I just happened to see it on Monday! I went home for lunch, turned on the tv, and there you were. It was just as cute the 2nd time around and gave me that little dose of Disney that I needed as we get ready for our trip. Looks like we'll be there at the same time. And don't worry -- not only will we be decked out in Disney clothing, most of it will be matching for the whole family! :scared1:
you are on again this Friday 8/15 @ 7CST!!! I can't wait to watch!!!

When you were standing in front of the World of Disney store in New York and they were playing the "La La La" music I was dying:rotfl:

They would do the same thing to me if I was on the show:rolleyes1
I just happened to see it on Monday! I went home for lunch, turned on the tv, and there you were. It was just as cute the 2nd time around and gave me that little dose of Disney that I needed as we get ready for our trip. Looks like we'll be there at the same time. And don't worry -- not only will we be decked out in Disney clothing, most of it will be matching for the whole family! :scared1:

Cool! I hope I get to run into some DISers on this trip - I never have!

you are on again this Friday 8/15 @ 7CST!!! I can't wait to watch!!!

Thanks for letting me know!!! If it weren't for this thread, I would never know when the show is on :laughing:


When you were standing in front of the World of Disney store in New York and they were playing the "La La La" music I was dying:rotfl:

They would do the same thing to me if I was on the show:rolleyes1

I think that part made me look a little crazy! At least everyone on the DIS gets it :teeth:
Hi Kelly, do I have that right? This friday a repeat? Cool, now that I feel like I know you a bit better, gotta watch it again.
Love that stupid grin on your face when you have no idea what you think your supposed to do.
I'm just teasin, you were great. :woohoo:
Hi Kelly, do I have that right? This friday a repeat? Cool, now that I feel like I know you a bit better, gotta watch it again.
Love that stupid grin on your face when you have no idea what you think your supposed to do.
I'm just teasin, you were great. :woohoo:

Hiiiii Nebo!!!
I think I had that look on my face for most of the episode - I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing :laughing:


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